Pokémon: Hoenen Rage

Chapter 698 The Gods of the Gods Hunter's Twilight (55)

Chapter 698: Ragnarok of the Mythical Hunter (55)

"Sure enough, you can't find anything even if you wear iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it."

Nodding with satisfaction, in just two or three minutes, Lai knew most of the situation in the base.

Among the parts that could not be explored with the power of the heart before, two are the office and living areas of Odin and newcomer Thor. These two top officials are permanently stationed in the headquarters unless there are special circumstances.

Among the remaining three, two are top-secret laboratories. Even the woman with the code name of the god does not know about it. The other one is a warehouse that contains a batch of precious experimental materials, but the woman does not know what it is. Not sure.

Although she has a high status, the way she joins the organization is very different from the Myth Hunter's previous model.

Because too much high-level combat power was lost on the small island of prayer, even the steel battleships built by the organization over the years were sunk. For a while, it was difficult to replenish top-level combat power by relying on their own blood production and long-term cultivation. They can only choose to recruit powerful lone rangers.

This female cadre codenamed Freya is the result of this recruitment.

With six quasi-King Pokémon, many years of experience, and a certain reputation, she couldn't resist the large sum of money, so she agreed and went to the headquarters of the mythical hunter. She was nominally a senior member of the organization, but in fact she was hired with a large amount of money. For more than a year, security personnel have been receiving support from the organization to improve their strength.

However, her strength is completely worth mentioning in front of the legendary natural bird.

After feeling the majestic momentum of the champion, there was no thought of resistance at all, only the instinctive fear of the little animal when facing its natural enemy.

Under such circumstances, her defenses were of course in vain. She was instantly penetrated by a natural bird, but it was also a blessing in disguise. She escaped with her life. She was tied up, gagged, and thrown into her own bed.

"The Swampert, the Big-billed Gull, the Lizard King, and everyone, go all out and defeat them all in one fell swoop! I haven't found the self-destruct device yet, so don't stay too far away from me, understand?"



"The reason!"

The three Pokémon responded solemnly, and Melon, Mariluri, and Leib also stood beside them with solemn expressions.

"Doronbaruto, you have the most important task. Find all places with similar surveillance and self-destruction devices, and kill all the people inside. Don't leave any room. Leave no one behind. You would rather kill by mistake than let go."


Doronbaruto looked solemn.

"That's it, let's go! Sticky Dragon, sluggish torrent to the left, Swampert, turbid current to the right, open the way for us!"

With a loud shout, surrounded by his friends, Lai strode out of the room and launched an attack.
"Odin! We are attacked from the front and cannot withstand it. The first floor hall has been completely lost."

"Frey, what's the situation with the enemy?"

"They are very strong, including Naqi, the Four Heavenly Kings of Hoenn, and Lila from the Battle Tower! But they are even stronger than the intelligence says!"

"Take people to evacuate underground and use mechanisms to cover it. Thor will go over in a moment and tell the laboratory to take away all the important experimental subjects. It's just a pity that after so many years of operation, is it necessary to leave like this?"

"Understood! How long will it take me?"

"Can't you withstand it?"

"I can't stand it. That Naqi is simply the league champion! The one in my hometown may not even be as good as her!"

"Then hold on for half an hour, during which time you are allowed to evacuate to the second floor. At least until the people who should be evacuated are evacuated."

In the office, watching the battle on the surveillance screen, Odin arranged the battle in a deep voice.
"What? A master is coming? Then I really can't wait, I'm off!"

In another top-secret room, Thor couldn't wait any longer.

Picking up the armed belt containing his Poké Ball, this strong man in his thirties was about to rush out.

"Wait a minute, Thor."

A steady voice stopped him, it was Odin next door.

"We also have guests on our floor, and they are acquaintances."

"Who?" Thor was a little curious.

Odin said softly: "Champion Fengyuan, Lai. This is where you come in. Please hold him for a while."

"Good guy, you really know how to choose!" Thor was surprised. Although he is a fighting maniac, he is not incapable of distinguishing the strong from the weak. "At most, you can use the terrain to hold on for a while."

"It's enough for a while, and I will cooperate with you. We have to cover the evacuation of the laboratory." Odin waved his hand to express his understanding.

Thor then agreed: "Okay, let's go!" "Frigga! Baldr! Loki!" Odin shouted loudly, and several senior officials scattered throughout this floor had already arrived earlier. , except for Freya, everyone who is still at the headquarters has arrived.

"Hey, it's rare to get them together like this, it's interesting! Let's bite the land shark, let's go!"

With a smile, the strong man Thor also became excited, and a nearly champion fierce-biting land shark roared and rushed out bravely.
"Lizard King, Magic Leaf! Sticky Beauty Dragon, Dragon Wave! Leib, One Hundred Thousand Volts!"

It seems that he is killing all the trainers he sees on this floor casually. In fact, Rai's heart power has been driven at full strength. Together with Doron Baruto, he is searching for possible self-destruction devices and enemy reinforcements. .

From the moment Odin went out, he knew the other party's intentions, but he was also happy to see the results.

If they are scattered around, it will be troublesome to deal with them. Being able to gather them together saves a lot of trouble.

Suddenly, he had an idea and made a discovery in the mezzanine between the two secret areas.

Just as he was about to make a move, a loud shout came from the front: "Champion of Fengyuan, stop here!"

"We're finally here, and I was wondering, why do you slow down so much as soon as you get close to me?"

Doronbaruto had already gone to the mezzanine room that might be the control room. Len was not in a hurry and happily greeted the people on the opposite side.

"It's just you five and the guy above, right? Can you reveal his codename? It's a bit far away and I can't detect it with my special abilities. He won't live long anyway, so let me remember it, right?"

"Are you a little too self-righteous?"

The new Odin took a step forward and threw Thor, who was originally beside him, behind him.

Three elf balls were thrown, all at the level of a king.

"Are you self-righteous? It may seem so to you, but to me, it is indeed from the heart. Your organization, more than two years ago, still caused me a lot of trouble, especially the one named Heimdall This guy impressed me very much.”

Lai waved his hand, and Nian Meilong, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed out first, crushed by the lagging torrent, and easily suppressed the three aggressive Pokémon Kings.

"Join us!"

Odin couldn't bear it, and then several more Poké Balls containing the quasi-King Pokémon were thrown out, but in front of the Slimy Dragon, he couldn't withstand even one round, and soon turned into the victory of the Slimy Dragon. Lying on the ground, life or death uncertain.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Frigga and Baldur also quickly sent out their Pokémon to join the battle. With many against one, they barely managed to block the deliberately restrained attack of the Mystic Dragon.

"Leib, you go too."


Amidst the long roar, electric current flew, and in just one moment of meeting, a Heavenly King Ngwang was blasted into an almost coke-like form by the force of thunder that was completely unreasonable.

Frigga, who had never imagined such a situation, couldn't help being stunned, and the conductor was a little slower. Nian Meilong turned around and hit the water tail, knocking the marsh king into the air, and passed out in the corner of the wall.

"Thor! Loki!"

Amidst the roar, the other two who were on guard against Lai also joined the battle, and only two of Lai's main Pokémon forced them into a stalemate.

"Bite the land shark fiercely, we evolve!"

When the battle was at its peak, Thor tore the collar in front of him without hesitation, took out the keystone hanging under it, and held it hard. In the colorful light, Mega bit the land shark and gained the championship fighting power. With a swoop, he rushed towards Reib.

"Can people like this also mega-evolve? What a diversity of species. It seems that this is your limit? Swampert, Frozen Fist. Big-billed Gull, Natural Bird, Mariluli, let's do it. Lizard Wang, please be careful from behind."

With a groan, feeling the shadow movement under him, Lai nodded slightly, no longer holding back, and turned to the offensive.


With a ferocious smile, and after a long time of gearing up, the Swamp Monster, who had already become bored with waiting, took a big step forward and rushed forward. His right fist was filled with the power of frost.

The tall and majestic Liebite Land Shark also looked petite and fragile in front of it.


However, Mariluli was one step faster than it. She swooped in front of her. Halfway through, her abdominal drum was completed. She stuffed a vitality block into her belly, and she was full of energy again.

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(End of this chapter)

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