Kingsman Agent in Film and Television

Chapter 12 Zhang Anping's Layout

Chapter 12 Zhang Anping's Layout

Guanwang Temple.

Zheng Yaoxian rushed in with a thick pile of materials, and when he saw Zhang Anping, he said:

"Brother Shihao, this is the student information sent by several district stations. I have to work overtime tonight to review."

"How much in total?"

"242 copies."

Zhang Anping said dissatisfiedly: "It's a bit small, and the services in the district stations below have started to be discounted?"

Zheng Yaoxian pretended to be helpless and said: "There is no way, those college students basically don't like the Central Police School's brand name. We have given some other candidates, but I think their academic requirements do not meet our academic requirements! Shihao Brother, how about we lower the conditions?"

"No, the first batch would rather be in short supply than in vain." Zhang Anping shook his head.

When a full-scale war of resistance breaks out, these people will inevitably be the backbone of future military unification.

And college students have more knowledge and more advanced thinking, and can think independently after being exposed to new ideas-once they are disappointed with the increasingly corrupt national government, it is easier to instigate rebellion.

Zheng Yaoxian agreed: "Indeed, the first batch must be short rather than excessive—but what about the remaining vacancies?"

"Look for it from the schools in Nanjing—Brother Zheng, you take people to the schools in the capital to recruit people. No matter what, there must be enough places for 260. It doesn't matter if there are more, but there is no shortage."

When Zheng Yao saw no one around, he lowered his voice and said, "Brother Anping, please find some troublesome work for me!"

"After two days of work, I will invite guests to apologize."

"Ok, deal!"

Of course, Zheng Yaoxian said that he was very happy to be asked to recruit people - the upline Lu Hanqing gave him a list and asked him to find a way to arrange all the people on the list.

He deliberately typed back dozens of personnel information from the district station newspaper below, just waiting for this!
As expected, Zhang Anping was unwilling to lower the standard!

After getting a satisfactory answer, Zheng Yaoxian wrote a few more words, and then left the examination and back department.

Seeing the future Juntong Sixth Brother leave as if nothing happened, Zhang Anping showed an undetectable smile.

Sixth brother, sixth brother, you are still too young now.

In this regard, Lu Zongfang was still very experienced. He didn't seem to interfere with the students' affairs, but through the staff of the headquarters, more than 20 people were quietly inserted in.

Of course, these 20 people cannot all be underground parties, and there may be only two or three real underground parties.

Zhang Anping shook his head, threw out his unspeakable thoughts, and carefully checked the materials of these students.

I don't know this, I was shocked when I saw it!
Li Ya, Lu Qiaoshan, Qi Siyuan, Chen Peng, Qi Peilin, Li Boyhan, Sun Dapu, Xu Zhongyi, Yu Xiuning, Mingcheng, Gong Shu, Zhao Jianzhi, Song Xiaoan, Yu Zecheng, Gu Yufei, Lin Nansheng...

Looking at the familiar names and the younger faces in the photos, Zhang Anping suddenly smiled silently.

It's interesting, it's really interesting. Countless protagonists and supporting characters in the future will appear all at once!

This upcoming Guanwang Temple training class is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!
Zhang Anping felt a fighting spirit at the thought of personally training so many future protagonists and supporting characters.


Students began to register one after another.

Of course, Zhang Anping had to fulfill his duties as the deputy chief of the background review section. Within three days, he selected 129 student materials that needed to be verified, including all the protagonists and supporting actors mentioned above - no, he didn't even open the back door to his own people.

However, after verification, various district stations said that most of them were fine. Only 7 people's materials were questionable, but none of them were the main and supporting roles that Zhang Anping was familiar with.

At the meeting of the Academic Affairs Office, everyone who did not want to take responsibility planned to send away the seven people with doubtful materials, but Zhang Anping denied it.

"It's better to be suspicious! They can't find anything under our noses! Whether he is a communist spy or a spy, it is obvious that we will find out sooner or later!"

Faced with the radical Zhang Anping, the others did not continue to refute after all. The matter has been filed at the meeting, and any future incidents will be blamed on themselves.

But these people have a preliminary label for Zhang Anping:

Anti-red, anti-Japanese.

This is also the personality setting that Zhang Anping has been maintaining. He must resolutely implement this personality setting—with the support of his cousin and this personality design, how could he not have a place for himself in the future military order?
Xu Baichuan said: "Let's talk about the next topic. Are there a little few female students? There are only 9 students in total!"

"We hang the signboard of the Central Police Academy, and the female students are not interested in coming in at all. These nine people were tricked by the district stations." Zheng Yaoxian said with a wry smile:

"I've been to several universities in the capital, but there's really nothing I can do about it. Female students have no interest in becoming police officers."

Zhang Anping said: "In the next period, we can lower the standard for female students to technical secondary schools, but this period will be as it is."

This is the last meeting of the Preparatory Office. After the meeting, the Reserve Office will also be disbanded, and everyone will be responsible for other work according to their respective duties.

The last topic:
Preliminary training for new students.

According to the detailed rules discussed when the class was established, the first training class will officially start in early September and graduate at the end of April of the following year. The second training class will start in March and graduate at the end of September.

But now it is July 7, and most of the teachers and support staff of the current training class have not yet arrived.

Everyone looked at Zhang Anping and asked the students to arrive at school early, which was what he had advocated in the first place.

"A month of military training—these students have all experienced military training exercises, but there is still a difference between military training exercises and formal training." Zhang Anping said: "We are the JSWYH Survey and Statistics Bureau, and the first identity of all members is Soldiers, it doesn’t make sense to not look like a soldier.” Wang Tianfeng agreed: “Military training is a good thing. During this period, we can just get to know the basic situation of the students, and it will also facilitate the division of classes in the future.”

Others naturally would not refute, the last topic was passed, and the preparatory office was officially disbanded—Li Weigong and Wu Jingzhong recommended themselves as the chief instructors of the military training of the students, and several experienced non-commissioned officers were transferred from the Central Army to serve as the chief instructors. As an instructor, he started pre-school military training.


The 268 trainees are not divided into classes for the time being, but simply formed 7 training platoons for military training.

On the night before the training, Zhang Anping organized a training meeting for all the students.

All the students were present, but only 7 of the 4 officers from the original preparatory office came. The focus of their work will be fully devoted to the special training class.

As for Xu Baichuan, Wang Tianfeng and Zheng Yaoxian, because they were deputy deputies in the department, they basically had no work to hand over, so they naturally stayed in Guanwang Temple to accompany "Zhang Shihao".

Zhang Anping had always used the name Zhang Shihao in the Secret Service. Among the people who had seen him at the train station, only Xu Baichuan and Zheng Yaoxian knew that the so-called "Zhang Shihao" was actually Zhang Anping. The others because of Zhang Anping's makeup, Didn't recognize him at all.

Zhang Anping didn't intend to show his true colors to others either—the full-scale war of resistance broke out, and he had to perform various tasks if he was not sure.

Naturally, the Zhang Shihao who appeared in front of these students was Zhang Anping's mature appearance after makeup. He looked 30 years younger and had a sense of vicissitudes. Naturally, these students would not think that he was a young boy, but they did. Saved a lot of trouble.

Since there were no seniors present, the process of the training meeting was much simpler, and Zhang Anping was the first to speak.

He dragged one side of the moving blackboard to the stage in a unique way, and he didn't rush to give a speech after he got on the stage, but wrote four big characters first:

Sino-Japanese War
After finishing writing, Zhang Anping faced a group of students and said: "The students here are all college students. Some have graduated and some have not graduated, but I think you all should know this!"

Of course, everyone here knows about the Sino-Japanese War.

The Russo-Japanese War
Zhang Anping wrote these four words again, and then named a random person among the students—Lin Nansheng.

"Do you know about the Russo-Japanese War?"

Facing Zhang Anping's question, Lin Nansheng stood up and answered:
"I know! This is a war between Japan and Russia in our country!"

"The corrupt and incompetent Qing court brazenly chose neutrality. This war, which lasted for more than a year and a half, caused serious damage to our country."

Zhang Anping waved his hand to signal Lin Nansheng to stop, and then he said: "I usually don't want to recall such history, but I dare not forget it."

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Anping wrote seven more words on the blackboard: annexing North Korea and Jiaozhou Bay.

"August 1910, 8 AD. Japan officially annexed Korea."

"In the third year of the Republic of China, Japan used the world war to declare war on Germany and occupied Qingdao."

Zhang Anping continued to write on the blackboard.

September [-]th, January [-]th, Rehe, Great Wall, North China.

"In the 20th year of the Republic of China, during the September [-]th Incident, Japan occupied the northeastern part of our country."

"In the 21st year of the Republic of China, during the January [-]th Incident, Japan attempted to occupy Shanghai, our country!"

"In the 22nd year of the Republic of China, the Battle of Jehol and the Great Wall War of Resistance. 22 counties in eastern Hebei were invaded by the Japanese!"

"In the 24th year of the Republic of China, the North China Incident!"

What Zhang Anping said is actually taboo for civil servants at the moment.

After all, the one at the top is still insisting that the inside must be settled first when fighting against the outside world.

But Zhang Anping still said that he has his uncle to protect him, and he can afford the consequences, not to mention that this is also in line with his personality.

What he said made the eyes of 268 students turn blood red.

How many times have these enthusiastic students shouted since September [-]th?
The Central Police Academy enrolls students, and the recruiting officers secretly tell them that this is a special training class specially set up to fight against the Japanese, which makes them give up more favorable conditions and come here.

"The pace of Japanese encroaching on us is accelerating! The crisis of the Chinese nation has reached an unprecedented serious level!
"As a Chinese, no one can survive the outbreak of war alone!"

"Once a war breaks out, it will be a war that will destroy the country if we don't stand up and resist! If we don't resist, we will be annexed by Japan, a small island country like North Korea!"

Zhang Anping's words made the students couldn't help shouting.

Facing the almost out-of-control scene, the surrounding guards were taken aback, but Xu Baichuan, Wang Tianfeng and Zheng Yaoxian remained indifferent. The officers leading the team could only tell the guards to get ready to prevent the students from getting excited and out of control.

After all, the students are rational, and they gradually calm down after boiling.

No one can be alone!

Zhang Anping wrote these eight characters stroke by stroke on the blackboard, and turned to stare at the students who had calmed down:

"No one can survive alone! Even in war, you will die, he will die, I will die, we may all die - but can we not resist because of death?"


"Because we have to fight with our blades pierced to the bone!"

(I especially like these two sentences of the dancing demon girl: the blade must be fought to the bone, and if you fight against the water, you will perish!)
(End of this chapter)

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