Kingsman Agent in Film and Television

Chapter 162 Brother, go to hell!

Chapter 162 Brother, go to hell!
On this day, Japanese spies learned an extremely precious piece of military intelligence. After the intelligence was reported to the secret service squad, the officer on duty quickly called Minataka Minamimoto and asked him to come to the headquarters of the spy squad for something important. Please inform Minamimoto Shitaka to make a decision.

At the same time as the call was hung up, Minami Yoko, led by Adjutant Minamimoto, came to Minataka Minamimoto's house.

"Your Excellency, General, after our surveillance, three cars were parked near the main squad, and they are suspected to be the vehicles targeting your assassination." Nantian Yoko said respectfully:
"I have prepared a scapegoat for you."

The so-called scapegoats are several businessmen who are suspected of having secret connections with the Nationalist government. They are invited to attend a meeting. Their vehicles will break down on the way, and then they will be "friendly" and temporarily borrow a car.

This car was the car of Minataka Minamimoto - these businessmen would become Minamimoto's scapegoats, and afterwards, the Japanese would also use this to bite back the Nationalist Government.

Minataka Minamimoto slowly buttoned his military uniform and said calmly:

"Commander Minamida, your arrangement is very good!"

But his next words made Minami Yoko feel like he was struck by lightning.

"Leave it to Jun Yun to take charge of the next thing. You stay here with me and take command."

Accompany him to take command!

Nantian looked at Nanben in disbelief.

She knew that accompanying him to take command did not mean having sex - it meant that she had been deprived of the right to command.

Regarding this operation of the Secret Service, Nantian Yoko worked hard to arrange it for a long time. Because Yunyue was Chinese, all relations were coordinated by Nantian Yoko.

Being deprived of her right to command at this time means that this matter... will become Yunyue's personal show!

After being shocked for a long time, she said solemnly: "General, why?"

"You're a loser."

Nan Ben said expressionlessly: "Besides, you are still a woman."

"You have now completed your mission."

After hearing this, Nantian Yoko felt as if all her strength had been drained from her body. She knelt down weakly, a sad smile emerging from the corner of her mouth.


When Yun Laoer received the order from Adjutant Nan Ben, his first reaction was:

Pies will really fall from the sky!

He originally thought that he would play a major role in this "clean-up" but would only play a supporting role. Unexpectedly, when the "clean-up" was about to start, he actually became the actual person in charge!

"Thank you, General, for your cultivation! Yunyue is willing to die for the General! He is willing to die for the Empire!"

After being grateful, Yun Laoer took over the command and ordered the scapegoat to appear.


Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner according to the "plan".

Three cars parked near the secret service squad, and six teams responsible for attacking Yunyue also arrived at three ambush points - people with suspicious behavior were gathering around the cargo yard of the North Station.

Zhang Anping watched his "chief of staff" Zheng Yaoxian finish marking on the map, a cold murderous intent emerging from his face.

"The drama begins!"

"Old Zheng, send the order, one group evacuates! The second group takes action!"

Near the secret service headquarters, three fireworks suddenly exploded in broad daylight.

Just as the fireworks exploded, three "bomb cars" suddenly started and left.

The secret agent who was secretly watching the three cars was shocked and rushed to the phone to report the situation to Yunyue.

When Yunyue heard this, an ominous premonition emerged in his mind, and when he was about to order an immediate arrest, suddenly, an earth-shattering explosion sounded in the courtyard of the Special Commission.

In an instant, the windows of Yunyue's office were shattered, and the air flow swept in countless glass shards and rushed towards his face.

Ten seconds later, in the smoke and dust caused by the explosion, Yunyue climbed up from under his desk and looked at the phone that was washed to the ground and hung up. He staggered out of the office and arrested several talents. Asked what happened.

More than a minute ago, several killers suddenly pulled out their guns and killed the guards at the Special Commission headquarters. Immediately afterwards, a truck sped over. The driver jumped out of the car just as it was about to rush into the Special Commission. Then the car rushed into the Special Commission headquarters. After entering the hospital, an explosion occurred.

Hearing this, Yunyue was completely confused!

This is not the Secret Service action plan that I have mastered!

At this time, a confidant rushed in with a few pieces of paper. After seeing Yunyue, he quickly came over, handed the paper to Yunyue, and said urgently:
"Director, look, this is a letter from the resistance elements to you!"

Yunyue took the paper and saw that it was a flyer. He discarded the half-burnt one and quickly looked at the other intact flyer.

[The traitor Jin Bicheng, spare your life for now! 】

The sentence at the beginning of the flyer completely shattered Yun Laoer's remaining illusion.

His Han name is Jin Bicheng, but few people know him!
But the resistance elements found out and openly said, "I will spare your life for now." Doesn't this mean that... the layout of the Secret Service that I learned during this period is all fake? !
At the thought of this possibility, cold sweat instantly covered Yunyue's forehead.

Yunyue shouted anxiously:

"Quick, give the order! Close the net! Hurry and close the net! We can't let the resistance elements escape! Close the net immediately!"

According to the plan, this net will only begin to shrink after the scapegoats are killed. At that time, the Japanese army will work with the Secret Service Committee to capture the ambush resistance elements, the resistance elements wandering around the North Station, and many exposed secret service dens.

However, the Secret Service did not implement the "plan" at all. The bomb car attack on the Secret Service Committee that was not in the plan made Yunyue realize that this so-called plan was fake from the beginning!

At this time, he was still holding on to a bit of luck, hoping to capture the resistance elements in the many exposed strongholds.

But 3 minutes later, his last chance was defeated.

Except for the armed men who set up ambushes on three streets, all arrests failed!
The many resistance strongholds they controlled were all deserted!

The resistance elements who set up ambushes on the three streets were easily captured by the Japanese military police - but the opponent was not a Rangers at all, but a group of private salt guards!

That's right, they are not resistance elements, but private elements who were invited to buy guns at low prices. The reason why they appeared at the three ambush points is because the transaction party invited them to dinner...

As for the North Railway Station, it was all in vain. The sneaky people were not resistance members at all, but members of the Youth Gang who came to pick up the goods.

The seller was a business firm in the French Concession that was deserted!
I worked so hard to lay out so many things, but I didn’t expect... they were all fake!

Yunyue almost went crazy.

Yunyue, who was furious, suddenly calmed down:

If the other party just wants to explode at the Special Commission headquarters, is it necessary to set up so many false targets?

"They must still have a goal! They must still have a goal!"

Yunyue rushed into the conference room without saying a word and asked his subordinates to bring a map of Shanghai. He quickly searched on the map, thinking about the other party's real goal.


While Yunyue was thinking, news of the failure of the layout also reached Minamimoto Shitaka.

Minataka Minamimoto, who had organized himself meticulously, was stunned on the spot after hearing the adjutant's report.


It's all fake!
After hearing this, Yoko Minami, who was in despair, felt a flash of joy in his eyes.

"No! They have real goals!"

After all, Minataka Minamimoto is an old agent. After reacting, he discovered the same problem as Yun Laoer - such a complicated layout cannot be just to make a noise in the yard of the Special Agents Committee!

Originally, he was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, but now he couldn't sit still.

Because the situation has now reversed. Originally, the resistance elements were in the light and they were in the dark, but now the resistance elements are in the dark!

Nan Ben ordered in a cold voice:

"Prepare the car! Go to the military police headquarters!"

"General, I will go with you." Minami Yoko applied.

"You go back to the Special High School and take command." Nanmoto said: "Yoko, the purpose of the resistance elements is unknown. We should clear up the past grudges and put the interests of the empire first!"

Minami Yoko lowered his head, a flash of ridicule flashed in his eyes, but his voice was respectful: "Yoko is willing to serve as the general's front line."

"Go ahead!"


Yoko Minami left, and just as the adjutant prepared the car and Nanmoto was about to get up, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind:
What if the target is still yourself?

Thinking of this, Nan Ben remained calm and said to the adjutant:
"You take the bus to the main squad first and ask them to send a team of guards over!"


Naturally, the adjutant didn't ask any more questions and then left in the car.

Not long after the car started, fierce gunfire suddenly broke out.

Nan Ben gritted his teeth angrily. Sure enough, the target was still himself.

Without saying anything, he quickly started to change his clothes - according to his military rank, he could live in a heavily guarded high-ranking official area, but because he was the head of the special agent class, he chose to keep a low profile and live in an ordinary wealthy area. , there were only a few plainclothes guards around the residence.

But he usually keeps a low profile, speaks fluent Chinese, and has no photos leaked, so he doesn't take security too seriously.

But not now, the resistance elements are coming!

Hide now!
Because he knew that the adjutant's death would not last long.

Fortunately, he was very cautious and prepared a secret room before moving in, which was perfect for hiding - these resisters would not have enough time to search!

It was the action team led by Lu Qiaoshan that attacked the car outside.

They followed Nantian Yoko here, otherwise they wouldn't be able to find Nanben's residence.In order to avoid alerting the enemy, they did not ambush Yoko Minami who left first, but patiently waited for the Japanese major general's car.

After seeing the car drive out of the small western-style building in Nanben, Lu Qiaoshan rushed out from his hiding place with a machine gun and started shooting without saying a word. The members of the action team around him fired without wanting to lag behind. More than ten machine guns fired at the same time, and the car was filled with fire. People become sieves in the blink of an eye.

Lu Qiaoshan stepped forward to check, and after seeing that there were only the driver and a lieutenant in the car, he immediately said: "Strong attack! The battle will be resolved within 5 minutes! Once the time has passed, regardless of the result, evacuate immediately!"


An action team of more than ten people launched a strong attack on the small building where Nan Ben was located. Facing the powerful firepower of the Thompson submachine gun (machine gun is the common name in China), the bodyguard holding the pistol was simply weak, and only caused damage to the action team. The two were completely destroyed at the cost of minor injuries.

But Nanmoto was not found, only five servants.

The servants who were caught were trembling and begging for mercy: "Spare me, we are all Chinese!"

Lu Qiaoshan said: "Let's go!"

Only two servants did not move at all. The other three servants stood up with happy faces, but what greeted them was Lu Qiaoshan's merciless shooting. He just said it in Japanese. If you can understand it, death will never be unjust. .

Although three more Japanese were killed, the real owner was not found after all. When Lu Qiaoshan was feeling annoyed, his subordinates reminded:
"Captain, it's time."

Lu Qiaoshan suspected that Nan Ben was still hiding in this foreign-style building. He wanted to interrogate the servants, but when he saw that the time was up, he said: "Throw all the grenades in!"

"Blow this bitch to death!"


boom boom boom
Amidst the continuous explosions, Lu Qiaoshan led the action team to quickly evacuate.


"What? Major General Minamimoto's residence was attacked by resistance elements? Is Major General Minamimoto's life or death unknown?"

Yun Laoer was confused.

He racked his brains to think about the real target of the resistance, but he didn't expect that after guessing, the opponent's target was still Minataka Minamimoto!

At this time, Yun Laoer's heart was broken when he heard that Nan Ben's residence had been bombed into devastation and that Nan Ben's life and death were unknown.

That’s my own Bole!
"Order everyone to get in the car and go to General Minamimoto's residence - wait!"

Yun Laoer's expression suddenly changed. The resistance elements from the Secret Service showed him the plan: the first level of South Ben, the second level of him, and the third level of military supplies for the North Station.

This plan is fake.

But General Nanmoto was attacked!

And the reason why I was careless was because the flyer said to let me go - but what if the second plan was still aimed at me?
Thinking of this, Yun Laoer immediately changed his order and asked his confidants to summon Liang Zhongchun and said to Liang Zhongchun:
"Brother Liang, General Nan Ben was attacked and his life and death are unknown. I'm worried that the resistance elements may have other plots. Please take someone to rescue General Nan Ben!"

"Yes, director." Liang Zhongchun didn't think much, and immediately summoned more than a dozen action team members, took a car and a truck, and drove out of the devastated special committee after the explosion.

Just after Liang Zhongchun left, Yun Laoer shouted: "Gather everyone! Bring the guys and follow Liang Zhongchun!"

That's right, just follow Liang Zhongchun closely.

He felt that this group of resistance members from the Secret Service were still planning the second round, and their target was exactly him!

Therefore, he used Liang Zhongchun as bait and set off three minutes later than Liang Zhongchun with all the power the Secret Service Committee could muster at this time.

If the target of the Secret Service is himself, then Liang Zhongchun will 100% be attacked. As long as Liang Zhongchun bites the resisters, he can lead his people to kill them at the critical moment and leave all the resisters behind!


In a room not far from the Special Committee, Xu Baichuan held a telescope, looked at a car and a truck driving out, and said sincerely:
"Brother Shihao, your calculations are really accurate!"

Zhang Anping said calmly: "It's not that I calculated accurately, but that Yun Laoer is too smart."

"It's a pity that no matter how cunning the monkey monkey is, he can't escape from the clutches of Tathagata Buddha!"

"Is he worthy of Sun Houhou?" Zhang Anping sneered: "He's far behind!"

While he was talking, a convoy of several cars and trucks emerged from the headquarters of the Special Task Force.

Xu Baichuan sighed:

"I think the oriole is behind me, but I don't know that the hunter is hiding at the end!"

"Stop lamenting, Lao Xu, take your people and take down the Special Committee! There are probably not many people in it - don't leave any one behind!"

Most of the special committee's strength was devoted to arrests - but it was a pity that only Lonely was caught.

The cars and trucks that came out just now took away some of them, and now so many have come out, it is estimated that apart from the wounded, they are civilians.

And these people are either traitors recruited by Yun Laoer, or traitors from the Party Affairs Office - kill all of them without any wrongdoing!

What's more, a bloodbath at the Secret Service Commission headquarters, even if only two or three people were killed, is of great significance!

Xu Baichuan responded, and then went downstairs with murderous intent.


Liang Zhongchun was "taking a nap" in the car.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and shouted, "Stop!"

"Section Chief, what's the matter?"

Liang Zhongchun ignored his men and shouted at the driver: "Stop the car quickly!"

The driver slammed on the brakes. When Liang Zhongchun saw the car stopped, he opened the door and jumped out without saying a word. After he got out, he shouted: "Run! Something is wrong!"

The driver and his men reacted a little slowly and were still a little confused. Then crackling gunshots rang out, and then the two of them were shot to death randomly.

The firepower began to spread, some of it was aimed at the truck that made an emergency stop, and a small part of it chased Liang Zhongchun.

Liang Zhongchun dodged the bullets with flying steps, but no matter how coquettishly he moved, he could not withstand the numerous bullets. Suddenly, his legs hurt, and then he fell to the ground and rolled.

It was this roll that saved his life and allowed him to hide in the corner.

Looking at the dazzling wounds on his legs, Liang Zhongchun cursed angrily:

"What a stupid Yunlaoer!!"

How could he not know at this time that he was being thrown out by Yun Laoer as bait?
Seeing his men falling into a pool of blood, Liang Zhongchun was so distressed that he almost cried - these are all his direct descendants. Without them, he would have no confidants in the Secret Service Committee!
Seeing that all his men would be destroyed without a fight, Liang Zhongchun did not rescue him. Instead, he tore off his clothes, wrapped his injured leg, looked at him furtively, and prepared to run away from the battlefield.

Just as he was about to run away, he saw a convoy approaching fiercely and stopped a hundred meters away from the battlefield.

Their plan was obvious, to use the car as a cover to capture the resistance elements who attacked Liang Zhongchun.

"You idiot Yun Laoer!"

Liang Zhongchun cursed again angrily, but put out the idea of ​​​​escape. Just as he was about to show his loyalty to Yun Laoer, a scene that shocked him happened.

I saw several killers suddenly jumping out from the darkness carrying "thick" "iron pipes" and pointing them at the stopped car bunker.

Immediately afterwards, "cannonballs" were fired from the iron pipe.

When the explosion occurred, the cars that were used as bunkers were blown up one after another. Then, several resistance elements armed with rifles and machine guns rushed out from all directions and killed the traitors who had survived after the bunkers were blown away.

Liang Zhongchun was stunned.

What the hell kind of weapon is this!

Liang Zhongchun was just confused, but Yun Laoer was dumbfounded.

Damn it, what the hell is this?
But he reacted quickly, knowing that it was a dream to bite the enemy without a bunker, and he saw at least forty militants killing each other, so he knew that it would be impossible to delay the arrival of reinforcements.

While shouting for his men to resist and telling them that reinforcements would be coming soon, he quietly touched the back and then ran away.

Leaving the green hills without worrying about no firewood!

But Yun Laoer never imagined that someone would see him escaping.

Yun Laoer ran into an alley in one breath, quickly took off his leather jacket, and disguised himself as a normal passerby. He planned to go around and watch from a distance, but unexpectedly, when he passed a corner, he suddenly bumped into someone. one time.

He was already furious and wanted to give the passerby who hit him a hard lesson, but suddenly he felt sticky on his body.

When he looked down, he saw that a dagger had pierced his spleen.


Yun Laoer looked at the passerby who bumped into him with a face of disbelief. The other person had a face he had never seen before.

The passerby laughed and said, "Brother, hell... go away!"


The familiar voice suddenly brought Yun Laoer's dissipated consciousness back together.

"Zhang... Zhang... Zhang..."

The passerby finished his sentence gently: "Brother."

Yun Laoer fell to the ground in disbelief, his expressionless eyes filled with doubt.

Zhang Anping looked at Yun Laoer's body, took out his pistol, and refilled the magazine without hesitation.

Just kidding, you already know that I am Zhang Anping, how can I still let you pretend to be dead?

After finishing the refill, Zhang Anping quickly left the scene. As he walked, he looked south in the distance - Lao Zheng, you are the lead singer in the drama, make more noise!

 As explained in the previous article, the protagonist has a layout for rocket launchers, which is not obtrusive, and I was not mistaken - but rockets will not appear on a large scale at present, and we will wait for 40 years before doing anything.

  Hey, 1 for two updates?

(End of this chapter)

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