Chapter 203 Smoke bomb

The next day.

Director Zhang was still late.

Just after going to work, Wang Manchun came in a hurry.

Seeing Zhang Anping, Wang Manchun reported eagerly: "Director, Chen Moqun hasn't come yet!"

Zhang Anping didn’t take it seriously:
"Did you oversleep?"

Wang Manchun is slandering in his heart, do you think they are all like you?
"Chen Moqun has never been late once since he joined the company! I sent people to Director Chen's house, but no one opened the door no matter how hard I knocked. My people took the initiative to pry open the door of his house and found that there was no one at his house! "

"But based on interviews with neighbors, it was confirmed that Chen Moqun did not leave after returning home last night!"

Zhang Anping wondered: "Can people disappear out of thin air?"

Seeing Zhang Anping's slow reaction, Wang Manchun directly expressed her suspicion:

"He may have avoided people on purpose! Director, Chen Moqun may have faked a rebellion. He probably got some wind and ran away!"

"Fake rebellion? Ran away?"

Zhang Anping looked shocked, then stood up and said in shock: "It's bad, Section Chief Nantian asked me yesterday..."

He stopped mid-sentence, with a horrified look on his face, and then shouted: "Director Wang, take everyone to the extra-high school class with me - bring more people!"

Wang Manchun's curiosity was aroused by Zhang Anping's half-sentence, but the situation was not suitable for asking at this time, so she had to keep it in mind, and then arranged for Zhang Anping and she to go to the special high school class.

When Zhang Anping arrived at the special higher education course, Nantian Yoko had actually already received the news of Chen Moqun's "rebellion".

But she was very calm.

Because at this time, Chen Moqun was already in over his head.

Some people need excuses such as confessions, but people like Chen Moqun don't need it at all. Based on the information he revealed, if Chen Moqun really rebels again, as long as this information is publicized, Chen Moqun will only die.

She believed that Chen Moqun did not rebel, but had to retreat after meeting Zhang Shihao.

At this time, when I heard Zhang Anping's anxious visit, I guessed the reason.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhang Anping saw her, he reported in a panic:

"Section Chief, something happened! Chen Moqun may have run away!"

"What? Ran away?!" Nantian Yoko was "shocked" and then glared at Wang Manchun: "Director Wang, what did I explain?"

Wang Manchun could only admit his mistake.

Yoko Minami scolded:

"Why are you still standing there? Send people to search the whole city immediately!"

"Director Zhang, go to the police station and ask all police stations to take action. We must find Chen Moqun!"


Zhang Anping naturally accepted the order in a panic, but after leaving the extra high school, the possibility of Chen Moqun's rebellion suddenly increased to [-]% in his mind!

The reason is simple, it is Minamada Yoko's reaction.

Chen Moqun has been being watched by people from the Special High School, and Wang Manchun's people have been to Chen Moqun's residence. The people who are following Chen Moqun from the Special High School will definitely get the news - Nantian Yoko should have gotten the news before he reported it.

But what about Yoko Minamada’s reaction?
She actually looked shocked - she was showing off her poor acting skills in front of the Best Actor. Did she underestimate him, Best Actor Zhang?

As for why it's [-]%, it's because he has to respect his opponent!

What if the opponent deliberately directed and acted on his own?


Chen Moqun was currently in the safe house arranged for him by Zhang Anping.

This is a pharmacy run by a couple named Xu.

Chen Moqun stayed in the secret room calmly. At this time, there was a knock on the door. After receiving Chen Moqun's permission, the host Xu Tian came in with lunch:
"Brother Chen, it's time to eat."

Chen Moqun glanced at Xu Tian, ​​who was wearing a robe, and asked in a low voice:

"What's going on outside?"

Xu Tian said respectfully: "The black dogs, the special committee and the special high school class have all been dispatched and are looking for trouble all over the world."

Chen Moqun heard this and said: "The situation is special. Please prepare more food. The wind has been tight these days, so please don't send food."

"Yes. Brother Chen, if you have anything to do, just knock on the door."

"Yes. You go up first, lest you encounter an inspection and your wife can't handle it."


Xu Tian turned around and left the secret room.

After Chen Moqun watched Xu Tian leave, his thoughts returned to how to break the situation——

He must reestablish contact with Yoko Minami, but at this time he is in the secret room of the safe house and cannot go out!

He thought about it and chose the safest plan:
Stay put and wait for the "wind" to pass and leave the secret room before you think of a solution.

At this time, Xu Tian had already arrived on the ground. After making eye contact with "Mrs." Tian Dan, the two came to the side in tacit understanding.

Tian Dan asked in a low voice: "Does he have any intention of coming up?"

"No, he told me to prepare some food and told me not to send food for the time being."

When Tian Dan heard this, he couldn't help but said:
"Could he not be a traitor?"

Seeing this, Xu Tian educated him in a low voice: "Whether it is true or not, we cannot treat him as a traitor, do you understand?"

"Well, I'll pay attention."

Chen Moqun would have never imagined that Xu Tian, ​​the so-called latent intelligence agent, was actually Zhang Anping's assistant.

Zhang Anping deliberately handed Chen Moqun into Xu Tian's hands.

He wants to turn Chen Moqun into a pair of useless "kings" in the near future.

Well, at this time Zhang Anping was thinking like this:
You traitor, don’t even think about affecting my layout, Zhang Anping!

After Chen Moqun's "defection", Minglou could no longer delay and could only come to the Special Committee to take up his duties with Wang Manchun's eyes shining brightly.

Compared with Chen Moqun's low profile after taking office, Minglou took office in a very high-profile manner, and there were more than a dozen people accompanying him - they were all from the Inspectorate, and they followed him because they were attracted by the high benefits of the Special Task Committee. From Minglou.

Because they were busy arresting Chen Moqun, there were not many people in the special committee. Wang Manchun put down her work and went to greet Minglou. However, after arranging for Minglou to enter the office opposite her, she left in a hurry.

Minglou, on the other hand, came to Zhang Anping's office on the pretext of reporting to the director.

He became angry as soon as he saw Zhang Anpingminglou.

This bastard made a deal with him last time:

He helped him deal with Chen Moqun and ran errands for him.

As a result, Chen Moqun turned out to be one of his own - wasn't he being tricked by this bastard?
If he had known this, why would he have to find excuses to delay taking office?
So when he saw Zhang Anping, he made a pun and said: "Director Zhang, Chen Moqun has defected!"

Zhang Anping seemed to sigh: "Yes, he defected! I have fallen into his trap!"

Minglou was stunned, this is wrong!

He looked at Zhang Anping warily and said tentatively: "Director Zhang, Chen Moqun's defection shows that he was pretending to surrender from the beginning. I can't blame you for this."

“In the intelligence business, true and false, false and false, true and true, it’s so elusive!”

True or false?

False and true?

Minglou gasped, he understood what Zhang Anping meant.

It means: Is Chen Moqun’s defection fake this time?
He looked at Zhang Anping and felt frightened when he saw Zhang Anping nodded slightly.

Damn, it’s early!

It's sloppy!

Young Master Ming immediately accepted his fate and accepted the situation, with a very low posture: "Director, how can I help?"

"Let's do this. You take your people to a place -" Zhang Anping stood up and pointed at the map of Shanghai. A circle was blurred on the map, but his finger was pointing at the core area of ​​the circle:
"Go here and search for Chen Moqun, don't let him escape!"

Minglou immediately understood what Zhang Anping meant:
Chen Moqun is in this area, don't let him come out!

Once again being asked by Zhang Anping to work in vain, Master Ming was helpless and aggrieved, but he had to take on this task.

After all, his safety is at stake.

After Minglou left, Zhang Anping showed a smile.

Chen Moqun, Chen Moqun, don’t you think, the person guarding you is my assistant, and the person arresting you is also my person - without my permission, you can’t even think of establishing contact with the Japanese!


As the entire city searched for Chen Moqun, the security measures for Zhou Fengqi were naturally reduced.

In fact, the keen Kawashima Yoshiko had already realized that "Yan Shuangying" was going to attack Zhou Fengqi after Chen Moqun disappeared.

She found Yoko Minami the first time.

"Yoko, they are going to attack Zhou Fengqi!"

"I know."

"Then you are still indifferent!"

"As soon as I moved, Chen Moqun was exposed!" Nantian Yoko said helplessly: "Fangzi, do you think Yan Shuangying or Zhang Shihao is more important?"

The answer to this question does not need to be considered.

If Zhang Shihao doesn't die, Yan Shuangying will appear one after another!

Naturally, Zhang Shihao is important.

But Yoshiko Kawashima still had other considerations:
"Yangzi, Zhang Shihao is more cunning than a fox. What if Chen Moqun is sent to Wuhan by him?"

"Then let this card continue to lurk!" Nantian Yoko said decisively: "Yangzi, calculating Zhang Shihao is not something that can be accomplished overnight!"

"I would rather give up ten opportunities than alert the enemy!"

Kawashima Yoshiko was speechless.

My sister has been tortured to this extent by Zhang Shihao, there is no way she can be saved!

But she was not one to be easily persuaded, so she briefly mentioned another matter:

"One more thing. General Matsui and his generals will return to the mainland in four days. What do you think about this?"

"You mean?"

"What do you think Zhang Shihao will do based on his personality?"

Minami Yoko gasped when he heard this.

If Yoshiko Kawashima didn't mention this, she would really forget it.

Although Matsui Iwane was dismissed from his post, he is still a Japanese general. If something happens, the Special High School...

"Yangzi, are you saying that Zhang Shihao might take action against General Matsui?"

"It's not possible! It's certain!"

Yoshiko Kawashima said without hesitation:
"The investigation team was ambushed a few days ago. Haven't you seen clearly the power of the resistance in Shanghai? From the time they received the intelligence to the assassination, the whole process was less than 14 hours!"

"In 14 hours, they can mobilize at least 35 armed personnel and a large amount of arms. What if it takes five days?"

"Don't forget the Chinese people's hatred for General Matsui!"

These words made Yoko Minami think of a lot in an instant.

She initially thought that Chen Moqun was removed to assassinate Zhou Fengqi.

I didn’t expect that she underestimated Zhang Shihao’s ambition!

Is this possible?

Not only is it possible, but it is very possible!

Chen Moqun "defected", and the three parties of the Special Higher Education Section, the Special Commission, and the Police Department were mobilized, as well as the gendarmerie brigade and some garrison troops to assist, which happened to mobilize the security forces.

If the other party completes preparations in the concession, then a shocking attack will be made, and the probability of success is extremely high!
Something happened to Iwane Matsui. Not only would she, the super-high-level section chief, face the risk of being dismissed, but she might also be torn apart by the angry general!

Thinking of this possibility, Nantian Yoko couldn't help but shudder.

"Cancele the arrest of Chen Moqun immediately, and focus all efforts on protecting General Matsui!"

Seeing Minami Yoko behaving in a panic, Kawashima Yoshiko secretly scorned her and tried to persuade her:

"Yoko! You are upset!"

Hearing this, Nantian Yoko took a deep breath, calmed down the excitement in her heart and smiled bitterly: "Yangzi, I made you laugh! Hey, it's not that I'm scared, it's really Zhang Shihao..."

"Yoko, we still have plenty of time." Kawashima Yoshiko said softly:

"I think we shouldn't be limited to defense because of Chen Moqun!"

"Normally speaking, if you are planning a big action, you will cancel the small action - this is boxing, and the fist contraction is for better attack!"

"But Zhang Shihao cannot be treated with common sense. If he is planning a big action, he will definitely not mind making a few small actions to confuse us before that!"

"So, the assassination of Zhou Fengqi is inevitable! I think we should use this as a breakthrough! Of course, we must be prepared for everything. We should also make other preparations for General Matsui."

Yoshiko Kawashima doesn't like the current situation very much. "This situation" refers to being controlled by others - she had great autonomy in her previous actions.

When she first came to Shanghai, Minami Yoko also gave her great autonomy.

But with the exposure of the Youth Gang's power and Yan Shuangying's ruthlessness, and her falling out with Minami Yoko because of Okamoto Heiji, she began to be controlled by others without any foundation in Shanghai.

Although she and Minami Yoko had reconciled again, the situation of being controlled by others without a direct lineage had not changed - otherwise, why would she have comforted Minami Yoko in a gentle voice?

Minamida Yoko chose the lesser of two evils and agreed with Kawashima Yoshiko: "You are right! Let's leave it to you to handle Zhou Fengqi's affairs, and I will be responsible for General Matsui's side."

Yoshiko Kawashima's goal was achieved and she smiled: "Okay! We sisters are of one mind. Maybe we can kill the fox Zhang Shihao without Chen Moqun!"

Minami Yoko should be, but after Kawashima Yoshiko left, her eyes became cold and faint.

She really didn't expect that Zhang Shihao might attack General Matsui, but now that she had the reminder, she was confident that Zhang Shihao would not succeed.

Kawashima Yoshiko is responsible for Zhou Fengqi's bait. If she can achieve results, it will double Zhang Shihao's hatred for him.

Then her probability of success in fishing with Yoshiko Kawashima will increase a lot!
As for how stupid she behaved in front of Kawashima Yoshiko, whether it was true or false, naturally only she knew.

Everyone is a chess player, but everyone must have the awareness to become a chess piece!

The 59-year-old Zhou Fengqi has been shouting that he has never been afraid of Dai Chunfeng's bastards.

But so many traitors have died in Shanghai, how can he not be afraid?
But he can't be shy!
The reason is very simple. When Dai Chunfeng joined the army, he was a soldier under him. How could he be scared by Dai Chunfeng's brats?

He doesn't show any cowardice, but Zhou Fengqi is very cowardly in his heart. Therefore, he plans not to leave the mansion during this period of time. Once the appointment is confirmed, he will go directly to Hangzhou. By then, he will have the military power in hand, and he will not have to worry about it. Just a puppy?
Facing the target who was hiding in the mansion and not coming out, Shen Fei, who was in charge of this operation, gritted his teeth with hatred.

The order from above is to get rid of Zhou Fengqi today.

But this bitch just hides in the mansion and doesn't come out!
"His grandma's fault!" Shen Fei cursed angrily: "Isn't he very good at shouting? Why are you so cowardly?!"

He was already going crazy with anger, but his subordinates came to him for instructions at this time:
"Boss, the brother in charge of shooting just can't find a chance to shoot! What should I do?"

"What to do? Cold salad!" Shen Fei gritted his teeth and said, "Go and call the brothers from the teahouse and attack!"

"Strong attack? Boss, I've been told above that the assassination must be very technical, and you can't make fun of the lives of your brothers!"

"Don't you understand the military order? The higher-ups require that he must be killed today. There are still four hours until 12 o'clock! If we don't attack by force, how can we disobey the order?"

"Why don't you report it to the higher authorities..."


Without saying a word, Shen Fei slapped his subordinate on the face and angrily said, "Don't you understand human language? Military orders are falling like a mountain!"

His subordinates immediately admitted their mistake.

Seeing his subordinates admit their mistake, Shen Fei stopped his anger and said:

"Do you know why I hit you?"

"I know the head is for my own good."

"Bullshit!" Shen Fei scolded: "It's because you questioned the orders from above!"

"You kid, remember, you are a member of the special team! You are a soldier under Commander Zhang! Commander Zhang has a plan, and he is not the master who takes the lives of his men and eats steamed buns with human blood!"

"He told us to kill Zhou Fengqi today. There must be a reason why he had to do it! It doesn't matter if we don't understand, but we must execute it faithfully. Do you understand?!"

The subordinates were taught, indicating that they understood.

Shen Fei then softened his tone and ordered:

"Go and call the brothers here - by the way, inform Captain Xia Gong and ask him to lead people to support us. Do the Japanese really think that I am blind and can't see that they are fishing?! I want them to know that Yan Shuangying can't do it with just such a small number of people. Frightened!"


In a building more than one kilometer away from No. 80 Albert Road, Zhang Anping and Zheng Yaoxian stood in the dark room, looking at the invisible Zhou Mansion in the distance.

Zheng Yaoxian said:

"Shen Fei is a nice person."

"I know." Zhang Anping sighed and said:
"In the past, what I hated most was sacrificing the lives of my subordinates for nothing, but slowly, I ended up living the life I hated most."

Are you anxious about killing Zhou Fengqi?

Despite Zhou Fengqi's great reputation and his experience as a captain, he is actually just a little brat with no military power and only a bit of fame.

Compared to the Japanese generals and generals of Matsui Iwane's "Butcher Group", they are really not worth mentioning.

Knowing that there was an ambush here, you still ordered your subordinates to kill Zhou Fengqi that day. It was really not worth it!

But this link is also related to the subsequent layout. For the subsequent layout, this is something that has to be done!
Zheng Yaoxian did not comfort Zhang Anping.

Because this is a journey that must be taken.

Zhang Anping naturally knew this and recovered quickly.

"Old Zheng, do you think Yoshiko Kawashima feels a sense of pleasure in plotting against me?"

"there must be."

"Let her be complacent! If she is too complacent, she will always fall down - huh? Have you started?"

Gunfire rang out at this time.

The assassination of Zhou Fengqi commanded by Shen Fei began.

After Zhou Fengqi came to Shanghai excitedly from his hometown, after learning that the Shanghai resistance elements were active and specialized in killing traitors, he ordered people to purchase arms without saying a word and strengthened his own security force.

In addition, this is still a wealthy area in the French Concession, and he can get support from the patrol at any time. He feels that there is no problem with his safety.

In the words of Zhou Fengqi:
"I have six rifles, eight pistols, three machine guns, and several grenades here. Even if I have a company, I can guard it for a quarter of an hour!"

But when the gunfire rang out, Zhou Fengqi's expression changed drastically.

What did he hear?
Continuous gunshots!
All machine guns with automatic fire!

But after all, he is an old soldier and has seen the world. He knows that the most important thing now is to stabilize the morale of his men, so he shouted to the bodyguards who were resisting:
"Don't be afraid! In 10 minutes at most, the patrol will come to support us! There are people from the Special Committee around us, and Dai Chunfeng's bastards will come not to mention this little, but ten times more..."

As soon as he finished speaking, several rockets dragged their tail flames towards the mansion, and the subsequent explosion directly interrupted Zhou Fengqi's morale-boosting words.

No, the grenade is not that powerful!
Looking at the gap opened by the explosion, Zhou Fengqi panicked.

Why are Dai Chunfeng's men so powerful?
He was just about to continue encouraging the bodyguards, but he saw three bodyguards dropped their guns and ran away without saying a word. When he looked again, all the other bodyguards actually burped? !

Director Dai’s soldiers are so powerful!

Zhou Fengqi immediately changed his mind and shouted:
"Don't shoot! I am your old commander before Director Dai! I have a relationship with him!"

Shen Fei outside was immediately happy when he heard this.

I only obey the orders of Team Leader Zhang here. Don't say that you are Director Dai's old officer, you are Director Dai's son. If Team Leader Zhang gives the order, I will kill you!

He signaled his men to quickly reload the rocket launcher and shouted:
"You are our senior officer, Director Dai? What credentials do you have?"

Zhou Fengqi was overjoyed when he heard this and immediately shouted:
"Director Dai was under me when you were a soldier..."

Shen Fei looked mocking, and then whispered to his subordinates:

The men suddenly stood up and fired rockets at the source of the sound.

A blast of ecstasy!
Zhou Fengqi was silent.


Shen Fei didn't hesitate and took the lead and rushed inside.

He thought he would encounter resistance, but no one fought back.

Zhou Fengqi didn't even realize that times had changed. The war at this time was not like the previous civil wars, where both sides were fighting for the sake of military pay!

At this time, there is national hatred. All Chinese sons and daughters are determined to die. Who will care about your former identity?
As long as you are a traitor, I can kill you!

No matter who you were!
Shen Fei rushed into the devastated Zhou Mansion and saw Zhou Fengqi's mutilated corpse. After taking out the photo to compare and confirm that it was the person, he threw the photo directly on the corpse, along with Yan Shuangying's "business card".


Just when he gave the order to withdraw, Yoshiko Kawashima, who had been secretly there, issued the order to attack.

Yoshiko Kawashima has been here a long time ago.

But she never took action.

She doesn't take Zhou Fengqi's life or death seriously - she hopes that Zhou Fengqi can consume the strength of the "Yan Shuangying", and then the people she leads can decide the outcome with one move.

The reason why Yoshiko Kawashima had such a calculation was that she felt that Zhou Fengqi's 14 bodyguards would definitely be able to consume a wave of them.

But she was wrong.

In this kind of battle, the number of people is not enough to explain everything.

And she too underestimated the fighting ability of the "Yan Shuangying Eagles". Coupled with the almost magical weapon bazooka, Zhou Fengqi met his grandma in just a few minutes.

And her slighting also allowed her to see what it meant to be crushed by the "Yan Shuangying".

Kawashima Yoshiko brought more than 40 people, and for the sake of confidentiality, these people were hidden within a 300-meter radius with Zhou Mansion as the center - these arrangements had long been seen by Shen Fei.

Shen Fei's original plan was to snipe and kill them, so he simply ignored these ambushes.

But later they had to attack by force, and these ambush troops could not be ignored, so Gong Shu was invited.

Of course Gong Shu wanted to swallow these dozens of Japanese in one go.

If other factors are not considered, it is not difficult to swallow.

But this is the French Concession, and he can ignore the patrols, but the French army is the number one army after all. For the sake of international influence, they cannot engage in firefights with the French army. Therefore, Gong Shu could only reluctantly give up his plan to eat it in one bite and only brought a dozen people over. Answer.

When the ambush came out, the support staff brought by Gong Shu naturally took action.

bang bang bang
There were flashes of gunfire everywhere, and the ambush soldiers who came out fell one after another, and the besieging ambush soldiers immediately turned into shrinking turtles.

With more than a dozen snipers, dealing with these special agents of the special high class is like a king frying fish in the pond!
Yoshiko Kawashima was confused.

The Japanese agents in the extra-high school class were also confused.

There aren't many enemies in the dark by the sound of gunfire, but... why is the accuracy so scary? !
Is this the strength of "Yan Shuangying"?
Although she was stunned, Kawashima Yoshiko immediately calmed down. This is the French Concession after all, and the patrol will be here at any time!
she cried:
"Hold them! Don't let them escape! The police from the patrol room will be here soon! They won't be able to escape by then!"

Of course Shen Fei didn't want to be caught by the patrol. Once one of them was caught, his teahouse would be in danger!
He immediately organized manpower to break out. Under the cover of snipers, the breakout went smoothly. However, the Japanese finally interfered with the evacuation time before they broke out, and patrol police whistles rang out all around.

Shen Fei shouted:

"Spread out and run! If you are caught, drop your gun and don't resist! The higher ups will save us!"

Seeing the patrol police appear, Gong Shu secretly gave the order to retreat.

Naturally, guns cannot be taken away, so the snipers can only abandon their weapons one after another.

Half an hour later, Zhang Anping and Zheng Yaoxian, who were observing secretly, received the news:

"A total of eight of our brothers were arrested by the patrol police. Four of them were released directly. The other four couldn't be released and were taken to the patrol room."

"The Japanese were also arrested by the patrol police, but Jin Bihui was not arrested."

Zhang Anping and Zheng Yaoxian looked at each other regretfully.

Although I knew it was hard to trick a girl like Jin Bihui, I was still quite disappointed when I didn’t.

That's right, the main reason why Zhang Anping appeared here was for Jin Bihui - he was just waiting for the patrol to catch Jin Bihui, and then let the policeman kill this bitch!
But unfortunately, Jin Bihui still has a keen sense of danger.

But this is also expected. Zhang Anping this time simply had the mentality of hitting two shots first if there was no date.

The reason is very simple. Jin Bihui is a woman. At critical moments, she throws away her men's clothing and pretends to be implicated. It is easy for passers-by to evade the patrol police.

But after all, Jin Bihui was not tricked, Zhang Anping said with a lack of interest:

"Old Zheng, I'll leave it to you to find people. I'm going back."

Seeing that Zhang Anping was about to leave, Zheng Yaoxian couldn't help but ask:
"Is that... no problem?"

"Don't worry, the smoke screen has been thrown out, and the drama will begin next!"


At this time, Yoshiko Kawashima finally found a public phone.

She got in without saying a word, put in the coin and dialed Yoko Minami:

"Yoko, it's me! A resister has been caught by the bailiff! Immediately have someone come out to negotiate with the public prosecutor's office. We must bring over the resister caught by the bailiff!"

Yoko Minamida on the other end of the phone was ecstatic when she heard this:

"What? Has a resister been arrested by the bailiff? I'll make arrangements right away!"

Yoko Minamada would not be excited if ordinary resistance elements were caught by the patrol police in the French Concession.

But this time it was different, it was "Yan Shuangying" who was caught!
During this period, "Yan Shuangying" made too much noise, which caused a lot of panic among the traitors, and several tycoons from the Qinggang were shaken by this.

How could she not be excited after catching "Yan Shuangying"!
As a result, Minamida Yoko immediately contacted senior Japanese officials and at the same time sent the gendarmerie to the outskirts of the French Concession to use force as a deterrent.

But no matter how fast Nantian moves, how can he beat Zheng Yaoxian who is in the concession?
Zheng Yao first entered the patrol room directly carrying a bag of francs.

After Lao Zheng entered the patrol room, he poured a bag of francs on the table without saying anything, and then "quibbled":
"My four brothers met the thieves tonight. They bravely chased the thieves. As a result, they accidentally broke into the scene of the gunfight. Later, they were arrested by you by mistake!"

"This is the stolen property they found when they caught the thieves. Everyone, can I take them away? After all, they are good citizens who act bravely for justice!"


I said I wrote it from eight o'clock to now. Does anyone believe it?

Well, more than 5000 words were passed by me because I felt that they were cheating.

(End of this chapter)

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