Kingsman Agent in Film and Television

Chapter 281: Layout for smart people

Chapter 281: Layout for smart people (Part )

The countdown to the July 2th Uprising is 8 days and hours away.

The suburbs of Shanghai, Jiulong Mountain.

More than twenty men were walking cautiously through the mountains and forests with guns.

Suddenly, the leading man clenched his fists and raised his arms. The marching team quickly stopped and took cover in groups.

After an inspection, the leading man turned his arm to the left and instructed everyone to go around from the left.

The team set off again, traveling cautiously through the mountains and forests.

Not far away, Zhang Anping watched the team shuttle through the forest and sighed secretly.

For him, he can only evaluate the performance of these people in four words:

Not satisfactory!

Fortunately, these people have all gone through sniper training and have good sniper qualities, otherwise this evaluation would have to be replaced with:


But there is no way, time is too tight! If there was only one month, why would it be like this?

But there are only 2 days left.

Under such a tight time, this is the only way!

At this time, someone hurriedly came from a distance and ran faster after seeing Zhang Anping.

They are the communications soldiers sent by Tan Zhongshu!

Zhang Anping's heart skipped a beat.

【Depend on! Is it a common practice that something bad happens every time something big happens? 】

"District Chief, urgent call from Shanghai!"

Zhang Anping received the telegram expressionlessly.

This sight almost made Zhang Anping angry.

The telegram was sent by Zheng Yaoxian, and it was indeed a telegram of "something happened" - the problem was with the propaganda station!

An underground printing factory owned by the propaganda station was confiscated, and hundreds of thousands of leaflets fell into the hands of No. 76!

In addition, the person in charge of the underground printing factory was also arrested.

In addition to covering and destroying counterfeit banknote dens, the July 7th Uprising planned this time also has two purposes:

1. Attack the factories that the Japanese have taken advantage of over the past six months and destroy them;

2. Conduct a large-scale publicity campaign to the people of Shanghai.

To this end, many underground printing plants affiliated with the propaganda station are working overtime.

The underground printing factory that was taken away was located in the French Concession and was taken away inexplicably.

It's just that an underground printing factory was taken away, which is actually not a big deal.

But the problem is the person in charge of the printing factory - according to the telegram, the person in charge also knows several other persons in charge of underground printing factories, has contacts with upstream material suppliers, and knows that underground printing factories are working overtime recently. There is big action.

Zheng Yaoxian asked Zhang Anping in his telegram to use the undercover agent in No. 76 to find a way to silence the arrested printing plant director.

It's cruel, but when thousands of people are involved in a big operation, one person's life or death is really insignificant.

Zhang Anping instinctively wanted to use all the nails in No. 76, but when he was preparing the order, his expression changed.

Can't order!

If the other person is not in Shanghai, his orders must first be conveyed to the direct group. The direct group must use the secret library to obtain nail information, and then obtain the awakening code word through another secret library. By the time the direct group contacts Nail, there will be at least ten of them. hours later.

For more than ten hours, if the other party wanted to do it, they would have done it long ago!

We can only fight with our last breath!

After figuring out how to respond, Zhang Anping quickly returned to the temporary telecommunications room on Jiulong Mountain and ordered:

"Call back - tell Zheng Yaoxian and let the propaganda station respond in the normal way."

"Give Xu Baichuan power and ask him to find a way to leak the secrets about the July 7th Uprising! In addition, ask him to contact the underground party and let the underground party find a way to leak the secrets!"

"Let the leaked units evacuate immediately!"



Zheng Yaoxian waited for Zhang Anping's telegram. After seeing the telegram, Zheng Yaoxian couldn't help but frown.

Deal with it the normal way? Stand still?

Others may not understand why Zhang Anping did this, but Zheng Yaoxian understood the reason in an instant:

This is to be false and true!

"It's a bit dangerous!"

"But... there is no other way."

Now that Zhang Anping has made such a decision, Zheng Yaoxian will naturally not refute it.

At the same time, Xu Baichuan also received a telegram from Zhang Anping.


Looking at the telegram, Xu Baichuan fell into deep thought - what kind of plane was Zhang Anping doing?

It's too late to keep such an important matter a secret, so why should it be leaked?

Didn't Lao Zheng's people already do it once last time?

After thinking for a while, Xu Baichuan chose to believe Zhang Anping and immediately arranged for someone to leak the secret. At the same time, he set off to find Yuan Nong himself.

After Yuan Nong saw Xu Baichuan, his first reaction was that something had happened.

But I didn't expect that Xu Baichuan came to him to ask him to find a way to leak the secret to the Japanese or No. 76!

"Are you crazy?" Yuan Nong yelled: "Do you know why we cooperate with you and how much effort we have made? If you tell us to leak secrets, we will leak secrets. Do you know what this means?"

"I know!" Xu Baichuan said calmly: "Our people can assist the units whose secrets have been leaked to evacuate."

"This is not a matter of whether to evacuate or not!" Yuan Nong said angrily: "This will cause waves in all our plans!"

"To put it bluntly, once the Japanese are alert, our uprising will be like hitting an egg with a stone!"

"Thousands of people are going to die because of this bastard's decision!"

"Mr. Bai, what I convey to you is not a request, but an order!" Xu Baichuan said coldly: "This is District Chief Zhang's intention! In addition, whether you do it or not, I have arranged for someone to leak the secret - if Because your cooperation was not in place, the final result did not meet expectations. All consequences of the failure of this operation will be borne by you!"

"This is not a threat!"

Yuan Nong looked at Xu Baichuan angrily, wanting to bite the bastard in front of him.

This is not a threat, so what is a threat?

After taking a deep breath, he said in a deep voice:

"I can cooperate, but I need to ask my superiors for instructions whether this operation should continue."

Xu Baichuan directly called out Yuan Nong's real name and said angrily: "Yuan Nong! When things come to a head, are you, the Communist Party, going to renege on your word?"

"Back on our word? Xu Baichuan, are we going to go back on our word? We are responsible for the lives of all comrades!"

"You'd better ask Zhang Shihao to come over and give us a satisfactory explanation!"

Yuan Nong left his harsh words and saw off the guests. After Xu Baichuan left, he immediately hurried out to find his superiors to report the sudden request from the military commander.

This request from the military commander also confused the person in charge, but considering that the military commander had already begun to leak the secrets, the person in charge asked Yuan Nong to arrange the leaks first. After Yuan Nong left, he immediately disguised himself and went to Minglou.

After meeting Minglou, I learned that No. 76 had borrowed the help of the Youth Gang in the French Concession to take away an underground printing factory belonging to the Second District (although the propaganda station was an independent unit, outsiders thought it belonged to the Second District) and captured became the head of the printing house.

The person in charge suddenly realized:

"Zhang Shihao did this for the sake of truth, falsehood, and falsehood?"

"This is too bold!"

After the person in charge figured out the reason, he explained the situation to Minglou. After hearing this, Minglou was also speechless - how dare he!

How dare he!

"Do you think it can be done?"

After hesitating for a while, Minglou said: "I find it difficult. But...but this is that person's plan after all. Although that person is full of malice towards us, although his methods are vicious and decisive, in terms of layout and calculation of people's hearts, …”

"There are still some achievements."

"More than just some achievements!" the person in charge said with emotion: "It's also hard that when he took power, his eyes were mainly focused on the Japanese."

When Minglou heard this, he thought:

He can only focus on the Japanese!

"You should keep an eye on this matter and report any problems to me immediately. After all, it is the life and death of thousands of people. You cannot be careless."

"I know."

"I have to meet that person. If we don't communicate this matter properly, I won't be sure after all." ...

Li Lixing can now be said to be completely surrounded by happiness.

Who would have thought that an inconspicuous little man under him could actually bring him such a big surprise.

At first, he thought it was just an underground printing factory and a few resistance elements.

But who would have thought that after pulling out the carrot and bringing out the mud, in less than five hours, he would use this as a breakthrough to capture a dozen resistance elements, and even learn a huge piece of news from their mouths:

The resistance elements are going to stage an uprising in two days!

After getting the confession, he raided five factories without saying a word. Although he hurriedly rushed, he was still late, but the people on No. 76 found weapons in all five factories!

In other words, the news is indeed true!

When he thought of the traitors' claims that the underground party was planning uprisings in at least twenty such small factories, Li Lixing did not dare to delay and went to find Fujita Yoshimasa in a hurry.

Seeing Fujita Yoshimasa, Li Lixing couldn't wait to say:

"Captain, something is going to happen! Something big is going to happen!"

"Director Li, please speak slowly. As long as the imperial army is here, the sky - it won't fall!"

Li Lixing wiped away the sweat accumulated from running deliberately and said nervously:

"After three days of investigation, my people took over a printing factory owned by the resistance in the French Concession in the name of the Youth Gang. They also captured some resistance elements through other clues. After investigation, it was found that the resistance elements were planning an uprising. The time is set. In two days!”


Another uprising?

Fujita Yoshimasa almost laughed out loud.

Last time, a resistance member named "Jiang Qiwei" rebelled and went directly to the Special High School, claiming that the resistance elements were planning an uprising. For this reason, the Special High School was dispatched and actually found weapons in a small factory.

At that time, he took advantage of the situation and arranged Jiang Qiwei to the police station, and asked the police station and the Special High School Division to investigate the matter. As a result, without further explanation, the attack on Research Zero occurred.

Now, another uprising?

Zhang Shihao, Zhang Shihao, do you think that one of your strategies can be used twice?


I didn't fall for your scheme last time, let alone this time!

Fujita Yoshimasa suppressed his laughter and asked seriously: "What's going on? Tell me carefully!"

Li Lixing talked about the "experience" in detail.

Of course, the "experience" of the matter must be processed, and it cannot be said that his people discovered it accidentally - specifically, the clues were discovered after hearing a few workers whispering under their breath when they drank two hemp and two hemp.

Li Lixing naturally said that this was the result of his careful layout and sending people to secretly investigate continuously. He then followed the clues and visited five factories where the resistance elements gathered. Although they were not caught because the information was leaked, a total of more than 100 drugs were seized at the scene. A rifle and a lot of explosives.

After saying this, Li Lixing vowed to say:

"Director, this must be true! According to my investigation, this time the military command of Shanghai District and the underground party have joined forces! This time the uprising is a joint effort by both parties!"

"I request the director of the agency to immediately mobilize troops and impose martial law, so that the resistance elements cannot get their wish!"

Li Lixing's guarantee was regarded as fart by Fujita Yoshimasa, but what happened forced him to think of another possibility:

His opponent Zhang Shihao, this time is not repeating his old tricks, but seeing that there is no hope of destroying the Zero Research Institute, he simply uses this method to retaliate? Can you also give an explanation to the above?

It's not impossible!

You have already "uprising" once. If you "uprising" again, will you think that this is false news deliberately released by Zhang Shihao, and the other party will make the false news come true and start an uprising under your nose? !


Fujita Yoshimasa solemnly said:

"Director Li, this is a serious matter. Please go to No. 76 and take charge immediately! I will make arrangements immediately!"


After sending Li Lixing away, Fujita Yoshimasa did not make any arrangements, but called Minglou. At this time, Fujita Yoshimasa missed Zhang Anping very much. If Zhang Anping was here, he would not even need to call himself, Zhang Anping would report Let's do this.

As for why he called Minglou, the reason was simple: he couldn't trust Li Lixing!

There is an old saying in China: If you listen both, you will be enlightened, but if you believe, you will be dark!

It's a pity that Zhang Anping has already burped...

When the call was connected, Fujita Yoshimasa said: "Director Ming, I want to know how No. 76 solved this case. Tell me every word!"

Minglou's mind on the other end of the phone was racing, but he said: "Director, didn't Director Li go to report to you?"

"Director Ming, I want you to tell me what happened, do you understand?"

Minglou immediately understood what this meant.

"That's it..." He told the whole story in an orderly manner, including the so-called clue that hit No. 76 on the head.

Fujita Yoshimasa patiently listened to Minglou's version.

It is very different from Li Lixing's version, but it is obviously not as subjective as Li Lixing - what attracted Fujita Yoshimasa's most attention was the method of discovering intelligence.

The intelligence community does not believe in coincidences, and if there is a coincidence, it is not a coincidence - unless the final conclusion is made.

Otherwise, all coincidences are just conspiracies!

[Is it a coincidence? 】

Fujita Yoshimasa gave a negative answer.

After Minglou finished speaking, Fujita Yoshimasa pointedly said: "Director Ming, you are the deputy director of the Special Task Committee. I hope you can communicate with me more in the future instead of me looking for you. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" Minglou responded loudly. After hanging up the phone, he thought about Fujita Yoshimasa's intention. After thinking about it, a few words came out of his mouth:

The real special code is yours!

Naturally, this was said to Zhang Anping from a distance.

Obviously, Minglou also reacted. Fujita Yoshimasa was doubting the authenticity of this matter!

"This old boy...will he be fooled?"

Minglou gasped, Zhang Anping's plan to control people's hearts was so incredible!

Jingle Bell

The phone rang again.

"I am Minglou."

"it's me!"


"Director Ming, what do you think of Zhang Shihao?"

Listening to the inquiry on the other end of the phone, Minglou pondered and said: "This man is the empire's biggest enemy. He is meticulous in everything he does, good at planning, ruthless, and scheming..."

Minglou used a bunch of words to criticize Zhang Anping.

Well, he told the truth.

"Stop it - what do you think Zhang Shihao's attitude towards the underground party? Does he trust the underground party?"

"Director, are you kidding? How can Zhang Shihao trust the underground party? As far as I know, he has planted countless nails in the underground party! The underground party has no good impression of this person either."

"Do you think there is a possibility for the underground party and Zhang Shihao to join forces?"

"'s hard to say. If there is an order, they will definitely join forces, but they must be plotting against each other, and they will never become the same!" Minglou assured.

"I see."

Fujita Yoshimasa hung up the phone again.

After hanging up the phone, Fujita Yoshimasa said to himself:

I think so too.

But Li Lixing told him that according to his investigation, the underground party and the military were joining forces to organize an uprising. There are many ways to cooperate. Joining forces to organize an uprising is equivalent to close cooperation and is the closest kind of cooperation.

"But it is absolutely impossible for the military command and the underground party to cooperate so closely!"

Fujita Yoshimasa laughed out loud after muttering to himself. It was obviously impossible for the two parties to cooperate so closely, but why did the two parties cooperate so closely?

There is only one explanation:


[Zhang Shihao, Zhang Shihao, do you think your layout is foolproof? 】

False and true, true and false, the Chinese are indeed magical.

"But, I am still more skilled! Your falsehoods and falsehoods are just jokes in front of me!"

At this moment, Fujita Yoshimasa was extremely convinced that this was definitely Zhang Shihao's conspiracy!

"Research Institute Zero, your goal has always been Research Institute Zero!"

Fujita Yoshimasa is extremely confident, all of this is Zhang Shihao's trick to attract his attention!

From beginning to end, Zhang Anping’s goal was Research Institute Zero.

"How many fish can this net catch?"

Fujita Yoshimasa suppressed his ecstasy and began to think about how to "cooperate" with Zhang Shihao.


Just when Fujita Yoshimasa was feeling proud, Zhang Anping also met the Shanghai head of the underground party.

The other party was driven here from Shanghai by Xu Baichuan himself.

The purpose of meeting him was naturally to discuss the uprising two days later for the last time.

(I returned to Yinchuan from my hometown yesterday. I planned to take a nap for a while after I came back, and then... I slept for 11 hours.)

(End of this chapter)

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