Chapter 5 Family
After more than ten hours of chugging, the train finally arrived at Nanjing Station.

Zhang Anping got off the car with his uncle and others.

On the platform, three cars were waiting there. When they saw my cousin and others coming down, they immediately greeted them respectfully and said:

Zhang Anping stood wisely with the other entourage, not juxtaposed with his cousin because of his nephew's status, but he was greeted by all the secret agents, and he immediately noticed the unfamiliar faces among the entourage.

Although they were curious, they didn't say anything.

Zhang Anping took the opportunity to look at the welcoming crowd.

Young Xu Baichuan can see the outline of his future;

Wu Jingzhong, who had great trust in Yu Zecheng, is now also a handsome young man;

Li Weigong, who was forced to death by his own students, did not look like a potbelly, but actually had a little bit of meat left;
Wang Tianfeng, who was more ruthless to himself, also appeared as a handsome guy - obviously he was the predecessor of the military commander, why are there so many handsome guys!
Zhang Anping couldn't help but slander him in his heart.

Uncle deliberately didn't arrange for Zhang Anping to see if Zhang Anping would ride with him, but Zhang Anping decisively got into the car where Zheng Yaoxian was after his cousin sat down.

The uncle made the arrangements at this time: "Tell Zheng Yaoxian to send Anping home first."


The group of "King Kong" who had memorized the "Heroes" by heart immediately realized who Anping was.

The son of the deputy chief of the Finance Department and the nephew of his Virgo family.

Xu Baichuan took the first step and got into Zheng Yaoxian's car.

"Lao Liu, Virgo asked you to take Mr. Zhang home first."

The first time someone called him Young Master Zhang, Zhang Anping couldn't help but laugh and said: "Sir, please don't yell randomly. If you don't mind, just call me Anping. But don't dare call me Young Master. My little body can't bear it." rise!"

At this time, Xu Baichuan was already a captain, and Zhang Anping didn't want to pretend to be big-headed - Xu Baichuan in the Kite TV series was quite cowardly, forced to stay behind, and even wore a grass-green hat.

In the end, he was tricked into the Public Security Bureau by the "old six".

But he is one of the Eight King Kongs who came from the Anti-Japanese War after all. For Zhang Anping, this kind of person only has friendship, not hatred.

Zhang Anping had already planned his personality in the secret service: friends everywhere, buddies all over the place.

Only in this way will there be no backlash in the future. Even if someone says he is a communist, others won't believe him, right?
Xu Baichuan was even relieved by Zhang Anping's attitude.

Do you really think they are willing to surrender to this young master or that young master?It’s just the trend!

But deep down, they look down on this kind of young man - despite the sweet words, if they can stab him once at a critical moment, they will definitely not mind stabbing him three times.

"Since Brother Anping said that, then I will be disrespectful. Don't call me the officer, just call me Big Brother Baichuan." Xu Baichuan said this politely.

Zhang Anping and Xu Baichuan started chatting one after another, and Zheng Yaoxian would occasionally intervene, and the atmosphere seemed to be very agreeable, but the details, I'm afraid only the person involved knew best.


The military command that called the wind and rain and left a deep imprint in an era is now just a special agent (military police) department under the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics. I can't start.

Although Zhang Guanfu, deputy chief of the Finance Section, is a close confidant of the director, even the Secret Service is a seedling now, so it is naturally impossible for him to live in the most famous Yihe Road in Nanjing.

After his family moved here, thanks to his uncle, he found a house in Huiyuan to rent.

That day, a car stopped in front of his house, and a young man got out of the car carrying a suitcase with wheels.

After saying goodbye to the people in the car, the young man arrived in front of Zhang Guanfu's house.

The young man is naturally Zhang Anping who just came back from Shanghai.

He stared at the door, and after hesitating for a while, he finally stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Who is it!" A woman's voice came, and the door was opened not long after, and a fashionable middle-aged woman in a cheongsam appeared in Zhang Anping's field of vision.

The woman froze when she saw a young man in a Chinese tunic suit standing at the door.

Zhang Anping looked at his mother and said softly: "Mom, I'm back."


The woman yelled and stepped forward excitedly, reaching out to touch Zhang Anping's face. The warmth brought by the touch made her realize that this was not a dream. The son she had not seen for four years was finally standing in front of her again.

The woman was so excited that she cried with joy.

Inside the room, Wang Chunlian held Zhang Anping's hand and kept talking.

"Anping, why were you so stupid back then? You want to study abroad and tell your mother! You are good, just left a letter and left quietly! Do you know how your mother and I have lived these four years?"

Wang Chunlian complained about Zhang Anping, but Zhang Anping had to laugh at him.

After his mother's mood stabilized, he took out the cosmetics he bought from the United States and fooled her for a while, which finally made her smile more slowly. Finally, he told her all kinds of interesting things about the United States, which made Wang Chunlian laugh heartily.

Zhang Anping secretly thought that he had finally passed the test of my mother.

He actually wanted to tell his parents in advance.

But after much deliberation, he didn't say anything.

Although my cousin had already made a fortune at that time, he was only in charge of the Secret Service at that time, and he was short of money. The family was a small employee, and he didn't have much savings. He was afraid that his parents would sell everything to satisfy him after he raised it, so he discussed it with his cousin. When the trick comes, cut first and then play.

In fact, it was his cousin who helped after all. Zhang Anping saved a little money after traveling through the years, and his cousin's help was enough for travel expenses and initial living expenses.

After talking for a while, Zhang Anping took out a deposit certificate worth 5000 US dollars: "Mom, you keep this money."

After taking it, Wang Chunlian saw the amount on it clearly and said in shock: "Citibank deposit certificate? 5000? Or US dollars? Anping, where did you get so much money!"

"This is what I earned in the United States—foreigners, they are stupid and have a lot of money, so they rush to give me money." Zhang Anping pretended to be proud, but the mother didn't think so, she was used to the unscrupulousness of foreigners in China, She instinctively thought that money from foreigners was not easy to earn, and immediately asked Zhang Anping to clarify where the money came from.

Seeing his mother like this, Zhang Anping could only tell about the sale of patents: "Have you seen the wheels on this box?" It's really convenient."

"This is what I invented. I made a lot of money by selling it to Americans." Zhang Anping looked proud, like a child showing off to his parents.

Wang Chunlian said happily: "My family, Anping, has been smart since he was a child!"

In the evening, Zhang Guanfu, who had been working steadily, quietly left early and returned home an hour earlier.

Hurrying to the door of the house, he heard his wife and son chatting in the yard. Zhang Guanfu hid the eagerness on his face, took a deep breath before returning to his usual appearance, and then slowly knocked on the door.

"It's your father who's back! I knew he would get off work early when he heard you were back -"

"Mom, I'm going to open the door."

Zhang Anping went to open the door first, and when he saw the middle-aged man standing outside, he couldn't help but blushed, and said softly, "Dad."

Zhang Guanfu coughed dryly and said calmly, "I'm back."

"came back."

"Well, just come back."

Zhang Guanfu said nonchalantly, and then hurriedly walked into the house. He was afraid that if he took a few steps slower, he could not help but want to hug his son whom he had not seen for four years.

In order to maintain the majesty of the head of the family, Zhang Anping deliberately showed indifference, which made Zhang Anping both funny and sad. He couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged his father who was suppressing his excitement from behind:

"Dad, I miss you."

"You..." Zhang Guanfu was a little confused. The influence of traditional culture prevented him from saying similar words. But feeling his son's sincere embrace, he finally took off his disguise, patted Zhang Anping's hand around him, and repeated said a sentence:
"Just come back, just come back."

Wang Chunlian in the yard looked at the father and son and couldn't help but smile.

It's nice to have a family reunion.


Wang Chunlian cooked a table full of dishes, and she kept putting vegetables in her son's bowl, even if the bowl was piled high, she couldn't stop it.

Zhang Anping raised his glass: "Dad, Mom, I would like to offer you a toast."

The couple raised their glasses, happily clinked glasses of wine with their son, and drank it down happily.

This was the first time in four years that the family ate at the same table, talking to each other until late at night.

Zhang Guanfu winked at Wang Chunlian, but Wang Chunlian, who had been talking endlessly to her son, didn't notice her husband's wink. It wasn't until Zhang Guanfu kicked her under the table that she remembered her husband's quiet explanation before and asked with a smile:

"Anping, what are your plans when you come back? You've reached the age of marrying a wife, and what has your mother been doing for you these past two days?"

Zhang Guanfu pricked up his ears to listen.

"Plans? I told my cousin, who said he would hold another training class and let me coach there."

Wang Chunlian didn't quite understand, she thought her son was going to be a teacher, and she immediately laughed from ear to ear, but Zhang Guanfu knew what the training class was like, so he couldn't help frowning.

After all, the Secret Service was not in the spotlight and had a bad reputation, and he was not happy about it.

Although he works there himself.

"Don't worry about getting a wife. Mom will find one for you! I know you young people are shy." Wang Chunlian smiled happily.

"Mom, don't worry about getting a wife. Now it's free love. Can you let me find it myself? I will definitely find you a daughter-in-law that you are 100% satisfied with!" Zhang Anping won't be shy—anyway. He is a future traveler, how can he be arranged for marriage?
"Cough cough!"

After Zhang Guanfu coughed twice, he said calmly: "Anping, why do you want to become a teacher in a special training class?"

"Dad, you should also understand the current situation. The Japanese are pressing every step of the way, and they are desperately looking forward to Sichuan. There is no telling when a war will break out. As a Chinese, my son must do what he can. Are you right?"

Faced with Zhang Anping's rhetorical question, Zhang Guanfu was dumbfounded, anyone with a discerning eye could see the situation!
But the higher-ups are pretending to be blind and ostrich like a blind man. They always think that China is so big that they can throw it here and there.

"But why do you want to come to your cousin's place? I mean, if you want to be a teacher, you don't have to come here."

"That's what I've learned over the years."

"What?" Zhang Guanfu was shocked.

Wang Chunlian was startled by her husband's reaction and complained: "Why are you making such a fuss!"

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhang Guanfu didn't want his wife to know about the activities of the Secret Service, so he suppressed the agitation and covered it up, but his heart was churning.

In the Secret Service, he was in charge of finance and nothing else.

But this does not mean that he is unaware of the activities of the Secret Service - the secret service is not seen in the light, not only because of the nature of the work, but also because of the means!
He had seen the Secret Service torture people as if they were not human beings, so how could he want his son to be exposed to this?

After suppressing his anxiety and chatting for a while, he asked Wang Chunlian to tidy up and motioned for Zhang Anping to come to the study with him.

Entering the study, Zhang Guanfu's face darkened. He wanted to scold him, but after all, it was the first time he saw his son in four years. He suppressed his anger and said: "Anping, why do you want to learn this? This is something that good people can contact. Do you know how murky the water inside is? Do you know what the Secret Service does? "

"Dad, don't forget what I learned."

Zhang Guanfu became even more angry when he mentioned this: "How can you learn this? What's so bad about learning that you choose to learn this? Even if you were a soldier, I wouldn't be so angry!"

"Dad, the Japanese are determined to destroy China. The war between China and Japan is imminent. As the war begins, son, as a Chinese, can I stand by and watch? You may think that the spy profession is too dark, but on the battlefield, the intelligence profession It is extremely important again!"

Zhang Anping said in a calm voice: "There are no eggs under the overturned nest. No matter what this line of business is, as long as it is beneficial to future wars, someone must do it! As a Chinese, how can I not do it?"

Zhang Guanfu listened to his son's sonorous answer, wanted to refute but didn't know how to refute, sighed a few times and said:
"It's normal for you to have your own ideas when you grow up, but you have to promise me that you will never be a brutal executioner, okay?"

Zhang Anping nodded seriously: "I promise!"

(End of this chapter)

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