Food Fairy Lord

Chapter 3 Rain Street

Chapter 3 Rain Street
But when he stopped to look at the two of them, they also found that he was awake.

Pei Ye frowned and said, "You two—"

He suddenly lowered his head in astonishment, without saying anything, the sharp danger was already approaching his lower back, his muscles convulsed and shrank unconsciously, and then the stabbing pain of a sharp object pierced his body, but before the cold gleaming dagger penetrated deeper, Pei Ye died He tightly grabbed the opponent's wrist.

The man immediately made a knee butt, but Pei Ye hit his stomach faster and harder, his left hand still held the enemy's knife-holding hand, and his right hand twisted his waist and punched him in the face , the opponent fell to the ground and splashed waist-high water.

Another dagger stabbed almost at the same time, only half a body behind, Pei Ye tried his best to get out of the way, the dagger passed in front of the abdomen, leaving a bloody gash, but Pei Ye, who had lost his posture, could not avoid it and followed closely With a kick, he was kicked to the ground.

Pei Ye is actually used to fighting, and if he wants to not be bullied in the streets, he must have a pair of strong fists.But except for killing the hungry wolf when he was 12 years old, he has never encountered such a dangerous situation.

The two men in front of them were fierce and decisive in their attacks, and they were obviously murderers who were used to fighting for their lives. This was the first time that Pei Ye faced an enemy who wanted to divide life and death, but he fell into the disadvantageous situation of being attacked by the two together.

"There will always be more accidents." The old man's hoarse teachings rang in his ears again when he was practicing martial arts, "Jianghu is not a arena, and the enemy will not wait for you to prepare before facing it. When danger comes, you often have no chance to draw your sword out."

At this time, if there is a sword that cannot be pulled out, even if it is used as an iron rod, Pei Ye will be thankful.

Pei Ye didn't have time to think after falling to the ground, and immediately rolled to avoid it, and the next moment the dagger that followed was stuck in place.Before Pei Ye stood up, he grabbed the hand holding the dagger first. The opponent was bent over and couldn't straighten up for a while. Pei Ye kicked him to the side, and then flipped into the air and pressed the opponent to the ground.

Pei Ye let out a deep sigh, and suddenly exerted force with both arms, pressing down on the opponent's hand and stabbing the dagger into his neck.The other party's eyes were wide open, and his arm muscles violently resisted, but blood was already gushing from his throat.

The sound of cutting the wind from behind arrived without time, and Pei Ye rolled and dodged again in embarrassment. When he straightened his body and looked up, the enemy had already rushed in front of him. Nosebleeds and tears mixed together on his punched face, with a ferocious expression.

It was another stab, and this time Pei Ye was finally able to use the fighting skills he had practiced more calmly.He stepped aside, pinched the enemy's arm under his armpit, and pressed his knees against each other, causing the opponent to bow down suddenly.At this time, he took the opportunity to release his armpit, grabbed the opponent's wrist with his hand, and unscrewed the opponent's dagger, and then clamped the opponent's neck with the other hand, pushed the opponent forward two steps, and hit the wall heavily superior.

Raise your hand, aim at the head, and punch!Two punches!Three punches!
The body in the hands was weak and tired.

Pei Ye was breathing heavily, her heart was beating like a drum, and her arms and thighs simultaneously felt a sense of tension and weakness.

Pei Yejian took a look at his injuries, most of them were bruises and bruises, only the two knife wounds on the front and back of the abdomen were more conspicuous, but they were not serious, but after being injured, he exerted force repeatedly and some cracked, and the blood was not there at this time. It kept oozing out, and a large piece of clothes was already wet, looking a little scary.

These two places were a bit difficult to bandage, Pei Ye managed to wrap them up, and looked around by the light of the fire, but it was on the edge of the city wall, just out of the city.

Pei Ye looked at the two corpses on the ground, and really didn't want to understand where they came from. She calmed down and picked up the candle that fell in the stagnant water and was still burning steadily.

However, when he bent down, the scene in front of him made him freeze in place.

The flames were embedded in the stagnant water, forming a faint blue mirror. Even though it was constantly disturbed by the rain, it still distorted Pei Ye's image.

——A young man with a shirtless body and a pale face, a faint blue symbol on his forehead seemed to be burning.

Starting from the same origin, two characters of "Ya" are extended to the upper left and upper right respectively, and branches continue to branch from the top of "Ya", growing to the top in this way, from simple to complex, it looks like a canopy at first glance. Cold abstract flame.

There is no need to draw with a pen, this is the original version of the crude symbol on Lao Xiangzi's head!

Pei Ye slowly raised her hand to touch it, but her forehead was smooth without any change.

Pei Ye froze for a while, but did not see the so-called "immortal", obviously this is not the correct place to be "enchanted".

Looking back on the attacks the two had just made, although they were not afraid of seriously injuring him, they did not attack the neck, heart or other places where a fatal blow would be fatal.

Where are they taking themselves, and what is waiting at the end?

The wind knocked large amounts of rainwater against his body, and the old wounds on his chest and abdomen were faintly agitated. If an enemy came over when the pain struck, he would be nothing but fish on the chopping board.

You should report the crime to the county government immediately.

But after taking just two steps, Pei Ye stopped again. On such a rainy night, only the county magistrate Chang Zhiyuan lived in the backyard, and Chang Zhiyuan was just an ordinary sixty-year-old man. He still had to communicate with several other adults before he could respond. .

In a remote county with less than 4 people, the available power is actually pitifully small. Only the county captain Linlin and the Xianrentai inspector Shen Yanping should be able to deal with this kind of ominous incident. Whether it is reporting the crime or seeking asylum, it is better to go directly to these two adults.

At this time, Tiangong gave a thick electric light, which was as bright as day.

Even if it was only for a moment, Pei Ye could still see his location clearly, it was at the north gate of the city, Mr. Shen lived in the east of the city, and Mr. Lin lived in the western suburbs outside the city.

The two lived about the same distance away, Pei Ye wiped the rainwater off his face, and walked towards the forest house in the west of the city.

This is based on relationship considerations.

Lin Lin is in his fifties, decent, with a cold face and a warm heart. He has been a county lieutenant for 13 years, one year longer than Chang Zhiyuan's tenure.

In the peaceful small county of Fenghuai, one can imagine how leisurely the county lieutenant is. Lin Lin often loves to go to the martial arts hall to instruct the youngsters in martial arts. Pei Ye's boxing enlightenment comes from this majestic and gentle senior.

"Storage like a coiled snake, hair like a tiger", "Seven points in a punch, three points in the middle", these simple formulas accompanied Pei Ye almost all his martial arts training time before picking up the sword.

And after Pei Ye's dantian was injured, it was Lin Lin who spent two months in a row to warm his heart every day and control the injury to a tolerable level.

He has no relatives and no reason, and he has received the deepest kindness. He is an elder whom Pei Ye misses from the bottom of his heart.

With this kind of friendship, it is easy to talk, but it is not so convenient to go to Mr. Shen.

Standing up to the heavy rain, wading in the water below the back of his feet, Pei Ye rushed to the west of the city with one foot and one shallow foot. When he saw the familiar house, the thickest night had passed, the rain had lightened, and the sky Slightly bright.

(End of this chapter)

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