Yi Huawei's eyes quickly scanned the beauties in swimsuits on the beach, and soon locked on the main target of this visit-Zhao Jingyu.

Zhao Jingyu was sitting on a beach chair not far away with two hot women.From Yi Huawei's point of view, Zhao Jingyu's appearance can be rated as [-]%, but her temperament and charm add a lot to her beauty.

She was wearing a light red swimsuit today, with slender straps wrapped around her back and tied around her neck.The waist of the swimsuit is tied with a purple bow.The chestnut wavy hair is tied into a ball, showing youthful vitality.Her slender legs are exposed to the air, and her enviable figure makes people turn heads frequently.

Yi Huawei rejected several girls' attempts to strike up a conversation, and lay on the beach chair looking at Liang Zhengxian's information on his mobile phone.It has to be said that the private detectives in Hong Kong are very efficient. They investigated Liang Zhengxian in just two days.But it’s also because Leung Ching-hsien’s family is fairly well-known in Hong Kong, so it’s not difficult to check.

Neptune Leung is engaged in finance and is well-known in the industry. He was originally a star project manager in the investment banking department of Goldman Sachs. As early as a few years ago, Leung chose to resign after gaining financial freedom. Then, relying on his original network resources, he changed careers. Did private placement.

Private equity, or private equity investment fund, refers to a securities investment fund that raises funds from specific investors in a non-public manner and targets specific investment targets.Private equity funds are recruited through means other than mass communication. The promoters gather funds from non-public diverse entities to establish investment funds and conduct securities investments.

Of course, private equity is strictly restricted in China, because private equity can easily become 'illegal fund-raising'. The difference between the two is: whether it is raising funds from the general public, whether the ownership of the funds is transferred, and if the number of people raised exceeds 200, it will be transferred to personal accounts. , it will be deemed as illegal fund-raising.Illegal fund-raising is a serious economic crime, punishable by the death penalty.

Qiming Fund founded by Liang Zhenxian is a typical small and medium-sized private equity fund with few team members and only a few core employees.However, such a small team manages hundreds of millions of dollars in assets.Most of the funds were obtained by Liang Zhenxian through his own connections.The initial start-up capital came from support from Leung's family.

Although Liang Zhengxian's family background is not among the top ones in Xiangjiang, it is still within the first line. His father was one of the first people to start a real estate speculator in Xiangjiang.

Of course, Liang Zhengxian's father must have more than one son, otherwise he would have forced him to get married, and he would have talked about non-marriageism.

Liang Zhengxian also has two brothers and a sister in his family.Their family can be considered a traditional wealthy family, with the eldest son establishing the family.The eldest brother Liang Zhengxian took over the family company. The second brother did not do his job properly and took the dividends every month to live and entertain. The brother-in-law's family was also considered a good match.

Generally speaking, Liang Zhenxian is quite capable. In addition to initially relying on resources from his family, his private equity fund was later financed by his own ability.

After reading the information about Neptune, Yi Huawei had to sigh. This guy is worthy of being Neptune. There is never a shortage of women around him. However, he is a playboy, and Liang Zhengxian is also smart. The idea of ​​him not getting married never offends those wealthy daughters.

The reason why he was able to attract those women was because Liang Zhengxian was generous to his girlfriends. Of course, it wasn't like giving them houses or sports cars. His financial conditions did not allow him to be so extravagant.It's within a few hundred thousand, and he's not stingy about buying all kinds of big-name clothes and bags worth tens of thousands of dollars. His "spending money like water" temperament makes many women know that the other person is not married, but they still pounce on him regardless of their own safety.

Just like a certain famous second-generation man in the real world, his girlfriends changed one after another, but every time they broke up, they broke up cleanly and there would be no stalking, because he was really generous with his actions. Much more generous than Liang Zhengxian.

Among all the women of Liang Zhengxian, there is one who is special. This woman is Zhao Jingyu, a woman who has been with Liang Zhengxian for seven years.

In her own words, she has been held captive by Liang Zhengxian for seven years. During these seven years, she has not worked again and has to rely on Liang Zhengxian to provide her with living expenses every month.

In other words, Zhao Jingyu's image of a lady in front of outsiders was packaged with Liang Zhengxian's money.Without Liang Zhengxian, she would have to go back to the life of working hard to make a living, and she was no longer young now that she had to pay for herself.If I were to find another rich man, he might not be as good as Liang Zhengxian.

But in seven years, she has long been accustomed to enjoying the ready-made and luxurious life, accustomed to being superior, accustomed to spending money lavishly, accustomed to swiping her credit card without batting an eye when purchasing various luxury items.

If she were to leave this man now, she wouldn't know how to live alone.

She has been out of society for too long, and she does not have enough confidence to face the various challenges outside, so grabbing Liang Zhengxian has become her life-saving straw and the only way for her to maintain her current living situation.

Therefore, she had to endure it. Zhao Jingyu knew very well that she would have nothing if she left Liang Zhengxian, and it would be extremely difficult to live the life she has now. Therefore, even if she knew that Liang Zhengxian was flirtatious, she knew that there would always be all kinds of women around him. , she would not fall out with Liang Zhengxian.

On the contrary, she became a sharp blade behind Liang Zhengxian, specifically to solve these troubles for him. This was also the tacit understanding between her and Liang Zhengxian. Liang Zhengxian tacitly allowed her to use her status as the first wife to force away those women who were tired of playing with each other.

But her first wife, who had been with Liang Zhengxian for seven years, was only a wife in name only and was not protected by the law at all.The reason why Liang Zhengxian kept Zhao Jingyu by his side for seven years was not only because Zhao Jingyu was 'sensible', but it was also an excuse to block the family and urge her to get married.

When Zhao Jingyu noticed that Wang Manni was different, she was nervous for a while. She was worried that Liang Zhengxian had a true love, and she was even more afraid that Liang Zhengxian would abandon her for a new love.Therefore, in order to declare her sovereignty, she couldn't wait to force Wang Manni back.

However, precisely because of this, Zhao Jingyu was absolutely not loyal to Liang Zhengxian, she was just afraid of losing her long-term meal ticket.

Yi Huawei still has full confidence in her. Zhao Jingyu can be considered a major supporting role. As long as Zhao Jingyu is eliminated, Yi Huawei's efforts will not be in vain. According to the base destiny points, it is worth a storage ring. .


Zhao Jingyu had noticed Yi Huawei very early. After all, there were not many men with a figure like Yi Huawei's. However, because there were sisters beside her, she still had some scruples, so she only took a few peeks from the corner of her eyes. .

The two best friends urged her several times, but Zhao Jingyu still didn't want to leave. It wasn't until the man stood up to leave that she followed the two best friends to wash herself off with some disappointment.

Originally, it was just out of women's appreciation of men's lust, and it was just an eyesore.Zhao Jingyu is still somewhat self-aware. She is just a canary kept by Liang Zhengxian. If she dares to eat secretly, she will definitely be kicked out by Liang Zhengxian.

But Zhao Jingyu didn't expect that when she came to the bar to kill time and relieve her loneliness, she would meet that man, and that man would walk straight towards her.

Yi Huawei raised the corners of his mouth slightly and smiled politely: "Hello, can I sit here?"


Seeing the man who had stirred her heartstrings sit down next to her, Zhao Jingyu, who had already drank two glasses of whiskey, felt a ripple in her heart. She felt a little restless, but she still nodded reservedly. She suddenly felt a little dry in the mouth and picked up the drink. He took a sip from the cup and smiled: "You look familiar."

"We just met in the afternoon. ...For the sake of fate," Yi Huawei snapped his fingers: "What are you drinking? I'll treat you."

"You...," Zhao Jingyu shook the wine glass gently, feeling that her face was starting to get hot. Fortunately, under the dim light, others should not be able to see it. After carefully looking at Yi Huawei's clothes, it could be seen from the texture. The price is not cheap: "Listening to what you are saying, it sounds like you are not from Hong Kong?"

"No," Yi Huawei smiled, and his deep eyes seemed to have an attraction under the light. Zhao Jingyu was a little dazed, and after a while she smiled and said, "Are you here for tourism?"

"Well, let's talk business by the way." Yi Huawei nodded and said to the waiter: "Bring me a glass of boiled water. Whatever this young lady drinks, I will charge it to my account."

The bartender glanced at Yi Huawei in surprise, but followed his instructions and poured Yi Huawei a glass of mineral water.

"You drink water, but you let me drink?" Zhao Jingyu said angrily: "You want to get me drunk?"

"If a woman doesn't get drunk, a man has no chance." Yi Huawei chuckled softly: "It depends on whether you give me a chance or not."

"Are you always so direct?" Zhao Jingyu laughed. "Let's take a look." Yi Huawei looked directly at Zhao Jingyu with a hint of aggression in his eyes: "You are very beautiful, and you have a charming charm."

"You say that to every woman, right?" Zhao Jingyu suppressed the turmoil in her heart, avoided Yi Huawei's eyes, and smiled faintly.

"No, you are the first in this world. Moreover, it is also my first time to come to a bar."

Yi Huawei told the truth. He was a man of integrity in this world. He had been busy with his career for more than 20 years and did not find any woman to balance yin and yang.

"A man's mouth is a liar." Although Zhao Jingyu didn't believe Yi Huawei's words, she still felt a little sweet in her heart. She glanced at Yi Huawei and said, "Do you think I believe it or not?"

"I guess you want to believe it." Yi Huawei said with a smile: "My name is Yi Huawei. You can just call me Ah Wei. What is your name?"

"Awei?" Zhao Jingyu had no reaction to Yi Huawei's name and just chuckled: "Emily."

"Emily, it's a nice name. ...To get acquainted." Yi Huawei raised his glass and clinked it with Zhao Jingyu's.

Zhao Jingyu didn't care that what Yi Huawei drank was water. She smiled, picked up the cup and drank it all in one gulp.

After Yi Huawei helped Zhao Jingyu fill up her wine, he didn't find any reason to fill her up with wine and just chatted with her.With several worlds of experience, Yi Huawei's vision and conversation were naturally extraordinary. Soon, Zhao Jingyu's eyes began to look hazy when she looked at Yi Huawei, and the charm in her eyes overflowed from the corners of her eyes.

The bright lights illuminated the wine glass filled with golden liquid, and the ambiguous tones between the glasses eroded the already tipsy Zhao Jingyu. Unknowingly, the two of them leaned together.

"Let's go?"

Seeing that the heat was almost over, he would get really drunk if he drank any more. Yi Huawei didn't want anything to happen to a drunk woman.Holding Zhao Jingyu's hand, she felt it for a while. It was okay and quite tender.


Zhao Jingyu's nasal voice trembled slightly and she didn't answer. She just pretended to be drunk and leaned on Yi Huawei's shoulder.

Seeing this, Yi Huawei smiled, and after paying the bill, he walked out of the bar with Zhao Jingyu in his arms under the envious eyes of the bartender.

Yi Huawei took Zhao Jingyu directly back to his hotel.As soon as she entered the door, Zhao Jingyu didn't pretend to be drunk, she just hugged Yi Huawei's head and started chewing on it...
I won’t mention the process, it starts from nine o’clock in the evening to three o’clock in the morning.It wasn't until Zhao Jingyu fell asleep from exhaustion that the fierce battle came to an end. Yi Huawei changed the soaked sheets and then fell asleep with Zhao Jingyu in his arms.


In the early morning, the sky was just getting dark, and the powerful biological clock made Yi Huawei wake up on time.

Yi Huawei stretched and felt a softness and smoothness under the touch of his fingers. He turned around and saw Zhao Jingyu lying next to him, sleeping soundly with a tired look on his face.Yi Huawei smiled, got up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

When Zhao Jingyu woke up and saw no one in the room, she thought Yi Huawei was gone. Zhao Jingyu felt a little disappointed, but looking at the messy clothes on the sofa and recalling the scene last night, Zhao Jingyu's face turned red and she endured the pain in her body. Sore walked directly into the bathroom wearing a blanket.

When Zhao Jingyu took a bath and came out in a bathrobe, she saw Yi Huawei sitting on the sofa. She felt happy and blurted out: "You haven't left yet?"

"Seeing that you were sleeping soundly, I didn't call you." Yi Huawei pointed at the table: "I was worried that you would be hungry when you woke up, so I went to get some food."

"Thank you!" Zhao Jingyu felt sweet and smiled: "Did you order this at the Taipan Building?"

"As expected, he is an expert." Yi Huawei smiled, stood up and sat at the dining table: "I think the online reviews are good. If you like it, let's go. ...You, please change your clothes first."


Only then did Zhao Jingyu find that there were a few more sets of Chanel clothes on the sofa. She was so happy that she couldn't help but sigh in relief. Although the two of them knew each other well last night, she was still a little uncomfortable wearing a bathrobe to eat with Yi Huawei. : "Just wait, I'll be ready soon."

After saying that, Zhao Jingyu picked up her clothes and walked into the bathroom.

After a while, Zhao Jingyu walked out of the bathroom, and Yi Huawei's eyes lit up. Sure enough, people still have to rely on clothes.Zhao Jingyu changed into a tube top bra with a bow design, which revealed her graceful figure. A high-waisted solid color skirt, elegant and intellectual.Wear a classic small fragrant jacket outside, showing your fashionable and elegant temperament.

Seeing Yi Huawei's surprised eyes, Zhao Jingyu felt happy and turned around playfully: "Does it look good?"

"Well," Yi Huawei nodded: "You look good in whatever you wear."

"Smooth talk." Zhao Jingyu smiled and sat down: "Chicken fat Huadiao steamed flower crab, camphor smoked black goose, charcoal barbecued pork,... are all my favorite foods. Is it too much?"

Of course they are all your favorite foods. Yi Huawei had already written down Zhao Jingyu's information and picked a few things he also liked to eat.

"Really?" Yi Huawei smiled and said, "I was worried that you wouldn't like it. It seems that our tastes are similar. Don't worry, I have a bigger appetite."

"Really?!" Zhao Jingyu was very happy.

"Of course," Yi Huawei nodded: "This can be considered a tacit understanding, right?"



After the close contact last night, Zhao Jingyu no longer felt uncomfortable after a while. While chatting and laughing, the two of them finished their lunch, and Zhao Jingyu also saw how big Yi Huawei's appetite was.

(End of this chapter)

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