The black technology empire started with a debt of one billion

Chapter 277 Chapter 293: The Microprogram Release Conference Begins

Chapter 277 Chapter 293: The Microprogram Release Conference Begins

Cao Mang lay on the ground pretending to be unconscious.

Because of practicing interstellar radio gymnastics, his physique has been twice as strong as that of ordinary people.

This impact did not cause him any real harm other than a little pain.

In order to enjoy the blessings of all people, he plans to act. What can be more touching than this kind of thing.

As for whether this matter will be successful, whether it will impress Liu Qianqian, or whether it will make the other party accept all this, I don't know.

Of course, he didn't save Sissy just to act in this scene.

Although he is a bit scumbag emotionally, as a man and a father, he will save each other no matter what.

After all, Liu Qianqian was still pregnant with his child, and this was his first child in two lifetimes.


He has the strength and ability to save the other party, so he can't just watch the other party get hit by a car.

"Cao Mang, wake up quickly, why are you so stupid, our child hasn't been born yet, you must be careful, don't let him have no father." Liu Qianqian knelt on the ground and cried like a pear blossom.

In order not to cause secondary damage, it did not touch Cao Mang's body.

Liu Qianqian's basic knowledge is pretty good.

At this time, some well-meaning passers-by ran out to help Liu Qianqian stop the cars on the road.

Fortunately, here is a small town in the countryside and there are not very many cars.

The driver called an ambulance as soon as he got out of the car.

An ambulance arrived on the scene 15 minutes later.

Two doctors got off the ambulance to examine Cao Mang.

After Cao Mang was found unconscious, two doctors put him on a stretcher and carried him into an ambulance.

Liu Qianqian went to the hospital with the ambulance.

Inside the hospital, Liu Qianqian sat at the door of the emergency room with her eyes glazed over.

The emergency doctor in the emergency room examined Cao Mang's body.

Cao Mang's physical condition is very good, except for a little bruise, there is nothing serious about his body.

The doctor suspected that Cao Mang's coma might have been caused by a concussion.

Immediately ask the nurse present to arrange an MRI.

The doctor came out of the emergency room after giving the order.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Liu Qianqian came back to her senses.

"Doctor, I..." When Liu Qianqian wanted to call Cao Mang, she didn't know what to call him for a while.

normal friend?
Boy friend?

"Your friend is still in a coma, we suspect the concussion was caused by a car collision.

We'll need to do further inspection to find out. " said the doctor.

"Okay, doctor." Liu Qianqian nodded.

In a blink of an eye, it was 02:30 in the afternoon.

All the test results came out, Cao Mang's body index cost everything except unconsciousness.

As for why Cao Mang didn't wake up?

The doctor attributed all this to the impact of the car accident, which knocked Cao Mang unconscious.

The doctor came to the ward with the test results.

Liu Qianqian sat beside the hospital bed to accompany Cao Mang.

"Doctor, how is his condition?" Liu Qianqian asked.

"From the examination report, it can be seen that he is in good health. His coma may have been caused by the impact of the car accident. I believe he will wake up in a short time," the doctor said.

"Thank you, doctor." Liu Qianqian replied.

Her hanging heart was relieved after hearing the doctor's words.

December 2015, 7.

Deep Blue Technology President Secretariat.

Lu Xiaolei is dealing with daily reports as usual.

Xu Wende came to Lu Xiaolei with a dark blue 1SSE.

"Secretary Lu, is Mr. Cao upstairs?" Xu Wende asked.

"Mr. Cao went on a business trip yesterday. If you need anything, send him an email." Lu Xiaolei said.

"Okay." Xu Wende replied.

Without Cao Mang, he could only choose to leave.

Just as Xu Wende stepped out of the door, the fixed phone on the table rang.

"Hello, this is the secretariat of the President of Deep Blue Technology." Lu Xiaolei picked up the microphone and said.

"Hello, I am Kelly Knox, the deputy director of operations at Google. I would like to make an appointment to meet with your president." Kelly Knox said.

Because of what happened last time, Ah San felt that Kelly did a good job, so she continued to handle the microprogram.

"Hi Miss Kelly, our chairman was on a business trip yesterday, and I don't know when he will be back. May I call you back when I get back?" Lu Xiaolei said.

"Okay." Kelly Knox hung up the phone helplessly.

Just as Lu Xiaolei put down the phone, the phone rang again.

"Hello, this is the secretariat of the President of Deep Blue Technology." Lu Xiaolei picked up the microphone again and said.

"Hi, I'm He Lefu, President of Microsoft China Region."

Because of Cao Mang's business trip, Lu Xiaolei could only let the other party wait for a reply.

December 2015, 7.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

During these three days, representatives of major software companies around the world arrived in Shenzhen one after another.

With the assistance of a third party, representatives of these major companies stayed in major hotels in Shenzhen.

Today is the time for the microprogram global release conference.

Buses depart from major hotels to the Shenzhen Stadium.

These buses arrived at the stadium smoothly under the lead of the police cars.

The participants entered the stadium in an orderly manner under the arrangement of the staff.

27:[-] p.m.

Tens of thousands of participants entered and were seated successfully under the arrangements of the staff.

The stadium lights dimmed at this time, and Jia Ling walked onto the stage under the spotlight.

"Welcome everyone from all over the world to participate in the Deep Blue Technology micro-program global conference.

My name is Jia Ling, and I am the CEO of Deep Blue Microprogram Technology Co., Ltd.

He is also the host of this press conference.

I believe that after receiving the invitation letter of the micro-program, you will already have a certain understanding of our micro-program.

But I dare say that everyone does not fully understand our microprogram.

Next, I will give you a comprehensive introduction to what a microprogram is.

I believe everyone knows that since the birth of the Internet, there have been three Internet revolutions in the Internet.

The first Internet revolution occurred in 1969. The Internet first originated from the ARPAnet research project of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the network was put into use in 1969.

The Desktop Connected was born.

Subsequently, with the rise of personal computers, various computer networks came into being, which resulted in the requirement to realize the interconnection between different networks, which led to the birth of the TCP/IP protocol.

Since then, the global Internet has entered the era of the global village.

The second Internet revolution occurred after 2000, especially after the birth of the first-generation iPhone in 2007. The Internet has entered a new stage of the mobile Internet from the desktop Internet.

Since then, we have entered the era of mobile Internet.

The third Internet revolution is the "Internet +" derived from the mobile Internet."

(End of this chapter)

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