The black technology empire started with a debt of one billion

Chapter 286 302: It is impossible for us to sell all our shares to Fruit

Chapter 286 302: It is impossible for us to sell all our shares to Fruit
Every year there are a lot of strange things this year, I didn't expect the other party to come to sell things.

In addition to the technology at Deep Blue Technology’s disposal, are there other things you are interested in in fruits these days?
"What?" Cook asked curiously.

"The equity of Deep Blue Optics Factory owns the complete liquid glue lens patent, and the exclusive patent has no external authorization." Marcin Aleman said.

Equity in Deep Blue Optical Factory?

And also has a complete liquid lens patent?

Hearing this, Cook was stunned.

How did Goldman Sachs acquire the equity of Deep Blue Optical Factory?
Liquid lens is the exclusive monopoly technology of Deep Blue Technology. This is a very profitable project, and Deep Blue Technology should not sell it.

"How did these shares come from? How many shares will Deep Blue sell in total?" Cook asked with a frown.

"It was Deep Blue Technology who took the initiative to ask us to help sell it. They want to sell 70.00% of the shares, and they want to get Deep Blue Optical Factory listed on NASDAQ." Marcin Aleman replied.

Regarding why Deep Blue Technology sold its shares, Goldman Sachs has internally analyzed this matter.

Analysts at Goldman Sachs believe that Deep Blue Technology is in urgent need of cash, which should be used to build cars.

As for whether it is possible that Deep Blue Technology has achieved a breakthrough in lens technology?

Analysts at Goldman Sachs see no such possibility.

Judging from the current technology, the liquid lens is already the ceiling of the lens, and it is impossible to break through this technology in the short term.

Unless Deep Blue Technology has opened a plug-in, there is no way to break through in the short term.

Hearing this answer, Cook's CPU started running crazily.

The first question that Cook first thought of was whether there were any traps in it?
If there were no traps, why would DeepBlue Technology sell liquid lenses?
Because there's nothing logical about it.

No matter who is in charge of Deep Blue Technology, they will not sell liquid lenses.

The liquid lens can bring in at least 34 billion profits a year, and this is only the case of cooperation with Guoguo. If Deep Blue Technology cooperates with more manufacturers, this thing can bring in at least tens of billions of profits a year.

As long as you are not a fool, who is willing to sell things.

Isn't the profit of the exclusive liquid lens good?

Seeing that Cook was silent.

Marcin Aleman smiled slightly and said: "Are you worried about any problems here? We have reviewed the relevant documents. The Deep Blue Optical Factory is very clean and there are no problems at all."

"According to the situation of Deep Blue Technology, Deep Blue Technology is not short of funds. Why do they sell it? Is it possible that they have more advanced technology?" Cook said.

"We don't know whether Deep Blue Technology has more advanced technology, but according to our analyst's analysis, it should be that Deep Blue Technology urgently needs a sum of money to run the car project.

According to the information we have collected so far, they recently ordered a batch of 300 billion equipment. In addition, Deep Blue Technology also invested [-] cash in Douyin.

Not surprisingly, they should have a very serious shortage of funds.

But they don't know where the money will be spent. Marcin Aleman shook his head.

"Why don't they get a bank loan?" Cook asked.

Reasonably speaking, the first thing to do when you need money is to go to the bank for a loan. Deep Blue Technology is definitely a high-quality enterprise in China, and it is easy to get a loan of tens of billions.

Cook always has an uneasy feeling in his heart that there must be something wrong with this matter.

Because he couldn't think of a reason for Deep Blue Technology to sell liquid lenses.

"We have also thought about this matter. We checked the debt ratio of Deep Blue Technology. The debt ratio of Deep Blue Technology is zero. They probably don't want to borrow from the bank. I can't think of any reason other than this reason." Marchin Alai Man said.

Since you can't think of why Deep Blue Technology wants to sell the optical factory, it's better to ask Deep Blue Technology how much it plans to sell.

After thinking about it, Cook asked, "How much do you plan to sell these shares in Deep Blue Technology?"

"If Guoguo is interested in the shares of Shenlan Optical Factory, we can transfer 30% of the shares to Guoguo. Shenlan has entrusted this matter to us. The 30% of the shares only need 100 billion US dollars." Marchin Alai Man said.

The price terrified Cook.

100 billion?

Brother, you are also engaged in the financial industry, do you know how much 100 billion is.

"It's impossible to sell at this price, Deep Blue Optical Factory is not worth the price." Cook shook his head.

"Let's look at the financial report of Deep Blue Optical Factory first." After speaking, Marcin Aleman took out a document from his bag and put it on the table.

Cook picked up the documents on the table and read them.

He was stunned when he saw the net profit of the liquid lens.

At first, they thought that their fruits were already black-hearted, but they didn’t expect Deep Blue Technology to be even more black-hearted than them, earning more than $40 billion from a $30 billion business.

What is the difference between this shit and robbery.

"200 billion fruit to buy all the shares sold by Deep Blue Optical Factory." Cook said after rolling his eyes and thinking.

"Cook, you know this is impossible. It is impossible for us to sell all the shares to the fruit, so that Deep Blue Optical Factory will not be able to go public." Marcin Aleman shook his head.


He also didn't think about selling all the shares to the fruit.

This is not in the interests of Goldman Sachs nor in line with Deep Blue's requirements for listing.

Goldman Sachs plans to sell 30% of its shares to Fruit and the remaining shares to other optical companies.

For example, optical companies such as Sony, Zeiss, Leica, Canon, and Nikon.

He knew why Cook wanted to take all these shares, because he wanted to monopolize the liquid lens technology.

"Do these shares have absolute voting rights, and what are the remaining sales targets for Goldman Sachs?" Cook asked.

Since Guoguo cannot exclusively own this technology, the only way is to unite Zongheng and other shareholders to control the optical factory, so that Guoguo can control the sales rights of the optical factory.

"These shares have one-to-one voting rights, and the remaining sales targets are Sony, Zeiss, Leica, Canon, Nikon and other optical factories. If the fruit is not interested in this technology, I believe these companies will be interested in these shares ’” Marcin Aleman said truthfully.

He is very clear about Cook's thinking.

As long as he kills the price of the shares, it's useless for Cook to unite with them, the initiative is in their hands.

Deep Blue Technology has also signed a power of attorney with them.

It was useless for them to go to Deep Blue Technology.

This is why he truthfully told Cook the remaining sales targets.

"These 30% shares are fruit, but"

(End of this chapter)

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