The black technology empire started with a debt of one billion

Chapter 459 474: $40 billion in advertising expenses and huge profits

Chapter 459 474: $40 billion in advertising expenses and huge profits
"Best Buy will invest one billion US dollars to buy all of Deep Blue's exclusive stores in Europe. In the future, all products of Deep Blue Technology will be exclusively represented by Best Buy. After Best Buy cooperates with Deep Blue Technology, the products of Deep Blue Technology will bring Best Buy at least 30 billion a year. net profit," said Hubert Jolly.

The figure of 30 billion is a decision made by Hubert Jolly after consideration. If they can successfully represent Deep Blue Technology for one year, Deep Blue's products can bring them a net profit of at least 50 billion a year.

But it's not good if the price is too high all of a sudden, because then they won't be able to surprise investors.

If they report better-than-expected results next quarter, investors will be frantically snapping up their shares.

At this time, many reporters in the audience raised their hands.

Hubert Joly chose a sexy reporter with big boobs and a slut. The two pounds of flesh on the reporter’s chest almost burst the shirt she was wearing.

"Mr. Lu, Deep Blue Technology's self-operated stores have been operating well. Why did they transfer the store to Best Buy? Is it because Deep Blue's self-operated stores were suffering from losses, so Deep Blue had no choice but to transfer the store to Best Buy?" Moses asked.

Pigsy Moses would certainly not have congratulated Hubert Jolly when given the opportunity to ask a question.

If it's just pure congratulations, then there's nothing worth reporting about this news.

"Miss reporter, there is nothing wrong with Shenlan Technology's self-operated store. The reason why Shenlan Technology opened its own store is because of Shenlan's business expansion needs. Before Shenlan can find an agent, it can only operate and manage it on its own, and then find a suitable agent. Businessmen naturally have to hand these over to agents.

The reason why Deep Blue wants to transfer the store is because Deep Blue Technology is not good at operating and managing physical stores.

Best Buy's finance team has reviewed the finances of Dark Blue's European stores.

If Deep Blue loses money in European specialty stores, how can Best Buy buy Deep Blue’s specialty stores and become the general agent of Deep Blue.

If you pay attention to Deep Blue Technology and have a certain understanding of Deep Blue Technology, you should know that Deep Blue Technology’s business in Jiaopenji is represented by NTT. In addition, China is the base camp of Deep Blue Technology, and Deep Blue Technology does not even open a specialty store in its own base camp.

It can be seen that Deep Blue Technology lacks experience in operating physical stores. Our boss has always emphasized not to focus on marketing. As long as our products are good enough, there is no need to market. Deep Blue Technology’s product sales also prove this.

In the future, Deep Blue Technology will also focus on technology research and development as its core direction. Our main goal is to use technology to change human life. " Lu Bingwei replied.

Hearing Lu Bingwei's words, Piggy Moses whispered in her heart that she believed you a ghost, you are a very bad old man.

Deep Blue Technology still doesn’t understand marketing?

For this new product launch, Deep Blue Technology has placed countless advertisements around the world. Deep Blue Technology’s advertisements can be seen in almost every country, and Deep Blue Technology’s advertisements can be seen everywhere on the Internet. If this is not considered good at marketing, what is? Can market.

"Mr. Lu, how much profit can Best Buy make from these products by distributing Deep Blue Technology's products?" Piggie Moses asked.

"This is a commercial secret, no comment." Lu Bingwei smiled.

"After Best Buy becomes the agent of Deep Blue, will the prices of Deep Blue's products rise?" Piggie Moses asked again.

"The current selling price is whatever it is, and the retail price will not change because of this." Lu Bingwei replied.

"Mr. Lu, why did Deep Blue Technology choose Best Buy instead of big companies like Amazon and Wal-Mart? These big companies are stronger than Best Buy." Piggy Moses continued to ask.

"Since President Hubert joined Best Buy, Best Buy has grown from a company on the verge of bankruptcy to today's scale. It can be seen that Mr. Hubert's management capabilities are very strong. The reason why we choose Best Buy is to be optimistic about Mr. Hubert's personal ability." Lu Bingwei replied.

"Mr. Lu, the president of your company posted a short video on Douyin last night. The short video is about a new electronic product of your company. This product is praised by netizens as the most expensive electronic diving goggles. Some netizens Some netizens say it is VR, and some netizens say it is AR. What kind of product is this sci-fi product?" Pigsy Moses changed the subject when she saw that Lu Bingwei was unwilling to answer too many questions.

"I don't know much more about this product than you. Our company's confidentiality system is very strict. Every product is under the control of our president. Only the president knows what the laboratory is researching.

To be honest, I was amazed by it after seeing the video. Not surprisingly, this will be an epoch-making product.

As for what kind of product this product is, we will know it at the launch event on the 15th next month. " Lu Bingwei said.

The news that Best Buy became the general agent of Deep Blue Technology quickly spread in the lighthouse country.

As a result, Best Buy's stock rose again by 23%. At this time, Best Buy's market value has reached 150 billion.

Although netizens in the Lighthouse Country also knew about this incident, no one made much discussion about it, because even if Best Buy switched to sell Deep Blue products, Deep Blue products did not reduce their prices because of this incident. .

Some netizens even doubted whether the price of Deep Blue products would increase after Best Buy became an agent.

However, these worries should be unnecessary, because Deep Blue has given up enough profits to Best Buy.

Cupertino, California.

This product of Deep Blue Technology has spread throughout Europe. Bernie Albers also saw this video. He immediately called Jonathan and Mike to the office. Mike’s full name is Mike Rowell. ·Rowell is the vice president of the fruit company.

Facing Deep Blue Technology's new product, Bernie Albers feels increasingly powerless.

Because the imagination of Deep Blue Technology makes him feel that he has more than enough energy for electronic technology products.

"Jonathan, Mike, what do you think of Deep Blue Technology's new products?" Bernie Albers asked, looking at the two of them.

“This product fulfills all my imagination about science fiction. This product reminds me of Asimov’s Ready Player One. This product will make the Metaverse a reality. This product will definitely be the next generation of smart products after mobile phones. " Mike Rowell said.

"The technical content of this product is so high that even if we invest all our research and development capabilities into it, it will take at least ten years to develop it," said Jonathan Ivey.

For Jonathan Ive, the hardware of XR glasses is okay. They can purchase related products from suppliers. If it doesn't work, they can just let the suppliers develop similar products. However, the system software of XR glasses is what gives him the biggest headache. s things.

The entire XR glasses system is the most complex thing, and many functions require very complex algorithms to implement.

These algorithms require a lot of time for verification to get the final result.

Hearing Jonathan Ivey's answer, Bernie Ebbers' heart was half-cooled. In ten years, Deep Blue Technology has developed to an unknown extent. After ten years, the fruit company may have closed down.

"Mike, I plan to let you organize a team to develop smart glasses. In the case of fruits, it can't wait ten years. It must be developed within five years. I will persuade the board of directors to invest 100 billion US dollars in the development of smart glasses.

Not sure if you have the confidence to complete this project? Bernie Alberts looked at Mike Lowell and asked.

Mike Rowell fell into deep thought when he heard what Bernie Ebbers said. To be honest, in his opinion, five years is a little urgent. Even if the technology is completely copied from Deep Blue, it may not be able to be developed within five years.They can completely copy the hardware from Deep Blue Technology, but the software can’t just be copied.

Unless the smart glasses of Deep Blue Technology use the Android system, if Deep Blue Technology uses the Android system, they can reverse the algorithm of Deep Blue Technology.

If DeepBlue Technology's smart glasses don't use Android, then they can only write code based on what they see, and the system production project is very time-consuming.

Fortunately, Bernie Albers said he was willing to convince the board of directors to invest $100 billion in this project.

"I am willing to accept this task." Mike Lowell raised his head to look at Bernie Alberts and said after pondering.

Fast forward to February 3th.

During this period, Deep Blue Media paid Fei Di a liquidated damages of 3000 million. Now Fei Di has become an artist of Deep Blue Media. For this reason, Deep Blue Media also created a TV series for Fei Di. This TV series was once upon a time.

If it wasn't for Yang Xuejian who was still filming Peach Blossom in Three Lives III, she would probably go to Shenzhen City to find Cao Mang desperately.

You must know that Fei Di was her key training target, but now he was recruited by Cao Mang to Deep Blue Media. Yang Xuejian now regrets knowing Cao Mang.

In the past period, all mobile phones have been selling well. After all, other competitors have more models than Deep Blue Technology. However, due to production capacity, Deep Blue Technology has been ranked from 15th to 1st in terms of shipments.

In one month, the shipment volume of Deep Blue Technology has reached 3200 million units, and the shipment volume of Deep Blue 2 and Deep Blue MAX has also reached 1600 million units.

Shanxing mobile phone ranks from No. 6 in the world to No. 1 in the world. Fruit mobile phone surpasses Shanxing to reach the first place. Huawei mobile phone silently develops to No. 2. The third and fourth places are OPPO and VIVO respectively.

Although Deep Blue Technology only has two mobile phones, they are by far the most popular mobile phones in the world.

Of course, Deep Blue Technology also paid a huge amount of advertising fees for this.

From the launch of Deep Blue's new products to now, Deep Blue Technology has spent US$40 billion in advertising worldwide.

The money is converted into 272 billion soft sister coins.

Although Deep Blue Technology spent 272 billion on advertising, it brought Deep Blue Technology a net profit of hundreds of billions.

Mobile phones alone have brought a profit of 1120 billion to Deep Blue Technology, not counting other products of Deep Blue Technology. If other products of Deep Blue Technology are included, the profit of Deep Blue Technology has reached 1800 billion in this month. In other words, Deep Blue Technology Technology’s monthly profit is US$264 billion.

After deducting the 15% income tax, it is 224 billion US dollars, and after deducting its seventy-seven-eight-eight-eighth costs, the net profit of Deep Blue Technology is 215 billion.

Since the launch of Deep Blue Technology’s new products, the average daily net profit has been US$5.375 million.

If the 20% corporate dividend tax is deducted, the money Cao Mang can get is 4.3 million US dollars.

This rate of making money is the fastest in the world.

This is only the net profit of Deep Blue Technology. If it is considered as other businesses of Deep Blue Technology, the net profit of Deep Blue Technology will reach 2500 billion yuan a month, and the net profit of Deep Blue Technology in a year can reach at least 1.4 trillion yuan.

In the end, Cao Mang got at least 1 trillion.

It can be said that Cao Mang is the person who makes money the fastest in the world.

Office of the President of Shenlan Technology Industrial Park.

"Mr. Cao, the manufacturing cost of one XR glasses is 4583 yuan." Li Yujing said.

Because Ni Zhaojie was only responsible for the research and development of XR glasses, mass production was left to Li Yujing.

The manufacturing cost of XR glasses can be said to be very expensive. If most of the chips were not developed by Deep Blue itself, it is estimated that the manufacturing cost of XR glasses would increase by 30%.

"Let's produce [-] prototypes first, and let the security department watch it in person." Cao Mang poured tea for Li Yujing and said.

"Mr. Cao, the cost of these XR glasses is so high, what price should I sell them for?" Li Yujing asked curiously.

"Let's set it at 24999," Cao Mang said.

Cao Mang does not want to set the price of XR glasses too high, if it is set too high, it may not be able to sell, if the manufacturing cost of XR glasses is not too high, Cao Mang would like to set the price at 6999 yuan, but believe In another three to five years, the cost will drop a lot.

After the NIL nanoimprint technology comes out, the manufacturing cost can be reduced by at least 40%.

By then, the manufacturing cost of an XR glasses will not exceed 3000 yuan at most.

"Is this price too cheap?" Li Yujing picked up the teacup and took a sip.

This price is cheaper than their Deep Blue TV, but this thing has higher technical content than Deep Blue TV, and Deep Blue TV has no technology at all compared to XR glasses.

"A good product is a product that can be sold. If it is too expensive, it may not be sold. A product that cannot be sold is not a good product. When are 3D TVs and 3D projections expected to be mass-produced?" Cao Mang picked up the teacup. He asked after taking a sip.

It only took He Chaoyang three days to solve the problem of the close-range projector lens.

Wei Rihua is also very capable. It designed the close-range projection in three days. However, it will take some time to mass-produce it because it has to customize the matrix film production equipment from the manufacturer. At the same time, it also needs to purchase A factory for production.

"It is estimated that it will take another 4 months. Equipment manufacturing will take 3 months, but it will not affect this press conference." Li Yujing replied.

"As long as it doesn't affect this press conference," Cao Mang said.


Just then the elevator bell rang.

Swifty and Fatty walked out of the elevator. Since the last time they carried a gun together, the relationship between the two has become very good.

(End of this chapter)

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