The black technology empire started with a debt of one billion

Chapter 461 476: High patent fees, impact on the ophthalmology industry

Chapter 461 476: High patent fees, impact on the ophthalmology industry

In fact, the unified memory architecture lags far behind the Pegasus architecture. This architecture cannot be compared to the 14-nanometer Pegasus, let alone the 7-nanometer Pegasus, which has an integrated memory architecture.

This integrated memory architecture cancels the original cache of the CPU and integrates the memory into the CPU to be used directly as a cache.

The low-end 7nm Pegasus has 8GB of built-in memory, which can map the system and programs into the memory so that the CPU can directly retrieve data.

This method of data retrieval is relatively more convenient and faster than the unified memory architecture.

In fact, memory integration is an upgraded version of the unified memory architecture, so Cao Mang doesn't mind selling this technology to them.

"Actually, it's not impossible to authorize it to you, but it's impossible to exclusively authorize it to you because I have already authorized it to other manufacturers. The authorization fee is calculated based on 8% of the ex-factory price." Cao Mang said.

"This is impossible." Brian Krzanich immediately objected after hearing Cao Mang's words.

The ex-factory price of 8% is too high for them. No company has ever charged such a high licensing fee.

"Mr. Brian, the authorization fee I gave to the fruit is 6.5% of the whole machine, and I just charge you 8% of the ex-factory price, which is already very cheap." Cao Mang said.

Of course, the 6.5% of the whole machine is a lie to the other party. In fact, the fruit is only 4.5%, but Cao Mang believes that the fruit will cooperate. After all, it is Intel who gives the money, not them.

Brian Krzanich did not doubt Cao Mang's words.

I just didn’t expect that Fruit could actually accept the 6.5% licensing fee for the entire machine.

This is the benefit of advanced technology. Whoever has advanced technology has the right to bid. Besides, Qualcomm also charges patent fees based on the whole machine.

However, this time Deep Blue 2 and Deep Blue MAX did not pay Qualcomm the 3.25% patent fee for the whole machine as before.

Because the chips used by Deep Blue 2 and Deep Blue MAX are from Intel and Deep Blue themselves, and the 4G technology used in Deep Blue MAX was developed by Huawei, Deep Blue mobile phones only need to pay a small patent fee to Qualcomm. These patent fees plus It's almost fifty soft girl coins.

In fact, Deep Blue Technology still needs to pay patent fees to Warwick, but Warwick does not charge relevant patent fees.

"Okay, no problem," Brian Krzanich replied.

There is no way that Deep Blue's unified memory architecture is too far ahead of them in technology. Deep Blue Technology can sell the technology to Fruit and them, and it can sell related technologies to its competitor AMD. If AMD has it and they don't, then they may fall behind. AMD.

This also forced Brian Krzanich to accept Cao Mang's sky-high patent fees.

In the blink of an eye, it’s two o’clock in the afternoon on March 3th.

Shenzhen Greater China Hilton Hotel Exhibition.

Only more than 300 people attended this conference, but the number of people who could attend the conference was not simple. They were basically leading representatives of the software and hardware industry.

Among them are Intel's Yang Xu, AMD's Guo Kezun, NVIDIA's He Zhan, Rice Technology Rebus, VIVO's Shen Wei, OPPO, Chen Yongming, Xishanju's Guo Weiwei, Perfect World's Zhang Tianqi, NetEase Games' Ding Sanshi, Nintendo's Representing Yukibei Nishiyama and representatives from major game and software development companies.

In addition to the technology industry, bosses from various theater chains were also invited to attend this conference.

The entire conference venue covers an area of ​​more than 3000 square meters. The conference was arranged in the center of the venue. There were many small round tables on both sides of the venue, and the things on the tables were covered with a red cloth.

Everyone has already guessed that this is for everyone to experience XR glasses after the press conference.

Although these glasses were covered with red cloth, they made everyone itchy.

Backstage Lu Xiaolei is helping Cao Mang to tidy up his appearance.

At this time, the person in charge of the hotel came over and said, "Mr. Cao, all the guests are here."

"Mr. Cao, it's okay." Lu Xiaolei said.

Manufacturer representatives were seated according to company size and influence.

The bigger the company, the stronger it is and the higher it can sit in the front. The weaker the company, the weaker it is.
Of course, none of the companies that can participate in this conference are bad in the industry, but they may be a little bit worse than some big companies.

At this time, the lights at the scene suddenly dimmed, and a curtain covered with matrix film slowly lowered. Everyone was curious about this curtain. Is Deep Blue going to show them a short film first?

At this time, an incredible scene appeared in front of them.

Some even wondered if there was something wrong with their eyes.

"Mr. Lei, is there something wrong with my eyes?" Shen Wei took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes and asked.

"There's nothing wrong with your eyes. It's Deep Blue that surprised us again." Rebus said.

"I thought this conference only had the diving goggles, but I didn't expect Deep Blue Technology to release black technology again." Li Yongming said with a wry smile.

"This little Cao can surprise us every time." Mr. Ren said with a cheerful smile.

"Maybe I can go to Shenlan and give it a try." Guo Kezun, who was sitting not far from them, murmured.

"Deep Blue Technology has once again broken our knowledge." Yang Xu, sitting next to Guo Kezun, said.

"Damn it, Cao Mang didn't tell me that he had this kind of black technology." Comrade Xiao Wang said in surprise.

Lao Wang, who was sitting next to Xiao Wang, really wanted to slap Xiao Wang. Which one of the people present is not a person of status, but his own son actually said such vulgar words.

The photographer secretly took pictures of the guests in the corner of the venue.

The audience in the live broadcast room was very surprised to see the surprised look on the guests' faces.

Deep Blue Technology just played a promotional video about Genesis. This promotional video has been around for so long. You guys are all senior executives of major manufacturers, so there is no need to look surprised.

"Does anyone know what's going on? Why do these people look like this?"

"Who do you ask me to ask this? Isn't it just a promotional video of Genesis, so there is no need to be so surprised?"

“Isn’t it possible that these people haven’t seen the promotional video of Genesis?”

"Perhaps they were a little overwhelmed by the promotional video that Mang Shen released for Genesis. They had promised to release a new product, but they showed us the promotional video instead."

"Perhaps I know why they looked so stunned."

"Can you tell me the reason upstairs?" "Ahem, my profession is a bit special. I study lip translation. I saw many people talking about naked-eye 3D. This promotional video uses naked-eye 3D technology."

"What the hell, naked-eye 3D technology?"

"It's no wonder the people at the scene looked surprised. If it was broadcast in naked-eye 3D, it wouldn't be surprising for the people present to be so surprised."

Three and a half minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

The Genesis promotional video also ended, and Cao Mang slowly walked from the backstage to the center of the stage.

"Originally, this press conference was just for releasing the diving goggles that netizens were talking about. But half a month ago, the laboratory told me that they had developed naked-eye 3D technology, so the naked-eye 3D technology appeared in this press conference. superior.

Everyone’s expressions just now also tell me that our naked-eye 3D technology is very successful.

Our naked-eye 3D technology uses distributed optical matrix technology, which allows us to achieve naked-eye 3D on any medium, whether it is a projector, LCD monitor, LCD TV, mobile phone screen or even a smart watch.

As long as anything that can display a picture can achieve naked-eye 3D through this technology.

We are currently preparing for the mass production of related products.

In half a year, all products of Deep Blue Technology that can be displayed will be upgraded to naked-eye 3D versions.

I would like to announce to the live audience and all viewers in the live broadcast room that the era of popularization of naked-eye 3D technology is coming. Major software companies should quickly develop naked-eye 3D versions of software, otherwise your software is likely to be eliminated by the new era. .

You can go to the official website of Deep Blue Optics to download the related instructions of naked-eye 3D technology, and the relevant information will be launched after this press conference.

AMD's Mr. Guo and Nvidia's Mr. He, please hurry up and write a report after the press conference. Whichever company launches a high-performance graphics card earlier will be the first to occupy the naked-eye 3D market. Major software and game companies cannot relax.

Otherwise you will miss this new era. Deep Blue’s games already support naked-eye 3D. "Cao Mang said with a smile.

Many people laughed when Cao Mang named Guo Kezun and He Zhan and told them to write a report after the press conference.

"I believe that all of you here have been to the cinema and watched 3D movies. What is the difference between deep blue 3D and traditional polarized 3D? I believe you have just felt it. Traditional polarized 3D requires wearing a pair of glasses, which will greatly reduce the picture quality. brightness.

This also makes the audience feel that the 3D movie pictures are dark. Although the 3D effect is very shocking to everyone, sometimes the effect is not as good as that of 2D movies.

Deep Blue Technology’s naked-eye 3D does not require wearing polarized glasses. The glasses completely block the light and solve this problem, bringing you a more extreme light and shadow enjoyment.

The second problem with polarized 3D is that glasses bring discomfort to many viewers. Many viewers will feel dizzy after watching polarized 3D movies for a long time. Dark blue naked-eye 3D will not have such a problem because we can watch it without wearing glasses. 3D movies.

The third problem of polarized 3D is that its equipment is very expensive. Deep blue naked eye 3D completely solves this problem. The cost of deep blue naked eye 3D is only half of that of polarized 3D.

In addition, dark blue naked-eye 3D also brings a very big benefit to everyone.

In recent years, as the update cycle of electronic products has become shorter and shorter, mobile electronic devices led by smartphones have become more and more powerful. Especially among young people, there is an increasing dependence on smartphones, and heavy use for a long time Mobile phones have become a major cause of myopia among young people.

For this reason, mobile phone manufacturers have racked their brains to launch various "eye protection screens" as selling points, but the actual results are not satisfactory.

Why don’t these current eye protection screens have any real effect?Because this kind of solution treats the symptoms rather than the root cause, it is difficult to completely solve consumers' concerns about excessive use of mobile phones.

So one side is the inseparable smartphone, and the other side is the impact on vision caused by the smartphone. Is there really no solution to both problems?The answer is "NO". Naked-eye 3D technology can solve this difficult problem of symbiotic pros and cons.

As early as a few years ago, American experts proposed that naked-eye 3D technology can treat myopia.

People with myopia can perform eye function training by watching naked-eye 3D videos, thereby treating myopia.

This uses the changes in the 3D scene to induce people's eye muscles to continuously relax back and forth, train the eye muscle movements of myopia patients, and also increases the visual focus adjustment function, thereby effectively improving the lens adjustment function and the clarity of retinal imaging.

Experts have confirmed that when the human eye sees these three-dimensional images, it will produce physiological changes in the internal and external muscles of the eye, which is the same as seeing real things.When the image in the eyeball screen moves far and near, the lens is also doing stretching and contraction exercises.

Regularly watching naked-eye 3D videos can not only relieve eye fatigue, but also remove the pseudo-myopia in teenagers. Long-term use can reduce the degree of myopia in myopia.

Naked-eye 3D treatment of myopia is not groundless, but has scientific research conclusions and application cases.

Because naked-eye 3D technology has been in the experimental stage, it can only be tested on a small scale, which also leads to few people who know about this research.

Now that Deep Blue Technology has mass-produced this technology, I believe that this research will be proven in the near future. We also welcome ophthalmologists at home and abroad to join this research. Once it is proven that naked-eye 3D can treat pseudomyopia question.

Then I believe that many parents no longer have to worry about myopia caused by their children’s use of electronic products.

However, I believe that many eye hospitals will definitely hate us. After all, our naked-eye 3D products have reduced the chance of myopia after being launched online, and our products can also treat pseudomyopia. "Cao Mang said jokingly.

However, people in the ophthalmology industry who are watching the live broadcast think so if Deep Blue Technology’s naked-eye 3D technology can really cure myopia.

Then their industry will go downhill because of this.

"Damn it, it looks like I'm going to change my career. I'm in the ophthalmology industry."

“Can naked-eye 3D really be used for treatment?”

"I just went to Qiandu to search, and there is indeed such a statement."

"This glasses-free 3D can really solve the problem of myopia. Later, I bought a glasses-free 3D device for my child, and my child is a little short-sighted when playing with mobile phones every day."

"The big brother in the ophthalmology department upstairs should contact me. I am engaged in APP research and development. I think we can work together to develop an APP to treat myopia."

"Damn it. The big brother upstairs added me V136XXXX"

"Emmmm, why did I add the technician's door-to-door service?"

"Do you think this thing will get better the more you use your eyesight?"

"I read some relevant papers, and theoretically the more you use your eyesight, the better."

“Although the naked-eye 3D technology is quite good, I just looked at my pocket and it doesn’t support me buying naked-eye 3D.”

At the same time, many colleagues are now deep in thought.

Because naked-eye 3D technology will have a certain impact on them, I believe that many parents will definitely buy Deep Blue products for the health of their children, which will also cause them to lose this part of customers.

(End of this chapter)

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