The black technology empire started with a debt of one billion

Chapter 572 586: Use lies to attack Deep Blue

United States April 2017, 4.

It's 9 o'clock sharp in the morning.

Fruit stocks, which had been falling for a long time, actually gapped up by 3 points during the call auction. However, the Google market gapped down by 12 points during the call auction. Google's market value fell from 1041 to 916.08 billion US dollars.

The market has already anticipated the reasons for Google's decline.

The stock prices of Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Facebook and other companies have also fallen, and those applications that have not taken sides have bucked the trend and risen.

San Diego, California.

Cristiano Amon's mouth twitched when he saw the message sent to him by the Secretariat.

At this moment, the cell phone on his table rang.

[Caller: Sundar Pichai]

"Sundar, good morning." Cristiano Amon greeted.

"Good morning, Mr. Cristiano. I believe you should know why I called. I hope Qualcomm can continue to develop CPUs for Android. As long as Qualcomm is willing to continue to develop CPUs for Android, Google is willing to give a $5 subsidy for every chip sold. ." said Sundar Pichai.

"Sundar, we are about to enter the 7-nanometer chip era. If we use old-fashioned EDA to develop chips, the design fee alone will cost 3 million. This is just the design fee, and the tape-out cost is as high as to million. So much.

In other words, if we continue to develop chips for Android, we will need to spend at least about US$3.5 million.


If Google is willing to provide $5 million to Qualcomm, Qualcomm can arrange for people to develop CPUs for Google. However, one thing I need to explain in advance is that Qualcomm cannot guarantee the performance of the chip.

Because DeepBlue Technology’s unified memory architecture is the most advanced architecture on the market so far, our researchers have not developed an architecture with more advanced performance than it so far. ” said Cristiano Amon.

Cristiano Amon's words directly silenced Sundar Pichai.

Unexpectedly, Cristiano Amon asked for $5 million. In fact, $5 million is still a small number for Google. The most critical issue is that the other party said that it would take 18 months to develop a chip.

In fact, Cristiano Amon did not lie to the other party about the time required for research and development.

It takes such a long time to develop using old-fashioned EDA. The more advanced the technology, the longer it takes to simulate. Who can guarantee that the simulation can pass in one try.

In Cristiano Amon's opinion, Sundar Pichai is a fool, and he doesn't know how the Google board of directors passed his resolution. Deep Blue Technology prohibits manufacturers from using Orion to design CPUs that support Android, which forces manufacturers like them to follow Deep Blue Technology takes sides.

The problem is that you should at least be prepared before you fall out. The problem is that you fall out without making any preparation. I don’t know where you got the confidence to fall out with Deep Blue Technology. These things follow Sundar Pichai. Those who fall out are fools.

"5 million U.S. dollars is 5 million U.S. dollars. I will have someone contact you later." Sundar Pichai said after thinking about it.

"Sundar, happy cooperation." Cristiano Amon smiled.

Spending US$5 million to develop a CPU for Google is not a loss for Qualcomm.

at the same time.

The news that Deep Blue Technology prohibits any manufacturer from using Orion to design chips for Android has spread on the American Internet.

A voting post initiated by a netizen aroused heated discussions among netizens.

[If you choose a low-performance Android phone that can use ins, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Facebook and other applications, or choose a dark blue phone with powerful performance and the latest technology. 】

So far, 43% of users choose Android phones, and 57% choose Deep Blue phones. Netizens also stated the reasons for their choice.

"I personally would like to choose Android, which is more technologically backward, because Instagram and Facebook are my social tools. If I lose these social tools, I will be the only one left in the world."

"I chose the Deep Blue mobile phone with more advanced technology. There is no Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and some software that can replace them, but the hardware cannot be replaced by software manufacturers."

"I personally think social circles are more important than advanced technology, and I personally don't have much pursuit of mobile phone performance."

"Without Instagram, Facebook and other software, I believe there will be alternative software soon, but hardware is irreplaceable. Advanced hardware can bring us better enjoyment."

"I think the CEO of Google must have drunk too much water from the Ganges River and lost his brain. You will know when the next generation of Android phones come out. The next generation of Android phones are definitely something that no dog will buy. You must know that Deep Blue Technology is not just Orion. A black technology.

The technologies used in high-end mobile phones now are all from Deep Blue Technology. Without the technical support of Deep Blue, anything produced is garbage. "

"Don't say anything, just keep shorting Google. Whether you eat meat or eat porridge depends on shorting Google this time."

"I believe that Google will be finished in less than three years."

at the same time.

Menlo Park, California.

Lizard Man Zach met with a reporter from CNN TV in the office.

The reporter who met the lizard-man Zach was named Yunika Lorraine, and she was a stunner female reporter with blond hair and long legs.

"Mr. Zach, I want to know why Facebook stopped providing services to the Pegasus system, and what impact will stopping providing services to the Pegasus system have on Facebook?" Unika Lorraine asked.

"The reason why we stopped providing services for the Pegasus system is because we need to be responsible for customer privacy. Our technicians found that the Pegasus system had the problem of stealing customer privacy data. The Pegasus system is not as safe as Deep Blue Technology said. On the contrary, It is the source of stealing user data.

I am not alone in discovering that the Pegasus system has stolen user data. Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn and other platforms have also discovered this, which is why they stopped providing services to the Pegasus system.

The reason why Google and Microsoft were willing to pay high prices to buy back European microprograms was because they discovered that Deep Blue was stealing customer data.

They promote the Pegasus system just to snoop and monitor our personal privacy. I suggest that everyone stop buying Deep Blue Technology mobile phones.

Stopping providing services to the Pegasus system will have no impact. After users find that Facebook cannot be used, they will take out their old mobile phones to log in to Facebook. There are 35 billion people in the world using smartphones, and only 3 million people are using Deep Blue phones. Most of these million people are concentrated in China. Stopping providing services for Pegasus will not have any impact on Facebook.

The left side is Facebook's real-time online data in the past month, and the right side is Facebook's real-time online data today. You can see from the data that there are no problems.

For the sake of everyone's privacy and security, I recommend that you do not use mobile phones equipped with Pegasus system.

Don’t even use mobile phones produced by Deep Blue Technology, because Deep Blue Technology is stealing your personal data. For the privacy and security of your personal data, I recommend that you still use Android or IOS mobile phones. Lizard Man Zach said, pointing to the monitor data.

I have to say that Sundar Pichai’s thinking is very clear. The reason why Deep Blue mobile phones are so popular in the United States is because Deep Blue focuses on privacy and security issues.

Since Deep Blue Technology focuses on privacy and security issues, I will use privacy and security issues to attack you.

You must know that ordinary users do not understand these things at all. No matter whether Deep Blue steals privacy or not, as long as everyone says that Deep Blue is stealing privacy, then the problem of Deep Blue stealing user privacy will be solved.

Most of the media is controlled by the Mutual Aid Foundation. As long as they control the media and public opinion, Deep Blue Technology will not even have a chance to clarify.

This is also one of the killer moves that Sundar Pichai is confident of winning in this battle.

Another killer lizard man, Zach, has already said that there are 35 billion people in the world using smartphones, of which only 3 million are using Deep Blue phones. As long as most social software blocks Pegasus, then Google will definitely be able to win in this game. Win the battle.

It is impossible for human beings to escape from social interaction. Social interaction is Sundar's second killer move.

Soon news of the Pegasus system stealing user data appeared on the Internet.

And it is overwhelming. All media controlled by the Mutual Aid Consortium have reported the news of Deep Blue stealing data. As long as you go online, you can see the news of Deep Blue stealing data.

The CEOs of all the software that stopped providing services to the Pegasus system have come out to accuse Deep Blue Technology of stealing user data.

There are even a large number of essays on the Internet about how he was deceived by fraudsters after Deep Blue Technology stole data.

If one person lies, no one will believe it, but if a hundred people lie, then if they tell too many lies, some people will actually believe it.

Some people who don't know what's going on have begun to believe that Deep Blue Technology has stolen user information.

Best Buy headquarters.

Hubert Jolly looked very ugly looking at the overwhelming information on the Internet. After this information came out, a large number of chargebacks once again appeared in the United States.

"It seems that Sundar intends to use public opinion to attack Deep Blue." Hubert Jolly murmured.

Then he picked up the mobile phone on the table and dialed Cao Mang's number. Fortunately, Cao Mang answered his call even though he was not asleep.

"Mr. Hubert, is something happening in the United States?" Cao Mang asked.

"Cao, this is what happened." Hubert Jolly briefly explained the whole thing.

Cao Mang was also surprised after hearing Hubert Joly's introduction. He did not expect that this Indian Asan would actually use this trick.

"This Sundar Pichai is quite capable," Cao Mang said.

"Do we need to contact the media to clarify this matter?" Hubert Joly asked.

"Mr. Hubert, no one will believe one person's lies, but if a hundred people lie constantly, your perception may be distorted. The Masonic Foundation controls 62% of the media in Europe and the United States. Even if we ask the media To clarify, ordinary people will not believe it.

But there are many ways to get rid of lies. In ancient China, a country was called Qin, and there was a high official in Qin called Shang Yang." Cao Mang briefly told Hubert Jolly about Tu Mu Lixin.

"Cao, what do you mean?" Hubert Jolly was a little confused.

"You place an advertisement in front of the Best Buy Deep Blue Technology store. Anyone who can provide evidence that Deep Blue has stolen user data, Deep Blue Technology is willing to reward this person with 5 billion U.S. dollars. After May 7, I will let Lu Bingwei Just go to the United States and cooperate with him to handle this matter.

In addition, please Mr. Hubert, please help us collect these media that slander Deep Blue Technology.

In addition, help me find some well-known barristers in the United States to form a super lawyer group.

I hope Best Buy can sue them together with Deep Blue. I want to see how much money these people charge and whether they can pay compensation. "Cao Mang said.

"Cao, even if the lawsuit is filed on my side, such a lawsuit will take at least two or three years. Does it make sense for us to fight this lawsuit?" Hubert Jolly asked.

"Mr. Hubert, no matter how we fight this lawsuit, we will win. As long as we win the lawsuit, we will collect the money, so why don't I fight this lawsuit? Sometimes mosquito legs also have flesh.

As for the sales of Deep Blue mobile phones, you don’t have to worry. Sales may drop a lot in the short term, but when it rebounds, you will probably be smiling from ear to ear.

Aren’t they trying to force users to choose between Google and us through software and lies?

It won't be long before a large number of mobile games will be launched. These mobile games only support IOS and Pegasus. Google mobile phones cannot play these games at all. Who do you think those young people will choose then?

At the same time, Google's approach has also given many people opportunities. The reason why Facebook and Instagram cannot replace them is because of their size.

I believe that software with the same properties will soon appear on the Pegasus system. You must know that we have completely entered the era of naked-eye 3D. Platforms such as Facebook and Instagram do not support naked-eye 3D technology. Sooner or later, they will be supported by these new technologies. Technology platform replacement. "Cao Mang laughed.

Hearing this, Hubert Joly felt that Cao Mang was right. You must know that naked-eye 3D TVs have been sold like crazy in Europe and the United States. Now almost every household has naked-eye 3D technology. After everyone is used to naked-eye 3D display technology, Who wants to drive 2D things?

"Then should I cancel the naked-eye 3D technology authorization for the oil pipeline?" Hubert Joly asked.

"Why did they cancel naked-eye 3D when they helped us promote it? I think it was too late by the time they reacted," Cao Mang said.

"Cao, I understand. By the way, why didn't Lu come over until May 5th?" Hubert Jolly asked curiously.

"China has regulations for a seven-day holiday on May 1st International Labor Day. I can't let Lu Bingwei work during the holiday. Besides, let's let them play for a while first." Cao Mang said.

After hearing Cao Mang's explanation, three black lines appeared on Hubert Jolly's forehead. The enemy has made such a big move and you still have the time to take a break. (End of chapter)

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