Versatile Mage’s Holy Spirit Judgment

Chapter 355 The curse incident, Lingling is coming!

Chapter 355 The curse incident, Lingling is coming!

Soon, the mages of the Freedom Temple felt that they had taken Pei Li back to their base camp. He was also a mage of the Freedom Temple. Presumably, when he wakes up, they will have a good time catching up on old times.

Ye Xuan got the reward as he wished, not only from the Temple of Freedom, but also from the executioners in the Black Court. More than 200 million had arrived. The small treasury was once again full, reaching an astronomical figure. .

The reason why not all of it is used to strengthen oneself is because in this high-level field, the corresponding auxiliary materials have actually become very scarce.

The most critical training magic weapon, Ye Xuan, has already been replaced by the Pony Pendant, and the effect is not known to be much better.

If he didn't find the right ones for those top-level magic tools, it could also be said that he didn't need them at all.


Returning to the rest area, the arrangements here are still very generous.

At least in terms of food, clothing, and experience, it is much ahead of other countries.

After all, they are still a powerful country. Even if they lose, their strength is still strong.

Ye Xuan returned to his room and sat on the soft sofa, his body full of fatigue.

The battle against Pei Li was light and calm on the surface, and he did not use all his strength, but the hail and the extremely strong breath of ice really made his limbs feel cold.

Lying paralyzed on it, Ye Xuan had many thoughts in his mind. From Pei Li's words, he learned that Salan was definitely not dead yet, and he had given an order to let him and Mo Fan die in New York and stop in the high-level field. .

"It's probably the King of Darkness. Oh, no, such trivial matters won't bother him at all."

"To be precise, it should be the clone of the Dark King. The Dark King Wentai is in charge of the magical world. He is responsible for it."

"As his wife, Sa Long is also his right-hand assistant in the magic plane."

This is what Ye Xuan guessed in his mind, and the final result is estimated to be similar. There are many dark kings, and they each perform their own duties and are in charge of every corner of the world.

The Magical Plane is also among them. Wentai has great ambitions. It seems that he was forced to enter the Dark Plane because of the trial, but in fact this is just his strategy.

Being the Son of Parthenon, one is not the strongest in the world and can still be shaken. But if he becomes the clone of the Dark King, who in the magical world can rival him?

The motivation for becoming the King of Darkness is clear, but the purpose is still unclear and Ye Xuan cannot explore it. At least for now, he does not have the strength, and it has nothing to do with him.

The main reason is that his wife Salan really can't be kept to harm the world. Millions of living beings in the ancient capital are sacrificed just for the so-called god ceremony he talks about.

How ridiculous is this?

He is mentally insane and intends to kill all living beings. Many super mages in the ancient capital worked together to kill him, but his soul returned to darkness and could be regenerated in the blink of an eye.

At most, it is not a mortal body, but a body of darkness. Strictly speaking, this has no impact on her. As long as she can walk in the world, that is enough.

"Hey, take one step and look at the next. Now that I have the Liquid of Time on my body, it is equivalent to giving me the trump card of immortality. Even Sa Long can't touch me at all."


The next day, early in the morning, everyone gathered and prepared to go to the next training location, which was the Portuguese National Pavilion. They boarded the earliest airline flight and flew directly to the destination. If they had just rushed there, there would be nothing left for them. How much time has passed.

Above the sky, below is a blue scene. As they gradually arrive at their destination, everyone's mood does not fluctuate much. Portugal is strong or weak, but it still has some strength. In short, it can handle it. “Look there, look at the skeleton of some creature! It’s so huge!”

Jiang Yu suddenly exclaimed. He was always good at observing things around him. This time, he just leaned out of the window and saw a heart-stopping scene.

Jiang Shaoxu, who was sitting at the very edge and closest to him, couldn't hold back his curiosity and moved forward. He couldn't hide his shock when he saw that what he saw was the skeleton of a huge sea beast!

Others came forward one after another, but from high altitude, they could only see the specific outline. As for the more details, they would have to wait until they got off the plane.


We arrived at our destination not long after, and happened to pass through that area before going to the Portuguese National Pavilion.

There are already many mages gathered there, mostly hunting mages, as well as specialized healing mages.

Such a huge sea beast turned into a skeleton and was slapped on the beach. What kind of creature can do this?

"Looking at the size of this sea beast and the degree of residual aura, it must have been at the level of a monarch during its lifetime."

Jiang Yu is a mage who specializes in summoning. He can identify the general cultivation level of some creatures from the physical characteristics of some creatures. Such a behemoth can also attract countless hunting mages to come and watch, and there is no one else except the monarch.

If he were the commander, there wouldn't even be any commotion, but this is a monarch, not a commander who can touch porcelain, so the place instantly became lively.

"What kind of earth-shattering creature can torture a monarch sea beast to this point?"

Jiang Shaoxu couldn't help but ask questions, the curiosity in her heart was infinitely amplified. She already had the job of exploring totems. The national team was just a request from her family to travel to various countries along the way to see if she could find anything.

She wanted to know the truth about everything, and this time was no exception.

"Captain, do you have any ideas?" Jiang Shaoxu must have brought everyone together.

Unexpectedly, after asking, she saw Ye Xuan and Mo Fan looking at each other and smiling. It was obvious that their thoughts coincided with hers.


After leaving the team, as for matters such as playing in the gym, just leave it to the remaining people. It is not a difficult matter.

The reason why Ye Xuan is interested is because he knows how to solve this drowning curse. The bounty pool in it is astonishing, up to 300 million. Even if it is divided equally among three people, one person can get 100 million. This is not too delicious!

When you come to a guest room and want to attack, you must first study the corresponding countermeasures.

Although Ye Xuan is familiar with the plot, he is responsible for everything, and there are still many professional issues involved.

When encountering difficulties, she directly seeks help from Lingling who is far away in the Magic City. This little guy may have been unable to endure the boring life and wishes someone would come to save her!

After a phone call, Lingling quickly agreed without even thinking about it, and booked the earliest flight to Portugal. This is the efficiency of a master hunter.

(End of this chapter)

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