shock!Jian Zun she is in the interstellar machine armor

Chapter 199 Chen Xiaoyun’s life experience

"There was a lot of blood in the dream. The zombie wave destroyed the Jiangcheng base. Following the monster's command...killed many people. And Jun Yao...even those with powerful powers like him couldn't resist."

"The zombie we brought back last time appeared. Someone called him No. 89, and he actually saved Jun Yao..."

Number 89...

Yan Zhou immediately thought of what was written on the note.

[Immortality Plan No. 89, all data are stable, no abnormalities have occurred, species genes are perfectly integrated and can be combined with meteorite is in the observation period. 】

A successful experiment...

Yan Zhou pondered.

Judging from the young zombie's clean appearance and outstanding strength that are different from other similar ones, he truly deserves the title of No. 89.

Experimental product.

These four words alone give people the feeling of booking a boss.

However, judging from Fang Qin's statement, the final villain is the monster, and No. 89 has no direct malicious intent towards people.

"What details do you remember?"

Fang Qin thought for a moment and said, "I remember... the necklace around Chen Xiaoyun's neck is gone, and..."

Her tone suddenly became excited: "The zombie who rescued people had a big black hole in his chest. It looked like it had been dug out. It was very scary!"

"The chest was dug open..."

Yan Zhou frowned.

Then he asked: "You have Chen Xiaoyun's necklace, can you show it to me?"

Fang Qin hesitated for a moment, but then thought of the tragedy in the dream, gritted his teeth, took it out and handed it to Yan Zhou.

She didn't want to experience death again.

If the person in front of her is really a monk, then the power she possesses may be able to help them change the outcome.

The edges of this necklace appear to have been frayed. It has obviously been aged for some time. There is a copper lock hanging underneath the necklace. If you look closely... it is quite delicate.

Suddenly, Yan Zhou touched a row of uneven marks on the bottom of the copper lock, so he turned around.

I saw two lines of exquisite small characters engraved under the copper lock. The first line was badly worn. Yan Zhou felt it and it probably read:
I wish my wife peace and prosperity.

The second line is much newer than the first:

Xiaoyun, my daughter, I hope you will not make the same mistakes we made.

Yan Zhou read it out by the way.

Fang Qin's expression was gloomy, and she could guess who it was without even thinking.

"Can you enter the spiritual spring space?"

Fang Qin was shocked by Yan Zhou's sudden words.

She licked her dry lips, clenched her fingers subconsciously, and struggled in her heart.

It turns out that all her trump cards have been exposed for a long time.

"I can't, but it can be used after dripping blood...can this thing enter?"

Fang Qin honestly confessed and did not continue to hide.

Yan Zhou: "This contains a large mustard space... As for the spiritual spring inside..."

She spread her palms, and a shallow layer of water appeared in the middle.

Just like picking something out of a bag, Yan Zhou easily broke through the spiritual realm that enveloped the space and took some of the spring water inside.

The atmosphere fell into silence, and Yan Zhou was stunned.

She looked at the familiar liquid in her hand with a complicated expression: "Isn't this just a nutrient solution...but it seems to have a lot of impurities and the technology is not very good. This lock is equivalent to a space bracelet."

Fang Qin was stunned.

What nutrient solution?What space bracelet?
The unfamiliar terms popping up one after another overwhelmed her brain.

"Because this place does not have such high technology, and there are also outer space and meteorites..."

Yan Zhou spit out another sentence that shocked Fang Qin:

"There should be an alien between Chen Xiaoyun's parents...perhaps an alien to you?"

Fang Qin:......

She petrified on the spot.

She originally thought that the real plot would involve love and hatred or subversion of power, but what ended up in front of her was a suspected alien invasion? !
Speaking of meteorites…

Fang Qin's imagination was wide open: "You are saying that the outbreak of the zombie virus in the end of the world is due to meteorites, and then as the meteorite landed, an alien came. This alien is suspected of falling in love with us earthlings. I gave birth to...Chen Xiaoyun!"

Yan Zhou raised his eyebrows.

"That's crazy...wait! That's not right."

Fang Qin said.

"I have met Chen Xiaoyun's father before. He is a gambler. How could he be the instigator behind the zombie virus?"

Yan Zhou: "It's not like he was the initiator. Look at the line of confession at the end. If he was the initiator, the zombie virus would not have broken out into such an uncontrollable situation. As for Chen Xiaoyun's gambling father..."

She laughed: "Come here and take a DNA test, then the truth will be revealed..."

Fang Qin frowned: "You mean... Chen Xiaoyun is not his biological child."

Yan Zhou nodded: "I have this idea."

"Chen Xiaoyun was not taken to the research institute. After being interrogated, she was placed in the civilian resettlement area. It is still easy to find people. Her father is also in the civilian resettlement area if nothing happens."

All refugees in the city where they studied would be sent to Jiangcheng Base as long as they arrived at the military garrison alive.

Fang Qin nodded: "I'll go look for it..."

The clues on the copper lock point directly to the truth behind the doomsday, and everything seems to be clear.

Such a smooth result was something she had never expected before.

Thinking of this, Fang Qin glanced at the person next to him who was typing on his mobile phone.

His eyes held mixed emotions.

"I don't know what to call you..."

Yan Zhou's hand paused on the search button, raised his head and replied, "Just call me Shu Yi."

Fang Qin didn't speak. She vaguely felt a kind of alienation from the other person.

It doesn't mean to watch indifferently, but to act indifferently, as if turning around and leaving after completing a specific task.

Yan Zhou checked the location and time of the meteorite landing before the end of the world.

It is not difficult to check, and it was finally determined to be a summer 15 years before the end of the world.

Blue light cut through the sky, and the meteorite fell into a virgin forest. At that time, this incident attracted widespread attention from netizens.

But it didn't take long for the incident to be covered up.

15 years ago...

Yan Zhou held his chin.

This timeline is very long. Obviously, the outbreak of the zombie virus must have gone through a long preparation stage, or... there were other forces intervening, which prevented it from happening quickly.

After all, this country has strict governance, which can be seen from the arrest of corrupt officials and spies.

Could it be that there is interference from other countries...

After finishing the meal, Yan Zhou stood up and left.

Before leaving, Fang Qin said another sentence:
"One more thing, I don't know if this is weird..."

"That's what the monster seemed to have said before killing Jun Yao. I didn't hear the specific words, but Jun Yao's reaction was great."

Speaking of this, Fang Qin frowned:
"Although I can't say that I'm very familiar with him, Jun Yao has always had a very stable temperament. The person who can make him have such a big reaction... I guess it may have something to do with the people he knows."

Yan Zhou nodded to show understanding.

Fang Qin was startled when she saw that the other party believed her words so easily.Then he murmured to himself: "You just believe what I say..."

Yan Zhou didn't answer, waved his hand and left the box.

She can't say what you think, she can see it herself.

Based on the crazy scrolling psychological description, Yan Zhou already believed what she said.


After leaving the restaurant, Yan Zhou did not go back and went directly to the civilian resettlement area.

Fang Qin's words today gave her a lot of inspiration, and the mission that had been in the dark gradually began to take shape.

She needs a breakthrough.

This breakthrough mainly lies with Chen Xiaoyun.

Once it is confirmed that Chen Xiaoyun is not her current father's biological child, Yan Zhou's previous guess will be 70.00% successful.

Space mustard seeds, nutrient solution.

Fang Qin used blood to open the mustard seeds in space, thanks to her own unique spiritual power. After all, she was the lucky one to be the "heroine", which did not surprise Yan Zhou.

The mustard space in the copper lock is somewhat similar to the interstellar starship transmission cabin, and people can enter it.

As for why Fang Qin can't enter the Mustard Seed Space...

Yan Zhou guessed that the owner of the necklace might have prepared it for his daughter, in order to prevent others from completely taking possession of the necklace.

Let’s speculate this way.

After truly entering the space, you will surely find something else.

In the civilian resettlement area, there are matchbox-style residential buildings that were common before the end of the world. Various streets are crisscrossed. There are many colorful stalls on the roadside, most of which sell sundries, but most of them are unattended.

After all, given the current situation of most people, food and daily necessities are urgent needs. They cannot afford handmade cosmetics and clothes for the time being.

Compared with the neatness and freshness of passers-by in the service area for superpowers, the place seems messy and homeless. You can see homeless people lying on the roadside everywhere in Yan Zhou.

The government provides free living environment for civilians, but why there are still people on the streets is thought-provoking.

But unlike the kindness of people before the end of the world, most people turn a blind eye to these homeless people.

Yan Zhou went to the headquarters to obtain some information before heading to the civilian resettlement area.

Thanks to Jun Yao, she made some connections and skipped a lot of troublesome things in the middle.

Chen Xiaoyun's residence was easy to find. She was personally sent to the resettlement area by members of the Falcon Team.

It's her father, who is harder to find.

After looking at the list for a long time, Yan Zhou found a person named "Chen Dawei" among the dense names.


Yan Zhou looked at the message attached and felt trouble.

(Because I didn’t repay the points I borrowed, I was knocked on the door by the creditor and I haven’t seen him for several days)

The staff will regularly check the situation of the people in the area every week, going down to each household, and then record the specific information.

Thinking of Fang Qin saying that Chen Xiaoyun’s father is a gambler...

Sure enough, he is addicted to gambling, and even in the end of the world, he still cannot restrain himself.

Weighed the difficulty of finding between the two.

She decided to go to Chen Dawei first.


In a dirty street corner, a man in ragged clothes looked around with a guilty conscience. After confirming that no one was there, he wolfed down the stolen cake in his hand.

The walls next to them are covered with all kinds of graffiti and advertisements. Most of the windows in these buildings are broken, and some are even completely unable to protect against wind and rain.On the streets, all kinds of garbage can be seen everywhere.Peels, scraps of paper, discarded plastic bags, and all kinds of unidentifiable waste all piled up in this corner to create a messy scene.

The breeze blew, and a rotten smell hit his nostrils, making Yan Zhou frown. The air here seemed to be filled with a sense of dullness and depression.

Finally, she stopped in front of someone who was eating sesame seed cakes.

Chen Dawei didn't care whether people passing by saw him. He was so dirty now that he would be stunned for a few seconds even if his mother came over. Those debt collectors must not have thought that he was living in this place.

Wait until the storm passes and see if you can apply to move.

It's a pity that that dead girl Chen Xiaoyun has gone somewhere. If she was still here, I wouldn't have to work so hard...

He thought a little irritably.

This annoyance stopped when a pair of white sneakers appeared in front of me.

He was stunned until he confirmed that this person was standing in front of him, then he raised his head hesitantly.

I was relieved when I saw that it was a young girl. Combined with the neat clothes of this girl...

Chen Dawei rolled his eyes, thinking that he might be a rich man from the service area for superpowers, so he asked flatteringly:
"This noble man... I wonder who you are?"

Chen Dawei's face was dirty, revealing teeth that were yellow and black from smoking.

Yan Zhou half-bent down, a playful smile flashed in his eyes, and opened the folded certificate in his hand with a "snap".

"I am a police officer in the resettlement area. Someone reported to me that you owed money and refused to pay it back. Come with me."

Chen Dawei was shocked, and the fear enveloped his heart, preventing him from distinguishing whether the person on the ID was the girl in front of him.

He padded his feet on the ground, stood up in a hurry, grabbed the half-eaten pancake in his hand, and wanted to run in the other direction.

However, before he could take a step forward, he was unable to move and was frozen in place.

Yan Zhou walked in front of him and said calmly:
"Let's go."

Chen Dawei:! ! !

Damn it, I met a person with super powers!

After dealing with Chen Dawei, Yan Zhou went to Chen Xiaoyun's residence again.

After knocking on the door a few times, the door was pushed open.

Chen Xiaoyun looked out from the crack of the door with some fear.

There are no peepholes on the door to the shelter.

Seeing that it was Yan Zhou, she flinched at first, but then thinking of the other person's extraordinary ability, she finally slowly opened the door.

"You...what's the matter with you?"

Yan Zhou: "I thought your first sentence would be to ask me about the zombie."

Chen Xiaoyun choked and his eyes drifted.

How dare she... after seeing the power of two teams with special abilities...

Yan Zhou did not continue what he had just said, but raised his hand to hold up the necklace.

Fang Qin finally handed the necklace to her.

Chen Xiaoyun's eyes lit up when he saw the necklace, but when he saw that Yan Zhou was holding it, the flames quickly extinguished and he asked in a low voice:

"Hasn't this necklace been bought by Fang Qin... How come it's in your hands?"

Yan Zhou handed the necklace to Chen Xiaoyun and replied, "Fang Qin said she shouldn't have taken your mother's relics before, so she asked me to return them to you."


Chen Xiaoyun's cheeks turned red and he asked in disbelief after taking the necklace.

Yan Zhou was silent.

Of course it's not true. Fang Qin also reluctantly agreed to return it to Chen Xiaoyun after hearing that Yan Zhou was looking for clues.

Seeing Chen Xiaoyun's convinced look, Yan Zhou became a little suspicious.

Will such a descendant really be the two masterminds behind the creation of the zombie virus?

Genetic inheritance is a mystery.

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