Chitose words

Chapter 125 Do It Yourself

Chapter 125 Do It Yourself
Nanxu took a deep breath, barely able to maintain his usual cold demeanor, and spat out a sentence from between his teeth:
"'The talent of a wise king'? He is unkind, unfilial, unfaithful, evil-minded, and plans to murder the goddess!

Everything can be shown. Even if he has the so-called "talent of a wise king", does he have the "virtue of a wise king"?
——A person with virtue but no talent may be mediocre, but a person with talent but no virtue will definitely become a tyrant! "

Nanxu sneered. At this moment, he was full of majestic energy, and there was no hint of warmth or coldness in him.

"——I am the high priest of the Shentai Palace who was appointed by Heaven. Apart from you, I am the No. 1 in the Immortal Mysterious Realm in the world!
If I kill him, who can dare to stop me?
Who can stop me? "

His words were by no means arrogant, nor did he think highly of himself.

Fu Jingci is now a blunt sword as rusty as scrap metal. No one in the world can resist the full blow of the "Priest of the Shentai" Nanxu.

Xie Zhao frowned.

“Nan Xu, your words imply personal grudges.

His Majesty has been assisting the late emperor in managing government affairs since he was twelve or thirteen years old. He is sympathetic to the servants in the palace, understands the sufferings of the people, and is familiar with the power of balancing and restricting the court. He is definitely not comparable to the likes of unscrupulous tyrants.You clearly know that he is not without virtue, he is clearly just..."

When she said this, she sighed softly, smiled self-deprecatingly, and continued:
"He clearly just has some misunderstandings and grudges against me personally. To be honest, I deserve this.

But what does all this have to do with others?Why do you want to drag down the entire Southern Dynasty? "

"Nanxu, if the Shentai Palace wants to accuse a monarch of a dynasty just because the emperor and the eldest princess have a quarrel, use force to break the ban and shake up the past, that would be the most ridiculous thing in the world - I won't allow it."

Nanxu smiled coldly and looked at the girl in front of him with a serious look.

This is also a silent game between the two most supreme brothers and sisters in the Southern Dynasties. Just see who will lose first.

But after a while, it was Nanxu who lowered his gaze first.

In fact, Xie Zhao's current level has plummeted and his internal strength is low. He is no longer the peerless master of the Immortal Mysterious Realm who "spurred a horse three thousand miles with one body and was a master of millions with one sword".

But the "Thousand-year-old Sword Immortal" has a strong character, and even though he is now weaker than others, he still has the same tenacity as before.

He knew that if he insisted on having his own way, she would be willing to do something that might make him regret it.

So Nan Xu lowered his head and stopped looking at her, but still uttered a warning coldly.

"Fu Jingci, for your sake this time, I'll let that unfamiliar little white-eyed wolf go.

But there is an ugly saying that I will say first today. "

"Your heart is like a mirror. Nowadays, in the fertile land of the Southern Dynasty south of the Ming River, the people of Tianchen can have enough food and clothing, and are no longer afraid of Hanyong Huma going south to plunder. These are all the reasons why.

——I might as well put my words here. Today, no emperor can be separated from Tianchen Jiangshan, but the "Thousand-year-old Sword Immortal" Fu Jingci cannot be lost. "

Xie Zhao was silent for a moment, then suddenly interrupted him with a free and easy smile.

"Nan Xu, stop it now. Why are you bragging for me? Don't be too ridiculous. I even felt so embarrassed after hearing this.

The sun and the moon alternate, the stars and rivers turn, rush to the sea, day and night change. Everything in the world can be done without anyone.

Without the 'Thousand-year-old Sword Immortal', there might be 'Flying Flower Sword Immortal', 'Falling Leaf Sword Immortal', etc. There might also be some peerless masters, but I'm not that important. "

Nanxu sneered.

"Really? If the 'Sword Immortal' is really as you said, and can be seen everywhere like cabbage on the street, then why is it that you are the only one who has appeared in Tianchen in the Southern Dynasty for thousands of years?
And why is it that even Fuji Castle, which leads the way in kendo and is known as the 'Sword Immortal Tomb', can only produce one in two to three hundred years? "

Xie Zhao paused slightly and raised her eyebrows. In order to change the subject, she deliberately responded to Nanxu in a hostile manner.

"Nan Xu, I didn't realize it before. You actually admire me so much?

But you clearly said before that letting a 'second-rate' like me become the goddess of the Shentai Palace is the biggest shame in the 800-year history of the Shentai Palace.You must have forgotten, right? "

Nanxu was so angry at her that he glared at her fiercely.

"I haven't forgotten it, so why say 'previously'? Even now, I still think so.

What about you looks like a goddess?Sometimes you’re too lazy to pretend, right?Just look at the two people in front of you—" "I know, I know—"

Xie Zhao took the words one after another and said with a smile:
"You have said this hundreds of times. The two goddesses before me are the most dignified ladies in Zhaoge City. Isn't it enough that I have embarrassed Shentai Palace?"

Nanxu: "."

He was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly and said, "It's good that you know."

Xie Zhao made a sound, looking at him innocently with a pair of fox eyes.

"I know, I've always known it.

So, our Shentai Palace and Tianchen, don’t we still have you, the magnificent high priest? "

Nanxu sneered, not falling for the trap.

"Young Master, the high priest of Shentai Palace never cares about worldly affairs, he only prays for Tianchen's fortune and asks questions about the sky.

Even if the world is in chaos, the mountains and rivers are turned upside down, and the borders collapse, what does it have to do with me?
I am sitting alone on a high platform. Do you think I will clean up the mess for your brother? "


Xie Zhao laughed and shook his head.

"That's not nice to say. What do you mean by cleaning up His Majesty's mess?

Isn't it your duty to protect the welfare of the people of Tianchen? "

Nanxu hit the nail on the head and said: "No matter who is sitting on the ninth level throne, can he still kill the people?
Protecting the well-being of Tianchen people and protecting Fu Jingyan's well-being are two different things. "

He said coolly: "Your brother is really not simple. He has caused you to do this, and yet he can shamelessly hold on to your banner to secure his throne.

It has been one year and eight months. You must have heard this rumor among the people during this period, right?
He actually told the world that you were in retreat at Shentai Palace to pray for Tianchen.Haha, extremely ridiculous. "

Xie Zhao was silent for a moment, and suddenly seemed to have completely let go of something.

She replied calmly: "Actually, there's nothing wrong with how things are now.

Although Fu Jingci's short life lasted only more than ten years, but now that I think about it, she did not live as a "person" for a single day.

She was tired. Since she was a legend, she might as well let her live in the rumors all over the world forever. "

As long as the world does not know that the "Thousand-year-old Sword Immortal" is "dead", as long as the world does not know that the "Thousand-year-old Sword Immortal" is "dead", then her name will always be like a monument, standing south of the Ming River and west of the Wulan Mountains , shocking all the restlessness in the world.

Nanxu also fell silent, and after a long time he said: "You are quite generous, and you are willing to let him use you completely.

But if one day, the little emperor knows that you are not dead, and he acts like this to destroy the Great Wall again——"

Xie Zhao smiled and shook his head, cutting off his words.

"No, 'Fu Jing Ci' is already a dead person in the emperor's heart.

As for me, I am just a low-class person running around in the world, a loser who has no chance to see the beauty of heaven in this life.

In this case, as long as I don't say anything and you don't say anything, who will notice that I am an ordinary person with an ugly appearance and low status. "

Nanxu frowned slightly.

Xie Zhao couldn't help but hesitate when he saw this, and he didn't know where his words had offended him.

After a moment, Nanxu snorted coldly and said calmly: "Fu Jingci, you can take care of yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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