Chitose words

Chapter 277 Yada Androdro’s Provocation

After thinking about this, Turjia Posun no longer struggled.

This "old man" sorted out his emotions and expressions in an instant, nodded as if nothing had happened, and raised his voice in appreciation:
"Young Master Yitaluo has such great ambitions, which is really admirable. Congratulations to the surnamed lord, there is a successor to the Yitaluo family! It's not too late to have a good meal. In the future, when the young master has perfected his poisonous skills, even if he is a little older, There will definitely be more clans coming to ask for marriage. Don’t be in a hurry, don’t be in a hurry.”

Turjia's mother-in-law's voice was not too quiet this time.

In addition, the banquet hall was not big, so almost all the nine high-caste lords wandering nearby heard this sentence.

Of course, he did it on purpose.

Since there is no chance of his daughter, it might as well let everyone give up this idea completely.

But for Yitaluodifan, this was exactly what he wanted.

She smiled lightly.

"Who says it's not the case? Good wine is not afraid of deep alleys. Besides, Shura is still young, and he is still an ignorant child. How can he marry a wife and have children? In matters of love, follow your heart and just be content with whatever comes."

As soon as Yitarodaifan finished speaking, a woman's charming and hearty voice suddenly came from the direction of the banquet hall door not far away.

"——What the person named Yitaluo said is true. Is this a feeling? Naturally, you have to follow your heart. Why should you care about other people's opinions? Do you think so?"

When everyone heard the sound and looked around, they saw a man and a woman standing at the door. They looked like a couple.

The woman didn't look too young, but she was wearing a bright red dress styled by aristocratic girls from Western Xinjiang, revealing her slender and well-maintained waist.

Just standing there, she was like a passionate, arrogant, and hot flame.

The man accompanying her was also dressed like a noble man from Western Xinjiang.

He seemed to be in his thirties, tall and tall, with a deep and cold appearance. He was a good-looking and striking man.

However, this man seemed to have a languid expression, and his eyes looked like he had no interest in anything.

When the Yita Luo siblings, Kerva Longzhi and Qinshe Baojia saw the couple, they frowned almost at the same time.

These identical expressions are almost synchronized.

There was silence.

After a while, the host of the banquet, Yitarodaifan, said coldly:
"Mr. Yada'an, I haven't seen you for a long time. I thought you wouldn't be able to come to the banquet today."

That's right, the people who came were none other than Yada Androdro, a descendant of the Fenglan clan in Western Xinjiang and the head of the Yada An family, and her second husband Zhu Po.

Zhu Po's real name is Yitaluo Zhupo, but since he was expelled from his own clan Yitaluo ten years ago, he can no longer be named "Yitaluo" in front of his name.

It stands to reason that since he has married into the Yada An family, he should change his name to Yada An Zhupo.

But for some reason, the former eldest son of the Yitaluo clan seemed unwilling, and Yada Androdro was too damned to force him.

As a result, most of the names for this person in Shedun City were changed to a name without a surname - "Master Zhu Po".

A cold light flashed in Yitarasura's eyes.

He immediately stood up coldly and stood behind his sister.

After all, she is the head of the Yada'an family, the second-ranked among the nine high castes in Western Xinjiang. Her arrival made everyone in the room fall silent.

Regardless of whether they liked this person or disliked him, many people stood up and greeted him politely.

Now that everyone is up, Xie Zhao naturally feels uncomfortable.

She put down her chopsticks, followed the crowd and stood up, bowing slightly and saluting.Then, he secretly observed Yada Androdro and her husband with great interest.

Regarding these two people, she had already heard a lot about these two people from the old servants of the Yitaluo family a few days ago.

Isn't it just that, naturally, the servants of the Yitaluo clan didn't have anything good to say about this person.

Precisely because personal emotions are too obvious, you cannot disbelieve some rumors, but you cannot believe them all. You still have to rely on your own eyes and heart to judge.

At first glance, Yada Androdro is the kind of woman who is extremely proud and self-centered.

But this is not surprising. No matter how gentle and kind he appears to outsiders, as a high caste with noble blood in Xijiang, no one thinks highly of himself and is extremely proud.

Their pride and conceit have been engraved in their bones since childhood.

This cannot be changed.

Yada Andro's eyes were curved like a crescent moon when he smiled, and his flaming red lips coated with thick lipstick were raised in a confident and bright smile.

The tattoo representing the Yada'an clan emblem was now clearly engraved on her exposed waist.

She replied with a smile: "That's natural. Today is the Lulda banquet hosted by the leader of Yitaro, so how can Zhuo Zhuo not come to the banquet?

No, I had just finished busy with important matters in the clan, and I immediately came to support him.How could the Yitaluo family hold a banquet without our husband and wife?After all, they are all 'family', right? "

After hearing this, everyone felt a little strange in their hearts.

Bringing the abandoned son who betrayed the Yitaluo family, came to "support" the Yitaluo family, and claimed to be a "family". The person with the surname of Yada'an clearly meant that the person who came was not good and the kind person would not come.

Sure enough, although Yitra Daifan was extremely well-educated and had never had an attack on the spot to express anything, the young Yitra Shura could no longer bear it.


Who is the same family as this couple?

Yitarasura was so angry that he clenched his fists subconsciously and wanted to step forward!

The next moment, a cold hand suddenly pulled him gently from behind.

Yitarasura was slightly startled and looked back.

Xie Zhao was calm and shook his head very gently.

She laughed inwardly: This silly boy, Yada Androdro looked like this, he was obviously here to stir up trouble.

In fact, Xie Zhao vaguely understood what Andrew Zhuo meant just now when he said those words in Yada.

Perhaps Yada Androzhuo heard the rumor that the Lurda banquet held by the Yitarro clan was actually to marry the young master of the clan, so he deliberately got involved.

It would be the best if Idarasura could be provoked to completely lose his mind and have a disrespectful attack on the spot in front of the nine high-caste lords.

A reckless man who cannot control his temper, even a medical practitioner with excellent poison skills, is afraid that his score in the hearts of everyone will be lowered a lot.

If Itharasura really didn't keep his composure and rushed forward to greet the guests as soon as the banquet started, he would have been deceived by Yada Androdro.

At this time, Yitarasura was interrupted by Xie Zhao, and the nameless anger in his heart subsided slightly, and his precarious sanity finally came back.

Thank you Baozi for your monthly ticket, I hope your heart is like mine~

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