Chitose words

Chapter 302 The Princess’s Inner Demon

The eldest princess of Pingyang, Fu Jinglin, thought quietly for a moment. Her eyes were slightly lost in thought, and she kept rotating and playing with the grapes in her long, slender white palms.

However, after thinking about it for a long time, she still frowned slightly, and then shook her head very lightly.
This is an obvious rejection.

"No, having said that, there is a difference between how close I am to your Majesty. Your Majesty and Prince Xunyang are your direct uncles and nephews, and they are blood relatives who share the blood of their mother's family. Although I and Your Majesty are also She is a blood relative, but she is just a concubine princess."

When the word "concubine" was mentioned, a trace of unwillingness flashed across Princess Pingyang's face.

"Besides, I got married a few months ago and am considered the wife of the Li family. If I rashly enter the palace for no reason, I am afraid that I will get burned in the end, and it will not be worth the loss."

An Xunzhi laughed and said: "How can Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess, come to the palace for no reason? I heard that the queen has been ill recently. You and the queen are both sisters-in-law and cousins, so it is natural for you to come to the palace to visit.

What's more, it is your first time to enter the palace to pay respects after your wedding. According to etiquette, it is appropriate to pay tribute to His Majesty.As a junior, I heard about Prince Xunyang’s current situation from the Jiumen Admiral’s Mansion, so His Highness’s words of concern were not inappropriate. "

Princess Pingyang's heart moved slightly when she heard this.

But after thinking about it for a while, she still hesitated.

"Is this okay? In the past two years, His Majesty has been growing in power. Even my grandfather and uncle have been hiding their abilities and biding their time. They have told me more than once that it doesn't matter how much nonsense you do in private, but try not to To rub him the wrong way in front of His Majesty, this"

An Yunzhi smiled lightly and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Your Highness, the Grand Governor and the Minister of Rites, Mr. Bai, are foreign ministers after all. Naturally, they must be cautious in their words and deeds in front of His Majesty and fulfill their duties as ministers.

But you are the eldest princess of the Southern Dynasty, and you are a blood relative. Even if you say a few words about family matters, it is not a sin.

There are some things that it is not convenient for the Grand Governor and Lord Shangshu to come forward. Wouldn't it be just right for you to come and test them? "

Fu Jinglin lowered her head and thought quietly with an expressionless face.

She obviously listened to An Yuzhi's words. After a moment, she suddenly smiled and said:

"You are right. Besides, I am just a princess, not a courtier whose ups and downs depend entirely on the emperor's face.

Even if the emperor doesn't like me, what can he do? Why don't I have to raise this palace with the honor of a princess of a country?

As long as she has not committed a serious crime of treason, no one can punish the eldest princess of this palace for no reason, that's all."

Princess Pingyang thought of something, and suddenly smiled sarcastically, shook her head and said:
"The behavior of the emperor's brother is also quite unpredictable. However, a small Ministry of Rites actually arranged for his own father-in-law and my uncle to be the Minister of Rites. At the same time, he appointed the direct uncle of Xunyang County Prince Xie Huanzhang to the Ministry of Rites. The minister.

In the yamen, which is the most leisurely and least powerful among the six departments, two giant Buddhas came in, who were guarding against each other and competing with each other. "

An Xunzhi sighed and said: "Your Highness, Xunzhi should not say something. Your Majesty clearly doesn't trust the Xie family and the Bai family and wants to support his own strength.

Not only did he place Prince Xunyang and Master Shangshu in the most idle official office among the six departments, he also made one of them a principal and the other a deputy. This was not an obvious intention for these two to fight and consume each other. ? "

Princess Pingyang smiled coldly and said:
"Your Majesty has a good idea, but it is a pity. Although King Xunyang is the deputy minister of the Ministry of Rites, he has the dignity of a prince and does not like to take power.

In addition, my uncle is very secretive and hides his secrets. The two of them have been working together for almost three years now, but they are still unable to fight as His Majesty wants. "

Having said this, Princess Pingyang seemed to have been diverted.

She thoughtfully dropped the grape fruit in her hand that had been played with for a long time, and suddenly said:

"Speaking of which, before entering the palace, I should probably go to the Governor's Mansion and ask my uncle in advance what he wants."

An Yunzhi lowered his head and smiled.

He looked a little strange, but he didn't speak.

Princess Pingyang noticed his expression and suddenly frowned and asked:
"What? Do you think I shouldn't ask the abbot?"

An Yuzhi paused after hearing this, as if he didn't expect Princess Pingyang to notice something strange about him.

He was stunned for a moment, then replied with a wry smile:
"Your Highness the Princess, I am just doing it for you. It's not worth it."

Fu Jinglin frowned.

"What do you mean by that?"

An Yuzhi sighed again and said: "Your Highness, Yuan Zhi shouldn't have said this at first, but Yuan Zhi has already regarded Your Highness as the main one in his heart. Naturally, he cannot knowingly ignore his own gains and losses."

Seeing that Princess Pingyang was still frowning in confusion, he spread his arms and said:
"Your Highness, the concubine only has two princesses, Princess Taiping and you. However, now that Princess Taiping has married into the Bai family of her mother's family, she has become the wife of the Bai family. I heard that she is very loved by her parents-in-law and her husband is considerate. Naturally, she will have countless wives in the future. Endless scenery and good days.

But what about you?You were Princess Fu before you got married, and now you are the wife of the Li family.
Although the palms and backs of your hands are full of flesh, at least in front of the elders of the Minghe Bai family, compared to your sister, Princess Taiping, you may be..."

An Yuzhi didn't finish the rest.

But at this moment, silence was better than sound. There was something else Fu Jinglin didn't understand.

The remaining half of An Yuzhi's sentence clearly meant that compared to Taiping Princess Fu Jingyu, Fu Jinglin would be just an outsider in Bai's heart in the future.Princess Pingyang was silent for a long time, then suddenly reprimanded coldly:
"Presumptuous! Who allows you to alienate the sisterly relationship between me and my sister, and the blood relationship between me and the Minghe Fu family?
I thought you were a person who knew both cold and hot, and understood the rules. Who would have thought that your words and actions would be so ridiculous and outrageous! "

An Yuzhi immediately put down the fruit plate in his hand and knelt on the ground.

He knocked his head heavily on the wooden steps next to Princess Pingyang's bed. The sound of "bump" was so strong that Fu Jinglin frowned slightly subconsciously.

An Yunzhi's head was buried in the ground, and his expression could not be seen, but his voice was deep and full of heartache:

"Your Highness, Princess, I didn't want to say anything before because I was worried that it would make you misunderstand.

But now that I see that you act cautiously and put Minghe Bai family first, as a staff member of Her Royal Highness, how can I bear not to remind you? "

This time, Princess Pingyang's silence lasted longer.

After a moment, she suddenly said calmly: "Get up."

An Yuzhi kowtowed again and stood up.

Fu Jinglin's eyes passed over his red and swollen forehead, and she said in a sweet voice:
"So as my staff, what would you like to suggest to me?"

An Yunzhi cupped his hands and said: "Your Highness, you need to let your mother clan, the Minghebai clan, see your usefulness and let them know that your decisiveness in killing is beyond the reach of the gentle and calm Princess Taiping.

Only in this way will you have more weight in their hearts in the future, and they will seriously consider your feelings before doing anything, instead of treating you as an ignorant niece. "

Fu Jinglin frowned and said, "So, you suggest that I go directly into the palace to test His Majesty this time, without informing my uncle in advance."

An Yunzhi said lightly: "Your Highness, you are wrong again. You are the eldest princess of the Tianchen Dynasty. What reason do you have to inform the ministers about what you want? If you put yourself too low, they will I won’t take you seriously anymore.”

When Princess Pingyang heard this, she was slightly quiet before she really took his words into her heart.

She recalled that every time her grandfather, Governor Bai, and her uncle, Bai Lunqiao, faced her, their looks and attitudes seemed to be respectful and polite, but in reality they were contemptuous. She subconsciously tightened the hem of her skirt.

Although An Yuzhi went overboard, he did it out of pure loyalty, and what he said was right.
She, Fu Jinglin, has been this obedient junior for too long, but in the end she always doesn't get what she wants.

The last time, she just wanted a young master from the Nine Gates Admiral's Palace to be her consort, but she actually had to beg her grandfather for a long time and promise to the Queen to dismiss the servants in the palace before she finally got what she wanted.

She is a dignified princess!

Why do they think so low of her?

If Tianchen Princess Fu Jingci wanted to recruit a young master from aristocratic families to be her consort, who would dare to say anything to her?
They are both the eldest princess of the Southern Dynasty, and they are also the daughters of the late emperor. Everyone in the world is blinded by lard and looks down upon her. It’s just Fu Jinglin. Why should even her closest relatives from her mother’s clan treat her as the eldest princess? Take it seriously?
What Princess Tianchen?

It's just that Fu Jingci was lucky. She happened to inherit the martial arts roots and talents of her grandfather Xie Lin. If Fu Jinglin had this martial arts talent, she might not be able to become a swordsman in the world!

Thinking of this, Princess Pingyang almost broke her fingernails.

Fu Jinglin attributed the success of her sister, the "Thousand-year-old Sword Immortal", who was one year older than her, entirely to her astonishing martial arts talent. She seemed to think that her world-famous achievements were all easily achieved and vain.

But she didn't seem to have thought of one thing. Talent is certainly a part of it, but in martial arts, a warrior's open-mindedness, deep state of mind, and diligence day and night are even more rare.

Princess Pingyang recalled this incident and suddenly asked with a sneer: "By the way, where is Li Suining?"

An Yi was stunned, as if he didn't expect Princess Pingyang to suddenly think of this.

But he responded quickly and immediately said respectfully:

"The Prince Consort will not be in the mansion in the afternoon. I think he must have gone back to the martial arts training ground of the Jiumen Admiral's Mansion to practice swordsmanship."

Princess Pingyang sneered coldly.

Sure enough, he left again.

Is he really doing it to practice swordsmanship hard, or is he just looking for a reason not to stay in the princess's mansion and avoid her first wife?
However, what can Li Suining do even if he is unwilling?

Don't you have to be her consort?

Even if he dies a hundred years later, there will be a line of words left on his tombstone, indicating that he, Li Suining, is the consort of her eldest princess Fu Jinglin!
Haha, admire Fu Jingci?

Then he will have to hurry up in his next life!
An Yuzhi lit a piece of incense for Princess Pingyang before going to bed. After she settled down on her pillow, she slowly retreated.

After half a cup of tea, he returned to his bedroom, lay down beside the desk and wrote a letter quietly, then got up and opened the window of the back room.

A nightingale, which had been waiting there for a long time, was looking at him quietly with its head tilted.

An Yuzhi gently stroked the nightingale's head with a smile and inserted the brief secret letter into the mailbox at its feet.

"Go on, it's time for you to go home."

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