Chitose words

Chapter 306 Calling

When the female official from Queen Fenglan's Yadaan Palace came to convey the message, Xie Zhao was really surprised. She didn't expect that she would attract the attention of the Queen of Western Xinjiang so quickly.

Shouldn't it?

Her hand has not yet had time to stretch out so long to reach the palace.

In this case, why was Queen Yadaan called to her?This is somewhat worth pondering.

Yitaluo Daifan went to a medicine hall in a nearby state capital for a free clinic in the past two days. I am afraid that she has not been in Shedun City in the past few days to sit in the residence of the head of the Yitaluo family.

And Shura, the young master of the Yitaluo family, happened to go to the mountains in the suburbs to collect medicine today, and the two most helpful masters in the mansion were not there.

Therefore, when the female official in the palace delivered the order, he sent it directly to the guest courtyard, and Xie Zhao himself had to pick it up.

Bo Xi frowned and said softly: "I'm afraid the person who comes here is not good."

Xie Zhao used the excuse that he needed to change his clothes before entering the palace. After receiving Yi's order, he took Bo Xi into the inner chamber with an excuse.

Ling You and Han Changsheng obviously had something to say about this, but there were differences between men and women after all, and their current status was Xie Zhao's bodyguards.

As a male guard, there is no reason to follow the host's room and accompany the hostess to change clothes.

Xie Zhao smiled lightly and turned his head to look at her.

"This is natural. From a mile away, I can smell the ill intentions of the queen in the palace."

Bo Xi immediately said resolutely: "If that's the case, then we won't go. What can those few female officials and guards who came to deliver the order do to us?"

Xie Zhao shook his head and smiled and rejected Bo Xi's proposal.

"Of course this won't work. If we leave, no one can do anything to us. But there are still some things I haven't figured out yet, so I'm afraid I won't be able to leave for the time being."

Bo Xi fell silent.

She knew that Xie Zhao was probably referring to the true identity of the person behind the scenes who used the old Western Xinjiang royal writing system and sentence fragmentation to perform ghostly things.

Xie Zhao had told them a long time ago that she suspected that the person behind the "Shaoguang Sword Immortal" incident might be related to the previous generation of anti-king Yong Wang Lan Weiji of Xijiang - oh, the current Holy Emperor of Xijiang Fenglan Half-brother.

If we don't continue to push forward the investigation, then all the previous work will be in vain.

In fact, Xie Zhao also considered whether he could capture Ning Po directly, but the risk was too high.

Because so far they are still unable to judge what position Ning Po is in it and what role she plays.

If the embroidery lady Ningpo is a crucial participant or the person in charge, then they can naturally try to interrogate Ningpo after capturing her; even if she refuses to say anything, as long as Ningpo's status is high enough, that will be enough. They used it to cast a long line to catch big fish, waiting for her other anxious accomplices to come to the rescue, and then catch them one by one or follow the clues.

But if Po Ning is just an insignificant chess piece controlled by the person behind the scenes, then their rash actions will only alert the enemy.

If the people behind the scenes directly abandon the chess piece of Ning Po, and Ning Po does not know the identity of her online or master, then the people behind the scenes will continue to hide from the world for a few years, or even ten or twenty years, will they? Do you want to keep waiting?
Wait until he lets his guard down next time and shows his weakness again?
If Feng He behaves in such a careless and violent manner, then he is not Xie Zhao.

So, she decided to wait.

At least wait until you catch the opponent's tell-tale signs and take the opportunity to draw a clear and distinct line.

Bo Xi thought about it and still felt that this was risky.

She frowned and said, "However, the Queen of Western Xinjiang, Yada'an, only allowed you to go to the palace alone, and you were not allowed to bring a personal entourage. This was obviously intentional." Xie Zhao laughed and said carelessly:
"Although the two masters of the Yidaluo clan who could make the decision were not in the mansion to announce the decree, the timing was more or less a coincidence.

However, as the mother of a country, if she calls civilian warriors or doctors into the palace, she will not let them bring escorts.After all, I'm just a commoner. When I enter the palace, I greet you and I bring my own people with me. Isn't that outrageous? "

Not to mention that she is just a commoner in the eyes of the Queen of Xijiang. I am afraid that even when the heads of the nine high castes or the princes and princesses who have grown up and established a mansion outside the palace enter the palace, the people close to them must also be in the palace. Waiting at the door.

How can you let your bodyguards enter the palace with all their cheers and promises?

Doesn't that mean that the majesty of the royal family is ignored? Who is the master of the world?
Bo Xi thought for a moment, but she was no longer worried. She said:

"It doesn't matter, Ling or I will follow you secretly. I don't expect that the beautiful palace in the Western Border will be like the Evernight City in Tianchen in the Southern Dynasty. It has very powerful internal officials in the martial arts realm, right?"

Although Bo Xi was from the Northern Dynasty, he had heard rumors that there were two great masters in the Evernight City of the Tianchen Palace in the Southern Dynasty, responsible for guarding the emperor's safety.

Although I don’t know what the realm of the two great masters in the Nightless City is, but according to Lord Moraye’s inference at the time, I am afraid that these two are at least half a step into the void realm.

However, the martial arts in Western Xinjiang declined. They closed themselves off to the country. Whether it was temples or rivers and lakes, they rarely had contact with the Central Plains and the North, so even the martial arts was quite difficult.

From the most proficient in martial arts, the Binomen clan, came and went from Bala to Bala. The master of the highest martial arts realm, Binomen, was only in the Mahayana profound realm.

Although it is a bit harsh to say this, Bo Xi has been in Shedun City for more than a month now. The more he looks at it, the more he feels that the Western Xinjiang martial arts world is almost finished. It is inevitable that he will feel angry towards the people in the Western Xinjiang arena. sneered.

Xie Zhao couldn't refuse Bo Xi's suggestion, so she nodded with a smile and had no choice but to let them go.

No matter how slowly she changes her clothes, there will always be a time when she is finished changing, and the delaying strategy can only last for a moment and a half.

Seeing that the chief steward of the outer courtyard who went to the suburbs to look for Itharasura had not returned yet, he knew that in all likelihood he had not found any trace of his master who had gone out to collect medicine.

So Xie Zhao shrugged, no longer delaying, put on a set of Xijiang clothes made for her by Qinshe, and opened the door generously.

Since it is the mother of a country who has an audience with the Fenglan Dynasty, she might as well go to the countryside and do as the locals do for a day, so that no one can make any mistakes in an insignificant place.

After all, more is worse than less.

Arriving at the gate of the Fenglan Royal Family in the palace's camel cart, Xie Zhao got off the camel cart according to the rules and followed the female officer who came to deliver the decree and entered the palace step by step.

She seemed to be obedient and honest, but in fact, her fox eyes were quietly and secretly looking at the surrounding buildings and palace alleys.

Just kidding, Xie Zhao likes to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger. The words "honesty and duty" have nothing to do with her even half a copper.

In this way, after walking around for a long time, the female officer who took her into the palace finally stopped in front of a palace.

"Thank you for your medical advice. I will go into the palace to report back to the Queen later."

Xie Zhao nodded with a smile, looking good-tempered.

She even observed with interest how the maids in the palace's outer courtyard, who watered the flowers and served the vegetation, took care of the flowers in Western Xinjiang after the female official entered the palace.

However, the female officer left and returned very quickly, so she was not kept waiting for a long time.

The female officer bowed.

"Thank you Yilu, the queen is free now, please follow me into the palace."

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