Chitose words

Chapter 321 Conspiracy calculation

A few days later, it was night.

In Qinshe's embroidery workshop, a man in black robes knelt down respectfully in front of the disfigured old woman who was embroidering flowers with her head bowed, and said respectfully:

"Your Highness, in accordance with your order these days, I personally visited Hanyong Guangling City and met with the young master.

According to the young master, the two guards from the Northern Dynasty who were very high in martial arts around the medical law from the Southern Dynasty were probably from the Hulu Holy Altar of the Yuwen Department, the head of the thirty-six Han and Yong tribes in the Northern Dynasty.

Some time ago, these people seemed to have risen to prominence in Guangling City. One of them saved Tuoba Hong, the emperor of the Northern Dynasty, during the Hanyong Dynasty's martial arts festival;
  As for the female guard with the scar on her face, her origin is even more complicated. According to the young master, she was actually the deputy of the Hulu Shrine appointed by the recently deceased Magaya Holy Envoy before his death. make. Since the death of the Holy Envoy Magaya, the new Holy Envoy has gone into seclusion at a young age and no one knows where she went. She is now in charge of the Hulu Holy Altar. "


Po Ning stopped her movements, frowned and said in confusion:

"The deputy envoy of the Hulu Holy Altar? How is this possible? The Hulu Holy Altar is the holy place of the Yuwen Department of the Thirty-sixth Department of Hanyong in the Northern Dynasties.

People in the Northern Kingdom have always been arrogant, especially those in the Northern Dynasty who are highly skilled in martial arts. They have always looked down on the people in the Southern Dynasty.

How could the deputy envoys and masters of the Hulu Holy Altar protect a sickly Southern Dynasty doctor with low martial arts skills? This is not right. Is the news A Yi heard true? "

The man paused slightly and hesitated for a moment, but still said:

"Your Highness, the young master has been operating in Hanyong for ten years. I think the information I received is not wrong?"

Ning Po shook her head in disbelief, looking confused.

Yes, her ninth brother Lan Suyi has been lurking in Hanyong for many years, and even infiltrated the Yuwen Department, the head of the thirty-six departments in Hanyong. Logically speaking, the news from the Hulu Holy Altar cannot be mistaken. .

However, after much thought, this conclusion still doesn’t make sense.

She vaguely remembered that the female guard beside Xie Yilu, who came from the Southern Dynasties, seemed to be a master with a knife.

So Ning Po confirmed again and asked:

"Since you said that the female guard next to Medical Law of the Southern Dynasties is the deputy envoy of the Hulu Shrine, and presumably a well-known person, then her natural weapon should not be a secret. The deputy's usual weapon is a knife? "

The man immediately held up his hands as a courtesy and replied:

"Your Highness, the weapon used by Bo Xi, the deputy of the Hulu Holy Altar, is the knife most commonly used by people in the Northern Dynasties. I heard that when the knife is driven by internal force, there is a vague dragon's cry on the blade, so it is called 'Crying Dragon' shortage'."

Po Ning nodded in horror.

She nodded thoughtfully and said: "'Weeping Dragon Wilderness'? That's right. The scabbard in the hand of the female guard is indeed engraved with the dragon mark, which is quite correct."

Po Ning felt that this matter was quite tricky.

The Yuwen Department, the largest department in Hanyong in the Northern Dynasties, had produced countless queens in the Central Palace of the Northern Dynasties, and their clan's holy altar, the Hulu Holy Altar, was famous and famous throughout the northern grasslands.

Logically speaking, the people at the Hulu Holy Altar will never leave the altar without reason, let alone the deputy envoy who will be solely in charge of the power of the Hulu Holy Altar in the next few years when the holy envoy is newly deceased and the young envoy is young. , actually far away from the Arruo Grassland, traveling around with a little-known female doctor from the Southern Dynasties. Isn't this nonsense?

Ning Po's voice was choked by smoke in the fire, so her voice was inevitably hoarse when she spoke.

She murmured to herself: "Who is this Xie Zhao? Her origin is definitely not simple."

Ning Po had an ominous premonition in her heart, as if something was gradually getting out of her control.

She thought seriously for a moment in silence, and suddenly said decisively:
  "What else did Ayike tell me? We have quickly concluded many matters in Shedun City as soon as possible, and then withdrew from Shedun City.

At that time, I will hide in the town on the border of Western Xinjiang, waiting for the opportunity to inquire about the information of Shedun City at any time; while you will take all our people to the Northern Dynasties to look for Ayi immediately - it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, otherwise things will inevitably change later. "

The man was shocked and said:

"——What? How can this be allowed, Your Highness? We absolutely cannot leave you alone in Western Xinjiang!" Po Ning looked solemn, shook her head slightly, and then said coldly:

"You just need to obey orders. Now that such a 'strongman' with unknown intentions has come to Shedun City, I feel really uneasy.

Your gathering together is too conspicuous, and you can no longer stay in Shedun City, otherwise sooner or later you will attract attention and be taken over by others. Going to Beichao quickly to join A Yi is the best way to preserve your strength.

Don't waste any more time. What message does A Yi order you to bring this time? What else does he need our manpower to do? "

Seeing her firm attitude, the man did not dare to persuade her any more, so he sighed and replied truthfully:
  "The young master did make an explanation. He said that the 'nail' he had placed in Zhaoge City, the capital of the Southern Dynasty, reported back that the Emperor Jing of the Southern Dynasty intended to betroth his concubine Princess An Ning to Peng Xiao, the guard general of Langya Pass. "

Po Ning frowned and said in a hoarse voice:

"What does this have to do with us? It's just a marriage between a concubine princess and a military commander. What impact does it have on the overall situation?"

The man cupped his hands and replied: "Young Master said that this Langya Pass guard general has a very different identity. He is the direct disciple of General Xie Huanchen in the past. He can be regarded as a rising star in the direct line of the Xie family in the army - if he is in this position Death may cause some trouble in the Southern Dynasty temples."

Po Ning raised her eyebrows slightly and said in confusion:

"So what if that young general Peng Xiao is Xie Huanchen's disciple? If he dies, how big of a splash can he cause?

Even if his master, Xie Huanchen, was brave, good at fighting and had a distinguished status, what could he do? Today, General Xie is afraid that his bones will be rotten to pieces, and the Xie family will have no one in the army for a long time.

And now the most promising of the Xie family's bloodline, the 'Thousand-year-old Sword Immortal', has also been destroyed by the Emperor of the Southern Dynasty on the Great Wall.

Even if we sacrifice a lot and let Peng Xiao be stabbed to death, who will stand up for a mere Langya Gate guard? What kind of trouble could his death cause in the Southern Dynasty temples? "

The man replied: "Your Highness, the 'nail' that the Young Master once said he buried in Zhaoge City is now exerting its force to provoke dissatisfaction between the other eldest princess of the Southern Dynasty and the Emperor of the Southern Dynasty.

If our manpower can kill Peng Xiao on his way to Beijing, and then blame it on the Minghe Bai family of the Southern Dynasty, then it will be reasonable and everything will be perfect!
  At that time, Princess An Ning was guarding the gate and was a careless person. The emperor of the Southern Dynasty personally married the consort, but on the way to get married, he was "assassinated" by people from the Bai family of Minghe. That would be a big deal! "

Po Ning was shocked and said:
  "Ayi actually has this plan?"

She pondered for a moment and nodded slowly:

"This is a very clever plan! Although the emperor of the Southern Dynasties married a direct descendant of the Minghe Bai family as his empress, he must have been secretly wary of the Minghe Bai family. Since he appointed Princess An Ning's direct descendant from the Xie family army as her son-in-law, he did not reuse the Minghe Bai family as her son-in-law. The number of men and horses in the army can be seen.

If at this time, people from the 'Minghe Bai Clan' assassinate the future military assistant and brother-in-law personally selected by the Emperor of the Southern Dynasty, I am afraid that the young emperor Tianchen will definitely hate the Minghe Bai Clan in his heart, and even feel that they are bullying the emperor and neglecting their superiors. The intention is to sideline him as the emperor, so that he will have no one to rely on in the future and can only rely on them! but"

Po Ning was puzzled. She frowned and looked up at the man, puzzled and said:

"In this way, I am afraid there is no airtight wall in the world. The Minghe Bai family has always been in 'happy' harmony with us. If Ayi really makes up his mind to take such a step, I am afraid that if he is beaten by Bai Meng in the future, When the old man finds out that we are secretly putting the blame on him, he will definitely have a grudge against us, and he will completely kill Bai's chess piece in the future."

The man replied respectfully:
  "Your Highness, the young master said that there is no need to worry about this. Now in Nanchao Tianchen, he has raised enough 'nails' and they are all useful.

As for the Minghe Bai family, they have always been cunning, cunning, deficient and scheming. We can use this to part ways with them, which is to kill two birds with one stone. "

Po Ning pondered for a moment after hearing the words, and finally nodded.

"Okay, you go and pass on my order. All our dead soldiers in Western Xinjiang will immediately go south and join A Yi's men to act together."

She smiled sinisterly.

Under the candlelight, her face flickered with light and darkness, and her face was distorted after being burned by the fire, as terrifying as a ghost.

Po Ning murmured:
  "Didn't Xie Huanchen like to meddle in other people's business back then? He must be very lonely underground now. We will send General Xie's direct disciple down here to keep him company!"

(End of this chapter)

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