Sheng Hongyi still doesn’t know about these big things happening in Xuanchen Sect!

In fact, you can’t completely say that you don’t feel it at all!
The Qinglong Tomb disintegrated, and she drifted with the tide. She only felt that the very familiar wood spirit energy enveloped her and blocked everything. She could not see anything.

This wood spiritual energy was very similar to the wood spiritual energy that had the meaning of growth when she summoned the ancestral dragon before.

Sheng Hongyi felt extremely relieved. She simply closed her eyes and waited for the moment to leave.

Void Grass stretched slightly in her arms, sucking in the rare wood spiritual energy. She had nothing to do and didn't even use her strength. Shinhara suddenly said with emotion:
"Girl, why is this wood spiritual energy still there? Could it be that some spiritual energy from the wood spirit space has been extracted here?"

When Sheng Hongyi heard this, her heart moved slightly, something strange said:

"Senior, how do you say this?"

Shan Yuan seemed to ponder for a while and said nothing. After a moment, he said:
"It's just a guess, I don't know if it's right or not. If Hongyi feels there's anything offensive, just pretend I didn't say anything!"

Sheng Hongyi still had her eyes closed, her tone was calm but with a hint of gratitude and respect:

"I would like to hear the details and ask for some advice from my seniors."

In her situation, even if she didn't say anything, how could a big boss like Senior Shinhara, who has experienced thousands of sails, not notice the difference.

It's just that the two of them have a good relationship. Senior Shinhara regards her as Sheng Hongyi as a year-end friend and always pays attention to propriety when talking to her.

From the senior's point of view, this matter was an opportunity to involve her. Since she didn't say anything, he took it seriously and stopped asking.

Now that she had asked a question, he was willing to tell her something, maybe without giving her some pointers.

She was truly grateful for this kindness.

Zhen Yuan felt comfortable talking to Sheng Hongyi. If he just revealed his thoughts casually, this girl would always be able to hear the sound of the strings and know the elegant meaning.

She knows it right away.

After all, it is a happy thing when one's good intentions are perceived by others.

It is said that in this world of immortality, qualifications are very important. In fact, in Sing Yuan's view, understanding accounts for a large part of the qualifications.

Comprehension is an elusive thing, and it has nothing to do with spiritual roots. For example, Sheng Yatou can draw inferences from others when listening to others' words, and can accurately touch the deep meaning of others' words. This is the embodiment of comprehension.

Shan Yuan could completely imagine that a secret book of martial arts was placed in front of her. With her understanding, she could not only comprehend it deeper than others, but also comprehend it faster than others.

This is simply the apprentice that all the old guys who have no successors dream of.

She really envied her master. Did he do any good things in his previous life to accept such a disciple? !

whispering sound!
"In the past, in order to deal with an enemy, someone took a different approach and thought of a way to use his strength!"

Sahara considered his words and told some stories from his time.

In fact, what he wanted to say was that he suspected that Sheng Hongyi was also taking advantage of the situation, but he believed that Sheng Hongyi would understand if he could see through it without telling the truth.

Sheng Hongyi said "hmm".

Among the people in the world, Qingxuan was also listening. However, he didn't understand at all that the word "um" actually meant that Sheng Hongyi acknowledged her "borrowing power".

Lying in the heaven and earth, it felt an unprecedented peace of mind. It seemed to have found a little bit of the feeling it had when it had a body, unlike when it only had a soul body, which was empty and weak.

That is, it glanced at Xunmu Seed, who insisted on squeezing with it, and rolled its eyes, De Xing, what an annoying dragon!
This evil fate has no one. Could it be that it will be tied to Xunmu for all eternity...

Ah, what a lifetime, it still has a long, long life left in it.

Outside, Sing Yuan and Sheng Hongyi continued to talk, not wanting to avoid it.

Shinhara continued:
"The enemy was extremely powerful, but he had to get rid of it. He found a small space and used the secret method he had worked so hard to find. He used the power of this space to summon an artifact and cut down the enemy."

The story is very simple and can be told in a few words, but Sheng Hongyi's heart could not calm down for a long time.



What a similarity!
So, what power did she borrow? !
Almost subconsciously, four words flashed through her mind:

Looking for wood space!

There happens to be a wood-seeking space in the Xuanchenmen space-time tunnel.

There are also trees found in Qinglong Tomb.

Since we are in the time and space tunnel, it is the time and space of the past, which means that the Xunmu in the Xunmu space is not the Xunmu of the present, but the Xunmu of the past.

Therefore, this is not a relationship at all, but the same root and the same tree.

Originally, there was only one sacred tree in the world. How could there be two identical trees?

Use the power of an entire space to summon the ancestral dragon to obtain the power of growth, just to keep Xun Zhen Zhen's original spirit.

I have to say that this is generous enough and quite clever. This should be the method with the highest success rate!
The wood aura in Xunmu Space is Xunmu's own power. The injection of other auras may need to be converted or rejected, but it is your own aura and can be absorbed completely and utilized to the maximum extent, without Any sluggishness.

In itself, this is reasonable. After all, with Xunmu's dilapidated body after suffering a fatal disaster, he is at the end of his strength and can no longer tolerate the slightest change!
This is just like a monk trying to swallow a demon pill.

The demon power in the demon elixir is really violent, and the monks will refine it into elixirs and then swallow them.

This kind of refining is actually a process of seeking common ground while reserving differences, eliminating the unfavorable and objectionable parts first.

"What about that space?"

Sheng Hongyi was actually determined about the outcome, but she still didn't give up and wanted to ask.

"What a silly boy, of course he's gone!"

The eyeballs under Sheng Hongyi's closed eyelids moved slightly, so there must be no room for searching for wood!

Her divine body was truly exhaustive, not to mention Xun Zhenzhen's vitality was preserved, the wood spirit energy that enveloped her body was naturally also her work.

She must have planned the day well, knowing that the collapse of Qinglong Tomb might hurt her reincarnated body, so she also left a safe and stable passage for her to go out.

Sheng Hongyi didn't know about Sheng Lingbo's death at this time. When she came back and found out about it, she was stunned for a while, leaving only a sigh.

Although she has no memory of her past, the fact that Sheng Hongyi took action shows that Sheng Lingbo has a close relationship with her.

What else could Sheng Hongyi do besides sigh with emotion at such a bad fate.

At the same time, she even had some sense of crisis.

Of her countless past and present lives, she herself doesn't have complete memories, but does that mean that others don't have memories?

If Sheng Lingbo targets her like this, it should be because she has some memories of being hostile to Sheng Hongyi in her previous life.

After all, there is no such thing as love and hate for no reason in the world. However, Sheng Lingbo was just a little shrimp. From the beginning, Sheng Hongyi never took her seriously.

But, who knows if there are any big crocodiles besides small shrimps?

Who knows how many enemies are waiting to liquidate her?

As the saying goes:
Take advantage of his illness and kill him!
She is very weak now. It might be easy for the enemy to kill her at this time, right?
What should I do?
But these are things for later. Not long after Sheng Hongyi finished talking to Senior Zhenyuan, she felt that the wood spirit energy surrounding her whole body suddenly trembled violently.

She felt solemn, and before she could react, the wood spirit energy quickly dissipated without warning.

She then fell to the ground and staggered before regaining her balance.

The spiritual energy dissipated, and what appeared in front of Sheng Hongyi was a charred and bare mountain top.

One after another, not even connected into a piece, one in the east, one in the west, like ghosts tall and short, who are about to surround them in the next moment!

Sheng Hongyi: "..."

She really couldn't figure out why she, a god, had left herself in this scorched mountain.

Sheng Hongyi's consciousness spread out tentatively, and Sheng Hongyi searched through everything without giving up.

The result is still nothing, no sign of any living thing here, even the Yin spirit energy is looming, so thin that it is equivalent to nothing.

There are also those black bare mountains, which are just barren of any grass. They are all so hard that it would be difficult for Sheng Hongyi to dig a cave on them to rest temporarily.

"Where is this? Senior?"

Sheng Hongyi didn't bother to guess by herself, so she simply asked someone.

"...This is Jiaoyan Valley. It is the most useless place in the entire Netherworld. The good thing is that no one cares about it and no one comes here. There should be no danger."

Shi Yuan was actually surprised to find himself in such a place.

He could tell the whole thing at a glance. Zhengyuan's probing and the clues revealed by Sheng Hongyi had already let him know that Sheng Hongyi had borrowed a powerful force to accomplish these things.

It doesn't matter who the hidden power is.

The important thing is that the powerful person has a close relationship with Sheng Hongyi and is very powerful. Without any new cause and effect, she perfectly rescued the sacred tree and at the same time sent away those who were "trapped" in it. come out.

Zingyuan could only admire such a powerful person.

Ordinarily, with such great strategizing and the wisdom of a wise man, there would be no mistakes, right?

So why did she leave them in this place?
Even if you can't send it out of the Netherworld, you should at least send it to a richer place, right?
However, he was filled with questions, but how could he dare to speak?

That person is a real power, many times more powerful than him. Who knows if his complaints today will reach her ears and make people unhappy for no reason. This is not good!
Sheng Hongyi frowned. This reason could not convince her. How dangerous was it?

She has been to Hengwu Ghost City. Is there any place in the Netherworld more dangerous than Hengwu Ghost City?
She squinted her eyes and recalled the state of the wood spirit energy just now. In fact, as it progressed to the later stage, she could already feel that the wood spirit energy surrounding her was getting thinner and thinner.

Finally, with a slight tremor, it shattered into pieces without a trace.

She was basically "smashed" to the ground!
From the beginning to the end, in fact, Sheng Hongyi looked at Sheng Hongyi in the divine body without a halo.

Although she was impressed by her ability, she also felt certain in her heart that it was herself!

Even if it is a previous life, it is still my previous life, at best it can be regarded as my highlight life.

Who thinks he can have a halo? She is not a narcissist!
She tried to put herself into her own role as a god to deal with this matter!

As soon as she thought about it, she started to frown!

Because she discovered that even though it was possible to predict the subsequent development, things were trivial and complicated, and there were many links one after another, and several people had to be saved...

What Sheng Hongyi is most impatient to do is trivial things!
Therefore, even though she is a god, she must not be patient either!
Once she gets lazy, she just likes to muddle along!

In other words, the summary is that if you don’t make mistakes in the general direction, you will keep making small mistakes, or you may just ignore them at all. If you don’t see them, there is no trouble. Therefore, this can reduce troubles!

Based on this, combined with the state of the wood spirit energy, in the end, the wood spirit energy was completely gone!

Therefore, the wood spiritual energy reserved for her to "protect" her is just that little!

With her divine body, she probably didn't care where she was left. As long as she could successfully escape the Qinglong Tomb and other space-collapse events, she would have completed her mission!
Therefore, Sheng Hongyi was speechless and her eyes were as bright as fire!
She was thrown in here by a random incident!

This is considered lucky for her. If she is unlucky, she might end up in the mouth of some monster!

She rubbed her brows and discovered for the first time that someone was really ruthless and even tricked her!

And this person is actually herself? !

It’s so weird!
She can't beat herself to death!
"Senior, how can we leave the Netherworld without disturbing others? Don't worry, I will complete your affairs before leaving!"

The matter in Hengwu Ghost Town has become a big deal. Now she has to keep a low profile and keep her tail between her legs!
Therefore, the more quietly you can do it, the better!
If this topic is not mentioned, Shinhara will do as he pleases, because he doesn’t know how to bring it up!
"Well, if you want to go out, it's not impossible. The safest way may take some time!"

“Every year during the Ghost Festival, the gate of ghosts opens, so it’s best to go out with all the ghosts!”

Sheng Hongyi narrowed her eyes slightly and thought for a moment:
"It's doable."

The Ghost Festival is a day when all ghosts go out. At that time, it is really difficult to be found among the ghosts.

Moreover, she has stayed here for fifty years, not less than these few months.

It is spring now, and in just over a hundred days, she will be able to go out!


Sheng Hongyi's scalp was numb. As soon as she heard these two words, she knew that things were not that simple.

"If you go out, you need to pay some fees!"

Shi Yuan's voice was soft, as if he was trying to scare someone!
Sheng Hongyi breathed a sigh of relief:

"Cost? How much?"

Although her wealth is not exposed, she thinks she is considered rich, so she is not afraid of paying.

But when it came to paying money, she instinctively felt physically uncomfortable.

Immediately, she frowned even more tightly:
"On a day when all ghosts are allowed to travel, there is actually a fee?!"

That’s outrageous. How crazy of a rule is this? !
The Ghost Festival is a day when relatives in the human world offer sacrifices to their ancestors. It is also the only day every year when ghosts can go to the human world to see their families.

There are actually restrictions and fees on days like this?

I need money!

So, are there many ghosts who can’t get out because they don’t have money, so they can’t see their relatives? !
(End of this chapter)

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