Because in his spiritual body, Xu Zhi was somewhat unscrupulous.

If it were Yun Cheng, she would not dare to step into a large-scale ritual formation so carelessly.

When the slightly bright red light gradually increased and flooded her entire body, Xu Zhi's originally clear vision suddenly began to distort. A severe dizziness hit her, and her brain began to buzz. It seemed vaguely that something was trying to get through. into her mind, trying to change something.

Xu Zhi's original mental power constructed from the extraordinary energy of the [Moth] attribute could not completely block this invasion. Fortunately, at the critical moment, some kind of existence that Xu Zhi was not aware of blocked her from hiding in the red light and coveting her. Her malice.

When the malice subsided, Xu Zhi seemed to have completed a "mental appraisal". If the game console was nearby, she could probably see that she had completed this appraisal and was no longer regarded as a "sacrifice" by the red light.

But even if the game console wasn't around, Xu Zhi noticed something different.

Her body is not slowly disappearing like the blood and heart placed in the center of the formation, as if swallowed by red light, nor is it like the believers and mutated animals in the Cloud City formation. She seems to be okay?
"Doesn't this ritual involve eating spiritual bodies?"

But isn’t the flesh and blood of the spiritual body flesh and blood?
This is discrimination!
Although there was no danger of her flesh being devoured by the red light and she could move freely inside, Xu Zhi was still not relaxed.

Waves of nausea and dizziness coupled with unspeakable mental pressure made her want to lower her head. Xu Zhi didn't have any obsession with "Don't lower your head, the crown will fall off". She just lowered her head and tried to lower her head, and the pressure was gone. It reached her neck. If she lowered it for a while, it would feel like it would be broken. She could only lift her head up.

"Perhaps the right thing to do is to lie on the ground?"

There was no way she would just stand there blankly like this.

Moreover, she seemed to be stimulated by too much dazzling red light, and she seemed to be having intermittent hallucinations for some reason. Like an old TV that was in disrepair and had poor signal, some blurry pictures began to flash before her eyes.

The picture became clearer the longer she stayed in the red light.

And with the long-lasting dizziness and mental pressure, Xu Zhi couldn't even tell whether he was standing in a building or on an island surrounded by a sea of ​​blood.
Yes, a red sea appeared in front of her. In the center of the sea was an isolated island. A red sun hung in the sky, and a huge amount of blood was continuously flowing from the sun into the sea.

Xu Zhi vaguely felt that this scene looked familiar, as if she had seen it before, but the heavy pressure on her brain made it difficult for her to think about where she had seen it before. When she tried to turn her brain, she seemed to hear the sound of being squeezed. It was so difficult that Xu Zhi simply gave up thinking.

Except for the red sun in the sky, everything in this world seems to be red, except for the small island.

But even though Xu Zhi was just standing on the edge of the island, he saw the most eye-catching thing on the island at a glance:
A bloody ladder to heaven.

The steps start from the center of the island and go up to the sun.

“What does this mean, asking people to climb up and be shoulder to shoulder with the sun?”

"Won't you get roasted to death?"

Xu Zhi's hard-working brain could only think of this at the moment. She seemed to be in a strange state. Most of her rationality no longer existed, her memory and thinking abilities were greatly reduced, and she relied on instinct and impulse to act.

If Xu Zhi was still awake, he would definitely find that he was very similar to those fanatical believers.

She stood there for a long time, looking a little idle and not knowing what she should do. The main reason was that the red steps did not attract her in any way. She even vaguely felt like she was being "squeezed out". Being ostracized.

Then she didn't even want to put in the effort to squeeze through.

But she seemed to have no way to exit here, so she could only stay in a daze.

After being bored for a while, suddenly, there was someone next to Xu Zhi.

It was a middle-aged man who looked about 40 years old. When he successfully appeared on the beach, he couldn't restrain his ecstatic mood at all. He even laughed wildly on the spot a few times. After he calmed down a little, he began to observe He didn't know what was going on around him, but at a glance he realized that there was someone standing next to him? !
The expression on the man's face completely reflected his mood at the moment: shock, disbelief, incomprehension, and, on top of that, anger.He didn't understand why a second person appeared in the ceremony prepared for him.

Impossible, any life other than him will die after the ceremony is started!

So this little girl didn't come here from the ceremony?

Could it be that she is one of those "Chosen Ones" in the rumors, a talented person who was selected and could easily reach here without spending a lot of sacrifices?
That's really infuriating.

Xu Zhi noticed it immediately when the other person appeared, but she felt that this person might have some mental problems. He started laughing wildly for no reason, and after he finished laughing and saw her, his face became strange again.

However, the other party was looking at him, and it seemed impolite not to say hello, so Xu Zhi thought about it and waved.


As soon as she finished speaking, the expression of the person in front of her became even worse.

He even yelled at her with anger that came from nowhere: "Get away, don't get in my way."

After saying that, regardless of Xu Zhi's reaction, he hurriedly ran towards the bloody stairs.

Xu Zhi was yelled at for no reason, and he rebelled on the spot.

OK, you want to climb the stairs, right?
Don't get in your way, right?

I still insist on making it impossible for you to climb up today!
So she no longer stayed at the beach doing nothing, but ran towards the middle-aged man with a vague feeling of rejection.

Of course her goal was not the red stairs, she just simply wanted to kill the man.

But the closer he got to the bloody stairs, the feeling of repulsion became stronger and stronger.

It was as if she was telling Xu Zhi: She doesn't belong here and shouldn't be here.

Originally, if this had not happened, Xu Zhi would have simply backed away, and she was unwilling to do something thankless. But now, the more she rejected her, the stronger Xu Zhi's rebellion became.

"If you reject me, don't you reject him? Okay, you are in the same group, right?!"

Anger began to burn in the girl's heart, her brain was burned to a blank, only sharp anger filled her entire mind.

It happened that at this time, the feeling of rejection suddenly disappeared.

Being burned by anger completely burned away what little sanity he had left, so Xu Zhi didn't notice this.

She just chased after the man's back, and even her originally light gray eyes turned slightly red.

Chapter 2 will be a little later!

Because I slept in and woke up late today, I only had time to write a chapter ()

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