Chapter 230 249. Murderer
Following the leader, Xu Zhi walked through the gaps in the tents and the soldiers coming and going, and walked to the tent in the center of the camp.

This tent should be the largest one. Xu Zhi didn’t know how it was set up. It didn’t look like a tent, but more like a relatively simple house. The weather on the ground floor was cloudy, but after opening the door and walking in, the light in the room was bright. Quite sufficient.

When the door was opened, everyone in the room looked sideways at the door. When they saw a completely unfamiliar girl coming in, even sitting in a wheelchair, many people had puzzled looks on their faces, but No one asked anything. These people in uniforms were sitting around a round table. A certain scene was being played in the center of the round table, which looked like a real-time broadcast.

The content in the picture was a group of soldiers with live ammunition attacking a certain place. Occasionally, some soldiers with slightly different uniforms flashed through them, but they did not hold guns in their hands. Xu Zhi guessed that these soldiers with different uniforms might be extraordinary. By.

To deal with a serial murderer, deploying so many troops is prudent.

The female officer who first came into contact with Xu Zhi pointed to a position behind the round table. There were many people sitting there, and they seemed to have lower status than those sitting at the round table. Xu Zhi was pushed to them. Next to it, it occupies an inconspicuous position.

The room was quiet most of the time, except for the occasional discussion between people at the round table as the scene progressed.

Xu Zhi could notice that even though everyone seemed to be paying attention to the surprise live broadcast, there were still eyes of scrutiny falling on her.

Do you want to see her reaction to the live broadcast?
Xu Zhi didn't care. She only focused on watching the live broadcast. She was also curious about the true face of the "murderer", and she didn't hide her curiosity at all.

Looking at the picture, it seems that this is not far from the slum where they live. It should be between the nearest factory and the slum. There are some sheds built on the roadside, or people living in factories piled on the roadside. Among the huge pipelines, the people living here are basically low-level people who are unwilling to work or work hard to scavenge, and are completely open-minded.

This can be said to be the dirtiest and most depraved area at the bottom. Compared with this, the slums where Qi Yanxin lives are pretty orderly.

People often call this place the "mouse hole".

As the soldiers in the live broadcast screen advanced step by step, Xu Zhi saw many skinny scavengers lying casually on the roadside. Most of their expressions had an absurd calmness, looking at these almost never seen with cold eyes. The soldiers who had appeared here would not be curious about it when they passed by. It seemed that no matter what happened, their desires would no longer be aroused.

Xu Zhi was thinking, what is the difference between these people alive and dead?
Soon, the soldiers in the picture locked a house and surrounded it. Then without any hesitation, they kicked in the door and rushed in.

The weather on the ground floor has been bad, and the streets are already dark. In this windowless room, it is even more like night. The tactical flashlight on the helmet can bring some light to the dark room, but there are still some dark corners that are not illuminated. Photo.

It was also at the moment when the intruders entered the room one after another that a black-red blade stretched out from the darkness between the lightning and flint, and pierced the extremely defensive combat uniform. The moment it came into contact with flesh and blood, the red blade The lines flickered slightly, and the blood in the combatants' bodies flowed rapidly. The next moment, when countless bullets were fired in this direction, the knife had been quietly withdrawn.

Everyone who was monitoring the assault fell silent, and even Xu Zhi showed a surprised expression.

Of course, others were surprised that the knife suddenly stretched out from the darkness and pierced the commando's body with a blow that seemed light and airy, but Xu Zhi was surprised that the knife looked so familiar.

Isn't this her knife? !

"There are actually people at the bottom who are so skilled?"

At the round table, someone asked this question. "There's something wrong with that knife. As for people, if they are really that skilled, why would they live in a place like this and wait to die?"

The female officer's voice sounded: "I'm afraid he had some adventure during this period."

Xu Zhi thought of the factory absenteeism incident that Qi Yanxin told her. Others didn't know, but Xu Zhi knew that this knife had "growth potential". Not only the knife itself, but also the person holding the knife would also be affected. The impact of the knife.

Based on the geographical location of this person's residence, I'm afraid those who were absent from work were intercepted and killed by him on their way to and from get off work.

As he killed more and more people, the knife's influence on him became deeper and deeper, and he finally became a prisoner of the knife. Now the knife should be using people, not people using the knife.

Xu Zhi didn't believe that a person living in such a place could have strong enough willpower to suppress the evil nature of this sword.

Now, he should not be considered an ordinary person. People who are contaminated by the knife will probably become a believer of [Cup].

And it should be the lowest level. After all, it can be seen from his behavior that his IQ is not high.

Now that there was such a big commotion, he didn't know how to run away, and he was still thinking about killing people after being rounded up. How should I put it, it made Xu Zhi feel like he was seeing an "acquaintance". This familiar feeling had not been seen for a long time.

Since coming to this world, Xu Zhi has not heard any news about [Cup]. Thinking of the information currently known, the Federation was a prison created by the supreme being to imprison [Cup], but it was locked in the wrong place. Maybe the outside world Don’t know this news yet?

So in their eyes, there should be no extraordinary people with the [Cup] attribute in this world now.

I don’t know where the real supreme being is hiding and planning, but today it is obvious that this murderer is going to shock people in the real world with a little [cup] attribute.

A flare was thrown into this dark house, and the commandos all wore goggles. It had no effect, except for the murderer who had been hiding in the darkness and peeping.

The moment he was struck by the bright light of the flare, a hoarse and unpleasant scream came from the mouth of the person in the corner.

The moment they saw his "true face", the commandos present and the people monitoring the assault all showed surprised looks. Could this still be considered a "human"?

He has no hair, and seems to have all fallen out. He should be quite tall, but his stooped body makes it difficult to tell his exact height. He is horribly thin. Every bone in the joint is clearly visible. His body seems to be covered with old dirt. With the dried blood, his body turned into a dirty black mass.

The strange thing is that even his eyes are black, and the only difference in color is probably the red blood vessels that appear to be about to burst on his large, abnormal head.

And what he held in his hand was the black-red horizontal knife.

 I went back to the countryside. It was very late when I got home. I was working hard on coding and trying to write the next chapter as soon as possible. My perfect attendance! ! !I don’t want to use the leave request slip at the beginning of the month to make up for my attendance! !
(End of this chapter)

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