I am the Lord of the Gods in the foggy world

Chapter 287 306 places and competition system

No matter what the other party thinks, Xu Zhi cannot currently stay in the dormitory and wait for the other party to appear.

On weekdays, no one would come to her dormitory. After all, it was her private property. Qi Yanxin would go into the room to help her tidy up. Considering that the blood food might appear suddenly, she specifically informed her before going out. Qi Yanxin doesn't want to enter her room recently.

It was troublesome to hold the flowerpot in her hands all the time, so Xu Zhi bought a backpack. Although there were extraordinary items such as storage space, it was too expensive and her resources could not afford it now.

None of the students participating in the Lost Land Selection today need to attend class. The attendance system will automatically record perfect attendance, and the teacher will also mention that they know the reasons for students’ absences. And most senior students have a good idea of ​​who is eligible. There is some suspense, probably That is, those ten special places.

As early as when the Lost Land selection date was announced, the top ten in each grade had already been counted, and the remaining ten places were abuzz with speculation on the forum.

[The two twin sisters in the student union should have quotas. Although their overall performance is not ranked in the top ten, they are disappointed this time because they are preparing for the league. In terms of competition, their abilities are too good and they are really invincible in team battles. 】

[It’s hard to say, there are only seven official spots in the league. Although the twins are very strong together, the 1V1 arena is not enough to watch. 】

[After all, the league is not like any other house competition. It is a real meat grinder. It would be very troublesome if one of the twins dies first, but it would be really unbelievable if they are both alive and present at the same time. 】

[Fifth grade senior Mingwu should also be able to get a spot, right? 】

[It should be possible. He is so good with the hammer that he feels like he can break my bones into powder with one hammer blow! 】

[Without mechanical and forging, the main attack on strength and physical fitness is really terrible. It is just that the path taken is too extreme, resulting in the overall ranking not being in the top ten, but the single-round offensive ability is definitely not lost. 】

[Isn’t it the same for Senior Sister Lingyuan? Even though she is a heart, her fighting style is really scary, so why don’t we let her go out to scare students from other colleges? 】

【Your boy】

[It’s hard to say, the selection rules for each lost land are different. You have to see what the rules are this time. I guess they will be adjusted according to the league. 】

[The competition system of this league has also been released, and the audition standards have been relaxed. Many colleges that were originally unable to participate in the audition can also participate, such as ordinary colleges in affiliated cities. It is estimated that tens of thousands of colleges will participate in the audition alone. Already There are [-] teams that are sure to directly enter the group stage. Maybe some dark horse will appear and kill indiscriminately in the group stage? 】

[It’s none of our business. We are a seeded team and will qualify directly for the finals. Even if there is a dark horse, where can it be? 】

In the real world, there are more than a hundred "main cities". Each main city is very large in area, and it also has many subordinate cities attached to it. For example, the Liancheng City where Xu Zhi is currently located has only five floors. There are hundreds of colleges on the first floor. Although this floor is jokingly called the college area, it does not mean that there is not even a single college in other areas.

And this is only the main city of Liancheng. Each main city is separated by a very long distance. They are not all wastelands, but a large number of subordinate cities gather around the main city. Generally speaking, the colleges in the subordinate cities are basically I don’t often participate in leagues, but this time the rules suddenly changed for some reason.

However, the major cities did not take it too seriously. After all, the more talented students in the cities were absorbed into the academies of the main cities.

But this time, there were [-] colleges that directly entered the audition, and Liancheng got four. There were [-] seed spots, and Liancheng also got two.

Even among the main cities, there are relatively many of them.

However, one of the seed quotas was given by Guangmingyuan, but Liancheng Branch was naturally counted in Liancheng's name. Not only Guangmingyuan, but other larger forces also have certain seed quotas. Guangmingyuan alone has four, which is already the first echelon.

In addition to Guangmingyuan, the other seed quota is the academy directly affiliated to the parliament and the military. Liancheng achieved top ten results in the last league and received a seed quota.

[It’s not a big problem. We can just study our opponents in the finals directly. No matter how dark horse we are, they will have to go through five levels and defeat six generals before they can meet us. 】

After all, Liancheng is a first-tier city no matter how you look at it, and it takes the devil's script.

[Let’s be more modest. This time the rules have been changed and the auditions have been expanded. Maybe there is some rumor and you know that a dark horse may come out? 】

[What the hell, they’re all sharks! 】

This is no joke. The mortality rate in the league is extremely high. However, a large-scale ritual circuit is prepared in advance for each event. After death in the ring, the breath of life can be retained and rescued through ritual retrospection. Although there are occasional accidents, most of the time It is still guaranteed that even if you die during the ritual, you can be saved.

The extraordinary competition is not playing house, and the ritual will not relieve any pain. You still have to "die" during the competition. At most, it will save you later, so if there is a shortcoming in some team, that shortcoming The board might come back to life and death several times.

It's not like there haven't been some pampered extraordinary people who lost their mentality when they were killed while playing in the league.

Often after a game, the arena is full of severed limbs and flesh and blood. The life retrospective ritual is powerful enough, otherwise no city would be able to withstand the creation of young geniuses like this.

[Tiet has already prepared for the life retrospective ceremony in advance. Tianxinhui has also used many big names this time. It seems that they are really preparing for a nationwide audition. 】


Xu Zhi paid a little attention when he saw this title on the forum. He was a signer of the [Heart] attribute who belonged to Liancheng, and he was a very powerful one.

Tiet, the symbol representing life is her name, which shows how much [Heart] favors her.

In addition to her, the forum also mentioned the titles of many named persons one after another, most of which were [Heart] and [Qi]. After all, most of the extraordinary beings needed to arrange the life retrospective ceremony have these two attributes, among which [Lamp] [Casting] is also essential, and a little [Winter] is also needed.

[It’s too far off topic. They have to pass the Lost Land selection first and come back alive before they can participate in the league. 】

[But what is certain is that the captain of the official team must be the president. The president is much stronger than the last time he participated. Maybe we can compete for the championship this time! 】

This article received almost [-]% approval.

As the president of the Student Union of Guangmingyuan, everyone seems to agree that she will definitely get a spot in the main competition, come back from the lost place alive, and lead the team to achieve better results in the league than before.

Xu Zhi saw in the words uttered by these students in the forum that they trusted, admired, and even looked up to the president.

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