Before hanging himself, Chongzhen lifted the table

Chapter 111 The difference between whether the main force of the thief army comes or not

Chapter 111 The difference between whether the main force of the thief army comes or not
After Ming Jin withdrew his troops, the atmosphere in the central tent of Li Zicheng's army became somewhat depressing.

I originally thought that I could defeat them with one drum, but I didn't expect that I didn't even do two drums. The losses in the siege battle were also huge, which somewhat damaged morale.

However, there are also those who are not convinced. No, Li Zicheng's top general Liu Zongmin came out and told Li Zicheng: "Next time, the general will lead the elite of the headquarters, and he will definitely be able to help His Highness capture Baoding City!"

When he said this, other generals would naturally not lag behind and ask for battle one after another.

However, Li Zicheng did not nod.

The losses in the two siege battles made him feel a little painful.The soldiers of the old camp suffered 3000 casualties.

At this moment, Niu Jinxing, who was absent from the discussion, rushed to the Central Military Tent and actually went over to have an ear-to-ear with Li Zicheng. Everyone looked puzzled and a little curious, not knowing what they were whispering.

They all noticed that Li Zicheng's face looked better after listening.

After Niu Jinxing returned to the civil service team, Li Zicheng said in a firm tone: "Where is Liu Fangliang?"

"The general is here!" After hearing this, Liu Fangliang immediately stepped out of the queue and clasped his fists in response.

Li Zicheng looked at him and ordered: "Lead your troops and continue to attack Baoding. Take the best you can. If you can't take it, just surround it. Don't tell Baoding troops to go north."

Upon hearing this order, everyone was stunned for a moment. The main army is not going to attack Baoding?

"The general obeys the order!" Liu Fangliang was a little unhappy, but he had to listen to the military order, so he could only respond, his voice a little weaker. After hesitating for a moment, he asked, "Your Highness, the general's troops have been in several siege battles." The losses are a bit heavy. If reinforcements from the Ming Dynasty come to help, I'm afraid it will be a bit... a bit powerless!"

Originally he had more than 5 troops, but after recruiting Ming officials and troops along the way, the number expanded to [-].However, after several sieges, only [-] motley troops were left, and his own troops also lost [-].If the main army hadn't been here, he would have withdrawn due to huge losses.

When Li Zicheng heard this, he said without hesitation: "There are no reinforcements in Baoding now, just don't worry!"

When Liu Fangliang heard this, he felt a little absolute and reminded: "Your Highness, Liu Zeqing's command in Shandong still has the strength to come to the rescue."

Today, the Central Plains is basically occupied by the Dashun Kingdom. They have swept through the southern region of the Gyeonggi Land, and there are no enemies left. Only the eastern part, the Dashun Army has not attacked.

Although the other generals in the Chinese military tent did not speak, it could be seen from their expressions that they felt that Liu Fangliang was right.

But who would have thought, he heard Li Zicheng say to him: "There is no need to worry about the enemies in Shandong. You only need to send scouts to warn. Liu Zeqing will not dare to rescue Baoding, otherwise he will personally lead the army to destroy him!"

It will be a matter of time before he is destroyed, but if Liu Zeqing keeps his promise, then he can be pushed back.

He didn't want to make the secret agreement with Liu Zeqing public, so as not to damage the people's support.

Hearing his decisive words, Liu Fangliang couldn't say anything and could only accept the order to retreat again.

If it were just the officers and soldiers in Baoding City, he would be fine.After all, he also has eyes, and he can see how much strength the city's defenders still have if they have used Minzhuang.

As soon as he retreated, Li Zicheng issued a military order, announcing that the main army would go north to attack the Ming capital.

As soon as this military order was issued, his generals immediately became excited, and their morale increased significantly.

Attack the capital of the Ming Dynasty and change the dynasty after defeating it. This is something they have been looking forward to for a long time!
No, Liu Fangliang became very depressed after hearing this.Originally, he thought that he could capture the capital of the Ming Dynasty first and achieve this great feat. However, he could only watch others attack the capital while he stayed in Baoding.

Changing from Ci Hou to Ci Gong will be difficult again!

At the same time, there was a cry of mourning in Baoding city.

The second large-scale siege by Li's bandit army caused heavy losses to the defenders. As a last resort, even the reserve ministries were sent to the top of the city to be able to hold on to the city.

The corpses of those who died in battle were lined up in a long line on Chengmen Street, and it seemed almost endless as far as the eye could see.As for the wounded soldiers, there were even more.The yamen could no longer take care of them, so they had no choice but to assign some lightly injured soldiers to ordinary people's homes and let them take care of them on their behalf.

It is almost foreseeable that if the bandit army launches another such large-scale siege, Baoding City will most likely be lost!
In the meeting hall of the Governor's Yamen, Baoding Governor Shao Zongyuan said with a smile: "Thanks to the concerted efforts of all of you, we in Baoding have once again repelled the army of Li thieves. As the saying goes, one effort will lead to failure, and three will be exhausted. As long as we work together to defeat the thieves again, This official has predicted that the army will attack and the bandit army will retreat!"

However, everyone else in the lobby had serious expressions on their faces.Only the people from the Baoding local faction echoed his words, but it could be heard that it was really a bit reluctant.

Although Wang Dengzhou, the guard general of the South Gate, was a local soldier, he was not from Baoding. Looking at the scene in the lobby, he said with a grimace: "Your Excellency, the number of troops guarding the city is insufficient, and the people are not trained. What can we do?" Can it withstand such a strong attack by an army of thieves? Moreover, many of the defensive equipment are insufficient and the gunpowder consumption is very high. What can be done?"

After hearing this, Lu Yingjiao, before Shao Zongyuan could speak, said with a serious face: "The appropriate deployment of the people's strength can be used in non-main attack directions of the bandits. If the gunpowder is gone, the fuel supplies in the city can be collected. If the rolling logs and stones are gone, the houses can be demolished for urgent use." In short , how can it be impossible to think about?”

At this point, he suddenly became more serious and shouted: "Is it possible that you don't want to defend the city, but you are greedy for life and fear death and want to subjugate the thieves?"

After Zhang Datong heard this, he stared at Wang Zangzhou and shouted: "Does the Governor have His Majesty's decree in his hands? Those who surrender to thieves can be beheaded first and then reported. Even the governor has been beheaded. Do you want to give it a try?"

When Wang Dengzhou heard this, his face turned red immediately and he loudly said: "The general just thinks that instead of all of us dying here, it is better to follow His Majesty's will and break out to defend the capital!"

In fact, in the original history, he watched Liu Fangliang's troops burn the city gate with fire. Feeling that the situation was over, he hung himself down with a rope and surrendered.

Of course, now that butterfly wings are fluttering over him, he may not necessarily mean what he said about breaking out.

Hearing Wang Dengzhou's excuse in the emperor's words, Lu Yingjiao and others could no longer scold him, but loudly said: "We are not at the end of the road now, and it is not yet the time to break out of the encirclement as your Majesty said!"

Wang Dengzhou wanted to say more, but Ma Ke, who had been silent, suddenly said in a serious tone: "There are hundreds of thousands of troops outside the city. Although there are no rebels at the north gate, this is a siege of three towers. It is a dead end. If you want to Breaking through is easier said than done!”

Upon hearing this, everyone fell silent.

The local generals felt that the rebel army was powerful; but the guest army felt that they were in a desperate situation.

In the end, Shao Zongyuan said kindly: "I will discuss with the rich households in the city and give some silver to reward the soldiers who have killed the enemy. In addition, I will kill a few more pigs to reward the soldiers. In terms of strengthening the people, I will Let’s organize again. In short, only by working together can we defend Baoding City, right?”

The military meeting ended like this. As soon as the guest generals left, the local generals who had deliberately delayed their departure stood still. Among them, Zhang Datong even said to Shao Zongyuan: "My lord, I see how many people seem to be interested." The heart of a thief, or find an opportunity to kill them..."

Although the words were not finished, the meaning was obvious.

After hearing this, Shao Zongyuan immediately shook his head and said: "If you kill them, what will happen to their people? Are they going to be killed too? Who have these people killed to defend the city?"

After asking three questions in a row, Zhang Datong fell silent, and then he sighed and said: "As I said, we still need to work together to drain the rebel army's morale, food and supplies, and maybe they will retreat. Military."

In fact, even he himself didn't believe it when he said it.

There are no reinforcements from outside, only strong enemies, and there is a distinction between host and guest inside. There seems to be a crack. It is really difficult to defend Baoding!
However, the emperor has entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, so he can only do his best and die!
With this thought, Shao Zongyuan said to them: "Go back and get ready. I am also going to visit the rich households in the city in person!"

The big family in the city was headed by the Zhang family, with a total of six brothers. The elder brother Zhang Luojun was elected as a Jinshi in the autumn of the 16th year of Chongzhen. His younger brother Zhang Luofu also became a Wu Jinshi in the same year. He was very strong and good at shooting. He also had two younger brothers who were scholars.

They took the lead, organized the people to strengthen, spent private money to defend the city, and became Shao Zongyuan's big help.

Several brothers themselves participated in the battle to defend the city. When they heard that the governor was visiting, they understood his intention and immediately gave money to the governor. They even gave the governor an idea. They took out Chongzhen money and hung it around each person's neck. He expressed his support for the emperor and had no intention of surrender.

After Shao Zongyuan left, Zhang Luojun summoned his wife and children and told them: "If the city falls in the next battle, I won't be able to take care of my family at the top of the city. You should be prepared to commit suicide!"

His wife Luo Shi heard this and said slowly: "Don't worry, sir, we will sit by the well and wait for news."

"Dad..." The youngest daughter, who was six years old, looked at him and shouted. Before she could finish her words, tears flowed out. She was put into her arms by her mother and stopped talking.

The atmosphere in the Zhang family was very heavy.The other family is Jin Zhensun's family.Although Jin Zhensun is not here now, his uncle Jin Yudong, who is the imperial censor, is here.

Just like the Zhang family, after Shao Zongyuan's visit, they were ready to commit suicide as a family.

In the entire Baoding City, apart from the cries of relatives dead and injured, there was almost no sound, let alone any laughter.

Governor Shao Zongyuan finally fell asleep in the middle of the night. In the early morning, he was suddenly awakened by his servants.

When Shao Zongyuan opened his eyes, he was startled and immediately asked: "But the bandits are attacking the city?"

"No, sir, the bandits have escaped. No, no, no, there are many bandits running away!"

When Shao Zongyuan heard this, he was immediately surprised. He hurriedly put on his clothes and hurried to the city without even bothering to wash up.

When he arrived, there were already many people on the city wall.Some excitement and excitement can be seen among each other.

Outside the city, I saw that part of the bandit army had indeed moved out, and the remaining bandits were also packing their things. It was obvious from a glance that they were preparing to leave.

When Marco saw the Governor coming, he walked over and said excitedly: "Sir, from the general's perspective, it seems that only 7 to [-] people in the rebel army have not moved, and the rest will leave!"

"Okay, okay!" Shao Zongyuan heard this and responded repeatedly, "This way, the pressure on Baoding will be reduced!"

There used to be an army of over [-] people, and outside the city was a dense camp of bandits, which was frightening to see.Now that the main force of the bandit army has left, it feels like a heavy burden has been lifted off of them.

The other people on the city were all the same, and most of them had smiles on their faces.

However, as Shao Zongyuan watched, he suddenly frowned and turned to ask Ma Ke: "This army of thieves is heading north. Are they going to attack the capital?"

Marco listened and replied: "Maybe!"

After hearing this, Shao Zongyuan looked at the direction of the bandit army again. He turned around and walked away. At the same time, he ordered the guards around him: "Immediately send an order to the generals to discuss matters!"

About half an hour later, the generals who received the news gathered together.

Shao Zongyuan glanced at the generals below, his face was heavy, and his expressions were obviously different from those of the generals in the hall. He then heard him say: "The main force of the bandit army is going to attack the capital. I will allow all armies to break through and rescue the capital!"

Upon hearing this, the faces of these generals froze.Even Wang Dengzhou, who had previously said that he wanted to break out of the encirclement and go to the capital, was the same. He lowered his head and said nothing until he found Shao Zongyuan staring at him, and then said with a sad face: "Sir, how can we break out of the encirclement with less than a thousand troops?"

Hearing this, Zhang Datong couldn't help but mocked: "Didn't you say yesterday that you were going to break out of the encirclement?"

Wang Dengzhou heard this and acted rogue: "I was so anxious yesterday that I forgot that we only have this few people!"

Zhang Datong heard this and was about to taunt him again when Marco said: "The number of troops in the city that can leave the city now is only about [-]. And there are still [-] to [-] bandit troops outside the city, enough to continue to surround Baoding City. "

He is obviously more experienced, at least it sounds like he is. He continues to say to Shao Zongyuan: "Now if the dead bodies in the city are not dealt with, there will be a possibility of plague. Buried in the city, they will all be graves. Moreover, there is no more firewood in the city, and there is no way to go out. Take, there are so many things going on, please ask the Governor to take care of the aftermath!"

This was not over yet. He just paused and said again: "When the general passed by the east of the city, he heard the sound of people starving. If the bandit army is left outside the city and refuses to leave, Baoding may have to endure a little longer, and then it will be the same. The city will be destroyed!"

In the past, when the enemy was present, many things were suppressed.

At this time, the main force of the rebel army was gone, and only those like Marco, who had fought many battles in the south and north, could understand the difficulties behind them.

After hearing his words, Wang Dengzhou opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.However, he glanced at Zhang Datong and did not say anything in the end.

Everyone in the lobby no longer felt relaxed.

After Ma Ke reminded him, if he didn't know anything about him, he wouldn't be worthy of being the leader of Baoding.

After a moment of silence, Shao Zongyuan asked Ma Ke tentatively: "Is it possible to repel the bandits outside the city?"

Upon hearing this, everyone turned to look at Marco, expecting him to say something.

As a result, Ma Ke shook his head and said: "Baoding's soldiers can defend the city quite well, but if they go out to fight in the city, they will be ten times more powerful than the enemy. It's impossible!"

After going around and around, the final result was that even though the main force of the rebel army left, Baoding would only fall later!

Seeing this, Marco also sighed and said: "The current situation, unless there are reinforcements, may be able to break it!"

When the main force of the thief army was there before, talking about reinforcements was actually a joke.But things are different now. There are only [-] to [-] bandits, which is more than half of the strength. If reinforcements come, even if they are just to contain the bandits, they can give Baoding certain expectations!

However, after Marco expressed this hope, no one was happy.

Because they all knew that there would be no reinforcements in Baoding.The main force of the rebel army has gone to attack the capital. Even if there are reinforcements, they will definitely rescue the capital. If there is a rescue, it is better than saving Baoding.

Unexpectedly, when the main force of the rebel army came, Baoding was in a desperate situation; when the main force of the rebel army left, Baoding was still in a desperate situation.Doesn't this mean that whether the main force of the rebel army comes or not, Baoding is actually a dead end?

Outside the city, after Liu Fangliang sent Li Zicheng off respectfully and left, he turned back on his horse and stood in the distance of Baoding City, looking at the city with hatred.

It was all those damn things in the city that prevented him from taking the Ming capital's meritorious service, and even now prevented him from participating in the battle to capture the capital.

Damn it, damn it!
Thinking like this, Liu Fangliang secretly vowed to capture Baoding City.

Now he has plenty of time to attack Baoding City.As a result, there are many more options for attacking the city.Such as digging tunnels, building earth cities, etc.As long as he has a superior force and can prevent the defenders in the city from leaving the city to destroy it, he can use it.

In order to undermine the morale of the city, Liu Fangliang also displayed his methods with great fanfare.First, use the large siege equipment that was destroyed before, pile it up near the city head, and then fill it with soil.

Even if the city head is bombarded with artillery, it is of little use against this method of siege.

Generally speaking, this method of building an earthen city is close to the city wall, so it is easy for the defenders to rush out and destroy the earthen city.There are examples of this kind of warfare in history.

But the crux of the problem is that the original soldiers in Baoding City suffered heavy casualties due to the previous two wars, but Liu Fangliang has elite old thieves soldiers in his hands. The strength difference is too great to be able to defend the city's defenders. The army rushed out to destroy the Tucheng.

The only problem with this method of siege is that it is a bit slow.The defenders on the city will eventually do everything possible to interfere and use long-range weapons to attack the soldiers filling the mountain.

Seeing the panic of the defenders at the top of the city, Liu Fangliang was happy.However, it's not always happy.For example, Liu Fangliang was upset when his subordinates came to report that a team of detective horses had been missing for several days and had not returned.

Fortunately, it was not the Shandong side that he needed to guard against, so he just sent two more teams of detective horses to investigate.

What Liu Fangliang didn't know was that Emperor Chongzhen personally led his army along the foot of the Taihang Mountains, hiding day and night, and had reached Mancheng in the west of Baoding, and quietly captured this small city, while the army rested inside for a day.

By interrogating the captured detective horses of Liu Fangliang, Emperor Chongzhen also learned about the situation of Liu Fangliang's army.

In the military meeting hall, Emperor Chongzhen said with a serious expression: "I remind you that once you go to war, it will be the beginning of a continuous war. I know that hardships are inevitable. I hope that you and all the soldiers will work together to restore peace to the capital. !”

"The general will obey the order!" Zhou Yuji and others responded loudly with serious faces, standing in line and clasping their fists.

(End of this chapter)

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