Chapter 119 There is no good thing about women
The army, which stretches for dozens of miles, is marching from north to south.

It had just rained heavily, and not to mention the ordinary roads, even the official roads were muddy.

It is often seen that there are mules and carriages blocking the middle of the road, with their wheels stuck in the mud. A large group of soldiers are either trying to push the carts, or driving the mules and horses in front.

The marching team was blocked by the mules and carriages stuck in the mud.

Every soldier seemed to be angry, either cursing the muddy road or the cars blocking the road.From time to time, quarrels could be heard, and even swords were drawn, which were later suppressed by officers.

The commander-in-chief of this army, Li Zicheng, was actually similar. He was very angry. The civilian and military generals who usually liked to be around him quietly moved away when they saw his expression.

Since he couldn't hide, he walked cautiously with him. Basically, few people spoke.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on Li Zicheng's bad temper. Anyone who encounters a situation like him will definitely not be in a good mood!

It was originally a smooth sailing into Jin, and he was about to occupy the entire Jin. As a result, Zhou Yuji defended Ningwuguan, which depleted the morale and morale of the army. Then he found that the Ming emperor actually led the army to go out, completely cutting off his desire to conquer the Jin Dynasty. North advancing road.

That's it, it's actually nothing.On the other hand, it is also possible to set a trap in Taiyuan and send the army into the capital to seize the capital of the Ming Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, the army suffered another loss under Baoding City, losing a large number of troops but unable to capture it.

If that's all, forget it. As long as you can capture the capital of the Ming Dynasty, you can make up for anything.But unexpectedly, the Ming emperor not only failed to step into the trap he had set, but instead made a surprise attack and defeated the army he had left in Baoding.

Not only did they lose troops and generals, they also cut off Li Zicheng's food and grass supplies. As a result, the capital was unable to fight and had to return to the army to deal with the Ming Emperor's army first.

After going back and forth, countless soldiers, horses, food and grass were lost, and the morale of the army was also greatly affected. It can almost be said that the morale brought about by the overwhelming momentum when they first entered Jin was completely lost.

The road was muddy and the march was difficult. As a last resort, Li Zicheng ordered the destruction of the large siege equipment that had been built in two days not long after setting off.

There really isn't anything good going on, it's weird to be happy!

Song Xiance, who was following Li Zicheng, saw his gloomy face all the way, and felt that as a minister, he should say something, so he said to Li Zicheng: "Your Highness, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty did not dare to go out to Yanmen Pass to fight our army. Now I When the army attacked the capital, they did not dare to directly come to the rescue. From this, it can be seen that the army he led must have limited strength. The soldiers who escaped from Baoding also verified that the Ming emperor's army only had four at most. Just fifty thousand."

When he heard him speak, Li Zicheng turned to look at him without saying anything, then continued to turn his head and look ahead, letting the horse under his crotch carry him forward one step at a time.

Song Xiance continued to say to Li Zicheng: "Our army has as many as [-] troops left behind in Zhending. It is also where our army stores food and grass. We have enough soldiers and food. It's better that the Ming Emperor doesn't have Zhending's plans. If you try to take advantage of our food and grass hoarding place again like before, you will definitely fail like that time in Daizhou."

In fact, when we went to Daizhou last time, we never thought that Daizhou was in danger, so we didn't have many troops.As for Zhending City, because of what happened in Daizhou, Li Zicheng left a full 5 troops in the city just in case.

At this time, after listening to Song Xiance's words, he looked a little better. However, he did not turn his head, but frowned and said, "I'm just worried that the Ming Emperor is as slippery as a loach, and he won't be able to face Gu." Decisive battle!"

At this point, Li Zicheng raised his hand and pointed his horsewhip at the advancing army, and then said to Song Xiance: "Since the army entered the Jin Dynasty, it has been fighting continuously and has traveled thousands of miles. It has never had a good rest. The sergeants are irritable and their morale is a little low. This That’s not a good thing!”

The meaning of these words was that he was afraid that the Ming Emperor would learn what he did before, avoid fighting and keep dragging the army away.If this is the case, he can't afford it.

Song Xiance heard this and understood Li Zicheng's worries.In this situation, if there is a big victory, nothing will happen.

For example, to capture the capital of the Ming Dynasty, it is possible to even capture Baoding, or to defeat the Ming Dynasty emperor in a decisive battle.

However, as of now, there is no winning battle to be won.

While he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard Li Zicheng say: "If the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty is not in Baoding, I have decided to capture Baoding first to let the soldiers relax and boost their morale before looking for trouble with the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty!"

Song Xiance understood clearly that what Li Zicheng meant was that by capturing Baoding Massacre City, he could effectively vent the negative emotions in the army and boost morale again.

They suffered heavy losses when they attacked Baoding, and they had already accumulated a lot of resentment. It would be really good if they could vent it out like this.As for whether Baoding City can be captured, there is actually no suspense. As long as we fight a few more times, we will definitely be able to capture Baoding City.When we were in Baoding last time, we could actually see that as long as we attack Baoding again, we will definitely be able to capture the city of Baoding.

Thinking like this, he echoed Li Zicheng and said: "Your Highness is wise! Why don't you pass on the message to the army officers and soldiers to get to Baoding as soon as possible?"

After hearing this, Li Zicheng thought for a moment and shook his head and said, "Let's wait until Tan Ma finds out the exact information about the Ming Emperor!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a group of knights galloping towards this direction in front of him. The speed was so fast that the soldiers on the roadside were frightened to avoid cursing.

Song Xiance looked over when he heard the sound, and then quickly said to Li Zicheng: "Your Highness, it's the detective horse who has reported back!"

Li Zicheng listened, nodded, and watched Tan Ma approaching quickly with a little expectation.

Even Niu Jinxing and others who were hiding behind came over after seeing the situation.

"Report..." A team of exploration horses stopped nearby. The leader of the exploration horses turned over and dismounted. Regardless of the mud on the ground, he immediately knelt down on one knee and reported, "The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty has captured Zhending. Ruhou has led the cavalry to Zhending." Determined, let my subordinates report to His Highness..."

Ruhou is Liu Zongmin. When Li Zicheng heard that Liu Fangliang's troops were attacked, he immediately mobilized Liu Zongmin's cavalry and rushed to Baoding first.

When Li Zicheng heard this, he was immediately shocked and almost fell off his horse. He immediately asked: "What, how is this possible? What is going on?"

I just analyzed that it was definitely impossible for the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty to capture Zhending City, so it fell?
For a moment, Li Zicheng wondered whether Gao Guiying had colluded with someone to sell Zhending City?
After all, he already has two wives who are colluding with others and cuckolding him.

But he quickly came to his senses. It was impossible for Gao to do this. Gao Yigong was by his side. If he dared to do this, would he risk her brother's life?
Just as Li Zicheng was thinking about it, he heard Tan Ma explain: "Marquis Ru met the defeated soldiers who had escaped from Zhending. It was said that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty personally led a large army, about [-] to [-] people, and attacked in the rain, and Zhending was lost."

Hearing this, Li Zicheng was certain that the fall of Zhending was definitely true.

That was the place where he finally plundered and hoarded food and grass, but it was captured by the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. This didn't mean he was strangled by the neck!

If we need to replenish food and grass at this moment, there will be no place to do so for a while.

The food and grass on the Taiyuan side is within Zhending City; if it is further away, you can only go to Henan and other places.However, it is too far away, and you don’t even know how much food and grass will be consumed on the way!
Li Zicheng thought about it, the veins on his forehead were twitching, his face became a little ferocious, and he shouted angrily: "What does Gao Guiying do for a living? She lost her true destiny! I know that women are not good at all!"

When Song Xiance saw that Li Zicheng was showing signs of losing control, he quickly said: "Your Highness, the current plan is to regain Zhending first. Otherwise, the army will run out of food and grass, and the consequences will be disastrous!"

Fortunately, because I had thought before that attacking the capital of the Ming Dynasty could not be conquered in a day or two, the army carried more food and grass, which was enough for the 20-strong army for half a month.

After hearing his words, Li Zicheng came back to his senses, forcibly controlled his emotions, and immediately shouted angrily: "According to Gu's decree, the entire army will march at a faster pace. Anyone who dares to delay or neglect will be killed!"

Originally, the weather was bad and the roads were muddy, so most of the soldiers were unwilling to rush and waited until dark to set up camp and rest.

At this time, as Li Zicheng's military order was passed down, everyone had no choice but to speed up the march.

Amidst the complaints, countless footsteps stepped into puddles and mire one after another, making a "papa" sound.

Groups of soldiers, driven by the officers as mules and horses, pushed the carts forward.

The marching speed of Dashun Army suddenly accelerated a lot.


Here in Baoding City, since the emperor led the army and left, the defenders have been in full alert.Although I had just experienced a big victory, I was almost defeated, so it would be most appropriate to describe it as having lingering fears.

The emperor led the army to go out, and the army of Li thieves would come soon. Everyone in Baoding was a little worried.

After all, they had seen the endless army of thieves outside the city.The emperor's men and horses are obviously much smaller than the rebel army. Once the main force of the rebel army comes again, can Baoding be defended?

Also, if the emperor leads the army to fight, can he still win?If the emperor is defeated, the future of Baoding will definitely be very bad!
This kind of thinking is shared by almost every Baoding person, and many people even have trouble sleeping, fearing that when they open their eyes, they will hear the bad news about the emperor, or that the bandit army will invade the city.

For this reason, the soldiers and civilians in Baoding City are strengthening the city defense every day.Shao Zongyuan, the governor of Baoding, was also busy until late at night every day, coordinating manpower, materials, etc.

On this day, while he was discussing matters with Zhang Luojun and others at the Governor's Yamen, he suddenly heard rapid footsteps coming from outside the lobby, and was startled at that time.

"Sir, Lord Governor, go to the city quickly, quickly..."

Shao Zongyuan's expression suddenly changed. He immediately looked outside the lobby after hearing the sound, and saw Zhang Luofu running in with a face of surprise. Suddenly, a question appeared in his mind. Is it good or bad?

Seeing his brother in such a hurry, Zhang Luojun immediately scolded him: "Why are you so unbecoming in front of the Governor?"

But who knows, Zhang Luofu ignored his brother, but looked at Shao Zongyuan and said quickly: "Your Majesty, go to the top of the city and take a look. It seems that the thieves are running for their lives, running from south to north. Your Majesty should be fighting in the south." The battle is won!”

Upon hearing this, Shao Zongyuan and others were immediately overjoyed.They had always been worried about the emperor's safety. Now that they saw the good news, they were naturally happy. Without saying a word, they all rushed to the city.

After Shao Zongyuan arrived at the city, he saw groups of bandits fleeing north.

"Sir, the general has requested to go out to fight and kill him!" Lu Yingjiao and others saw Shao Zongyuan's arrival and immediately asked him to fight.

When other generals heard this, they all followed suit and asked for battle. The crowd was excited!
Shao Zongyuan looked at the rebels who were escaping away from the Baoding city wall. It didn't seem like they were faking it.But in the end, he shook his head and said: "There are no cavalry in the city. If it is a trap, it will be too late to evacuate the capital, so it is better to be cautious!"

Baoding's cavalry had long been taken away by Fang Zhenghua, but no matter what, dozens of cavalry could still be gathered together.

Lu Yingjiao immediately called for battle again: "The last general only needs to lead twenty riders. If you catch a few thieves and come in to ask questions, you can know the specific situation?"

After hearing this, Shao Zongyuan felt it made sense and finally agreed.Zhang Datong also wanted to go, but he couldn't win over Lu Yingjiao, so he had to forget it.

Not long after, Lu Yingjiao successfully caught a few thieves and came back. After interrogation, everyone was overjoyed.

"It's amazing, Your Majesty, you can actually defeat him in one battle!"

"This is good, that is where the thieves are hoarding food and grass. Now the thieves are in a hurry!"

"Your Majesty is wise and mighty, and he truly has the martial arts skills of the Great Patriarch!"


Originally there was no hope of defeating Li's army, but as the news became clear, the prospects suddenly became brighter.Not to mention that we will definitely be able to defeat the thief army, but at least we can see the hope of defeating the thief army!
As the news spread, Baoding City became a sensation. Rumors spread everywhere about how the emperor led the army to capture Zhending City.

Obviously, none of the soldiers and civilians in Baoding saw the Zhending siege, but every Baoding soldier and civilian who was spreading the news vividly described the Zhending siege as if they had seen it with their own eyes.

It even began to be said that the emperor and several of his generals led the imperial officers and soldiers to the top of the city with one against a hundred, and no one could defeat them. In this way, they defeated Zhending's bandit army.

Liu Lanyu, the female general who stayed in Baoding City, knew that one of the purposes of Lanling Camp was to preach and influence the people. She immediately felt that this was a good opportunity, and quickly discussed with her subordinates to see how to publicize it.

However, they did not dare to spread the news too far, so they started to promote it according to what they imagined the siege would look like. In the end, they promoted that the emperor was wise and powerful and led the army to capture Zhending City.

When Baoding City was busy, we saw a large group of bandit cavalry again, crossing Baoding City from north to south and heading south. Everyone who saw it knew that the bandits were going to Zhending.

At the beginning, the soldiers and civilians of Baoding City were not affected much by the encouragement of victory.

However, when later, when I saw the main force of the Li thieves passing by Baoding as far as the eye could see, the excitement and joy brought by the previous victory began to fade.

Liu Jiuqing, one of the chief soldiers of the Beijing camp, looked at the rebel army outside the city and said bitterly: "If there is a cavalry army in hand, with the way this rebel army is rushing forward, someone will definitely charge and kill it! Such a situation will disrupt the situation." The march of Li Thief’s army will also make the pressure on His Majesty’s side less severe.”

It's a pity that the emperor only asked him to lead the infantry to garrison Baoding.

Hearing this, Shao Zongyuan's heart moved, and he immediately asked: "Do you have any good strategies that can disrupt the march of Li's army while protecting Baoding City?"

The emperor's safety was the most important thing. The army of Li thieves were all pressing towards the emperor. He was a little worried, fearing that the army of Li thieves would jump over the wall and fight to the death, which would pose a threat to the emperor.

After hearing this, Lu Yingjiao shook his head and said, "Li's army is far away from the city wall, and we can't leave the city to fight. What can we do?"

When the others heard this, they all shook their heads. There was really nothing they could do.

But who knows, Liu Lanyu had an idea and said: "Perhaps we can anger the bandit army and let them attack Baoding. Wouldn't it delay the journey of Li bandit army? How many troops can be left to attack Baoding can reduce the number of troops on your Majesty's side. It’s stressful!”

She has been thinking about how to publicize these days, so she has a lot of experience in using words, so she said this now.

After she finished speaking, the official who guaranteed the registration suddenly fell silent.However, Liu Jiuqing immediately agreed: "This is a good method. Even if Li's entire army comes to attack, I will be sure to stop him for ten days and a half. In this way, will the bandit still have food and grass? As long as he can hold off Li." If the army of thieves does not attack Zhending and compete for food and grass, Li’s army of thieves will be defeated!"

When Shao Zongyuan heard this, he immediately made a decision and said: "Okay, let's do it like this!"

Lu Yingjiao and others listened, weighed it up, and felt that Baoding should not be dangerous, so they all agreed.

As for how to anger the bandits, a few rough guys had the best ideas. After discussing for a while, Shao Zongyuan immediately asked someone to make arrangements.

I saw all the people in the city coming out of their houses and standing under the west wall closest to Li Thief's army. The streets were densely packed with people.Everyone's face was filled with excitement, as if they were excited to participate in such an interesting thing.

Everyone looked up towards the city, waiting for the signal.

Seeing that everything was ready, Shao Zongyuan did not delay and immediately asked Liu Yulan to take command.

So, Liu Yulan, holding a small flag in her hand, stood on the top of the city, looked at the countless people below the city, and waved her small flag down.

The soldiers of the Dashun Army who were hurriedly walking outside the city suddenly heard a deafening chorus of shouts coming from the other side of Baoding City.

You don’t need to listen carefully to hear clearly:
"Li Zicheng is sexually incompetent and his wife is running away with someone else!"

"Li Zicheng's hat is green and shiny!"


(End of this chapter)

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