Before hanging himself, Chongzhen lifted the table

Chapter 142 Heads all over the ground

Chapter 142 Heads all over the ground

The plain area is enough for all the armies to form arrays.

On one side were about [-] Jianlu troops, and on the other side were the Ming troops arriving one after another. I don't know how many, and they were assembled in formation in the distance.

"Your Highness, while the Ming army's foothold is not stable, the last general is willing to lead the charge!" Beside Duduo, Gushan Beizi Aixin Gioronikan said in battle.

This Nikan is none other than the one who historically became Li Dingguo's stepping stone to fame.Among the Jianlu army, he was also considered a brave and good fighter (who underestimated the enemy and advanced rashly).

Under normal circumstances, maybe Dodo would agree to Nikan's request for a fight.But at this moment, he was frowning and not paying attention at all.

He saw vaguely the soldiers of the Qing army in the Ming army formation in the distance!
Also, when the Changping defenders fled back, Geng Zhongming reported to him that the army came out of Juyong Pass to attack them.According to Geng Zhongming's guess, Azig's troops must have suffered a defeat, and the Ming army could come from that direction!

If there were no Qing soldiers in the Ming army formation, Duduo would be more willing to believe that Azig had not broken through yet. However, now he saw with his own eyes that there were Qing soldiers in the Ming army formation, even if he could not see clearly. Who are those Qing soldiers, but it is basically certain that Azig was probably defeated, and those Qing soldiers surrendered to the Ming army.

As he watched the formation, there were more and more Ming troops, and more and more Qing soldiers in the Ming army's formation. Dodo was even a little frightened: How many Qing soldiers would have to surrender to the Ming army? Already?

If only a small number of Qing soldiers surrendered to the Ming army, he would understand and not care.However, what he saw now was far less than a few thousand people, which surprised him.

When did so many Qing troops surrender to the Ming army?

If this was told, who would believe it?

However, the truth is right in front of us.

At this time, since the two sides were in formation, everyone in the Jianlu army had eyes. Like Duduo, they saw that there were countless Qing troops in the Ming army formation. Even Duduo was shocked, so there was no need for other People.

When approaching the battle, all soldiers must prepare for battle with all their heart, thinking about military orders and killing the enemy.But at this moment, no one in the Jianlu army could have anything but this on their mind.

The presence of so many Qing soldiers in the Ming army definitely had a huge impact on them.

What on earth did the Ming army do to make so many Qing soldiers surrender?
Those who are more thoughtful may also wonder which banner these Qing soldiers who surrendered to the Ming army belonged to?Some people have even thought that the Prince of England was killed by the Ming army, so so many soldiers of the Qing Dynasty surrendered to the Ming army?But how could the Prince of England be defeated!
All the Jianlu soldiers had doubts on their foreheads.

The Ming army on the opposite side is really weird!

Finally, the Ming army's formation was also completed.However, there was no rush to attack, at least the army did not move. Only more than 1000 cavalry came out and came towards the Jianlu Army Formation.

What kind of tactic is this?Just these 1000 cavalrymen came to charge into the formation, and the follow-up troops did not follow up. Are they here to sacrifice their lives?
Seeing this, Nikan asked for battle again: "Your Highness, I am willing to lead my troops in front of the formation to destroy this Ming cavalry army!"

This time, Duduo nodded solemnly and agreed, just enough to let him see the reality.

So Nikan immediately returned to his formation, ordered two thousand cavalry, and immediately rode out to kill the Ming cavalry.

On the battlefield, the rapid sound of horse hooves was heard first; "嘘嘚嘚..."

Nikan's troops all held their breath. They must show off to the entire army. At least half of the Ming cavalry must be left behind.

As a result, what they never expected was that the Ming cavalry had no intention of fighting at all. When they saw Nikan leading two thousand cavalry towards them, they all screamed strangely and took off the things hanging on their horses. , threw it towards them, and then ran back.

Seeing this, Nikan sneered with contempt. After galloping closer, he looked on the ground to see what the Ming army had thrown. His face suddenly turned gloomy.

He saw that what the Ming army threw on the ground were the heads, and just by looking at them, he could tell that these heads were the heads of Qing soldiers, because the sign was obvious: money rat tail.

The other Jianlu cavalry also saw clearly the heads on the ground, all of which were the heads of soldiers of the Qing Dynasty.As a result, everyone's expressions that were proud just now turned into gloom or anger.

There were at least 2000 heads on the ground, which meant that at least 2000 Qing soldiers were killed.

Nikan dismounted and picked up the rotting head in front of him. He was shocked again when he took a look at it.He knew this head. It was the head of the bodyguard beside the Prince of England.

For some reason, he panicked and immediately shouted: "Quick, pick them all up and see if there is the head of His Royal Highness the Prince of England?"

Hearing this, those Jianlu who were still angry also panicked: His Royal Highness Prince Ying's head? Could it be that His Highness Prince Ying was killed by the Ming army?
With fear, these prisoners all dismounted and picked up the heads one by one, verifying them while picking them up.As a result, they discovered that among these heads were many senior officers of the Qing Dynasty.

So, they shouted on the spot one by one, and each shout shocked the others.Later, they could basically confirm that most of Prince Ying's men were probably dead.

After picking up all the heads in sight, he did not see the head of the Prince of England. Nikan was worried and immediately ordered: "Expand the scope and search again to see if I missed it!"

At this time, he was worried about missing the Prince of England's head, but he was also afraid of seeing the Prince of England's head. It can be said that it was very contradictory.

After hearing this, his men quickly expanded the area, looking for possible heads in grass, bushes, etc.

Not to mention, they found a few more heads.

The Jianlu army in the distance looked confused. They saw the two thousand cavalry troops led by Nikan dismounting one after another and picking up the things dropped by the Ming army.For those who don’t know, looking at them like this, you might think that the children are picking up wedding candies, or maybe picking up some kind of treasure?
It was also in this era that artillery existed, so before the battle, the two armies were arrayed far apart.Otherwise, before the cannon appeared, the two armies would be closer in formation, and they would be able to see clearly what the 2000 Nikan men were picking up.

After a while, Nikan confirmed again and again that no heads were missing, and then he returned to his own army with a gloomy face and the heads he picked up.

When they returned to the main formation, they were very close, and the Jianlu soldiers in formation naturally saw clearly that what they had picked up was a head, and it was a head with such an obvious symbol of money and rat tail. Suddenly, everyone They were all hit.

When did the Qing army suffer so many beheadings?
It turns out that the Qing army would also suffer a huge defeat?

Which Qing army leader is this?
Why is the Ming army on the opposite side so powerful? Will there be any problems in the outcome of fighting them this time?

Compared with the thoughts of ordinary soldiers, Duduo was still very shocked even if he had expected it.

With so many heads, all of them belonged to Prince Ying's command, and many of them were senior officers of Jianzhou Jurchen. It is absolutely certain that Prince Ying's command was completely defeated.Although his head was not found, it was probably more serious than anything.

When did the Qing Dynasty lose such a high-level general?

How could this be?
This Jianlu army, from Doduo to ordinary soldiers, all have unclear ideas and cannot understand. Therefore, they cannot figure out the strength of the current Ming army.

Some people are angry and some are afraid of this Ming army; some are cautious and some are worried...

There was no unified thinking before the war, which was also a taboo for military strategists.However, Duduo couldn't restrain him. What he learned just before the battle was really shocking.

At this moment, a loud shout was suddenly heard from the Ming army on the opposite side.

"Long live my emperor!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"


Every Jianlu could tell that the morale of the Ming army on the opposite side was as high as a rainbow!

Then, they saw that the Ming army moved, began to advance slowly, and took the initiative to attack them.

In the past, as long as the Ming army discovered the Qing army, they would all go on the defensive. It was impossible for the Ming army to take the initiative to attack like the Ming army in front of them.

Today, there are really many things that are different from before.Everyone looked under the commander's flag, wondering how their commander would command, facing this army that was very different from the Ming army in their impressions.

Do you want to say that Duduo is afraid?Absolutely not afraid.

The strength of the two sides was almost the same, maybe the Ming army had slightly more troops.So what if the morale of the Ming army on the opposite side is as high as a rainbow? Just defeat them!At least until now, there is no word "fear" in Duduo's dictionary.

He called the generals around him, pointed his horsewhip at the flag of the Ming army, and said: "This Ming army must be the army led by the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Under the flag of the Ming Dynasty, it should be the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. We will fight Get up, you don’t have to worry about anything else, just throw yourself under the commander’s flag and kill everyone there, do you understand?”

One of the most common tactics used by Jianlu is to capture the thief first, and capture the king first. At this time, there is no exception.

The generals around him heard this and immediately accepted the order.Among these people, even the most elite white-armored soldiers in the Jianlu Army were assigned this task.

The most proficient in firearms among the Jianlu army was Geng Zhongming's army, because they were sent to attack Juyong Pass.Unexpectedly, when Geng Zhongming fled back, the heavy firearm must have been lost.

Moreover, when Jianlu faced the Ming army, he was not used to defending.

As the military formations of both sides got closer and closer, the Mongolian soldiers of the Eight Banners were the first to launch a charge against the Ming army.

There were about five thousand horsemen. Once the horses were let go and galloped, they would be as powerful as thousands of troops, charging towards the Ming army with terrifying power.

The first-line troops of the Ming army were all surrendered soldiers of the Qing Dynasty. They knew the Qing army's fighting style best and were not afraid. They continued to advance in formation.

Emperor Chongzhen watched from the rear, because he had already understood it beforehand. When watching the battle, he found that these Jianlu cavalry were all light cavalry, so he knew clearly that they did not dare to charge into the formation.The soldiers behind did not follow, and the light cavalry charged into the formation, which was seeking death.Even if they kill some, it is obviously a good deal to exchange infantry for light cavalry.

The first move of the Jianlu light cavalry was to put psychological pressure on the front-line Ming army. It would be best if it could disrupt the Ming army's formation.Another purpose was to attract the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty to shoot under pressure while still out of range.

This move was often used by Jianlu to deal with the Ming army, and it worked repeatedly.

However, this time, the feint attack of these cavalry was useless. They could only ride back after shooting in a circle.Then, they launched another charge to intimidate different Ming armies.As long as there is a place where the Ming army is frightened by them and disrupts their formation, they can use this to open up a hole.

However, on the Ming army's side, each army was assigned one to two thousand soldiers, and those who could follow Azig in battle were elites. How could they not understand the tricks of their own cavalry.Moreover, they are still waiting for sin and need this war to prove themselves, so how can they retreat?

Even if they want to retreat, the Ming army behind actually has the role of supervising the battle team, and they will not be lenient to those who retreat.

In this way, Jianlu's Eight Banners Mongolian soldiers tried several times, but failed to achieve their goal at all, so they had no choice but to retreat.At this time, the advancing infantry of the two armies were already close.

At this time, there are no tricks, only strength to defeat the opponent.

The military formations on both sides were getting closer and closer, and they were about to reach the firing range of the firecrackers. The sound of the firecrackers finally sounded.

"Blah blah blah..."

With the sound of firecrackers, a large number of people fell down immediately.

Duduo was shocked when he heard this and quickly turned his head to look.

Because he discovered that the sound of the firecrackers did not come from the front of the two armies' formations, but the sound came from the rear of his army's formation.

When he turned around to look, he couldn't see anything more than heads, and there were many swords and guns, but he could see clearly the smoke rising from the firecrackers.

Sure enough, there were muskets firing from behind the military formation.

What's happening here?The first thought in Duduo's mind was another question mark. Could it be that the Ming army bypassed the military formation?But it's impossible. The place where the smoke rises is right behind the military formation. It can't be the Ming army!
Listening to the sound of firecrackers and screams coming from behind the formation, and the chaos there visible to the naked eye, Duduo finally found the answer in his mind: that place was where Changping's defeated soldiers gathered!

Making good use of firearms, and being the place where the defeated soldiers of Changping gathered, the answer came out, that is, Geng Zhongming opened fire at the rear of his army formation!

Damn it, Geng Zhongming rebelled!When Dodo came to this conclusion, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Just when the two armies were about to fight, they were stabbed in the back. How could they fight this battle?
The Ming army obviously also seized the opportunity. Seeing the chaos behind the Jianlu army on the opposite side, they immediately shouted and launched a charge.

In fact, when they let out a huge cheer just now, it was because the emperor announced that there was an internal response from the Ming army in the Jianlu army.In this case, all fools know that the chance of winning is greater, who would be unhappy!

"Blah blah blah..."


Gunshots and shouts of death erupted suddenly, covering up other sounds.

On the Ming army's side, they pounced on the Jianlu opposite like tigers.This situation has never happened before.

An ordinary army would have been defeated in this situation.

But at this time, Jianlu was indeed one of the most elite armies.The Jianlu at the rear of the military formation spontaneously formed a formation to respond to the attack by Geng Zhongming's troops; while the Jianlu at the front of the military formation also launched an attack on the Ming army.

The military lines of both sides collided immediately.

At this time, there are basically no tricks, only will, courage, and combat skills. Either you die or I live.

Broken limbs were flying everywhere, and blood was flowing everywhere. Some of them were white knives going in and red knives coming out.

From Emperor Chongzhen's side, it could be clearly seen that the imperial officers and soldiers had an advantage.The front line of soldiers advanced towards the Jianlu army formation with basically no resistance; and Jianlu's front line of soldiers quickly disappeared into the sea of ​​imperial officers and soldiers.

However, no matter what, the Jianlu army did not collapse and was still persisting.

However, from Emperor Chongzhen's point of view, he didn't think Jianlu would have a chance to win if he persisted like this!
If he had to give Jianlu one piece of advice, it would be for Jianlu to run away quickly, and maybe he could escape a few more people.

Emperor Chongzhen was thinking about this when he suddenly discovered that another Jianlu cavalry force was maneuvering, bypassing the front of the imperial army and colliding with the imperial cavalry covering the flanks.

If that's all it is, it's not that surprising.However, after the Jianlu cavalry collided with the imperial cavalry, they did not turn their horses around to confront the imperial cavalry again. Instead, they all dismounted and then launched an attack on the flank of the imperial infantry.

What shocked Emperor Chongzhen the most was that this Jianlu army was very powerful. After it broke into the infantry camp of the imperial army, it was overwhelming. It was obvious that this army was like a knife inserted into the flank of the imperial army.

After being stunned for a moment, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly realized that these were the most elite white-armored soldiers of Jianlu, also known as Baya soldiers. Each one of them was extremely brave, and they all wore chainmail armor on the inside and iron armor on the outside. There is also a layer of cotton armor.

It can be said that their protection is the best on the battlefield, and they are not far away from being invulnerable.Once they go into battle, they often rampage across the battlefield, wiping out everything in front of them.

No, Emperor Chongzhen saw that these white-armored soldiers were usually armed with heavy weapons, and could knock away the imperial officers and soldiers in front of them with a single sweep.When the imperial officers and soldiers slashed them or stabbed them with guns, at most they stopped their movements, and rarely broke through their protective armor.

On the battlefield, victory or defeat often depends on just one round.I have strong defensive capabilities. If I let you chop me, I'll be fine. I'll take the opportunity to chop you too, and you'll die. That's how cruel it is!

But without much effort, this group of white-armored soldiers with only about 100 people suddenly opened a gap in the flank of the Ming army and continued to charge forward.

Emperor Chongzhen discovered that when these white-armored soldiers charged, they did not fight alone, but covered each other. They were really very powerful!

(End of this chapter)

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