Chapter 166
The Anshan Lake area is not far from the capital of Yanzhou, and Qufu is not far from the capital of Yanzhou. The army rushed out quickly, and soon there was news of their return.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard the report, he immediately became furious: "I have warned the officials and gentry of the world many times that when the country is in crisis and the people are suffering, they should be more considerate of the people and take care of the people's urgent needs. Unexpectedly, after being a saint, But he only cares about his own selfish interests, punching and kicking people in distress, even attacking women and children, and even beating people to death..."

After Zuo Maodi heard this, he shook his head and sighed.

The current emperor is very famous for his love for the people.When he was still in the capital, he repeatedly emphasized the need to relieve the people's hangovers and relieve their worries. As a result, the Kong family incident in Qufu caused such a big fuss. No wonder the emperor was furious.

"...The Kong family in Qufu had enough food to finance Thief Li's army, and they also sang praises for Thief Li. I wanted to not care about it after being a saint, but in the end I didn't want to repent, and instead did more to the people in trouble. How can I be worthy of the people of the world by ignoring this matter? "

Emperor Chongzhen vented his anger here. Of course, it was actually for the listening of the civil servants around him. Then he immediately issued an order and ordered the general: "Where are Gao Yigong and Li Laiheng?"

Gao Yigong and Li Laiheng both came out and immediately clasped their fists in anticipation of the order: "The general is here!"

Emperor Chongzhen looked at them with an angry look on his face and shouted: "You, please lead your troops and surround Qufu for me, and arrest all the Kong family members in Qufu who participated in the atrocities!"

"The general obeys the order!" Gao Yigong and Li Laiheng immediately accepted the order loudly, regardless of whether they were Kong Sheng or not. They immediately summoned their troops, deviated from the main force, and rushed to Qufu.

Zuo Maodi wanted to persuade him, but the emperor was furious now, and the Kong family was really wrong in doing things, so he didn't say anything. He just wanted to find a good opportunity and then give him some advice.

The army paused for rest in Jining Prefecture, and Emperor Chongzhen personally led the Imperial Biao Battalion directly under the imperial command to the northeast through Yanzhou Fucheng and then to Qufu.

This movement was very big. When refugees within a hundred miles radius heard that the imperial army was rushing to Qufu, they were very worried at first, thinking that the imperial army was coming to help the Kong family in Qufu.

It's not surprising that they think so. After all, they are just ordinary people with no power and power, and they are often bullied by the powerful officials.

On the other hand, the Confucius family in Qufu was a saint. Emperors of all dynasties had to treat each other with courtesy, and they didn't have to do anything. They inherited the title of Duke of Saints.Scholars all over the world have great respect for saints and queens.

The imperial army is marching to Qufu. If it doesn't help the Kong family, will it help ordinary people?
However, the army moved very quickly. Before they had time to escape, they saw a scene that surprised them.

When the Kong family members saw the arrival of the army, they were all overjoyed and rushed to complain.

"It's great that the general is here. These unscrupulous people have come to Qufu to cause trouble. Catch them quickly!"

"Yes, we have arrested them all and are hanging on the roadside so that other unruly people will not dare to come to Qufu to cause trouble again!"


When the refugees heard this, they were all trembling with fear. As a result, the army directly arrested the Kong family members.

"General, you made a mistake, you made a mistake, we are from the Kong family!"

"Yes, yes, the trouble is caused by those unruly people, with yellow faces and skinny muscles, who are raising families. You can tell at a glance that you have arrested the wrong person!"


The leading officer, after hearing this, sneered and said: "I am arresting those of you who oppress the common people!"

Similar scenes were staged at every intersection and at every checkpoint set up by the Kong family, which frightened the Kong family and surprised the refugees.

They really couldn't believe that the imperial officers and soldiers would stand on their side one day!

As a result, the news spread, and the refugees who had been expelled by the Kong family rushed to Qufu again. They all wanted to witness whether the imperial army was on their side or on the side of the Kong family in Qufu.
After Li Zicheng's army left, Yanshenggong Kong Yinzhi fell seriously ill, mainly because he stayed up late.Not long after I recovered my health, I encountered this wave of refugees.

Originally he didn't mind. With the status of the Kong family, even high-ranking officials in the court had to be respectful, so why were they afraid of some unruly people?
They expelled the refugees who arrived in Qufu before they could react in time, and then set up checkpoints outside to expel the refugees. Qufu became quiet again.

Just when he was feeling relieved, he heard a very loud noise coming to his deep house compound. Suddenly, he was agitated.

Because under normal circumstances, such a thing will never happen.The most recent time was when Li Zicheng's army came over. This was still fresh in his memory and he was immediately startled.

Sure enough, before his servants could report inside, a group of soldiers broke in.

When the leader saw him, he greeted him with a smile: "Mr. Yan Shenggong, we meet again, do you still recognize me?"

How could Kong Yinzhi forget the northern Shaanxi accent?That night, one person after another with this accent forced him to write one article after another, and they also required that the words must be gorgeous.

Kong Yinzhi took a closer look, then sat back on his chair and said with a sad face: "Why are you back again? Qufu really has no money or food!"

While he was talking, he suddenly remembered something and said quickly: "You guys, go quickly. The imperial army is coming along the canal. If you don't leave, we will encounter them then!"

When the leader saw it, he asked with a smile: "Are you tipping me off?"

Kong Yinzhi was stunned for a moment. After he came to his senses, he nodded quickly and said: "Yes, yes, what I said is true. Let's go. The imperial army is all elite. They have even defeated Jianlu."

The leader laughed immediately after hearing this, and everyone around him also laughed.


This laughter made Kong Yinzhi puzzled.

He wished that these Li Zicheng's troops would leave quickly. This statement should be correct, right?
Li Zicheng's army was also defeated by the emperor's Beijing camp, and the more powerful Jianlu were also defeated.Don't mention Li Zicheng's army, but only mention the defeat of Jianlu. You should be able to hear the meaning, right?

Kong Yinzhi was really a little confused when he heard the leader suddenly stop laughing and shouted to him in a cold voice: "I, Gao Yigong, am now a dignified general of the imperial court. You have tipped off the rebels and I will record it for you!"

Kong Yinzhi was stunned when he heard this.

At this moment, ten thousand sheep ran through his mind. It was really a damned bandit army. Why did they have all kinds of military uniforms? Why did the people who founded the country want to be the emperor? Why did the army still use the military uniforms of the imperial officers and soldiers, so that he thought this He is still a subordinate of Thief Li!Damn it!
Also, isn't he a general under Li Thief? Why did he become a general of the imperial court again? It's only been half a year, and he has changed his court?Do you want to play with people like this?

After coming back to his senses, Kong Yinzhi was about to cry but had no tears, so he quickly explained: "I... I'm just kidding. I am Duke Yansheng of the imperial court. How could I really tip off the traitors? I wish all those traitors would go there." Die, have your home confiscated and your family exterminated..."

Hearing this, Gao Yigong became unhappy again. He rolled his eyes and suddenly said: "I just joked with you, did you take it seriously? What did you say just now, that you wish everyone would die and have their homes confiscated and their families exterminated?"

Kong Yinzhi was completely dumbfounded when he heard this: "..."

He had never experienced anything like this in his life. This thief general was playing tricks on him like this. Was he trying to kill him?
When he came back to his senses, he remembered the viciousness of Li Thief's gang. He quickly slapped himself in the mouth, and then said quickly: "General, I am an old fool. In fact, I am just joking. I can't take it seriously. The country of Dashun is prosperous. , has won the hearts of the people, how could I say something wrong with Dashun Kingdom! The adults don’t care about the faults of the villains, please general, please don’t take my stupid words to heart!”

Hearing his words, Gao Yigong's expression changed again, and he shouted: "You old guy, even the grassroots are not as good at swinging as you are. To tell you the truth, I am now the general of the Beijing camp, and I have been ordered to arrest you Qufu Kong." Home. I will definitely report what I just said to His Majesty!"

When Kong Yinzhi heard this, his face turned red and he pointed at Gao Yigong: ""

In the end, nothing came out of "you". A mouthful of old blood spurted out, and then the person fell on the chair.

Gao Yigong made a slight concession and avoided Kong Yinzhi's mouthful of old blood. Watching him collapse to the ground, he ordered the trembling maid beside him: "Bring this old guy back to life. If he dies, , I’m asking you for it!”

Then, he ordered his men: "Arrest all the others, watch this old guy, don't let him die!"

"Yes!" His subordinates heard the order and quickly shouted.Looking at Kong Yinzhi who fainted, everyone looked disgusted.

Qufu was quickly controlled by the imperial army, and every household with the surname Confucius was driven to the square in front of the Confucius Temple.Ordinary people did not dare to get close and stayed outside Qufu City to watch the excitement.

But they could see the general situation, and everyone was gloating about his misfortune.

"They deserve it, don't they deserve it?"

"He also said that after being a saint, he is a role model for the world. He is a piece of shit. He deserves to be caught by the court!"

"Students still praise them, are they all blind?"


At this time, they were just angry because they were bullied by the Kong family.At the same time, they are also worried about their own future.

While they were talking, they suddenly saw another imperial army coming this way, all of them cavalry.At the front of the team, there was also a senior official wearing a scarlet robe.

This is the arrival of the rightful owner, and all the refugees are curious. They wonder what the court, or rather this high official, will do with these people from the Kong family in Qufu.

They really wanted to go and have a look, but the army had put martial law in Qufu, and they didn't dare to go. They could only watch and guess what would happen after the army entered.
"Don't have too high expectations. The Kong family in Qufu has existed longer than our Ming Dynasty. The Tatars in the previous dynasty treated them favorably. What can the current court do to them?"

"That's right. We are nothing. We were bullied by the Kong family in Qufu. That's still bullying. What else can we do?"

"Yes, they say that scholars are all disciples of Saint Kong. Not all officials are scholars. You can tell who they will help by just thinking about it!"

"It's possible that the Kong family had other matters that provoked the imperial officers and soldiers. Don't think too much!"


They were discussing and talking about this matter. I don’t know how much time had passed. Suddenly, a cavalry army came out of the city and dispersed to greet the refugees outside the city. Then they shouted loudly: "The imperial court They want to pronounce a sentence on the Confucius family in Qufu. Anyone who wants to hear it can go in and listen. The court wants to pronounce a sentence on the Confucius family in Qufu..."

Hearing this, all the refugees were shocked. They were originally curious. When they heard that they were allowed to listen, naturally some bold people stood up first. After asking the cavalry, they walked towards the city.When the others saw it, they all followed, until the imperial officers and soldiers at the city gate stopped them, saying that there was no room for people inside and they could not go in.

This made the people behind regret it. Why didn't they go in earlier? They could only wait for news outside the city.

The refugees who had entered the city walked along the street to the square in front of the Confucius Temple.

According to regulations, there are four times a year to worship Confucius, and the scale of each worship will be relatively large. The square in front of the Confucius Temple is naturally very large.

The refugees entering the city found that the square was surrounded by soldiers. There were also groups of soldiers on the square, dividing the entire square into two parts.

Among them, on the side near the temple gate, there were many despondent people kneeling. Most of them were dressed in silk and satin. It was obvious at a glance that they were people who were living a good life.At the front of these people, there was an old man sitting on a chair, but he was not sitting upright and was paralyzed.

On the steps of the square, there was a group of people who looked like generals standing. The high-ranking officials of the imperial court whom they had seen outside the city were also there. The expressions on their faces seemed a little strange.

The refugees watched as they were led to the open space behind the kneeling men.

The atmosphere at the scene, surrounded by soldiers and soldiers, was very solemn. The refugees did not dare to speak, or even whisper. They just watched with a little timidity and a little curiosity.

On the steps of the temple gate, Emperor Chongzhen saw the refugees crowding the open space behind, and said to Zuo Maodi: "It is not convenient for my identity to be disclosed, otherwise it will not be conducive to suppressing bandits. Zuo Qing pronounced my sentence in public Execute it!”

Zuo Maodi really wanted to not appear here, but he came after all. At the same time, he was also very angry with these descendants of the saint. He really embarrassed the saint!

It’s not too much to say that we forget our ancestors a lot!
He is not a person who studies hard, but a person who persists.The words of the saint are kept in my heart.Loyalty is the most important thing, and you can practice it with your own life. No matter whether you are a high-ranking official, rich in salary, or afraid of torture, you have persisted in your persistence.

Emperor Chongzhen had just sternly rebuked the Confucian family in Qufu, and the accusations against them were all justified. It was also reasonable for the emperor not to disclose his identity.

In the end, Zuo Maodi immediately bowed to receive the order and said: "Wei Chen accepts the order!"

Then he looked towards the square and spoke loudly.

"His Majesty loves the people like his own son, and has repeatedly warned the officials and gentry of the Ming Dynasty to be considerate of the people and relieve their difficulties. Those who oppress and harm the people are not tolerated by the national law!"

"Today, the Kong family in Qufu ignores the teachings of Confucius and forgets their ancestors. They rely on the favor of the court and His Majesty's favor to oppress the people. They are also able to deal harshly with women and children. They are like thieves!"

"The Kong family has completely forgotten the word integrity. When the rebels come, they flatter the rebels. When the captives come, they flatter the captives. They provide countless supplies of food, grass and baggage, which is tantamount to rebellion."

"I also checked that the Kong family's grain land in Qufu was deeded to millions of acres, covering Shandong, North Zhili, South Zhili and Henan, but the taxes paid to the court were very few. After becoming a saint, he ignored the saint's teachings. How can you be a model for the world if you just act like a fool and violate the laws of the country!"

"Since the Confucius family in Qufu are all saints, His Majesty has decreed to seize the title of Duke of Yansheng. The Confucius family in Qufu was ordered to move to Jiubian to educate the world and atone for their sins. All private lands were confiscated. The family property was confiscated. Half of the fine will be confiscated and used to provide relief to the victims. The magistrate of Qufu County, appointed and dismissed by the imperial court, is still a sixth-rank official and is responsible for worshiping the ancestors in the Confucius Temple."

After Zuo Maodi finished speaking, he turned around and handed over the decree to Emperor Chongzhen.

Emperor Chongzhen was in a good mood and slaughtered another fat sheep. The millions of acres of grain fields alone were a huge income.It's just a pity that Li Zicheng masturbated once, otherwise he would be really fat.

It is not easy to kill, otherwise the opposition will be too loud.

For example, Kong Hongxu, the 61st descendant of Confucius, bullied men and dominated women. He was responsible for four murder cases and more than [-] cases of adultery. Emperor Chenghua was furious.However, Peng Shi, a great scholar in the cabinet, and others interceded, and eventually the position was reduced to the people, and his younger brother Kong Hongtai was appointed as Duke Yansheng.

And if you really kill them with one knife, you will be able to make these soft bones cheaper.Just let them go to Jiubian to renovate and live a hard life, which will probably make them more miserable. At the same time, it will also improve the cultural level of the lower border areas.

In addition, the reason why only half of the property was confiscated was because he could not be beaten to death with a stick, leaving a little room to show that the emperor really respected the saint and showed his attitude to the world's scholars.

Another consideration is that after Li Zicheng masturbated, the remaining belongings must have been well hidden by the Kong family.If they wanted to confiscate everything, they would definitely not take it out.But if they only confiscate half of the money, if they want to live a better life along the way and live a better life at the border, they can only take out the hidden belongings.

Then, as long as they take out their belongings, Emperor Chongzhen can use half of them to relieve the victims. No matter what, it can be regarded as easing the difficulties of disaster relief.

Emperor Chongzhen still respected Kong Sheng very much. No, the Qufu County Magistrate originally served by the Confucius family, although now appointed by other people by the court, is still a sixth-grade official, which is higher than other ordinary seventh-grade county magistrates. He is responsible for worshiping Confucius and offering sacrifices to fields has not changed.

If the original historical development was followed, the Qufu County Magistrate would not change to the appointment system of floating officials until the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty.

Nowadays, the biggest benefit that Emperor Chongzhen has gained from dealing with the matter of the Confucian family in Qufu is actually not the obvious ones, but the complete abolition of the hereditary status of the Confucian family in Qufu.

Emperor Chenghua, or Lord Shoucheng, could not do this kind of thing.Apart from the founding emperor, only Emperor Chongzhen, the master of the ZTE who holds real military power, is possible.

At this time, the Kong family members in the square were mourning each and every one of them like zombies.In the past thousands of years, they have lived in Qufu for generations. With the surname Kong, they can maintain their superiority in front of their foreign surnames.

Not to mention being domineering and bullying men and women, in short, while others have suffered misfortunes due to various world conditions, the Kong family will always be fine. Food and clothing are the most basic thing. What needs to be considered is the intrigue within the family. .

But now, all these privileges are gone, and they have to be sent to a bitter cold place.This huge gap can make them fear and even despair about the future.

What should we do in the days to come?
In stark contrast to them, the victims behind them were all very happy.

First of all, they were bullied by the Kong family in Qufu. They originally thought that as far as they were concerned, they could only be bullied. What else could they do?
Unexpectedly, the imperial court actually made the decision for them and stood up for them, which relieved the bad breath in their hearts.

Then, the verdict just now said that half of the property of the Kong family in Qufu will be confiscated and used to relieve the victims.That is to say, they came to Qufu at the right time. Although it was not the mercy of the saints that gave them relief, the imperial court noticed it. When they came to Qufu, they could get relief from the imperial court!

Most of the refugees who fled north were farmers with little knowledge. They didn't care about anything else. They were grateful when they knew someone was making decisions for them and venting their anger. The few who had some knowledge were shocked.

The imperial court punishing the Confucius family in Qufu in this way is definitely very important news and will definitely shock the reading public.

Another thing is that such a severe punishment is said to be the emperor's will, but where is the emperor?

From the reason for the punishment, it can be heard that this incident seemed to have just happened. It could not have been reported to the capital, and then the emperor came back after punishing him.

Some of these people thought of the emperor leading troops to fight, and some doubted whether the emperor was in this army.Some people even secretly identified a general by observing the words and deeds of those on the steps of the temple gate, who was probably the current emperor.

However, they are all speculations and may spread in the future, but for now, only a few people know about it.

As those who attended the sentencing left the city, word spread about the imperial court's punishment of the Confucius family in Qufu.

Suddenly, the victims rushed to tell each other, and everyone was as happy as if they had celebrated the festival in peacetime.

Fleeing north is more about fear of the unknown future. But now, they at least know that here in Qufu, the court will provide disaster relief. This is a certain thing, and that is their hope of surviving through this winter. .

Words of thanks to the court, words of thanks to the emperor, actions such as kneeling and worshiping can be seen everywhere.

In the city of Qufu, Emperor Chongzhen said to Zuo Maodi: "You will stay in Qufu for the time being to deal with the follow-up matters, and the manpower will be transferred from the surrounding prefectures. I will leave 2000 people for your dispatch, and distribute these unworthy descendants of the Confucius family and arrange them well." After the refugees are removed, you will lead the army and continue southward along the canal."

"Wei Chen obeys the order!" Zuo Maodi knew that Emperor Chongzhen could not delay. Every extra day he stayed in the north would cause the people in the south to suffer another day, so he quickly replied, "Your Majesty, don't worry, Wei Chen will make arrangements for Qufu as soon as possible. !”

Emperor Chongzhen listened, nodded, and explained: "The deeds to the Kong family's fields that were found were all taken to the capital and handed over to the queen. I will check them someday to see who takes the opportunity to annex these fields in private. I will certainly spare them." He must not."

After Zuo Maodi heard this, he quickly said: "Your Majesty, I still have to deal with matters in Qufu. These land deeds are very important. How about being escorted to the capital by Jin Yiwei?"

He was afraid that if there was something unclear about the melon fields and plum blossoms, he wanted to try his best to persuade the emperor: "If it is found that there is a land deed later, the minister will be sent to the capital."

When Emperor Chongzhen heard his proposal, he thought it made sense and asked Fang Zhenghua to make arrangements.

Afterwards, he only stayed in Qufu for one day, and then rushed back to Jining Prefecture to join the large army, and led the army to continue southward.

After he left for a day, news came later that the Holy Duke Kong Yinzhi, who had been dismissed from the throne, died that night.

In this regard, Emperor Chongzhen just sneered slightly, and died without going through the pain of distribution, without going to the bitter cold places in the border areas to feel the feelings. He really took advantage of this old dog!
In the original history, this old dog had no sense of etiquette, justice and shame. He actually took the initiative to shave his hair and change his clothes, leaving a money rat tail for the Confucius family. He even wrote the "Ji Jin Biao Wen" disgustingly and tried his best to praise the Manchu Tatars. Expressing the attachment of the Confucian family.

You must know that the Confucius family represents scholars to a certain extent, or in other words, its appeal among scholars is very large.It is because of Kong Yinzhi's shameless behavior that he set a very bad example for scholars all over the world.

Look, even Kong Sheng later recognized the Qing emperor and expressed his sincerity to submit to the Qing Dynasty, which shows that the Qing Dynasty is the destiny of the Qing Dynasty!
Therefore, the weak among scholars could unscrupulously surrender to the Manchus, serve the Manchus, and contribute their strength to China's defeat.


As Emperor Chongzhen continued to lead his troops southward, a war was going on right in front of him at the border of Xuzhou Prefecture in South Zhili, and the fighting was fierce.

In Dafang Mountain near Xuzhou, there is a Dafang Temple. People with swords and guns are everywhere. In the main hall of the temple, a person is yelling at his mother: "Damn Gao Jie, did you take the wrong medicine? You are so desperate." Beat me?"

"Second brother, haven't you already contacted Uncle Wenshui? Do you know when we will arrive?" A man who seemed to be a scholar asked this person, "Then if Gao Jie continues to fight like this, he will probably attack in less than two days. Coming up the mountain!"

The man who scolded his mother was called Cheng Jimeng, also known as Shao Yu and nicknamed Silver Rat. He rebelled in Xuzhou and once captured the city of Xuzhou with more than [-] troops.Later, he took refuge with Li Zicheng and wanted to follow Li Zicheng to attack the capital. His seven wives were afraid and did not want him to go, so he killed his seven wives to show his intention.

If in the original history, Li Zicheng was defeated by the Manchus, he would have fled back to Xuzhou and continued to occupy the mountain as the king. Then Gao Jie would follow the order of Emperor Nanming to suppress him and finally kill him. Therefore, Gao Jie was named the Crown Prince and Tutor. , and also granted one of his sons an official position as a hereditary Jinyi Qianshi.

In this plane, after being defeated by Emperor Chongzhen, Li Zicheng went south and also captured Xuzhou. When he received the Manchu Alliance's request to go north, he left Cheng Jimeng, who was originally from Xuzhou, to guard it.The person talking to him was his eldest brother, named Cheng Jikong.

At this time, hearing his elder brother's words, Cheng Jimeng said with some annoyance: "Originally, I thought it was fine, and I didn't want Uncle Wen Shui, who was stationed in Guide Mansion, to come over so quickly. If we can handle it ourselves, we don't need to waste money and food anymore. Therefore, the news I told Uncle Wen Shui was delayed for several days."

Although Guide Prefecture belongs to Henan Province, it is adjacent to Xuzhou Prefecture.

These days, what is most lacking is money and food.Guide Mansion was the site of the Fourth War in the Central Plains. It had been beaten for a long time and its population had been depleted, so its food output was naturally low.Xuzhou is better because the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal passes through it.

However, when Li Zicheng led the army northward, there was not much left for Cheng Jimeng.

After Cheng Jimeng was attacked by the Ming general Gao Jie, he sent someone to contact Wen Shuibo who was stationed in Guide Mansion under Li Zicheng's order. He was also the original Kaifeng commander-in-chief and Chen Yongfu, who shot and blinded Li Zicheng in one eye.When he was desperate, Li Zicheng broke an arrow and swore not to pursue him for shooting his eyes out, and also gave him the title of Count Wenshui.

After Chen Yongfu heard about it, he immediately agreed to lead troops to support him, but Cheng Jimeng had to provide money and food, which was what he should have done.

At this time, after Cheng Jikong heard his brother's words, he immediately shouted bitterly: "Then what are you waiting for? It's imminent. Hurry up and send someone to urge Uncle Wen Shui!"

Cheng Jimeng heard this and immediately replied: "We have sent people there, but it will probably take two days..."

While he was talking, a minion hurried out and reported in a panic: "Oh no, Gao Jie is starting to attack again."

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of cannons also came. Listening to the sound, it was not far away.

After hearing this, the subordinate quickly added the report: "Listen, Gao Jie brought all the cannons up the mountain to blast them!"

Cheng Jimeng slammed the altar table in front of him, making a loud "snap" sound, and said angrily: "Damn it, didn't he lose a lot of people? He didn't even take a breath, and even fired the cannon It’s all going up the mountain, it’s so fucking crazy!”

After scolding him, he waved his hand and led his men who were resting in the palace to go out in a hurry.

Dafang Mountain has been surrounded by officers and soldiers, and the sound of fighting can be heard from the mountain. However, in the officer camp at the foot of the mountain, wounded soldiers are lying on the ground, and some female soldiers are taking care of them.

In the woods not far away, a large number of people and horses had already assembled.

There was a beautiful general among them, who was worriedly saying to the tall and heroic man in front of him: "Gao Lang, why are you working so hard! You lead your brothers to climb the cliff of the back mountain, just in case... one……"

This man was naturally Gao Jie. When he saw that Li Zicheng's former wife, now his wife Xing, looked worried about him, he said gently: "It's okay, I'm not a spoiled child. You climb often, what are you afraid of?"

After comforting him, he said with a slightly sad face: "I was originally ordered to guard Shanxi, but it was nothing to escape south before. But now the emperor has suddenly become wise and mighty, and it is very likely that he will lead it personally this time. The troops marched south, and sent a message to the horsemen, saying that the vanguard was almost at Xuzhou Mansion. If I don't show off, I'm afraid they will hold me accountable! At this time, if we should fight hard, we should fight hard. We have no way out. !”

It is absolutely impossible for Li Zicheng to go back, so he can only serve the imperial court until his death.But before, he thought that the imperial court was going to be doomed, and he really couldn't defeat Li Zicheng, so he had no choice but to disobey the order and escape.

Hearing his words, Ms.

When Gao Jie heard this, he quickly held his hand and said, "What are you saying, Madam? I, Gao Jie, am truly blessed to have a wife in my life, and I will never regret it at all!"

In the original history, during the Southern Ming Dynasty, he was unruly, but he was able to listen to the Xing family's words, and finally listened to Shi Kefa's control.

After expressing his feelings, he warned again: "I am attacking the silver squirrel. I told him not to relax. Let the thieves only focus on fighting, and I can succeed in the sneak attack!"

Ben Shen, surnamed Li, is his nephew.

In the original history, after Gao Jie's death, he led Gao Jie's men to surrender to Duduo. Later, he belonged to Wu Sangui's men and rebelled with Wu Sangui. When they were finally defeated, he surrendered again, but this time he was exiled to the city by the Manchus and his relatives sat on the throne. cut.

After hearing what he said, Mrs. Xing naturally nodded and told him to be careful, then reluctantly watched Gao Jie lead his men and disappear into the woods.

The war is still going on, and it sounds very inspiring.However, Mrs. Xing was worried about Gao Jie and felt that it was not enough. She immediately ordered that she personally led the troops to the front of the mountain to beat drums to cheer up, as if she was going to attack the mountain in one go.

Sure enough, the silver rats on the mountain were attracted by it and sent more troops to fight.

On Dafang Mountain, the shouts of killing were so loud that the echoes could be heard.

Gao Jie did take the risk. Wearing casual clothes and carrying armor, he led the elite men he selected and climbed up the mountain from the back mountain.

To say that it is a cliff is a bit exaggerated, but it is definitely more dangerous for people to go up and down the mountain, especially soldiers wearing armor. It is even more impossible to go up and down the mountain from here.

However, Gao Jie took off his armor and carried it on his back to climb the mountain. If he was discovered, not only stoning, but also shooting arrows would probably kill them.

But even so, Gao Jie still came.It can be seen that the emperor led his troops south, which put great pressure on him and he had to give it all.

The generals in the late Ming Dynasty, especially those after the 15th year of Chongzhen, had more or less problems.Of course, the one with the biggest faults and the most famous reputation is Zuo Liangyu, there is no doubt about this.

Therefore, the emperor announced to the world that he had listed Zuo Liangyu's various crimes and wanted to arrest him to enforce the law of the country.

Another one, Liu Zeqing, had something wrong with him. King Qin asked him to use the excuse that he fell off his horse and couldn't move. Then in the blink of an eye, he retaliated and killed the civil servants who passed by Shandong and had impeached him.Otherwise, he probably wouldn't be qualified enough to be named.

It was also because of this that Gao Jie was afraid of being killed by the emperor to establish his authority.

Zuo Liangyu and Li Zicheng fought to the death, but they could still form an alliance after looking back. He was not good enough and had robbed someone else's wife. Even if Li Zicheng said he didn't mind, he would not dare to go back to Li Zicheng.Under the current situation, he could only continue to hug the emperor's lap.

With Gao Jie's desperate courage, Yin Shu really didn't expect that he would climb the back mountain, and he actually made it happen.

Then, Gao Jie led his men to suddenly attack from behind the Silver Rat. When Li Benshen, who was attacking from behind, saw the movement on the mountain, he naturally knew that Gao Jie had succeeded, so he cooperated and stepped up the attack from above.

Under attack from both sides, the silver rat was immediately defeated. His men lost the will to resist and fled in all directions.

When Gao Jie's men saw them, they immediately started to chase them, covering Dafang Mountain all over the mountains and plains.


Although it was late autumn, Gao Jie was still sweating from the killing.Mr.

Gao Jie watched his nephew chasing the fleeing bandits, but he did not chase him. Instead, he smiled and said to Xing who came to meet him: "Now we can wipe out the bandits in Xuzhou. When the emperor leads the army, there will be a group of bandits." A meeting gift!"

Seeing that Mr. It will definitely take a lot of time to suppress the thieves, but the emperor's targets are definitely Zuo Liangyu and Li Zicheng, so there is no time to delay. Therefore, my gift is not light."

After a pause, he said with a little hope: "If I can fight under the emperor in the future, there will be no mess, and I will definitely be able to make a contribution to my wife's shadow. Madam, how about being a countess then?" "

After hearing this, Ms.

In the past, I followed Li Zicheng and fled here and there, and later I followed Gao Jie and fled here and there. Enough of this troubled world!
Gao Jie smiled after hearing this, and when he was about to say something, he suddenly heard a cry of killing coming from the bottom of the mountain.

Suddenly, he was stunned for a moment, and immediately turned his head to look down the mountain.

Because there were trees blocking the view, it was not very clear.But at least it can be judged from the movement that it was sent by a large number of people at the same time.

At this time, his men were already chasing the bandits on the mountain. Apart from the wounded soldiers, there were not many people in the camp at the foot of the mountain.

In other words, this movement definitely did not come from his people.

"What's going on?" Gao Jie immediately frowned and asked immediately.

Before he could ask any questions, he saw one of his subordinates running towards him in panic and reported, "It's not good, it's Chen Yongfu who's here to kill us!"

Upon hearing this, Gao Jie was stunned.

Of course he knew about Chen Yongfu. They had worked together under Sun Chuanting before. Now that Chen Yongfu was stationed in the next house, he also knew about it that day.He even had trouble escaping from Shanxi because Chen Yongfu was chasing after him.

At this time, Chen Yongfu suddenly arrived, and his soldiers and horses were scattered in the mountains to chase the bandits, which really gave him a fatal blow.

After hearing this, his generals immediately suggested: "Commander, retreat quickly!"

To withdraw is to be obedient, but in fact it means to escape.He has done this a lot.

But at this time, he thought about falling short and was very unwilling to do so.

In order to clear out the bandits in Xuzhou before the imperial army arrived, he really had to go all out. He lost more than half of his men's strength, and he was about to receive merit from the emperor, or at least get rid of the fault. The result was damn Chen Yongfu is here to cause trouble?

After thinking for a moment, Gao Jie made a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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