Spirit Realm Wandering God: I have a door to two realms

Chapter 144 Level 1 [Warrior Monk], Chong Temple

Chapter 144: First level [Warrior Monk], rushing into the temple
[Item]: Hidden Sword

[grade]: first grade

[Evaluation]: The Ranger's exclusive weapon is smart, practical, and can be hidden in the sleeves without being discovered!
The data is also very similar to the Hidden Sword he used. Lu Yu already has a weapon, so naturally he can't use this one. Moreover, this matter is his private matter, but he bothered the people of Team [-] to help him, so naturally he has to do something. express.

He handed the dagger to Qi Xuan:

"Head, this is for you!"

Qi Xuan hesitated and asked, "We have all gained something, what about you?"


Lu Yu glanced at Han Xu and said meaningfully:
"I have him."


Han Xu's heart tightened and he said in horror:
"What are you going to do?"


Lu Yu waved his hand and slapped the opponent on the face, scolding:

"If you dare to disgust me again, you will be buried directly!"


Han Xu quickly lowered his head and cursed in his heart, but did not dare to speak out again.

Qi Xuan understood Lu Yu's plan. She was interested in the various professional skills displayed by the other party and wanted to keep them for herself. However, professional skills were the core inheritance. Although Han Xu was honest now, he might not be willing to hand them over.

Because once the core inheritance is leaked.

It's no different than severing one's own sect.

Even if you leave the Jing'an Bureau, it will be difficult to establish yourself in the future.

"Lieutenant Lu!"

"Lieutenant Lu!"

At this moment, a person came from behind and gave an order to Lu Yu: "The director has an order, please ask Lieutenant Lu to go and assist." After saying that, he turned around and ran back.

Lu Yu looked at Qi Xuan:

"Head, look."


Qi Xuan took the dagger and waved her hand:
"I'll keep an eye on this guy for you. Just follow Lao Huang with peace of mind."

"it is good!"

Lu Yu nodded. In fact, he was not surprised by Lao Huang's arrangement. As we all know, he has the ability to "explore". Master Yanwen still relies on him to expose it, so he naturally has to stay by his side.

"be honest!"

Seeing that Han Xu was a little restless, Lu Yu kicked him, then turned around and quickly arrived outside the temple gate.

Lao Huang nodded slightly to Lu Yu but said nothing.

"Team three in place!"

"Team four have arrived at the designated location!"

"Team [-] is in position!"

"Team six is ​​in position!"

"Seven teams are in place!"

Reports came from the intercom. Old Huang looked around and ordered:
"Everyone, follow me and search Yong'an Temple!"


Everyone responded in unison and followed Lao Huang straight to the temple gate.

Lu Yu took the opportunity to glance at it.

I found that there was a [Lamplighter] carrying a lantern, a team leader, the good old man Qu Xing was the [Sharpshooter], and another was Lao Huang’s wife, a professional named the second-level [Cai Po], and the rest were ten A few soldiers with guns and ammunition, plus himself as a [Ranger].

"Two at two prices, it should be stable!"

Lu Yu felt reassured, although he didn't think these people could penetrate the entire Yong'an Temple.

But he can resist it for a while.

As long as Lao Huang holds down Master Yanwen, when the signal is sounded, several people on guard will immediately surround him. Under a group fight of several second-level people, the other party will not be able to escape.

As soon as he entered the temple, an old monk and a group of monks with sticks hurriedly blocked the way, clasped his hands and said:

"Amitabha Buddha, a pure place of Buddhism, where evil soldiers are not around"


Before he finished speaking, Lao Huang slapped the person away and waved his hand:
"Take it!" "Yes!"

More than a dozen soldiers came out and surrounded a group of monks. The monks were panicked and did not dare to take action when looking at the soldiers with live ammunition in front of them.

"Magic Rod!"

At this time, a loud shout suddenly sounded.

Two figures leapt out from among the monks, holding monk sticks and dressed in yellow. The two monks, one on the left and one on the right, had three sticks and two feet. They knocked several soldiers to the ground and then rushed towards Lao Huang.

Lao Huang was indifferent.

[Caipo] who was sitting in a wheelchair next to her suddenly raised her hand, holding a handful of small paper figurines in her hand, and opened her mouth and blew:

The paper figures flew up in a flourish, with only a glimmer of light shining. When they landed, they turned into ancient red, green, and purple ancient soldiers. They were holding spears and wearing armor. They quickly surrounded the two monks and kept firing.

The two monks stood back to back and fought back with their sticks.

"Bang Bang!!"

"Thorn! Thorn!"

The shouts continued, and the space for the monks to move became smaller and smaller, and one of them was knocked to the ground.

Another monk swept away the spear in front of him, shouted "flying skill", pressed the ground with one hand, and jumped up on his head and feet.


Pointing one foot on the head of a soldier, he used his strength to pounce on Lao Huang. The monk's stick in his hand was dancing like a tiger, and he roared angrily:
"Swift blow!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he hit Lao Huang with a stick.


Lao Huang snorted coldly, raised his hand to grab it, easily grasped the powerful and heavy stick, and lifted the monk in the air. The monk's face turned red, and he suddenly dropped the stick in his hand, grasped it with his fleshy palm, and hit Lao Huang with his head. forehead:
"Peace punch!"

"Flaming Palm!"

Lao Huang arrived first, raised his left hand burning with black flames, and placed a palm on the monk's chest.


The monk flew backwards like a kite with its string cut off, spitting out half a liter of blood from his mouth. The monk's clothes on his chest were burned through. After landing, he struggled to get up.

He was immediately controlled by the soldiers.

[Equal order]: first order

[Occupation]: Monk
[Name]: Paper Soldier
[Equal order]: first order

[Evaluation]: A kind of combat paper figure folded by the second-level Caipo, fearless of death, and cooperative with each other!
"Monks and paper soldiers?"

Lu Yu thought thoughtfully. This was the second first-level profession he had seen in the Shi family, and it was considered extremely impressive. As for the [Paper Soldier], it was also pretty good. Unlike the previous paper soldiers who were buried with him, they were all consumables.

This kind of paper soldier should be able to be used repeatedly.

"Continue to open the way!"

Lao Huang waved his big hand and led a group of people on a rampage.

The monks who tried to stop him along the way were all knocked to the ground one by one. They did not encounter any decent resistance at all, and they finally stopped when they arrived at the Main Hall.


Five barefoot monks stood in a row, with their eyes closed and their hands clasped, blocking the main hall.

[Equal order]: first order

[Occupation]: Ascetic

Lu Yu glanced at the Two Realms Gate in the palm of his left hand, took two steps forward, and whispered to Lao Huang:
"All five of them are [Ascetics]!"


Lao Huang nodded slightly and waved his hand:

"All up, take them down!"


Everyone responded in unison and attacked the five ascetics together.

"Bang bang bang!"

[Sharpshooter] Qu Xing raised his gun and fired. Another [Lamplighter] lightly lifted the lantern in his hand and threw a ball of fire. Lu Yu followed seven or eight [Paper Soldiers] forward, and a dozen soldiers were looking for each other. Shooting position, surrounding the Dervish.

The sadhus tried their best to dodge bullets and fireballs.

When Lu Yu and Zhi Bing approached, they suddenly opened their eyes, with a little bit of scarlet in their eyes, looking irrational.

(End of this chapter)

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