Survival in the game world begins with Biochemical 2

Chapter 128 Preparations and finishing work for heading to the suburbs

Chapter 128 Preparations and finishing work for heading to the suburbs
At this time, there was a sound of pushing and shoving in the corridor outside the door.

"Let's go!" Karim said.

The voice of Les Gang comedian Kahn immediately sounded:
"Hey, Karim, don't push me! Don't think that because you are doing well under the new boss, I will bow to you! I have never been afraid of you before!"

Then Karim said coldly: "Yes, you are indeed not afraid of me. You didn't take the initiative to run to the suburbs to avoid me, but to enjoy the countryside. I understand."

Kahn seemed not to hear the irony in Karim's words and snorted:
"It's good to know! Let me remind you, although your status is higher than mine now, there is an old saying that goes, 30 years to the east of Hedong, 30 years to the west of Hexi, don't bully the middle-aged and poor!"

"Maybe when I gain the appreciation of your boss, I will be on top of you the next day, and you will still have to cry and beg me to be lenient!"

Karim was no longer too lazy to listen to his nonsense. He didn't even bother to complain. He just tugged on the rope and said, "Okay, come here!"

Immediately, Karim knocked on the office door, and after Li You answered, he opened the door and came in.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Kahn closed his chattering mouth and behaved extremely well-behaved.

It's a pity that Li You's hearing is so good that he could understand every word of the conversation he had with Karim outside.

Karim went out after bringing the people in. He was still busy.Kahn was thrown in front of Li You, and no one untied him. He couldn't stand or sit, and could only show an embarrassed smile.

"Kahn." Li You finally spoke, "You also know what I asked you to do, so tell me, what is the specific situation in the suburbs?"

Kahn glanced at Li You cautiously and said tentatively: "No problem. Also, do you have a map here? I can draw it for you."

Li You understood what he meant, so he said, "Okay, you turn around and face my left side."

Kahn obeyed obediently, and Li You casually threw a flaming meteor dart, accurately cutting into the knot behind Kahn's back and cutting most of the knot open.

As for the rest, the fire effects on the meteor dart set the knot on fire.

Kahn didn't feel it at first, but suddenly he felt a burning sensation coming from behind. He jumped up immediately and kept shouting: "Hot, hot, hot!! It's on fire, it's on fire!"

Li You casually threw a notebook over and hit him in the face, saying, "Okay, it's just that the knots on your body are on fire. The fire has been put out."

"I've already untied you. Put the pen in hand. The map is on the table. Draw."

Kahn threw away the remaining rope on his body, sweat dripping from his head, and looked at Li You with fear.

In his opinion, Li You was showing him his strength through some small means and telling him not to play tricks.Kahn was indeed stunned. After all, he had no idea what method Li You used to ignite the knot on his back, and his original little thoughts were suppressed again.

As for Li You...he was looking at the survival skills on the system panel and nodded secretly:

"Well, the proficiency level has increased by three points, which is good."

Kahn took the pen and spread out the map on the table. After writing and drawing for a while, he brought the map to Li You.

“You see, this is where suburbia is.”

Li You took a look and found that the location was consistent with the one marked on the map that Crane got at the beginning of the Believer DLC.

He nodded: "It seems you didn't play any tricks, that's good."

Kahn broke into a cold sweat immediately.He secretly thought he was lucky. Li You obviously knew a lot of things, and many of the questions he asked were to test whether he was telling the truth.

It's not that he changed himself this time, that's what Li You did.

Then, Li You pointed to the two crooked red lines marked on the map and asked, "So, are these two roads to the suburbs?"

Kahn responded obediently: "Yes. This one on land will pass through the sewer. It is the first route our people found."

“But this road is too inconvenient. The sewers are narrow and dirty, and there are rugged mountain roads after exiting. It is difficult to send people across on a large scale.

"So later, we all used boats to transport people there. This water route was discovered by us and is a safe route that will not be attacked by military patrol boats."

This water route is not available in the game, but it is indeed an unexpected gain. Li You nodded with satisfaction.

Although currently, he has no ships available.But the good news is, it will be soon.

The Les Gang controls the only boats in the ghetto and the Old Town, and now they are all docked at the Old Town docks.

The operation to recapture the pier was basically carried out at the same time as the operation to recapture the institute. This was the number one target for the light guards.

The team heading to the research institute has just set off.As for the dock, the terrain is relatively open and the battle is more difficult. Karim is carefully considering the candidates, so he has not set off yet.

It is said that Karim also planned to send a helicopter there just to be sure.

He was busy with this matter when he walked in such a hurry just now.

"Not bad." Li You praised, "Go on, tell me how the situation is in the suburbs."

Kahn replied: "Originally, everything was normal there, no different from the city."

"The same survivors gather inside the high walls, the same airdrops are sent from planes every day, and the same night demons are rampant at night."

"The difference is, first of all, there is the Sons of the Sun sect over there, and their leader, 'The Holy Mother,' has a way to prevent people from being attacked by the infected. The survivors in the suburbs basically believe in this sect, and the members of the sect—nameless people, He will be respected by the survivors to the highest degree."

"Secondly, there are surprisingly many night devils over there...the night devils' lairs are all over the ground, and all kinds of night devils come out in groups every night. The scene is really terrifying."

Kahn said, and shuddered subconsciously, as if he remembered the appearance of a hundred ghosts walking at night.

Li You didn't say anything. What Kahn told was the general situation in the suburbs, which was consistent with the game.

But Hassan also mentioned that the "Holy Mother" was crazy and that the situation in the suburbs had changed dramatically from before.

If the surface was still as calm as in the game, Hassan would not have said that if Li You left alone, there would be hundreds of night demons surrounding the city in the future.

So Li You said again: "I know all this. What I want to ask is, what happened in the suburbs that made you run back in a hurry?"

A little cold sweat broke out on Kahn's head and he said, "Yes, don't be anxious, I'll speak slowly."

"What I just said was the previous situation. Originally, I took people there to get the elixir from the Sons of the Sun sect. Because we all thought that was the key to preventing people from being threatened by the virus. But who knows...

"Ah, anyway, I finally got three elixirs and had them brought back.

"At about this time, the Sons of the Sun sect suddenly went crazy. All their followers and survivors were mobilized to search for traces of us throughout the suburbs.

"The people under me are all good and honest young men. How could they stand up to those vicious and vicious wilderness people? So they were beaten back and forth..."

Kahn was speaking with indignation when suddenly a cold light dazzled his eyes, causing him to subconsciously pause and then look towards the source of the light.

Li You didn't know when he took a machete with flashing cold light in his hand and played with it casually. The sharp blade radiated a vague coldness in his hand. At first glance, it looked like a vicious blade that had been killing people and drinking blood all year round.

Kahn had a good eye and immediately recognized the back-toothed machete that originally belonged to Tahir, the strongest thug of the Rice Gang, and couldn't help but gulp down his saliva.

Li You didn't look at him and said calmly: "I like to look at problems from an objective perspective and don't like personal filters."

Kahn broke into a cold sweat: "I understand, I understand!"

Then he changed his tone and continued: "Which of the Rice gang members under my command is not accustomed to killing people? Logically speaking, those farmers in the suburbs who only know how to farm, hold kitchen knives and pitchforks, and don't even have many guns. How can you beat us!"

"But that group of people, led by the Sons of the Sun cultists and under the call of the Holy Mother, rushed forward against our bullets as if they were dying!
"With that posture, I even felt that they were not human beings at all, but zombies that looked like humans! All of them were fierce and fearless, and they were not afraid of death!

"In addition, they had an absolute numerical advantage after all, so in the end, most of my men were killed or injured, and a small number of people protected me and escaped, all the way back to the city."

Li You nodded. It seemed that Kahn was telling the truth this time.

He asked further: "But among the survivors in the suburbs, not all of them believe in the Holy Mother so devoutly, right? Why are there so many people going crazy to attack you?" Kahn nodded repeatedly: "I said the same. ! Originally I thought so too, some of them also had doubts about Our Lady, but for some reason, these people were so crazy that day!"

“I only know that Our Lady seemed to have held a large-scale ceremony that day, not only on their mountain, but also in various settlements, and all survivors were required to participate.

"If there was anything wrong, I can only think that the Virgin had tampered with the ceremony."

Did the Holy Mother take action?

If you put it this way, the only possibility that Li You can think of is the blue elixir.

As mentioned before, the blue elixir is a high concentration of Harlan virus.Inhaling the smoke produced by the blue elixir will cause a person to irreversibly transform into a night demon, but the speed will be very slow.

Once the infection reaches a certain level, the Sensing Night Demon—the Holy Mother—can communicate with the infected person through telepathy.

The key is that in order to be able to hear the message of the Holy Mother, it does not require a complete mutation.

In the game, after Crane first arrived at the mountaintop altar of the Sons of the Sun sect and passively inhaled the smoke, he immediately heard the message of the Virgin, and only he heard it.

It can be seen from this that most of the suburban farmers who have been inhaling smoke for a long time should be able to receive the telepathic calls from the Virgin.

In this way, it would not be too difficult for Our Lady to mobilize the believers' fearless mood.

Just why?

Just for the three stolen elixirs?Or is it to drive the Rice gang out of the suburbs?

Regardless of the purpose, from the standpoint of Our Lady, it seems that there is no need to be so decisive.

The answer to the question cannot be obtained based on current information alone.

Li You confirmed a few more details with Kahn, such as when he fled back to the city, and then obtained the information two days after Rice withdrew to the old city.

According to Dr. Camden, Night Hunter Hassan may have gone to the suburbs even after that.

So Kahn doesn't know what Hassan saw.He fled the day the situation in the suburbs changed, so he doesn't know what the current situation is there.

After thinking about it, Li You called out, and the guard at the door came in and took Kahn down.

And Li You has already begun to plan what needs to be done before heading to the suburbs.

He simply made a list and wrote down the most important goals.

For example, take down the research institute, seize the dock, eliminate the remnants of the Les Gang, bring Dr. Zere to the Old City Research Institute, obtain samples of the fugitive tissue, and consider the content of subsequent negotiations with GRE...

These are the strategic policies of the organization. As for himself, he is still busy brushing up on survival skill proficiency and acquiring the skill of mastering the grappling hook.In addition, the newly learned strength and agility skills should also be practiced.

There is a mountain of things to do.

Fortunately, Li You doesn't need to do everything himself. His companions and subordinates can share his worries to a large extent. This is precisely the purpose of establishing the Light Guard.

It is certainly unrealistic for them to fight head-on with the Night Demon army, but some moderately difficult tasks can still be done very efficiently.

No, just when Li You was making plans, radio communication rang, indicating that the research institute had been captured.

That team was led by Bracken and Amir, and Racine was among them.

There were not many remnants of the Rice Gang guarding the institute, and because they were not familiar with the institute, they were unable to take advantage of the home field. Under the instructions of Amir, who knew the layout of the institute, they were captured with little effort. All destroyed.

Li You was not surprised by this.

As for the other side, the battle at the dock continues.

The largest number of Les Gang remnants gathered at the pier, and this group transformed the pier into a fortress.

And they seemed to know that having control of transportation was a great advantage during this period, so they tried to occupy two cruise ships in order to escape to the sea.

Fortunately, the light guard acted quickly enough and intercepted the group before they had time to put this act of death into action.

And this team has more people. Martin leads the team below, and combatants such as Crane, Jed, and Decker have appeared one after another.What's more important is that Yuzu is also standing in the attacking team with a sledgehammer and a shield.

Yuzi's weak state is not over yet, but he is not timid at all, and he doesn't want to stay at the radio station to rest.So he picked up his equipment and went with Crane and the others.

When Yuzi came to the defensive position set up by the remnants of the Rice Gang under concentrated fire, then held the sledgehammer feather in both hands and smashed the front iron door over like a watermelon, all the remnants of the Rice Gang were frightened. Silly.

There was no suspense in the ensuing battle. With Yuzu taking the lead, the light guards successfully took down two small cruise ships, solving and capturing almost all the remnants of the Rice Gang. Only a few of the quickest ones escaped by diving. .

Later, Kelan also sent a message to Li You.

The battle went smoothly on both sides, and Li You never considered that they would miss.

So just now, before the battle on the pier ended, Dr. Zerei, who was still in the slums, was contacted and asked to prepare for his trip to the Old City Research Institute.

Right now, Li You directly assigned the task to the universal tool man Crane and asked him to take a few people and sail to the slums to pick up Dr. Zelei.

Although both ships are small cruise ships that can only carry twenty or thirty people, they are enough for Li You.

Now with these two cruise ships, traveling between the old city and the slums has become several times easier.

Another relatively urgent task was completed, and the next thing couldn't be rushed in a short while.

Li You immediately decided to brush up on his own skill proficiency first.

As for ways to quickly improve your survival skill proficiency, Li You also has one.

The so-called survival skills mean that in addition to combat, all survival-related tasks can increase proficiency.

For example, make weapons and props, build fortifications, scavenge, avoid zombie attacks, practice personal skills... and so on.

It was also because it covered such a wide range of areas that Li You was able to upgrade his proficiency to the intermediate level so smoothly.You must know that he acquired the earliest simple firearm mastering skill, and his proficiency level has not yet reached the intermediate level, and is still at more than 400.

And since all survival-related behaviors can increase proficiency, Li You was ready to take out a reward item that had been gathering dust in his backpack for a long time.

——Optional auxiliary skill book.

The reason why Li You has never used this book is because he didn't know what auxiliary skills to choose.After all, the auxiliary skills it covers are too diverse, and Li You is not sure which one is more suitable for him.

But now, after getting a new skill book and unlocking new abilities, Li You finally made a choice.

[The self-selected auxiliary skill book will be used soon. Please select the auxiliary skills you want to learn. 】


[Selected auxiliary skill——Forging.The skill book has been used. 】

[Forging-Elementary: Proficiency (0/200)]

"Okay, next, let's try blacksmithing."

 The second update today, completed every day.

  Thanks to the book friend "Zhu Xia's Privet" for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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