Chapter 146 News about Kara

Lewis was a little surprised that Li You accepted his explanation so easily.

But there was really no time to continue chatting now, so Louis just nodded and took out the radio.

"I'll try to contact Ada first. It would be best if I can get through."

Li You naturally had no objection to this.

There was a beep beep beep when the radio was unplugged, and it took a while before it was connected.

Lewis asked quickly: "Ada!? Are you okay?"

But there was no response there.

Lewis was a little strange and asked again: "Ada? Are you there?"

Then, a deep male voice sounded on the radio:

"She's at Mendez's house. Come and meet her, Luis."

With that said, the communication was cut off.

Lewis was confused.

Li You recognized the owner of that voice.

Albert Wesker!
One of the most legendary and popular villains in the Resident Evil series, the mastermind and promoter behind many major events, and a superman who has adapted himself almost perfectly to virus enhancement.

He is also the former captain of the STARS team who has been in love with Chris for a lifetime.

Speaking of which, when Li You first traveled through time, the Albert-type Samurai Blade he drew was Wesker's customized version.

Li You's expression changed slightly. After all, although he had known that Wesker was the boss behind Ada, he had never heard of the fact that Wesker came to the village in person.

"Did the original version mention that Wesker was also here?"

Oh, it seems to have been mentioned before, but I only know that he went to the island where the Illuminati’s base camp was and recovered Krausa’s body.

"Are there many changes in the details of the remake's world line?"

Lewis looked at Li You: "...who was that person just now?"

He originally just asked subconsciously, not expecting Li You to give him an answer. Unexpectedly, Li You answered him: "It's Ada's boss."

Lewis was also stunned: "Ada's boss!? Isn't that the person who made the deal with me? Why did he come to the village?"

Li You shook his head: "I want to know too."

"Let's go, since he's here, Ada should be fine, let's go over and take a look.

"But remember, if something happens, we have to run away immediately. That guy's strength may be far beyond your imagination."

The current Wesker has not yet developed the Ouroboros virus, so he should not have the terrifying strength in Resident Evil [-], but he is also a super human who has adapted to the mutated strain of the T virus, and ordinary people are by no means his opponent.

Li You, who has not played the Ada DLC, doesn't know what level Wesker's strength is at this time, but he would rather be safe.

Lewis nodded subconsciously.

So Li You took Louis and rushed towards the village chief's house.


Mendez's house, second floor bedroom.

Wesker put down the radio and glanced at Ada, who was still unconscious.

After Ada escaped from the church, she originally planned to find a place to deal with her injuries before contacting Louis.

But unexpectedly, halfway through, she lost consciousness due to the rapid growth of parasites in her body and passed out on the roadside.

At this time, Wesker, who didn't know why he came to the village, appeared, rescued her, and took her to the second-floor bedroom of the village chief's house.

Wesker has a very in-depth understanding of various viruses. After all, he was also a senior researcher at Umbrella in his early years, so he knew at a glance that Ada should be infected by some unknown parasite.

So after taking Ada to Mendez's house, he took a tube of Ada's blood and kept it, thinking that there would be no harm in having an extra sample.

He originally planned to leave after Ada woke up, but at this moment, he received a communication from Lewis.

Wesker had other things to do when he came to the village, so the task of recovering amber still had to be left to Ada.So he told Louis the location of Ada and asked Louis to come find her.

Just at this time, under Wesker's gaze, Ada woke up leisurely.

She still felt a splitting headache. As soon as she sat up from the bed, holding her head, she heard Wesker's familiar voice:
"Unlucky today?"

Ada was slightly startled, but then reacted: "Wesker? What kind of wind brought you here?"

Wesker said in a vaguely impatient voice: "Stop wasting my time, my money will not support useless waste."

"Louis has just contacted you. I have told him that you are here and he should come later. Get the amber quickly and take Louis back with you."

Ada asked: "What about you, you are already here, why don't you go and contact Lewis in person?"

Wesker frowned: "What do you think I hired you for? Don't say it's useless, complete your own mission."

But Ada showed a clear look: "So, it must be...because of that person? You can't stay here for too long?"

Wesker turned around suddenly, his body began to exude murderous aura, and even his pupils under his sunglasses began to glow faintly red!

He stared at Ada, who showed no fear at all and looked directly at him.

Then, Wesker said: "I didn't pay you to ask questions. Do your job well and stop giving me nonsense!"

With that said, Wesker pushed open the door and left.

And Ada looked at his leaving back and touched the extra pinprick on her arm, thoughtfully.


Li You's side.

From the entrance of the church to the village chief's house, it would be a little circuitous if he took the road in the village, so Li You directly dragged Louis and used the grappling hook catapult to speed up.

Louis originally wanted to lead the way, but found that Li You seemed to be more familiar with the village than he was.

At this moment, he was caught by Li You and couldn't help but ask:
"Is your organization's intelligence work so detailed? I feel like you are more of a local than me."

Li You smiled and said, "Didn't you say you've heard of my story before? I'm a journalist by trade."

Louis didn't answer, but quietly complained: "If you can only be a reporter with your intelligence capabilities, then the FBI will probably lose their jobs collectively."

Louis thought he spoke very quietly, but in fact Li You heard everything.But he didn’t care, dragged Louis and continued on his way.

With his current physical condition, it is a bit difficult to use the hook while grabbing Louis, but he can pull himself to the roof first, and then pull Louis up, which is also very fast.

So, the two of them arrived at the village chief's house without spending much time.

From a distance, Li You saw Ada standing by the window on the second floor.

Naturally, Ada also saw him.

On Ada's face, Li You didn't see too many surprised expressions.


At the same time, Li You was relieved in his heart: It seems that Wesker is not here.

So the three people quickly met on the first floor of the village chief Mendez's house.

When Louis saw Ada, he greeted him enthusiastically: "Ada! I knew you would be fine!"

Ada smiled lightly and said, "Of course, I am a professional."

Then, she looked at Li You: "Long time no see, Li You."

Li You smiled and responded: "Long time no see. Why don't you seem surprised to see me? Is it because you have already seen me in the village?"

Ada said: "I didn't notice you before. But I'm not surprised by your appearance."

"After all, your organization has caused us a lot of trouble. Although you haven't shown up all these years, you must know our situation well. So why should I be surprised when you show up this time?"

Li You: "?"

Although, I don’t understand what you are saying now.

Why am I the boss behind the scenes this time?
Li You couldn't help but ask: "What are you talking about? I have just come back from a long trip, so I don't know these things at all."

However, Ada didn't believe it at all: "You came here yourself and got in touch with Lewis, and now you tell me you don't know anything? Do you think I will believe it?" Li You: "..."

Li You had realized that it was meaningless to communicate with Ada like this, so he adjusted his expression slightly, showed a smile that was half appreciative and half disdainful, and said:
"Well, it's true that it's impossible to deceive you with this kind of statement. However, I am telling the truth. I really don't know many things."

"For example, I am very curious, what is Wesker going to do when he comes to the village this time?"

Ada shook her head and said: "He is just my employer. He never tells me everything he wants to do, and I don't know his real purpose. I am just here to complete the tasks he assigned me... I guess you are also very interested." Do you understand the content of the mission?"

Li You nodded: "Aren't you just here to get the 'amber'?"

Ada was not surprised and asked: "What about you, Li You? What are you here for? I don't believe you came here just for sightseeing."

"And since you're here, she must be nearby, right? Do you want to call her out too, so we can catch up on old times together?"

Li You's eyes flashed and he realized that he had grasped the key point, so he asked: "Who are you referring to?"

Ada glanced at him and curled her lips: "Stop pretending to be stupid, who else could it be? Of course it's the second-in-command of your organization, your lovely apprentice, Carla!"

"When you didn't show up these years, wasn't she running around and dealing with various affairs? This time you took action personally, how can she still be left behind?"

As if a bolt of lightning flashed through his mind, Li You finally connected all the fragmented information!


The person in charge of the mysterious organization to which he belongs should also be the person who really contacted Lewis!
The key missing link in his intelligence was found.

Moreover, since Ada calls her "her apprentice", the only possibility that Li You can think of is that Kara has successfully activated the Night Amulet and learned magic.

Of course, he was also aware of another problem.

"...Damn it, this guy Leon, he knows a lot of things, but he just didn't tell me, and he deliberately made me interested!"

Li You originally thought that Leon must know nothing about the "organization" behind him.

After all, even Li You himself doesn't know anything about the organization he belongs to. In order to avoid the bloody incident of finding out that some evil organization was randomly inserted into the system for him at the end of the question - then he will have to report to the organization. Leon explained - so Li You didn't ask at all.

As a result, the key to everything lies in the information about Kara that Leon concealed!

Li You couldn't help grinning, which made Ada's family puzzled: "What are you doing, your toothache?"

Li You calmed down and looked at Ada again and said, "It's okay, I just remembered some other things."

"I can't tell you whether Carla is coming. As for me, unfortunately, I also made a deal with Louis this time and came here for amber."

Lewis on the side couldn't help but panic when he heard this, and tugged at the corner of Li You's clothes: "Hey!"

But Ada still did not show any surprise, but said: "Sure enough, no matter what Wesker wants to do, he can't escape your eyes. He has obviously achieved the highest level of confidentiality."

"You always try every means to sabotage his plans. Even I am very curious, how do you do it and why?
"And it's you who personally dispatched the mission this time. Did you even find out the top-secret news that Wesker himself came here in advance? If that's the case, then I really have to think about it, should I say goodbye to Wesker quickly? .”

Ada said words that were difficult to distinguish between true and false, while also observing Li You, but to her disappointment, there was no wave in Li You's eyes, let alone any clues that could reveal information.

——Of course, after all, Li You has no idea at all.From his perspective, he was completely listening to Ada telling stories and telling him what the popular science "organization" had done in the past.

Lewis on the other hand felt very surprised: "This... Ada, do you know that I and you two are trading at the same time, and you don't care at all?"

Ada looked at him and said, "It's common sense to compare shopping. What should I care about? I'm just here to contact you, not a buyer."

"It's just that you chose two such dangerous trading partners at the same time. I have to say, you are really brave."

Hearing Ada's comment, Lewis swallowed, smiled awkwardly, and did not dare to speak.

Li You had already gone through all the information in Ada's words and then had an idea.

He looked at Ada and said, "In that case, what are you going to do now? Do you want to fight me?"

There was only one portion of "amber", and Louis promised both parties a reward at the same time. Obviously, it was impossible for them to cut the amber in half and give each person a portion. Even if Ada agreed, Li You would not agree.

The key to obtaining amber is Louis.So if Ada wants to complete the mission, she will inevitably conflict with Li You.

Unexpectedly, Ada said: "No, I don't plan to fight with you. It's not six years ago anymore, and I don't have the confidence to defeat you at all."

"And if your little female apprentice is nearby, then conflicting with you in this situation is no different than seeking death. So let's just leave Louis and Amber with you first, and I will come back to get them later."

Louis couldn't help but complain: "Hey! I'm not your delivery boy!"

But his voice was ignored by Ada.

Li You's thoughts changed quickly, and then he said, "If I said she wasn't here, would you believe it?"

Ada said: "Then I'm not worried anymore. If she's not nearby, she must have gone to find Wesker - no wonder Wesker left in such a hurry."

"I will report directly to Wesker then and say that I met you in the village. Then he will definitely not care that I slightly delayed the delivery time."

With that said, Ada came to the door, took out the grapple gun, and said, "Well, I'm going to go see the scenery now. Please feel free to do so. We'll see you later."

The grapple gun was fired, and Ada was about to leave, but Li You suddenly shouted to her: "Leon went to the castle to rescue Ashley!"

Ada's movements immediately paused, but she did not look back, let alone answer. Instead, she immediately retracted the grappling hook, and the hook pulled her away.

Li You stood there, thinking intently.

Listening to Ada's words, Wesker seems to be a little afraid of Kara?

What's going on with this little girl now?

Lewis was already confused by their conversation. He looked at Li You and asked: "...Um, so, what are we going to do now?"

Only then did Li You come back to his senses.

"Oh, now, let's contact Leon first, and then I'd like to trouble you to pick up something."

Louis feels that he has been like a curious baby recently. What he does most is ask what and why.

But he couldn't help but ask: "What is it? Can you finish talking at once, Li You?"

Li You said seriously: "I know that you feel that the research you did in the past has become a capital for others to do evil, so you regret it very much, so you want to leave the Illuminati Sect and find a way to deal with Sadler."

"Just in time, now you have a chance. Just like I told you, Leon is here to save people, and the person he wants to save is named Ashley Graham, who is the daughter of the current president of the United States."

After hearing what he said, Louis' expression changed rapidly, and he immediately realized the key point: "You said before that this girl might have been injected with Plaka. Could it be that Sadler wanted to..."

Li You nodded: "Sadler wants to use Ashley to spread the Plaka parasite to the top leaders of the United States, and then control the whole world."

"I came here this time and contacted you not just for Amber, but more to stop Sadler's ambitions."

Now that it is clear that the "organization" he belongs to is actually created by Kara, Li You needs to adjust his action plan.

What he had thought before was that it had nothing to do with him, as long as he could complete the system's tasks.

Now, while taking into account the system tasks, he also wants to increase the favorability and trust of Louis, a key figure in the "organization".

After all, since Carla would contact him specifically to take Louis away, it meant that she also needed Louis' scientific research capabilities.

After listening to Li You's words, Louis was just as he expected. He gritted his teeth and said: "Hell, although I have known for a long time that Sadler's ambition is to rule the world, I really didn't expect that he would actually set his sights on the President of the United States. On my daughter, and she took action so quickly!”

"No, we must not let him succeed, otherwise even if I can later develop a method to counter Sadler's dominant Plaka based on Amber, it will probably be too late!"

Lewis said, then looked at Li You: "I understand what you mean, since the girl has been injected with Plaka - and from Sadler's point of view, the one who should be injected is the well-bred Plaka - Then we must get rid of the Plaka in her body before it fully grows! Otherwise, it will be too late!"

He slammed his left hand hard: "Go to my laboratory! I have a secret laboratory at the bottom of the castle. There is the Plaka antigen I store there, which can inhibit the growth of Plaka!"

"First get the antigen and give the girl emergency treatment, and then we will take her to the island where the Illuminati is the home of the Illuminati. There is the equipment needed to eliminate Plaka!"

Louis' words also answered some other questions for Li You, such as why Louis asked Leon and Ashley to meet him in the castle in the original plot.

It turns out that he has a secret laboratory hidden in the castle.

Now that he had obtained the key information he needed, Li You did not delay and took out the radio on the spot and said:

"Okay, let's leave now. I'll also contact Leon to see how he's progressing."

Lewis nodded, not talking nonsense this time, and said concisely: "Okay!"

As he said that, he began to organize his equipment - although in fact, all he had in his body was an old-fashioned pistol RED9.

Li You quickly contacted Lyon. After the communication was connected, before he could speak, Lyon said:

"Li You! I had a little accident here, I may need your help!"

 In order to avoid errors in recent chapters, too much time has been spent adjusting the details, so the updates are relatively late Orz
  If there are any bugs in the updated content, we will modify it later.

(End of this chapter)

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