Survival in the game world begins with Biochemical 2

Chapter 251 The Hero’s Double Blades

Chapter 251 The Hero’s Double Blades

Before dawn.

On the edge of a golden forest, two young warriors were sitting by a campfire to rest.

They drank and talked, with a smug look on their face, carefully maintaining their armor and weapons by the light of the dancing bonfire.

The equipment used by the two is very classic. The helmet is a Corinthian helmet decorated with horsehair. The breastplate is a bronze armor that covers the entire torso and imitates the shape of muscles. The weapons are a one-handed double-edged broadsword and a short dagger.

It can be said that these two people look like they just slipped off the set of the classic movie "300". But judging from the bronze color of the armor and the cold light flashing on the blade, these things are real.

In addition, another interesting thing is that the weapons and equipment of the two are basically the same, except for the horse hair decorated on the helmet, one is dark red, and the other is navy blue that is close to black.

If you look carefully, the two of them look somewhat similar.

They maintained their armor and weapons with olive oil, busy but orderly.

By the time they completed the maintenance, the Sun God's carriage had set off from the distant sky and was running across the sky - this was the expression in the conversation between the two brothers.

The two looked at the rising sun in the distance, looked at each other, and stood up.

They put on their armor, put their swords on their waists, then extinguished the bonfire and walked into the forest together.

It's time to complete their great adventure.


On the other side, in the forest.

A blue portal emerged, and Li You's figure appeared on the forest path.

He opened his eyes and looked around, feeling a little dazed.

"It seems like there aren't many people around..."

【Ding! 】

【congratulations! 】

[You have successfully entered the game world and are currently at: the edge of the Golden Forest. 】

[After completing the first contact, a reward draw will be conducted. 】

"Golden Forest? I don't seem to have any impression..."

Li You didn't waste much time thinking about this. There was too little information nowadays, and the system's descriptions of place names were often quite random.

He looked around and saw only ancient trees covered with yellow-brown leaves, and yellow fruits could be seen among the leaves.

The land was dark brown, and even the sky had a dark yellow color.

"...This time the name is quite appropriate."

After thinking about it, Li You took out Lei Guang Yueying from the system backpack, and put Handgun

But this time, he seemed to be lucky. He didn't go far before he heard someone's voice.

Li You carefully hid behind the tree and looked in the direction of the sound, and then saw a scene beyond his expectation.

A group of warriors wearing classical armor were on guard on the trail. They were all heavily armed, and their dark green armor gave off a formidable atmosphere.

Among them, one person's helmet style is obviously different from the others. In addition to the raised ornaments on his forehead, his helmet also has a visor, and there is a wisp of bright red horsetail hair hanging on the back of his head.

This soldier, who was obviously an elite and squad leader, was lecturing his subordinates.

Li You was shocked when he saw the appearance of these people.

"I actually came to this world?"

"Double-edged warrior...?"

Double-Edge Warrior is a two-player cooperative side-scrolling pixel flash game.

Yes, this is a pixel game world...

"Although I'm talking about traveling through the game world...but can you also travel through a small game like this!?"

The game Double Blade Warrior was a game that Li You would play together with his brothers and sisters on a small game network called "4399" when he was in elementary school. It can be said to be a childhood memory.

At that time, Li You's family only had one laptop. Every time relatives and cousins ​​came to his house during the Chinese New Year and holidays, they all liked to use the computer to play small games.

The memory of the two people huddled together to grab the small keyboard of the laptop came to mind, which made Li You feel nostalgic for the past.

But he came to his senses immediately. Now is not the time to recall the killing. How about saving it for use before fighting the BOSS? The main business now is to trigger the main mission first.

So, Li You quietly picked a ripe fruit from the tree next to him, aimed at the head of the squad leader who was lecturing, and threw it hard!


The overripe fruit had thick juice inside, and it exploded when it hit the helmet, splashing all over the elite warrior's head and face.

There was silence for a moment, and a moment later, there was a roar:

"Who the hell!?"

Li You: "Huh?"

No, brother, how do you speak English?

I remember the background of Double-Edged Warrior is ancient Greece?

Just because the game language is English, everyone in this world cannot speak English, right?

But listening to the squad leader's angry scolding in the distance, Li You had to accept it. It seemed that this was what happened.

But it's convenient for him.

The system prompt tone also sounded just now.

【Ding! 】

[Contact with the residents of this world has been completed, the system is being updated, and new world rewards will be drawn soon. 】

[Extraction in progress...extraction completed. 】

[Please choose one item from the drawn items as your reward. 】

This time it was an ordinary drawing of three props, but Li You took a look and saw, good guy, an ordinary broad-bladed sword, an ordinary bronze axe, and an ordinary wooden bow (with ten quivers).

What else do you choose? Li You directly pointed out who the little cock was and picked the bronze axe.

"But then again, the main quest in the previous world seems to have given me an axe."

Speaking of this, Li You wanted to complain, why the hell is the main mission of this world just a fire axe? Even if it is infinitely durable?

While thinking about it, he opened the system backpack and looked at the specific attributes of the fire ax.


[Fire Ax (Unlimited Durability/Special)]

[Item introduction: An ax used by an unknown survivor of Berggren, with a strong personal imprint. 】

[Item characteristics: Infinite durability, never damaged.

[When using this ax for backstab attacks or concealed attacks, it can cause triple damage to the target;

[When you use this ax to chop wooden objects, you can get extra high-quality firewood;

[When equipped with this ax, you will not feel timid and can attack any enemy without hesitation. 】

Li You: "!!??"

Woc! Artifact! !

sorry! I shouldn't call you trash!

This was the first time he got a weapon with four characteristics from the system, not to mention that these characteristics were quite powerful except for the extra firewood, which was too abstract.

Forget the infinite durability and three times the backstab bonus, Li You especially liked the last feature of "not being timid when equipping". If he guessed correctly, this feature should make the terrifying attacks like the wolf ghost directly ineffective.

Isn’t this awesome?

Li You happily took out the fire ax and played with it a few times.

"If I use a weapon upgrade coupon, can I change it into a weapon that is more suitable for me?" This idea made him a little excited, but he still suppressed it. The problem is still the same as before. Weapon upgrade coupons cannot be specified in categories. It will be fun to hammer the ax into a large shield for him.

There were footsteps not far away, and Li You reacted keenly, clinging tightly to the tree, holding the fire ax upside down in his hand.

The noise just now was made by a soldier who came to search for any traces of the enemy. After being slapped with persimmons by Li You, the elite warrior became furious and asked everyone to search around to find the person who attacked him.

The guy in front of me was really unlucky because he found the right direction.

Li You raised the fire ax silently.

He knows the identities of these warriors. If anything, the plot of the game Double-Edged Warrior is very simple...after all, it is just a small flash game.

To put it simply, in the Greek world, a king's daughter, the princess, was kidnapped, so two warriors set out to pass through many obstacles to rescue the princess from the dragon's pool and the tiger's den.

They passed all the levels (referring to a total of twelve levels), defeated various enemies in Greek mythology, and finally came to the BOSS that kidnapped the princess, defeated it, and rescued the princess.

However, the final ending is a bit unusual... I will talk about this later.

And these guys in front of you are the main enemies of the protagonist in the first four levels, the lower-level soldiers of the Kingdom of Gold.

"No wonder it's called the Golden Forest, that's what it is. But...El Dorado? Well...forget it."

Seeing the lower-level soldiers walking to the front, Li You turned out from behind the tree and raised the fire ax.


With one swing of the ax, the ax blade sliced ​​open the lower-ranking soldier's helmet easily and smoothly, splitting his head into two. The cut was as smooth as a mirror!

Li You was stunned on the spot.

"This, this ax..."

"...It feels so disgusting!"

So far, Li You has killed countless people, of course they are basically villains and enemies. But he is already used to killing, so he won't feel anything special.

But even so, the feeling of the fire ax cutting off the lower-level soldier's head just now, like cutting butter with a hot knife, still made him feel an indescribable nausea.

"...Forget it, just carry this thing on your back for now."

Li You hung the fire ax back on his back, and at this time, several other lower-level soldiers, as well as the elite soldier, also discovered him.

"He's there! Come on!!"

Listening to the shouting and running sounds coming from behind, Li You turned around calmly and pulled out the Thunder Moon Shadow.

"…Ba Zhilei!"

After the golden thunder, all the lower-level soldiers fell to the ground. Only the elites were still standing, unwilling to admit defeat.

"There are still people alive? Can they resist Ba Zhilei?"

Li You looked at him, but didn't say anything. Instead, he touched the blue and silver blade of Lei Guang Yueying nostalgically, and sighed: "Thunder is still the most convenient... It feels good to be able to use it at will."

Then, he turned to the elite warrior and said, "I have a question."

The entire face of the elite warrior was covered by a visor and helmet, with only a pair of eyes exposed. At this moment, clear murderous intent was reflected in these eyes.

He didn't answer, but picked up the long sword that just fell to the ground and rushed towards Li You!


The entrance to the forest, near the starting point of the forest path.

"Dang, Dang——!"



There was a continuum of noisy sounds, occasionally mixed with screams.

At the beginning of the road that can pass through the forest, there is a checkpoint set up by the soldiers of the Kingdom of Gold. Many soldiers are guarding here to prevent those with evil intentions from approaching their country.

Because the king of the Kingdom of Gold is Midas, the famous king in Greek mythology and the protagonist of the Golden Touch story.

Because he loved wealth and gold, he prayed to Dionysus among the gods for a gift, and gained the ability to turn stones into gold, turning everything he touched into gold.

However, this ability literally turns "everything" into gold, furniture, food, weapons, livestock, servants, and even Midas' own daughter.

So the story of the Golden Touch is a cautionary tale with a tragic ending.

In this world, the Golden King Midas is the BOSS of the second level and the first BOSS enemy encountered in the game.

These soldiers are the guards of the Kingdom of Gold. They are still guarding the roads leading to the kingdom in accordance with the king's orders.

After all, the wealth of the Golden Country is world-famous. Without adequate precautions, it is impossible to keep the wealth in your own hands.

It's just that they don't know that King Midas has gone crazy, and they still stick to their past orders and missions.

The protagonists of the game, the two double-edged warrior brothers, broke into this place and fought with the soldiers.

The level is very large, and the soldiers of the Kingdom of Gold are obviously undermanned and unable to guard against all directions.

It wasn't until the two brothers broke into an area almost in the center of the camp that lower-level soldiers finally discovered them and successfully blew the alarm before they were killed.

The area around the level immediately turns into a battlefield.

The soldiers of the Kingdom of Gold are not weak, because thieves are rampant in the area, and they are basically capable, so that they can stay here.

But for the two double-edged warrior brothers, this ability is really not enough.

The two of them cooperated with each other and fought their way in and out of the loophole-filled encirclement of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Gold.

Even though they were wearing heavy armor, which was inconvenient to move and very energy-consuming, the two of them seemed not to feel the weight at all. There was no trace of fatigue on their faces, and the swords in their hands were swung smoothly, taking down all the enemies one by one.

Soon, there were no enemies left alive in the level.

The two brothers simply packed up and continued to set off.

Passing through the checkpoint is the road leading to the depths of the Golden Kingdom. The brothers bypassed the main road, which was full of traps at first glance, and chose the side road to move forward. Sure enough, it was smooth all the way.

However, when the two turned a small corner, they heard what sounded like a battle not far ahead.

The two brothers looked at each other and rushed over quickly, just in time to see Li You pull the knife out of the elite warrior's chest.

The two of them were instantly on guard.

Li You shook off the blood on the knife, turned around, and immediately recognized their identities through the two iconic helmets.


Li You can also understand the two of them being wary. After all, in their opinion, they have a strange appearance, strange clothes, and even strange weapons. If they are not careful, they will become ghosts.

However, Li You didn't intend to be hostile to them, so he put away the knife and said from afar: "Hello."

The two brothers exchanged a vague look, and then the one wearing the red-maned helmet answered: "...Hello, strange warrior."

The moment he answered, the system prompt sounded.

【Ding! 】

[First contact has been completed. 】

[Final confirmation——Your main mission in this world is:]

【Defeat all BOSS and rescue the princess. 】

【Good luck! 】

 By the way, why did you guess so accurately?

  Also, this section is very short, just finish it and leave.



(End of this chapter)

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