Survival in the game world begins with Biochemical 2

Chapter 289: Classmate David Martinez, I am amazed by your bones.

Chapter 289: Classmate David Martinez, I am amazed at your bones...

Early morning in Night City.

A new day in the City of Dreams starts very early, and the flow of people in those bustling neighborhoods is always day and night, like a colony of ants coming and going, repeating the same life every day.

But in Night City, being able to live a stable life with an end in sight is already considered a blessing.

Santo Domingo, super skyscraper H4, atrium.

Among the many identical apartment doors arranged neatly, one opened on its own and a young man walked out.

He is not tall, has brown punk hair, and wears an eye-catching Arasaka Academy uniform, but paired with a pair of street pants, which looks a bit nondescript.

"Okay, I know."

The young man spoke to the apartment a little impatiently, and was about to leave with his hands folded.

But then, a woman who looked about thirty years old chased her out of the apartment.

The boy's mother works as an emergency medical technician at Night City Medical Center. The name sounds nice, but she actually works as a nurse and temporary worker. It's tiring and busy, and the salary is very low.

It was a young man wearing a retro gray windbreaker. He had regular features and a tall figure. There was no trace of prosthetics on his face.

——Sian Westan.

The rainbow trail passed through the air, and finally settled into a beautiful figure leaning on the edge of the upper railing of the square. She had her back to the young man and could not see her face, but he was instinctively attracted to her and immediately ran up to her quickly.

The boy got off the subway, came to the Civic Center, and continued walking towards the conspicuous Arasaka Tower in the distance.

He stood there and glanced at the two of them again. When he noticed that the girl's eyes were also directed towards him, he turned around and left without stopping.

In the eyes of the boy, his style is not so much outdated and out of place as it is too retro and can be regarded as another standard unique style.

The young man was startled and turned his head sharply, his eyes subconsciously following the color.

With his hands in his pockets and an indifferent expression on his face, the young man walked out of the skyscraper, crossed the busy intersection, and got on the subway to the Civic Center.

And his sharp eyes seemed to sweep over the young man intentionally or unintentionally.

For example, what the doctor showed him last night was a Black Mewtwo that was extracted from the brain of a cybernetic psychopath who had been dead for less than two hours, which made him feel indescribable excitement. That kind of feeling is something you can never experience in the dull and depressing daily life.

"...It's time to go to the academy again."

But even so, in order to give the boy a chance to get ahead, his mother still spent everything to support him to study at Arasaka Academy.

The woman's eyes lit up with electronic light and she dialed the communication number.

He ignored all the various appearances of the residents of Santo Domingo on the road. This scene never changed day after day, and the young man was already tired of it.

Of course, the young man is also very ambitious and has excellent grades. But because of his background, he has never been able to integrate into the academy, but he didn't want to worry his mother, so he never mentioned it.

It was also because of this that he was very interested in the suspicious Black Mewtwo promoted by those prosthetic doctors.

The woman listened to the news, returned to the sofa, and picked up the yellow work jacket covering it.

But when he ran to the upper floor, he saw that although the girl who caught his attention at first sight was still leaning on the railing, there was another person standing next to her.

A young man of his age undoubtedly still has hope and is looking forward to some adventure to change his monotonous and boring life.

There were still people coming and going along the way, but except for the young man who stopped for a moment when passing by the blocked area where the battle took place last night, everything else looked lifeless gray in his eyes, as if it was about to swallow up his entire world.

The news was being broadcast on the TV: "…the former lieutenant James Norris, who was shot dead by a terrorist mobile unit yesterday, the whereabouts of the military implanted chip in his body are unknown…"

——It’s time to return to the colorless daily routine.

After checking that there was no suspicious person outside, she closed the apartment door.

The woman's appearance is actually not bad, but the lingering fatigue on her face and the travel-worn temperament all over her body make people unconsciously ignore this.

"…You forgot your NCART City Pass card again!"

The young man immediately stopped and stopped moving.

Such depressing daily life can wear down people's spirit. So he was actually a little envious of his mother. Although her job was hard, she often went to the scenes where major events occurred and could see those "accidents" that were usually inaccessible at a close distance.

The woman looked like she wanted to say something else, but the boy had already put his hands in his pockets, quickly turned the corner and disappeared from her sight.


"Really, this kid..." The woman looked at the direction the boy was leaving, with helplessness in her eyes, but also a hint of pride.

The man was standing next to the girl, and the two of them were talking intimately.

But when she saw him walking away, the expression on her face immediately faded and became serious and alert.

She was wearing black short-sleeves and faded jeans, her red hair tied up casually swaying behind her head, and she shouted to the boy in front of her.

The young man then turned around and said, "Ah, yes. Thanks, mom."

"...Mann. I'm Gloria."

But at this moment, in the gray scene in front of him, a ray of color suddenly flashed, like dots of light from a rainbow.

He took the subway card, turned around, waved his hand in a gesture that seemed cool but actually had no meaning, and said, "Okay, I'm going to the academy. Mom, you just started the night shift, so you should have a good rest." "

There is a vacuum bag taped to the inside of the jacket. Inside is an artificial spine-like prosthesis with a mechanical shell, and the indicator light on it emits a green light. There is also a dedicated chip next to it, which is the most critical component.

For example, in the cyberpsychosis incident that he just watched last night, his mother was one of the staff at the scene. She was even photographed on the news carrying James' body with her colleagues.

But obviously, his mother didn't want him to come into contact with these things. They were dangers beyond ordinary people's control.

...But what the boy didn't know was that a line of sight was watching his back until he disappeared through the gate of Arasaka Tower.

"...Did you invite me here specifically to spy on that brat?"

Lucy took a drag on the cigarette in her hand and asked indifferently.

Li You just smiled and said, "That's understandable."

"...You didn't say anything. You just said, 'Come to the company square tomorrow morning. I have a work assignment.' If I hadn't planned to come here, I wouldn't pay attention to you at all."

Lucy blew out a puff of light smoke, took another look at Arasaka Tower in the distance, and asked:
"Who is he, the son of the next mission target? Do you want to use him as a breakthrough?"

Although she was asking, it was obvious that she was not actually curious about the answer.

"Besides, why did you ask me to come over? Wouldn't it be nice to ask Sasha?"

Li You ignored her other questions and answered selectively: "He is not the target of the mission or anything, he is just a little guy I am very optimistic about."

Hearing this, Lucy finally became a little interested in the boy just now: "Is he actually worthy of you coming here to observe? It's interesting. What's his name?"

"David." Li You smiled, "David Martinez."


Lower level of Arasaka Tower, inside Arasaka Academy.

David ran all the way through the corridors of the college area and came to his classroom. All the other students in the class had already arrived and were lying on the benches that replaced desks. They all wore Mewtwo's headbands on their faces.

All the equipment at Arasaka Academy is top-notch, and classes are conducted by AI teachers through large-scale Mewtwo.

At this moment, the half-length image of the AI ​​lecturer, whose appearance is somewhat similar to Delamain, but is obviously more female, is floating above the classroom.

She first expressed satisfaction that no one was absent from work, and then reminded David of his failure to wear his uniform as required. After learning that David's only uniform was stained and there was no spare, he was asked to submit an exception application after class.

David, wearing an old-fashioned Mewtwo headband that was obviously different from the others, lay on the bench in the corner of the last row. Facing the troubles raised by his classmate Tanaka next to him, David ignored them. He was used to it.

However, at the moment when the AI ​​instructor connected all the students to the Mewtwo host, David's headband malfunctioned.

From the perspective of other people in Mewtwo, he has transformed into a data black hole, and it is still expanding, swallowing up the surrounding scenes!
"what happened…!?"


——Two hours later.

David's mother, Gloria Martinez, sat with him in the principal's office.

"...I'm really sorry for the trouble caused by the dog. We will compensate you in full." Gloria sat upright and said to the principal.

"Eh...!?" David on the side was also surprised when he heard this.

"I don't think it's all about money..." The principal discussed with Gloria for a while and suggested to her that it might be better to change David's learning environment.

But Gloria firmly rejected the principal's suggestion, saying that she would compensate him in full and begging him to let David stay at Arasaka Academy to study.

——Shortly after this.

On the cross-river bridge from the municipal center back to Santo Domingo, an old, khaki-colored Tingwei Galena G240 was driving slowly.

The person driving the car was Gloria, and David was sitting in the passenger seat, shaking his legs with an unhappy expression.

"Didn't I ask you to give the software a genuine upgrade? What's going on?"

Gloria asked David as she drove.

"...It was my fault to go to a prosthetic doctor, but when I asked before, I said I had no money." David explained as he turned his head and looked out the car window.

"That's because it's not the day to pay wages yet, so of course the family doesn't have any spare money!" Gloria said, "And stop shaking your legs!"

David stopped, paused, and then said, "I was actually thinking that I might as well drop out of school and find a job."

"What are you talking about!?"

"Because, as you know, Mom, we can't afford the maintenance fee. And I don't fit in in the class. Children of poor people don't get attention." David still didn't look back, "Besides, I don't want to be a dog in a suit. "

But after he finished speaking, he received no response from Gloria. When he turned around, he found a line of tears sliding down the side of her face.

Gloria's tone was a little choked: "...then, why do I work all the time?"

David was stunned: "Mom?"

"...You are so smart and talented, so I work hard to make money to train you. What should I do if you don't want to study anymore?"

Seeing Gloria crying, David's eyelids drooped feebly.

"...I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry. Stop crying."

The car was quiet for a while. Gloria gathered her emotions, looked at the Alvarado that wanted to overtake in the rearview mirror, slowed down a little to give way to him, and said to David:

"I know what they did to you. I've been through that too, so I have to prove it to them."

"I hope you can become an elite and climb to the top of Arasaka Tower."

Gloria showed a proud smile and looked at David: "I know you can do it."

David was not as confident as she was. He leaned on his seat and murmured: "To put it lightly...huh!?"

On his side, a pink-painted cargo van sped up to catch up. A dark-skinned man with bulging muscles loaded a magazine into a Type 31 heavy machine gun, and then aimed at Alvara in the other lane. Duo pulled the trigger without hesitation!
However, at this time, Gloria and David's Galena was sandwiched between two cars!

Continuous gunshots rang out, and the heavy machine gun fire easily shredded Galena's front windshield and the upper half of the body, leaving bullet holes in Alvarado on the other side.

Gloria and David both leaned back as much as they could in fear, but luckily they were not affected by the stray bullets.

But that Alvarado had an electroplated anti-electric coating. Although it was riddled with holes, it was still able to drive normally, and even accelerated on the spot and rushed forward.

"Don't even think about running away! The Animal Gang is not someone to be trifled with!!"

Pink Cargo chased after him, and another big man in the car roared and actually took out a rocket launcher from the car and aimed it at Alvarado in front!

David's eyes widened: "That's...Mom! Stop quickly——!!"

However, Gloria didn't know whether she was frightened and lost consciousness or something else. She didn't react for a moment. She just watched the strong man shoot out the rocket and exploded at the rear of the luxury car!

"Boom!" Flames and smoke shot up into the sky. In the eyes of the two of them, the blown-up Alvarado quickly expanded and rolled towards them!

At this moment——


Another roaring engine sound suddenly came, and out of the corner of David's eye, an eye-catching Kusanagi motorcycle rushed out from behind Galina and soared into the air!

As David and Gloria watched in astonishment, the motorcycle accurately hit the tail of the rolling Alvarado, knocking it violently and falling back to the ground, its heavy body spinning. It hit the front end of Galena and forced them to stop just in time.


Then, a figure fell from the sky, landed on the ground like a superhero, and hit Galina's front hood.

And David could clearly see that he had jumped down from the Kusanagi just now.

The man turned his head and glanced at David and Gloria. David also recognized the person he had met once this morning: " it you!?"

However, this man did not say a word. He just turned his gaze back to the front and reached out to hold the katana at his waist.

"——The car didn't hit me! The dog in the suit might not be dead yet!!"

"Turn back and make up for them!!"

Following the rude shouting, the pink freight car in front made an emergency U-turn and rushed this way again. The two strong men from the Animal Gang in the car also raised their heavy machine guns and new rocket launchers again.

"Hell, they want...Mom! Get out of the car!" David pulled Gloria's seat belt and tried to drag her out of the car, but due to the impact, the buckle of the old car was locked at this time. Damn it, it can't be opened no matter what.

"Ah——!!" Seeing the machine guns and rocket launchers in front of them aimed at them, David couldn't help but scream in despair!
However, the next moment, he and Gloria saw an unforgettable scene.

The man in front of them pulled out the samurai sword from his waist slowly and urgently. On the sword, there was a glistening light like moonlight flowing and gradually condensing.

And as the man slashed with his sword, the moonlight instantly turned into a blade of light and flew out diagonally, carrying a white air current, and suddenly passed over the pink freight in front!

The next moment, the pink cargo van split and slid off without warning, and even the strong man from the Animal Gang on board was neatly divided into two!
Not only Gloria, but also David was dumbfounded.

But the lower half of the car is still sliding this way along with the inertia, so there is still danger. But then, another armed Merrimack sped over, rammed into it without hesitation, knocked half of the van away, and then slowly backed away calmly, stopping next to Galena.

The man standing on the hood of the car turned around, knelt down in front of David and Gloria, and smiled at the stunned two people:
"Don't worry, it's okay."

With a muffled sound of the car door closing, Aggie jumped out of the driver's seat of Merrimac and walked quickly to Galena.

She grabbed the jammed car door and tried to pull it, then suddenly used force to pull open the deformed door.

"Let me see your situation." Before Gloria and David could recover, Aggie pressed on them, quickly but carefully checked the injuries, and then said to Li Youyou:

"It's okay. Both of them just have superficial injuries. But I don't know about prosthetics. It's best to send them to the hospital for examination."

Li You waved his knife, cut off the seat belt, and asked Aggie to help Gloria get out of the car: "Let's go to the medical center."

Gloria just woke up from a dream. Her first reaction when she heard this was: "No, no need, I'm fine...Where's David!?"

She turned to look at her son. David had also gotten out of the car and seemed to be in good condition. Apart from a few scratches on his face, there was nothing else.

But Gloria still rushed over and hugged him: "David! Are you hurt?"

In fact, her physical condition was much worse than David's. At this time, she was a little unsteady. She had to press her body on David to hold on. David helped her helplessly and said, "I'm fine! You are the one who needs to care."

Gloria was relieved: "As long as you're okay, it's okay..."

She wanted to stand up, but her body swayed and she almost fell back. Fortunately, Aiji had quick eyes and hands to hold her.

"...Mom!?" David looked at her worriedly and asked Aggie, "What's wrong with her?"

Aiji said: "...If it is not a malfunction of the prosthetic body, it should be due to overexertion and the shock just now, which led to collapse."

"Mom..." David murmured.

Then, he turned around, met the eyes of Li You and Aiji, and solemnly requested: "Please, please help me send my mother to the clinic. I will definitely pay for it later!"

Looking at his appearance, Li You felt a little emotional and said, "No, let's go, I'll take you to the hospital."

David bowed his head heavily: "Thank you!"

Gloria was supported by Aggie and was already in a daze, but she still said: "...I don't need to check, but David does, please trouble you..."

"Mom!" David was a little angry, "Stop saying stupid things!"

"Okay, get in the car quickly." Li You had already opened Merrimac's door, "It's safest for both of you to go there!"

David helped Aggie carry Gloria into the back seat of the car, and he also sat in it. Li You immediately stepped on the accelerator, turned around and left.

Soon, they arrived at the Night City Medical Center in Watson District. This is the hospital run by the trauma team and is already the largest and best medical service provider in the city.

If according to Gloria's idea, it would be enough to just send David for examination, but David was just the opposite.

But one thing is the same. What they originally thought was to go to a medical station or something like that. Gloria works in a medical center, so she naturally knows how exaggerated the charges here are.

But Li You directly ignored their opinions and brought both of them over.

"Both of you, give me a full body checkup! No need to discuss!"

At this time, Gloria was almost unconscious, and David originally wanted to refuse because he was worried about money, but Li You had already paid the full cost of the examination.

So several doctors and nurses rushed out immediately, pinned the two people - especially David - on the bed and pushed them into the consulting room.

But it has to be said that the medical center is indeed the largest medical service provider in Night City. The examination fee for just two people cost him thousands of euros. At this price, most people cannot afford to see a doctor.

In the animation, after Gloria had a car accident, David sent her to an underground clinic for treatment due to financial reasons.

Although there is no evidence, the clinic was once suspected by many players to be a black clinic. They even believed that Gloria's final death was not due to exhaustion, but that the prosthetic body and organs were removed by the black clinic... Whether this speculation is true or not is unclear. And know it.

But in Night City, this kind of thing is really not impossible to happen.

Not to mention the underground clinic, even in this trauma team's medical center, some nurses will do similar things to patients who do not have senior membership. This can be found in an NCPD incident record in the game.

So no matter what the test results are, Li You will not let David and Gloria be hospitalized here.

The two of them had just entered not long ago, and they had to wait for a while until the inspection was completed. Li You was about to sit down when he received a call from Lucy.

"The work is done, please remember to transfer the money to me."

A vein jumped on Li You's forehead: "You still have the nerve to ask me for money? I told you to watch the surrounding surveillance and tell me immediately when you find out. How late were you? Do you know that something almost happened?"

On the bridge just now, the reason why Li You arrived so late was not because he wanted to be a spot artist, but simply because Lucy was not active enough in her work and did not tell him in time that David and the others had left Arasaka Tower.

Although his memory is very good now, it is really impossible for Li You to remember all the details of which way David and Gloria took home in the animation. So in order to be able to arrive in time when needed, he asked Lucy to help watch the surrounding streets while he waited at a nearby intersection.

As a result, when Lucy sent the message, both David and Gloria were already on the bridge.

If Li You hadn't reacted quickly and realized that it might be too late, he directly chopped down a general who was passing by the Tiger Claw Gang, snatched his motorcycle and rushed all the way, I'm afraid Gloria wouldn't have simply collapsed, it would have been better to be like He was lying in the hospital with serious injuries just like in the animation.

"...Sorry, I didn't expect this to happen. I will pay attention to this kind of work in the future."

Lucy apologized honestly, but only for not doing her job well. As for the two people in the hospital, Lucy didn't know them at all now, so naturally she wouldn't feel anything.

Li You heard what she meant and twitched the corner of his mouth: If you in the original world line knew about this, do you think she would want to strangle you to death?
"Okay, anyway, since you made a mistake, don't blame me for deducting the money. I will transfer the reward to you later." Li You also knows that there is no need to rush to match up David and Lucy now. Anyway, as long as they are destined, The world line will eventually be closed.

…I guess so.

He casually transferred 2000 euros and regarded it as the appearance fee. Anyway, Lucy really didn't do anything. If he had known earlier, Li You would have brought Sasha with him.

Lucy seemed to have no objection and hung up the communication without saying anything.

As for Li You, after he and Aggie waited in the lobby of the medical center for more than half an hour, the results of David and Gloria's examinations finally came out.

David was fine except for a little trauma. And Gloria didn't have much of a problem. There was no malfunction in the prosthetic body. It was indeed the same as Aggie's judgment. It was caused by exhaustion and fright. She needed to take a good rest.

Gloria was wheeled out in a wheelchair, and David followed behind with a few extra Band-Aids on his face.

Seeing Li You and the other two, David stepped forward and thanked you again: "Thank you for your help. Well, as for the money, I hope you can be extended for a while..."

Li You just waved his hand: "No, I force you to do the inspection, and the money is mine."

"...Huh?" David was stunned, "No, how can this be..."

"...This won't work." Gloria also turned her wheelchair and came here, talking to Li Yao, "You have saved our lives, but we can't ask you to pay for us again - I will pay back the cost this time. Your."

Li You looked at Gloria, who although her face was pale, but still maintained a minimally upright posture, was not surprised that she would reject him.

Gloria has a very strong character. Li You wants to pay for them for no reason. It is actually close to charity and she will not accept it.

——Then as long as there is a reason, right?

So Li You cleared his throat and said, "Don't get me wrong, I didn't help out of sympathy. Of course I have my own reasons."

"Huh?" David and Gloria both looked at him.

Li You turned to David: "This is not the first time we have met, do you have an impression? I know you have recognized me before."

"David?" Gloria looked at him in surprise.

David hesitated for a moment, then admitted: "Well, you are the person who was in the company square in the morning, right? I saw you when I was at school."

"Yes, I also saw you at that time." Li You nodded, and then said, "Actually, it's like this. Although we have only met once, I think you are extremely talented and amazing. There is no other martial arts prodigy in the world, so I just want to ask - are you willing to become my teacher?"

David: "...Huh?"

Gloria: "...Huh?"

The two people were dumbfounded.

It was Gloria who reacted first and declined politely: "No, this kind of thing... is still not suitable for this child. He should still study hard in school and join the company in the future."

As for David, when he heard Li You proposed to accept him as his disciple, his first reaction was naturally surprise. But he quickly recalled what he had just seen, Li You slashing a car through the air, and a trace of fire could not help but appear in his eyes.

If he could really learn that mysterious sword technique, what would he be dissatisfied about?

But before he could ask more questions, Gloria had already refused.

The enthusiasm in David's eyes seemed to be instantly extinguished by ice water, and his whole person became silent again, but Gloria did not notice this.

Li You had a clear view of the two people's reactions and already had an idea in his mind.

"Mrs. Martinez." He looked at Gloria, "I can understand your hope that David can climb to the top of Arasaka Tower and hope for success. But have you ever asked David what he wants? What kind of future is that?”

"What do you mean?" When it came to David's education, Gloria's tone immediately became tougher: "Although you are our savior, this child's future has nothing to do with you."

Li You said: "Don't worry, I don't intend to interfere with the path you choose for him. The suggestion I just made is not in conflict with you letting him study at Arasaka Academy. What I want to teach him is just some things beyond this." It’s just an external skill.”

"Is that so?" Gloria was also stunned, "But..."

"No need to rush to answer." Li You smiled, "I'm just making a suggestion. You can consider it slowly. I have enough time."

"You don't have to pay back the money for the examination. Just like what I said, it's because I like David as a child, so I use this to express my goodwill to you - it doesn't matter even if you decide to refuse in the end.

"When you decide, you can contact me at any time. This is my number."

Li You left his communication number with the two of them, and then without giving them a chance to refuse, he simply turned around and left with Ai Ji.

"Let's see you next time - but actually I have a lot of friends, maybe we can meet up soon."

After leaving these last words, Li You drove away from the medical center.

Gloria and David looked at each other, and finally David said: "...Come on, Mom, let's take the subway home."

"...Well, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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