Teacher, I hate it

Chapter 289 Lihua Memorial

Chapter 289 Lihua Memorial

Hinata Hideki and others were speechless.

But they still wanted to try if they could get Tachibana Kanade to speak, so Aragakihei didn't refuse and waved Tachibana Kanade out again.

Tachibana Kanade opened his eyes expressionlessly, still showing no strange or novel reaction to his situation.

"Tachibana Kanade, who designed these skill programs for you?" Zhushan asked Tachibana Kanade unceremoniously.

"For stealing the student union computer, according to school regulations, you need to be on duty for a month as punishment." Tachibana Kanade glanced at Zhushan, and at the host computer next to him, and answered the question inappropriately.

"Tachibana Kanade, figure out your current identity!" Takamatsu pushed up his glasses and reminded: "You don't want us to use some of the methods used to deal with prisoners in ancient times on you."

Tachibana Kanade turned to look at Takamatsu and withdrew his gaze, not even paying attention to his thoughts.

"This guy..." Tengjuan was unhappy again, but with his previous memories still lost and forgotten, he didn't dare to act like he was beating up Tachibana Kanade like he did just now, so he could only mutter secretly from the side, and Don't dare to vent your emotions.

After all, he wanted to be targeted by Aragaki Ping again.

The same goes for Zhushan. Tachibana Kanade held him there with just one word. Unable to take action, he didn't know how to ask Tachibana Kanade for a moment.

Fortunately, he was not the only one at the scene. Nakamura Yuri, the founder of the Afterlife Front, was also here, so when Takeyama didn't know what to ask, Nakamura Yuri took over the initiative of the interrogation.

"Tachibana Kanade, why are you targeting our afterlife front?" Nakamura Yuri asked straight to the point as soon as he came up.

"Because the content of your activities violated school regulations." Tachibana's voice was silent!He replied without any emotion.

"Is it because of this?" Nakamura Yuri questioned with some disbelief.

"Yes." Tachibana Kanade affirmed.

"Isn't it an instruction from the gods?" Nakamura Yuri asked, still disbelieving.

Tachibana Kanade tilted her head and looked at Nakamura Yuri with a strange look——

He probably didn't expect that Nakamura Yuri would believe in the existence of God.

Nakamura Yuri was silent, and his expression even changed for the worse.

But this is also normal.

After all, the Afterlife World Front - SSS can be seen from its English translation. It is an organization that exists specifically to fight against gods who may control everything, or the so-called destiny. In other words, Nakamura Yuri has been fighting for He works hard to find an unfounded existence and regards finding it and overthrowing it as the goal of himself and the organization!But now she suddenly knew that gods did not exist...

In other words, all her efforts have been to fight against the air. They are all absurd daydreams. Even the meaning of the existence of the organization seems to be gone. It is enough to show that she did not completely collapse like some people. How strong her heart is.

"Yuri, are you okay?" Noda on the side quickly asked with concern upon seeing this.

"I'm fine." Nakamura Yuri shook his head.Then, Nakamura Yuri looked at Niiguanping: "Niiguan, take her back."

"Okay." Aragaki Ping agreed, re-sealed Tachibana and put it away.

"It seems that there is no way to get clues from Tachibana Kanade." Hinata Hideki sighed.

"What should we do now?" Noda turned around and asked.

"Shouldn't you ask Takamatsu about this kind of thing?" Hinata Hideki asked in slight surprise.Noda said nothing and turned to look at Takamatsu.

Takamatsu pushed up his glasses and said calmly: "Didn't you say that you want to investigate Cha and Saito before? Then execute the plan and find the mastermind related to the shadow people first. Maybe we can find us from the guy who has some control over the NPC. Want answers to things you want to know.”

After a pause, Gao Song continued: "At the same time, Zhushan, don't stop deciphering the skill files. Although I don't know about the program, I have heard that programmers will leave secrets for themselves when designing the program. Maybe you can start from this aspect and find the answer I need before we do."

"It's really a shame it's you, Takamatsu." After listening to Takamatsu's arrangement, Hinata Hideki walked up to him and touched his shoulder with emotion.

"Yuriko, what's your opinion?" Hinata Hideki looked at Nakamura Yuri and asked.

"Just do as Takamatsu said." I don't know if it was because of the big impact of reality or because of other things, Nakamura Yuri replied a little absent-mindedly.

"Then let's discuss our future plans." Gao Song took over the command without hesitation.

However, Aragaki did not participate in their discussion. Instead, he walked to the computer and stood next to Takeyama who was studying angel skills. Under Takeyama's surprised gaze, he browsed like a professional. The code displayed on the computer screen——

Unfortunately, the major he was transferred to in his previous life was the computer science department.

Although the content he studied was more office-oriented, he was still a computer science student, so some simple basic codes and logic languages ​​were not difficult for him.

Although this foundation does not help him understand and understand the contents of the folder, it is not a problem to understand what program the other party is using.

What's more, his purpose in reading the codes was not to understand them, but to use them to trigger inspiration and think about the various relationships between them and Tachibana Kanade, Tachibana Kanade and this school, and the school and the afterlife. .


"That's the plan. Do you still have any questions?" Takamatsu asked the members of the Afterlife Front present.

"No." Tengjuan and others replied.

"Yuri, do you think you have anything else to explain?" Takamatsu asked Nakamura Yuri.

"What you have arranged is enough." Nakamura Yuri shook his head.

After a pause, he continued: "That's it for today's activities. Let's all disperse."

"Wait." Just when everyone was about to disperse and go back to rest, Hinata Hideki called out to everyone again.

The others stopped and turned to look at him.

"What will the newcomers do at night?" Hinata Hideki asked the reason why he stopped everyone.


Because of Aragaki Ping's several special performances today, everyone really overlooked that he just came in today and does not have a student status yet, so I asked the newcomers who had no place to live...

"Don't worry about me, I can solve my own accommodation problem freely." Aragaki turned around and smiled at Hinata Hideki, who could still think of him.

"How do you solve it?" Hinata Hideki asked curiously.

"Aren't Tachibana Kanade and Naoi Fumito still in my hands? If that doesn't work, I can go live in their place." Aragaki replied.

(End of this chapter)

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