Teacher, I hate it

Chapter 327 Re-enrollment

Chapter 327 Re-enrollment
"You all know what I want to say, so I won't waste my time saying it again. Dismissal now!" Aragaki said very simply to the monsters who had already adapted to the dizziness caused by the space change.

The monsters didn't say much. After looking at each other, they all said nothing, as if they were guarding against their enemies and competitors, and quickly dispersed out of Aragaki's sight.

Then the next moment, the familiar space crack - the realm channel opened near Aragaki Ping, and Yakumo Purple's figure appeared in the school again.

"Why did you send them back? Why, your school is no longer open?" Although she knew it was impossible, Yakumo Purple still asked with full expectation in her eyes.

"You can't expect me to order well." Aragaki said angrily.

"For me, the worse the Yokai Academy is, the better I am. How could I think that it will be better? I'm not sick." Yakumo Zi opened her fan to cover her mouth to avoid her gloating smile. He was seen by Aragaki Ping.

"There's no need to block it, your eyes have revealed everything." Hei Aragaki used his fingers to push aside the fan blocking Yakumo Murasaki's face and said softly.

"Well, since it's not the Yokai Academy that has a problem, what do you want to do by bringing them back this time?" Yakumo Murasaki?He put away the smile on his face and asked with a slightly serious expression.

"Guess." Aragaki Ping joked.

Yakumo Purple did not speak, but frowned and activated his realm power to monitor the monsters brought back by Aragaki Ping.


"How many people are you going to take back?" One monster asked another monster who was playing better at school.

"What are you going to do?" the asked monster asked warily.

"Don't be so nervous. We are not from the same race. The activity areas are exactly the same, and there can be no familiar monsters! Even if you tell me, I can't do anything." The monster who asked the question shook his head and reassured.

The monster in question thought so, hesitated for a moment, and answered: "I can probably take two back, what about you?"

"I'm not as good as you. After all, you know the situation before we entered the Yokai Academy. We are not just small shrimps in the Yokai class, nor are we famous Yokai with a wide reputation. The only people we can know are those who have just awakened. They're just the monsters I met by chance." After a pause, the monster who asked the question continued: "We also have to exclude those that we don't deal with and those we are not familiar with. I would be thankful if I could find a monster who is willing to go back with me. , I will definitely not get the benefits promised by Principal Aragaki."

"Well, for the first time, I discovered that it is a problem to know few of the same kind." The monster in question relaxed completely after hearing this and sighed.

"Yeah..." the questioning monster agreed.


"You want them to speak out and attract more youkai to join the youkai academy. Aren't you afraid that if you take too big actions, you will arouse the hostility of other youkai sages and race patriarchs?" Yakumo Shisha asked in a serious tone.

"Are any of them better than you?" Aragaki asked nonchalantly.

"I'm not invincible. There are many who are stronger than me, but they can be counted on one hand. If they join forces, I don't believe you can escape from their hands."

"They should be like you and attach great importance to the existence of Gensokyo." Aragaki Ping asked with a slightly calm expression.

"What do you want to do?" Yakumo Purple asked vigilantly.

"Have you ever heard of moving stars and changing fights?" Aragaki Ping chuckled.

"Changing stars to fight?" Yakumo Purple's brows furrowed deeply.

"You and those people don't want Gensokyo to be inexplicably hit hard by a meteorite with a level of dinosaur extinction." Aragaki asked with a smile.

"Meteorite?! Are you looking down on us?" Purple Yakumo sneered.She, a big monster who can start a war between the earth and the moon, would care about a mere meteorite?

It’s not like she has never manipulated meteorites before.

"Don't you think the meteorite I mentioned is a real meteorite?" Hei Aragaki looked at her with a half-smiling look and said, "Think carefully about the name of the magical power I mentioned."

"Change the stars and change the fight!" Yakumo Purple said with a heavy face.

"Yes." Aragaki turned around: "What fell may be a meteorite as you understand it, but it contains the power of real stars, so it is basically impossible for you to expect to use realm or powerful attack skills to destroy it. .”

"..." Yakumo Zi heard this and fell completely silent.

She really wasn't sure she could handle this.

"What good will it do you if something goes wrong in Gensokyo!" After a while, Yakumo Murasaki asked unwillingly.

"It can help me stand at a higher position." Aragaki said calmly.

"A higher position?" Yakumo Purple frowned.

Although the God of Sheji has changed with the change of dynasties and the perfection of Taoism, his status as a god is not as valuable as it was at the beginning, but above him, it seems that he is the official of heaven and the earth of the underworld, right?

For example, City God or something.

The biggest manager is the only one left, Chengtian, who is known as one of the six emperors, and emulates Houtuhuangdi, right?

That is a famous innate god. No matter how ambitious Niragakihei is, it is impossible to reach that position.

But she didn't know that Niiguanping's ambition was even more exaggerated than she had guessed. He actually wanted to carry the whole world on his back and run the yin and yang of all things, the Haotian God, the Jade Emperor!

Because of the different structures and training systems, she naturally couldn't understand what Aragaki was thinking.

Even if she is a youkai sage, a well-known wise sage among the monsters of Gensokyo.

"I can only convey your words to them. As for whether they will believe me when the time comes, I can't guarantee it." Yakumo Zi sighed.

"Let them come, but when the time comes, let them be prepared to say goodbye to the world." Aragaki said calmly.

"Now I suddenly want to see you capsize in the gutter." Yakumo Zi curled her lips and said with an unconvinced look.

"Whether I will capsize or something, you will naturally be able to see when the time comes, but for now, you should go sell students to me." After a pause, Aragakihei continued: "After all, you are also the vice president of Yokai Academy. The principal is here. So, don’t expect to fool me this time like last time. After all, my patience has its limits.”

At the end of his words, Aragaki warned.

"I know." After saying that, Yakumo Purple didn't want to see Aragaki's disgusting face again. She curled her lips and activated the power of the realm. Just like when she came, she lost her trace in front of Aragaki.

Aragaki smiled, turned around, and flew towards the Eternal Garden where Yashi Eirin and Horaiyama Kaguya lived.

(End of this chapter)

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