Teacher, I hate it

Chapter 330 Straightforward

Chapter 330 Straightforward
"You mean, the outside world's response to power is not as active as in Gensokyo. Every time you use power, not only the effect is weakened, but the recovery speed is also very slow." Aragaki thought about the differences between Gensokyo and the outside world. .

"Yes." Yasaka Kanako nodded and confirmed.

"Since you understand the difference between the two sides, you should understand why we don't want to leave Gensokyo."

"Then I can only say that we are too stuck in our ways and don't know how to adapt." Aragaki sneered: "Yes, the external environment has indeed become less suitable for our survival than before, but the external environment is also much more peaceful than Gensokyo, isn't it? At least in the outside world, monsters don’t have to worry about being punished by gods or their followers, and gods don’t have to worry about their faith being shaken because of monsters’ excessive performances!”

"In addition, the huge population in the outside world and the gaps in faith that have appeared due to environmental changes and events hundreds of years ago can completely become your new points of faith growth!"

"At that time, it will be difficult to replenish the consumed power in a short time through natural recovery. Will it still be a problem if it is replaced by faith and fear?"

"You know, the population of the outside world is calculated in hundreds of millions. And this is just the country of Wajima. Counting other countries, even if you don't count the Dragon Kingdom, the population is as high as more than 60 billion, which is not even close to the population in Gensokyo. Comparing a population of 10, you don’t need me to help you figure out which side has more benefits.”

As soon as these words came out, not to mention the monsters nearby who didn't know much about the outside world, or even had never known about it, even some gods in the team of gods couldn't help but show excited expressions on their faces.

After all, faith/fear is the only way for them, the gods and monsters, to become stronger!

So as long as they have enough faith, the mere suppression of the environment is really not that important to them!

This is also the reason why many ancient gods left spiritual clones in Japan when they entered Gensokyo.

Just to not abandon this rare place of faith.

"Indeed, as your Excellency said, the outside world has a large population, a stable and peaceful environment, and no excess supernatural power. It is indeed a good "virgin land" for us gods and monsters." After a pause, Yasaka Kanako continued said.

"But that was before we went out, what about after?"

"You can divide the territory and rule it." Aragaki Ping came up with an idea.

"For example, a country can release a certain number of gods and monsters based on the size of its territory. This will ensure that you have enough space and people to develop your power, and you can also cooperate when needed..."

For example, if people in a certain place do not want to believe in the gods who have descended there, they can entrust the monsters who have descended there to cause trouble, and then the gods will send their own people to solve the problem, thereby making the other party believe in them.

It's like Aragaki establishing a monster academy and releasing monsters into modern society.

"Look, your companions are all moved by what I said. Do you still want to stick to your own ideas and stick to Gensokyo?" Aragaki Ping finally asked.

"Your proposal is indeed very exciting and hard to refuse, but Gensokyo is home, and the outside world is just the outside world, so I don't object to them leaving, but if you want to shake the foundation of Gensokyo and break Gensokyo I will never agree to the stability and balance of the company." Kanako Yasaka responded firmly.

"If they all leave and stability is destroyed, what's the point of staying here?" Aragaki Ping wondered.

"This is my home." Yasaka Kanako replied calmly.

"Does that mean we can't reach an agreement?" Aragaki Ping raised his eyebrows.

"At least I can't get through here." Yasaka Kanako replied. "What about you? Are you going to accept my suggestion and go to the outside world to open up new worlds, or are you like Yasaka Kanako and decide to stick to Gensokyo?" Hei Aragaki smiled and turned to ask the monsters and gods around him.

The monsters and gods looked at each other and started discussing with tangled expressions——

To put it bluntly, it means wanting both ends, wanting both ends, and never giving up on both ends.

It is in line with the unique characteristics of intelligent creatures - greed.

But Aragaki will not tolerate them, so they must give themselves an explanation.

"Oh, why are you thinking so much? Isn't the crux of the problem the guy in front of you? As long as he is solved, won't it be ours, whether it's Gensokyo or the outside world?" At this moment, I don't know what Yi Cuixiang, who was drunk at that time, said.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes lit up, and their unkind gaze fell on Aragaki Ping.

"Hey, you are forcing me to destroy Gensokyo." Hei Aragaki said with a smile, as if he didn't take the situation in front of him seriously.

"If you have the ability, just destroy it and show it to me!" A certain monster probably felt that he could do it again, and shouted at Aragaki Ping very arrogantly.

"Yakumo Murasaki, you heard it. This is what your people asked for, so don't blame me for being rude." Aragaki raised his eyebrows, turned his head slightly and looked towards where Yakumo Purple was hiding, and said teasingly .

"Aren't you going to recruit monsters from Gensokyo?" Although she was not sure whether the magical power of moving stars and changing battles that Aragaki Hei said was as powerful and irresistible as he said, out of caution, Yakumo Purple still hurriedly raised her The sound type made a sentence.

"It doesn't matter, no matter what, I'll just enlighten you a little more myself." Aragaki said calmly.

Taoist magical powers are so overbearing and unreasonable.

"You..." Yakumo Purple was immediately blocked by Aragaki and was speechless.

"Yakumo Murasaki, what on earth are you talking about? What on earth does he have that scares you so much!" Yasaka Kanako was very puzzled when she saw this and looked at Yakumo Murasaki, who even in her opinion was a very difficult monster to deal with. road.

Even when Yakumo Murasaki provoked the monsters on the ground to invade the moon and start a lunar war, she didn't appear as worried as she does now.

"He can use the magical power of Star Shifting to summon meteorites with the power of stars to descend on Gensokyo. I am not confident that I can move it away!" Yakumo Murasaki quickly explained in an anxious voice.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Yi Cuixiang's expression changed after hearing this. After pouring a strong drink into her mouth again, she jumped out of the group of monsters and came to the top of Aragaki Ping's head. The wine gourd was used as a weapon and instantly hit Aragaki Ping's head.

"Go to hell! You inexplicable heavenly god!" Yi Cuixiang roared.


In an instant, a roar like a landslide erupted, and a large amount of smoke and dust instantly enveloped the surrounding space for tens of meters, making all gods and monsters lose their sight.

(End of this chapter)

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