My players are so fierce.

Chapter 331 330 Damn it, the development team has been given a wall of air, why are you still so stu

Chapter 331 330. Damn, the development team has been given a wall of air, why are you still so stubborn! -【615】

(Additional update for "Chen Wenjun 2" brothers [1/5])
Brother Miao Miao was stunned on the spot because he touched the evil object in subspace. To be honest, this scene made Happy Stick extremely frightened.

He saw clearly just now that Brother Meow Meow was happily licking his bag like a wild dog, but as soon as he touched the hilt of the evil sword stuck on the ground, his whole body turned into a ball of light and disappeared like an explosion. In place.

Only a piece of equipment was left, jingling and clanging on the ground in an extremely miserable manner.

Ever since Mrs. Tris made the psychic dog tags for the players, this kind of "death method" that is crisp and clean and explodes in a 360° spiral into the sky has not been seen for a long time.

So much so that Happy Stick almost forgot that they left the world in this way once they died when they first entered the game.

"Zhuo, what the hell is this! Is it some kind of untouchable power?"

Happy Stick carefully circled around the evil sword a few times, and picked up the equipment, orbs and dog tags left by Brother Mew Miao back into the bag.He looked at the sword stuck on the ground, and soon discovered that the leaves and oak symbols of the Old Church of Nature could still be vaguely seen on the hilt of this large sword wrapped in black light.

This filled his mind with questions.

Looks like the standard weapon of the Church of Avalon?
But why would you kill Brother Miao Miao, who is also a believer in nature?
Brother Bang cautiously took a few steps back, then flew into the sky and looked at the ground.

He found that the evil objects left in the camp were not only the sword, but also some armor fragments that also emitted black light spots and three other broken sword blades.

This proved that he was right, there was definitely a huge battle happening here, but it was a pity that he and Meow Meow were trapped in the maze technique and could not get close to watch.

"Oh, maybe it was a high-level plot, or I missed it because of my lack of strength. What a pity."

Happy Stick immediately beat his chest and felt deeply regretful.

He fell back to the ground, away from the scattered evil things, and wandered around the messy camp trying to lick the bag. His idea was quite simple. If this was an "advanced plot area", then he might be able to do it here. Got some pretty good equipment and supplies.

Facts have proved that Brother Bang’s strategy is correct.

He quickly found several unpacked boxes at the edge of the shattered camp. They were filled with various potions and materials that he didn't recognize. After scanning them one by one with item identification, Brother Bang confirmed these. The items are all high-end goods that are currently inaccessible to players.

He happily put it all into his bag.

Of course, he would have to give half of it to Miao Miao later when he was resurrected, but even if he only kept half, he would still make a lot of money by running here tonight.

"Huh? What is this?"

Happy Stick continues to search.

Soon he found a booklet among the remains of books that were shattered by energy. He picked it up and opened it and found that it was all about the whereabouts of the church's sacred objects after the fall of the old natural religion.

A thin book recorded the whereabouts of at least seven imitation holy blades, but there were only two pieces of information that could confirm their origins.

The first article is about a sacred sword named "Holy Leaf" falling into the hands of a guy named "Sulke Feilun" in the Dark Mountain area.

The second piece of information was that another holy blade war bow, "Emerald Wind", was recovered by searchers sent by the shadow elves to the city of Medjeva in the Eternal Rift.

"So, naturally the 150 imitation holy blades of the old religion are not all swords?"

Happy Stick rubbed his chin and thought:

"The so-called 'Holy Blade' is just a nickname. It actually contains all kinds of weapons such as swords, guns, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, right? Damn it, then this is a huge treasure with great applicability!

It seems that my outstanding 'Vault Hunter' has work again!

Ok, Ok.

As expected, this development team is very naughty, hiding all the information about these good things in these nooks and crannies.

Hehe, but I am still more powerful. No matter how deep you hide it, I will still find you? "

He immediately told Ming Miao the good news via phone message. The two guys hit it off immediately and immediately decided to explore the lost holy relics of the old religion together.

Brother Meow Meow is an Avalon believer. If he can retrieve these things, it will definitely be of great benefit to his career development.

Brother Bang was satisfied after picking up the secret information. He got up in the game and prepared to leave. This camp had been shattered by the aftermath of psychic energy and there was not much left.

But just when Brother Bang opened his blood wings and was about to take off, his ears suddenly moved and he heard a faint sound coming from the night not far away.

Someone seemed to be calling for help, and his voice was particularly sad.

Is it a woman?

My Happy Stick loves helping others, how could I see a girl in distress so helpless?

Maybe you can encounter another hidden plot!
With this thought in mind, Brother Bang changed his direction in the air and flew out towards the cry for help.He quickly found the person in need a few hundred meters outside the camp.

But when Brother Bang fell, he immediately pulled out the flail from his waist and made a hostile gesture.

Because he recognized the identity of the girl in front of him who was holding another woman and calling for help. She was a wolfsbane vampire!
It can be seen from the badge on her tattered clothes that this guy is still a remnant of the Gray Claw faction!He's the son of that bitch from Korando who wants to overthrow the Scarlet Castle.

At the same time that Brother Bang discovered the identity of the other party, the female vampire who called for help also discovered the identity of Happy Bang.

His huge pair of blood wings are simply the best proof of identity, allowing vampires to instantly recognize that he is a member of the Blood Vulture Clan.

"You! Don't come here!"

The miserable girl jumped up nervously, protecting the unconscious woman in her arms behind her, but her wrists were still cuffed, and her body covered in blood and scars also meant that this guy must have had a hard time in the past few days. Great.

She's an escaped prisoner!
Brother Bang narrowed his eyes. He looked at the weak vampire in front of him who was obviously nervous and frightened, and then glanced at the other woman lying on the ground not knowing whether she was alive or dead.

The guy's condition was even worse. The bloody cloth covering his eyes was obviously blinded by someone maliciously.

Gee, how sad.

"Did you run away from the camp?"

Brother Bang realized that the two women in front of him posed no threat to him, so he withdrew his flail but took the Remington shotgun made by Brother Zhong from behind and aimed it forward.

He scolded:

"Be honest! What did you see in the camp?"

"You! Don't you know? It was obviously a strong man from the Blood Eagle Clan who came to assassinate Lady Cecilia, and it was he who destroyed the camp.

You should know. "

Brother Bang’s question stunned the Wolf Venom girl in front of her, and she stammered:

"Isn't that your elder?"

"Huh? You mean there were other blood vulture vampires here just now? He was the one who destroyed this camp full of evil things?"

Happy Stick snorted, and said loudly as his mind changed:

"That must have been the work of our great and handsome Lord Murphy. It was thanks to him that you two were able to escape from the camp that tortured you.

Do you understand that you should be grateful?

Now tell me, what's going on with you guys?Will it fall into such a miserable state? "

"My sister and I were captured by Cecilia's faction. We were planning to escape to Nordtorf and defect to the Thorn Clan. Mrs. Shani welcomed us there."

The current situation no longer allowed the Wolfsbane girl in front of her to think any more. Facing the black muzzle of the happy stick, she coughed and told everything that had happened to her.

she says:

"We escaped from Greene Island, and my father wrote us a letter. He said that old Edward was forcing him to make a choice, but he was unwilling to succumb to that rotten old thing.

He was going to put up a fight.

If he wins, then our Gray Claw faction will be reborn and free from restraints, but if he loses, the Gray Claw faction will face annihilation, and my sister and I will have to fend for ourselves.

We haven’t heard from my father for a long time. Perhaps his last ditch effort ended in death.”

"Corando is dead."

Happy Stick said calmly:
“I saw with my own eyes that it was Earl White Mountain of the Thorn clan who killed him, and it all happened in the sewers of Scarlet Castle.

His body was sent to Beifeng Castle as a collection for the Wolf Lady, and his heart was given as a gift to Grand Duke Shani as her birthday present.

Personally, I sympathize with what you two are going through.But from my camp, I can only tell you that he died well!
Corando is a bitch!He colluded with the gnolls to try to destroy the only order in Transia. If he really succeeded, the land would only fall into a more terrifying situation. "

These words that went straight into the heart made the Wolfsbane girl in front of her fall silent. If the vampire hadn't been unable to shed tears, she would have cried by now.

But there are more urgent things to do right now.

Under Brother Bang's stunned gaze, the shackled Wolfsbane girl fell to her knees and begged:

"My father's death may be destined, but I can no longer see my sister leaving me after suffering. Please, member of the Blood Eagle.

Please save my sister.

She can't die here. "


Brother Bang was a little stunned by the direction of the plot. He glanced at the Wolfsbane girl lying on the ground in front of him, almost out of breath, and said:
"Is she already dead? Her feet have turned to stone. Isn't this a characteristic of vampires as they approach death?"

"Yes, my sister is going into eternity, but you can save her!"

Winnie Corando knelt on the ground and begged:

"After my father died, my sister and I entered the frailty of the blood contract, and we fell into this desperate situation without the protection of our elders.

But as long as she can find another elder who is willing to provide her with blood essence before she dies completely, and rely on the blood contract to be re-established, the elder's life force link can revive her and bring her back to the human world under midnight.

Please, help us!

My sister and I are willing to become your slaves and save her!She has no time, only you can save her here!First hug!Hug her for the first time, hurry up! "

"Ah this."

Brother Bang’s eyes were widened.

What the hell is this development team doing?
Didn’t it say that “Blood Contract”, a unique vampire gameplay, is still under development?How come I can meet such a heir who comes to my door just by running around?
And even if this is a "functional test" plot, shouldn't there be a "development team prompt"?There are no task trigger reminders on my character interface!
Development team!

Your system has a bug again. Send someone down to fix it quickly!

But even if Brother Bang was shouting crazily in his heart, no GM would really refresh in front of him. After all, Mr. Murphy, the only member of the "development team" who holds multiple hats, would be in a coma.

The administrator system also does not have an automatic response system.

Brother Miao Miao, who came with him, was too careless and couldn't give any advice at the moment. This meant that Brother Bang had to face the unexpected situation alone.

Winnie Corando saw the hesitation on Happy Stick's face. She knew that she needed more chips to convince the blood vulture vampire in front of her, so she gritted her teeth and said:
"When my father moved the Gray Claw faction to the Cato region, he also brought the wealth accumulated by the faction over the years. If you save my sister, I will tell you where the wealth is hidden!

That was the bargaining chip that my father was going to hand over to King Louis in exchange for a pardon. It was also the wealth that could make you rich overnight and become a lord.

If you dedicate it to your clan leader, I guarantee that you will be reused in your clan and even have your own faction, Midnight!
What are you still hesitating about?

Once we become your heirs, we can no longer resist. Don’t you even know this? "

"Of course I know, I just need to think about it."

Brother Bang snorted.

He looked at the dying vampire in front of him whose petrified state had extended to his calves. He took a deep breath, put away his weapon, and stepped forward, half-kneeling next to the female vampire covered in cloth.

他 说:

"what should I do?"


This question made Winnie Korando's eyes widen, and she exclaimed:

"Haven't you ever experienced your first embrace? How did your elders embrace you for the first time? Just do it!"

"Fuck! You definitely can't use my method, but whatever."

Happy Stick cursed.

He bared his canine teeth and picked up the dying female vampire in front of him. He imitated the first embrace scene in the vampire movie he had been addicted to recently, and bit down on the woman's neck.

As the first mouthful of blood poured into his mouth, Brother Bang felt the instinct to vomit.

Although he is a vampire in the game, his soul is a real person, and he cannot stand this kind of "pica".

The most important thing is that his vampire template only comes from "psychic simulation", and his family knows his own affairs. Faced with the functions that have not yet been opened in this game, Bangge himself is not sure that he can complete it.

But he's still pushing forward with the process.

According to the knowledge he learned during the first embrace ceremony, he squeezed out one-third of his own "blood" and blended it into the dying body of the female vampire in front of him.

However, Brother Bang has no "blood" at all, so he can only inject his scarlet spiritual energy into the female vampire in front of him.

Ten seconds later, Happy Stick, whose mouth was full of blood, stood up with a strange look in his eyes. He wiped his mouth, spread his hands and said to Winnie Korando:
"Look, I tried it, and it didn't work at all, so you can't blame me if your sister dies. It's not that I didn't work hard, it's mainly the development team that's wrong?

What's the fuss? "

Before he finished speaking, Brother Bang felt an indescribable weakness sweep into his body, making him unsteady and sit on the ground.

Before even taking three breaths, the whole person turned into a ball of light and disappeared on the spot, and the equipment and protective gear on his body clattered to the ground.

This scene made Winnie Corando dumbfounded.

She had seen the scene when a vampire died, but this was the first time for her to see such a thrilling scene of light rising into the sky and exploding on the spot.

But before Winnie could utter a exclamation, her dying sister groaned in pain, and the petrification that had spread to her calves also subsided due to the rapid transfer of life force.

"Sister! You're alive, that's great."

Winnie was overjoyed and rushed over to hold her sister in her arms, while Melia Corando, who returned to the world from the eternal silence, was still at a loss.

Her eyes were blinded by the vicious vampires of Cecilia's faction. At this moment, she could only stretch out her weak hand to touch her still bleeding neck.

She whispered:

"What's wrong with me? This life force is Winnie, and I was contracted by another vampire? Where is he?

Why can't I feel him? "

"Uh, he exploded, sis."

Winnie didn't know how to describe what just happened, so she could only whisper:
"Maybe he's dead and you're free again, which is a good thing."

"No, he's not dead."

Melia gasped and whispered:

"I can feel that he is far away, but he is not dead. Wait! Someone is coming. Hurry, hide!"

"Hide? Where are you going to hide?"

The cold voice of "Razor" Dorothy, who was ordered by the eldest lady to clean up the battlefield, sounded from the air, and she scolded:
"Two Wolfsbane bastards, you came just in time! Eternal Silence is calling you. Although I have just joined the gang, I also know the grudges between Blood Vulture and Wolfsbane.

So, in the name of ancient hatred, suffer death! "

Seeing that the scarlet light had gathered in the sky and the spear was about to rain down the wrath of the blood vulture, Winnie immediately jumped up and shouted towards the sky:
"No! We are Blood Eagle members! Your people just embraced my sister for the first time! You can't kill your own people!"

These words made Dorothy, who had just joined the Blood Vulture clan and only had a partial understanding of the grudge between the Blood Vultures and Wolfsbane, feel that her IQ had been humiliated.

She didn't believe this ridiculous statement at all.

Although as a "newbie" she didn't have a deep understanding of the grudges that lasted for hundreds of years, she believed that no sober Blood Eagle member would dare to do such a thing.

"Idiot! Do you want to listen to what nonsense you are talking about? Wait! This breath... Damn it! Which bastard dares to violate the family's dogma and include you among the blood vultures? Oops, Lord Murphy will not let him go. !”

(End of this chapter)

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