My players are so fierce.

Chapter 333 Chapter 332: Alpha Company is so professional in offline operation and maintenance! 【815

Chapter 333 332. Zhuo, Alpha Company is so professional in offline operation and maintenance! -【815】

(Additional update for "Chen Wenjun 2" brothers [3/5])
Murphy, who quit the forum, picked up a handkerchief and wiped his nostrils. Even though he had woken up from a three-hour coma, there was still blood oozing out from under his nostrils.The lord felt like his brain was detached from his skull, he didn't dare to shake his head, and his brain would hurt if he made the slightest movement.

If I had to describe it, it was probably equivalent to being hit in the face with a sap, and the eyes had the sequelae of bloodshot eyes, so everything looked like it was covered with a thin layer of blood.

Murphy feels that his injury can be regarded as a "work-related injury", and he is still working through the injury to deal with feedback from young players. Where in the world can he find such a dedicated administrator as him?
Fortunately, the "self-purification program" of the administrator system has been completed. The inability to activate the Omega anti-virus process means that all the contamination left in his body by the evil thoughts of the subspace has been cleaned up. This leaves Murphy in a painful reality. I felt a little relieved.
Fortunately, I'm lucky!

Otherwise, the gaze just now by that subspace shadow "Original Sin" that sounds untouchable would probably break his bones.

But leaving aside the subspace shadow who just learned his real name, Murphy still has an urgent problem to deal with.

He waved his hand to Femis, who looked at him with a worried look, and refused the cup filled with blood offered by the other party. He whispered:

"I'm fine now. Don't worry, Miss. It was just a 'technical adjustment'."

"You were so scary just now."

Femis used the Night Howling Staff and threw a life detection spell on Murphy. The feedback information proved that Murphy was in good condition, which made the eldest lady sigh in relief.

She knew very well how important Murphy was to the entire Transia and the Blood Vulture clan. Apart from anything else, if Murphy accidentally died here, just how to deal with the crazy Tris would be quite difficult.

Especially after Femis also learned that the evil being known as the "Midnight Mother" was originally prepared for Tris to "become a god", she has fully realized the "supreme potential" that Tris possesses. ".

It's like a time bomb that doesn't know when it will explode.

"I won't ask you about the source of your unique purifying spiritual energy, nor where did you get such a 'gift'. I only ask you one question. Murphy, please confirm that what just happened is normal. Of?"

The eldest lady asked very carefully.

Murphy rubbed his brows and nodded, and said briefly:
"You can understand that it is the power I obtained after a certain adventure, and it is specially used to restrain evil things in subspace. I am not very clear about how it works, but if your mother intends to use the dirty power of subspace to force you to surrender, Well we can now declare all her tricks dead.

But as you can see, I need to rest now.

So can you please go to the battlefield of the caravan ahead for me to check the situation. I must ensure that the Cape family's caravan is in good condition, which is very important for the future of our territory. "

"I have to ensure that you will not be in danger, lest I be skinned and dismembered by Tris when I go back. You have to understand, Murphy, this is for my personal safety."

The eldest lady rejected the proposal, but Murphy waved, and Necessary Evil, which flew from nowhere, whizzed around Murphy twice, hovering next to the lord in a well-behaved manner, and the spiritual vulture Thunder Finau and the astral giant wolf George burst out of the starlight.

This is Murphy's way of telling Missy that he is safe now.

Facts speak louder than words.

Femis was still very worried, but in the end he couldn't resist Murphy's instructions and spread his wings to fly to the distant border battlefield.

After Femis left, Murphy picked up the core orb again. As soon as he connected to Tris's communication, the monster girl's scolding sounded in his ears:

"What on earth were you doing just now? Why did the three observation spells I released on you suddenly fail? Did you run away to do something dangerous without telling me again? And what happened to your little player?

Why would he get involved in the first love situation?

Their projection form cannot maintain the blood contract at the current intensity, so I have to find some unfamiliar terms from the forum to fool him.

Fortunately I have been learning their word art during this time. "

"I just did what I was supposed to do. Your guess is correct. Lady Cecilia is very dangerous. She has been confirmed to be the carrier of a certain subspace shadow in the material world."

Murphy said in a deep voice:
"She can also summon contaminated individuals from the subspace into the material world. Fortunately, I saved a hand, otherwise everyone we sent here tonight would have overturned. I am fine now, so we will talk about this later. .

I want to ask you, Happy Stick said that he dreamed about the life of his heir who had just signed a blood contract in another world. Is this normal for a vampire?
Will it have any physical effects on my warrior? "

"You really care about them. What a hell have you become."

Tris complained before explaining:
"No, no, that kind of peek at the memory level is just some 'echoes' attached to the act of first embracing, just like you and I always bring back some 'other things' when we use the enemy's vampire heart to gain power.

When the first embrace is completed, two vampire individuals are connected from the existential level, which will inevitably affect both parties.

In addition, your warrior strength is weaker than Melia Korando, which means that although he is the host of First Embrace, he is influenced by his own descendants in turn. However, being able to dream about the other person's life is already such an influence. limit.

You have to understand, Murphy, that their existence in our world is just a projection.

Their bodies have never been here, and the distance between the two worlds is a distance that only gods can measure. This is enough to keep 99% of the 'bad things' on our side. Therefore, it can be said that this is the warrior given to you by fate. Our best 'shelter'.

My suggestion that he not return to Transia for at least seven days was not random, it was 'standard procedure' for vampires to deal with such situations.

No matter what he got from the other person when the first embrace happened, seven days was enough for this kind of influence that only existed on the mental level to completely dissipate.

But I think this is actually an opportunity. "

"Well, you are right, this is indeed an opportunity."

After hearing Tris confirm that the dangerous first hug carried out by that dog Happy Stick would not harm his body, Murphy was relieved, and he almost immediately understood what Tris meant by "opportunity" What's the meaning.

The vampire lord leaned against the quiet rock here, looking at the dark sky without stars or moon above his head. He closed his eyes and felt the night wind blowing through his hair, and whispered:

"I had no intention of opening up the blood contract function for player vampires, but since there are already 'warriors' who are not afraid of death and have bravely taken the first step, I might as well start the gameplay test of the 'blood contract' function in advance.

Let's take Happy Stick and Melia Korando as 'observation samples'!
After a long enough period of time to confirm that this 'twin' mode will not cause further mental impact on the players, this dangerous game mode can be opened to them.

But I still have a question, Tris, given the existence of the players, they should not be able to complete the blood contract ceremony, there is no blood in their bodies at all."

"No, they have!"

Tris reminded:
"Don't forget, when the first batch of vampire players embraced each other for the first time, for the sake of ritual, you and Maxim specially gave their psychic projections a drop of blood, even though it was only one drop.
But the "blood exchange" element necessary for first embrace and blood contract at a symbolic level is actually enough. I have carefully analyzed the entire process of reaching the blood contract between Happy Stick and Melia Korando.

He completed the ritual with the drop of blood you gave him, and then gave the life force of his projection to Melia, bringing the Wolfsbane cub back from the brink of death.

But he himself did not know how to control the strength of the gift of life force, which directly led to his death by being 'sucked dry' by the dying Melia.

Although this process is completely different from the traditional blood contract, if you analyze it carefully, it is not difficult to find that it has almost all the symbolic elements of the first embrace.

So in theory, this blood contract has been reached.

It's just that your player is completely different from all the life forms I've seen, so whether Melia's contract has something in common with the blood contracts of other vampires will have to be observed later.

I will push this matter forward without you having to interfere.

Before getting a detailed investigation report, you'd better not let other vampire players try this dangerous operation.

I can't guarantee that everyone will be as lucky as Happy Stick to complete the contract. "Well, I will." "

Murphy nodded, and then he asked in confusion:

"But where did you go just now? Femis said that she sent you several messages in advance asking for help, but you didn't respond. Were you drunk again just now?"

"Well, just think I drank too much."

In the Blood Vulture Corridor, Tris rubbed the shoulder wound that was still slowly healing, and glanced at the gorgeous corpse that was being dissected in front of her and had been reduced to charred bones.

She did not intend to let Murphy know that she had just fought with the "Source" on an island in the frozen North Sea beyond the distant Ice Bay, and destroyed one of the other party's "Blood Servant Containers" used to carry consciousness. So he grinned but maintained a calm tone and said:

"This good wine is harmful to people. I will try to drink as little as possible in the future."

"Hey, you really changed your temper today."
"That's what happened. I won't be able to enter the game for the next seven fucking days. Oh, if I had known about it, I wouldn't have gotten stuck with that bug! If I encountered the maze technique, I wouldn't have had such trouble when I turned back. I told you to lead As a warning."

At this time, on the forum, the depressed Happy Stick opened a post, revealing the bad things that he and Mow Meow had encountered before.

Because the process was bizarre enough and the result was horrifying enough, and the screenshot of "login permissions blocked due to unexpected factors" in his and Meow Meow's gaming helmets was even more glamorous, it quickly attracted the curiosity of many players.

Mainly because this is the first time this kind of thing has happened in "Real World".

Although old players are more or less aware of or have seen certain bugs in the game with their own eyes, for new players, it is really difficult for them to imagine that with the technical power of the Zentraedi black technology of the Alpha development team, it is actually possible This kind of "malignant BUG" will appear.

Touch You Poor: [So, Brother Bang, have you really dreamed about the entire life of a female vampire?Damn it, this sounds so scary. Are you sure that it is just because of the intervention of unfinished functional tests that the gaming helmet gives wrong brain wave interference?
Why do I feel like you are possessed? 】

Onboard happy stick: [Bah, bah, bah, childish words are unbridled, how can this be called evil?Brother Fa explained to me a lot of scientific principles that I couldn’t understand. Anyway, he said there were noses and eyes. Moreover, I was about to go for a physical examination and then find a efficacious temple to worship.

To be honest, I didn’t feel like I was feeling anything other than dreaming. 】

Lorewalker Xiao Zhou: [So, Brother Bang, you got the first instance of blood contract gameplay by accident?Doesn't this mean that you have become the first player vampire in the game to have an heir?
Depend on!
Isn’t this so cool!
Judging from the control vampires have over their offspring, you can do whatever you want, right? 】

Meow Meow King: [It’s useless. None of our chickens belong to us. What does he, a cyber eunuch, want to do?What can he do?Alas, there are some things that just don’t exist. It’s better than having them and not being able to use them.

Squint and smile.jpg]

Onboard happy stick: [Fuck!Please stop saying a few words. Brother Fa also said that there may be bugs in the plots of those two NPCs due to my unexpected intervention, so the task chains related to them may be permanently deleted.

To be honest, I feel a little guilty. Those two girls were quite miserable to be honest.

If what I saw in my dream was true, then they could hardly be called bad people. As a result, they were both doomed because of my poor hands. 】

Terranova: [Look away, Brother Bang!According to what you said in your post, if you didn't save people at that time, the vampire named Melia would have died on the spot.

Moreover, the development team still needs to evaluate it, so it may not really be deleted.

According to my superficial understanding of the test project, I estimate that there is a certain probability that the development team will keep these two samples as observation cases for later opening the player blood contract function, so if you are lucky enough, you can still keep your heirs. Yes, but I estimate that the development team may give you certain restrictions.

But how can I put it, this is also a unique experience.

Ah, I really want a helmet. I am becoming more and more obsessed with hearing you talk about this. I didn’t believe it was true at first.】

Happy Stick smiled, and was about to reply to this brother's emotion, when he heard the doorbell.

Surprised, he took off his gaming helmet and stood up and walked to the door. He looked out through the peephole and found several people in formal clothes standing outside.

This made Brother Bang feel a little confused. He opened the door a crack and looked outside. He saw a woman with short hair and glasses in a formal dress at the door showing him a gentle smile. Then he took out a document from his arms and opened it in front of his eyes. .

Brother Bang took a closer look.

Depend on!
Isn't this the logo of Alpha Company?

"Hello, the tester's code name is 'Onboard Happy Stick'. We are dispatched specialists from the Alpha Company's medical team. We are entrusted by the testing team to conduct a physical examination and psychological evaluation for you after accidental brain wave interference."

The girl pointed to the medical equipment held by the people behind her and said calmly:

"Don't worry, the examination will be completed soon. Please understand that our company needs to evaluate the physical and mental health of all testers to ensure your quality of life."


Happy Stick's eyes widened.

He did know that Alpha Company had a dedicated medical team and hardware team when chatting with Fa Ge before, but he did not expect that the "BUG" he created would actually attract Alpha Company's operation and maintenance personnel.

But don't mention it, this company is legitimate, and it actually has dedicated staff to provide door-to-door service.

"Okay, okay, you guys come in first and then talk."

Happy Stick opened the door and welcomed the people in front of him into his apartment.

He did not doubt the identity of these people. After all, what happened to him was only complained about on the forum, and other unrelated people had no way to know about it.

Maybe it's really a "player benefit" that Fago specially arranged for himself.

At the same time, in an office in another place, the player ID code "Border Town Prodigal" accompanied his superior "Brother Loyalty" with a worried look on his face, observing the physical examination being done in front of him through a pinhole camera. happy stick home situation.

The mature and prudent prodigal brother whispered:
"Isn't this a bit too risky? Team leader, we haven't figured out what the other party is, so if we rashly send someone to pretend to be here, will it arouse the other party's hostility?"

"it's necessary!"

Brother Zhongzhong sat on the chair with his hands folded, his face very serious.

他 说:

"All the previous interactions took place in that virtual reality scene. Codename 'Alpha' did not try to interfere with our side, but the 'supernatural phenomenon' encountered by Happy Stick this time may harm the safety of citizens at best, and at worst. It can be understood that this is Alpha's first attempt to interfere with the real world through technical means.

I also know the risks of doing this, but we must ensure the safety of those under observation!

This is our responsibility.

As for how Alpha will react.
Let's take a step by step!

This may be an opportunity, and the two parties may be able to truly develop a tacit cooperation to some extent. "

(End of this chapter)

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