My players are so fierce.

Chapter 335 Chapter 334 Secrets of the Gray Knights added [1015]

Chapter 335 334. Secrets of the Gray Knights - Additional update [1015]

(Additional update for "Chen Wenjun 2" brothers [5/5])
Mutual testing with powerful departments from other worlds did not take up much of Murphy's time and energy.

It wasn't even in the top five of things he was worried about at the moment.

It's not that Murphy really doesn't care, but that he still has no way to exert more influence on the other world. He can only try to maintain his own sense of mystery to make the other party avoid it.But considering that the authority to "disconnect the Internet" has always been in Murphy's hands, this "deterrence" is not really a disguise.

As long as the power to enter another world is in his own hands, then the dominance of this "Third Kind of Encounter" will not be transferred to the opponent's hands. Murphy feels that his secure position on the Diaoyutai is not in vain.

Even considering the worst-case scenario, it is nothing more than changing a country and starting over with a group of small players.

But Murphy's vampire intuition told him that the other party would not let go of this "opportunity". Under the premise that 100% of the current players are from the same country, this can also be regarded as a valuable "first-mover advantage."

Therefore, under this premise, Murphy actually has a lot of cards to play.

He does not intend to lift this "fig leaf" prematurely. Only by maintaining the mystery can the other party act cautiously. In this way, his plans in Transia will be least affected.

Both parties can cooperate!

Murphy believes this.

It's just that he still lacks the bargaining chips needed for cooperation. He doesn't have what others want. But if he can find some clues that the other party desires on this continent, even if there are only a few trading opportunities, then Mo Feidu believes that this will become his "absolute trump card" to turn things around in critical moments.

Not to mention just "renting" a powerful alien army at one time, if you put it with other summoners and lords, you may not be able to laugh even in your dreams at night.

That is truly the "strongest army in another world".
Murphy estimated that if he could have tens of thousands of quotas in reserve, then when the situation was right, he might be able to launch a quick war to regain the Portia Confederacy.

Of course, the premise is that you have to prepare enough weapons and equipment here. You can't let people go to the battlefield with swords and spears, right?

And this transaction method is just the most common of all the cooperation methods that Murphy can think of.But now is really not the time to consider these long-term plans, because the vampire lord now has another problem that needs to be clarified in front of him.

It was already dawn, and in a wilderness not far from the Cape family caravan, Murphy met the ugly-looking President Natalie, old Father Eugene, and Sister Marianne.

In an open space next to the three of them, the remains of the four Chaos Swordsmen had been partially purified by natural spiritual energy, but they still exuded an extremely uncomfortable aura of mental shock.

As Murphy said before, they are like several moving "subspace pollution sources."

"So, you've come to a conclusion?"

Murphy leaned on his staff and sword and asked in a low voice:
"Have you confirmed your identity?"

"They are indeed our Gray Knights. The untainted sacred oath stamps on their bodies, their psychic remnants and their unique armor styles all prove this."

Old Eugene said in a low tone with strong resistance and disgust:
“Their life breath is so contaminated that we cannot tell the faction they belonged to before kneeling down to the subspace, but judging from the results of the autopsy, they were transformed into Chaos warriors by the subspace for no more than two years.

Some of their internal organs are not completely twisted into filth, but their brains and hearts have been transformed into organs that spread filth.

This is a terrible transformation, which means a complete degradation from body to soul.

But this also shows that there are still established Gray Knights on the continent or somewhere in the subspace.

Regrettably, they have broken away from the light of our God and have fallen to the point where they can be attached or even beyond comment. If this was placed in the era when the old religion was still there, it would definitely be a scandal that could shake the Holy Land and even the entire church system. "

"Facts also prove that Old Finock's instructions before his death were not groundless."

Aunt Marianne's tone was full of hoarseness and sadness.

She whispered:

“Before we realize it, the church has grown a shadow of decay, and even the rebellion itself hides unspeakable secrets.

The tomb robber under your command previously described to us her discovery of the ruins of the Holy Land in the Antani region ten years ago. If what she said is true, then the time of the fall of the Gray Knights who represent the path of neutral arbitration for our god Long before the Old Religion Rebellion.

Alas, it is not that our God has given up on His followers among humans, but that we have first turned our backs on the path He has appointed. "

Natalie said nothing.

She held the Watcher's Sacred Blade in her hand.

The edge of this elf sword danced with blue-green purifying fire. After the conversation with Murphy, she was responsible for using the flames to burn away the four bodies that were still spreading pollution.

But it can be seen from Natalie's expression that the mind of the current young leader of the Avalon Church is not calm. Everything that happened tonight announced to her the tip of the iceberg of the terrible things that happened in the collapse of the old church in the past. .

"So, what exactly are Gray Knights?"

Murphy frowned and asked:

"I know that the white knight represented by Old Finock walks the path of natural guardianship, and the red knight that my warrior Meow Meow will become in the future represents conquest and the punishment of wild nature, but the gray knight is in your canon positioning Seems like it's always been blurry?

Few outsiders have even heard of this name.

According to Tris, the Gray Knights seem to be the outliers among you? "

"No, they are not aliens, but the responsibilities shouldered by the Gray Knights cannot be made public!"

Old Eugene explained:

“Believers in Avalon have always believed that the existence of the church is the incarnation of the god of nature in the human world. It will not only protect the souls of believers, but also punish those filthy things and prevent the evil from other worlds from penetrating into our homes.

This is one of the duties of a Gray Knight.

In the hundreds of years since the Church of Avalon officially established the Order of the Gray Knights on Glamor Island, those silent but tenacious brothers have prevented at least thirty invasions and infiltrations from the alien face of the material world.

A typical example is what happened during the First Night War, when cultists from the Hades plane tried to spread the land of death in the Cato region.

In that duel, the Gray Knights' Emerald Edge Order lost two-thirds of their Skitarii, but they defeated the undead army commanded by an ancient mummy lord.

There is also the 'Battle of the North Sea' that is not known at all!
It was a secret war that took place five years after the end of the Second Black Disaster.

The frantic elements in the elemental plane tried to open a permanent rift in the frozen sea, but our Gray Knight brothers, led by their cult leader Lord Taff, jumped into the elemental plane and fought hard there for eighteen It took day and night to kill the furious elemental lord.

And the disciplinary expedition against the Blooddread clan that your Lord Paing personally carried out.

It was not just the vampire war that you slew the Blooddread clan to within a month, our Gray Knight brothers were also involved and your Lord Paing acquiesced in their actions.

The Gray Knights last acted 25 years ago. "

Old Eugene said eloquently:

"The Gray Knight brothers of the 'Purifying Fire' Order, led by the solemn Captain Fernus, went deep into the Frontier Islands of the Sea of ​​Mists, where they annihilated a deep-sea murloc who worshiped the subspace evil god 'Dagon' An evil city mixed with barbarians from outside the territory.

It was a terrible battle.

More than half of the warriors of the Purifying Fire died in that distant sea. This battle was also assisted by the Atlanteans. To this day, the mermaid singers in the Great Reef Province on the coastline of the place of origin still sing about that battle. A magnificent song of war.

I believe you can already understand the responsibilities of the Gray Knight brothers from my explanation.

They do not intervene in mortal wars, but fight against the dangers of other worlds in secret corners for the sake of our God's doctrine of caring for the world.

The brothers of the Gray Knights hide their names and are indifferent to fame and fortune.

They are the most respectable hidden guardians in the church, so it is really hard for me to imagine that there will be any temptation for Gray Knights to take refuge in the warp. "

Murphy nodded.Old Eugene's explanation was quite simple but profound enough, giving him a rough impression of the Gray Knight, but then Sister Marian said:

"This possibility is not impossible, Eugene. You can't just talk about their glamorous side and ignore the risks that must be taken to become a Gray Knight! Gray Knights have been dealing with dangerous alien evil creatures all year round, allowing them to come into contact with them uncontrollably. A lot more forbidden knowledge belonging to other planes.

This has led to the fact that the corruption rate of Gray Knights has always been high.

But when the church's system was still perfect, the Oak Sage and the Presbyterian Church could use the water of the Holy Grail to wash their bodies and minds and help them find a clear path. However, after the church collapsed, the Gray Knights had no help. It is not incomprehensible to make mistakes under the temptation of taboo knowledge in your mind.

What's even more terrifying is that the Gray Knights have several secret warehouses off the coast of the Antani region.

It is dedicated to storing all the evil objects they have collected over hundreds of years. They are all dangerous objects that cannot be destroyed by conventional means and can only be sealed. However, after the collapse of the church, I heard that the psionic masters of the Ring Tower were very happy. Received those things.

Although they also have a forbidden tower to contain these evil objects, with the dangerous nature of psionic masters who do not mind committing suicide, it is really hard to say what they will do with those things!
At least what I can be sure of is that when the city of Xiko was destroyed two years ago, the source of the psychic plague used by the Pioneer Legion may be related to several evil objects from the underworld collected by the Gray Knights. I have heard legends about them. , I just didn’t expect the Ring Tower to actually dare to use them. "

"Both of you! We are not discussing the responsibilities and responsibilities of the Gray Knights now. Please calm down."

Murphy stretched out his hand to stop the old man and old lady from bickering.

他 说:

"What I want to ask is, if it is now confirmed that the Corrupted Gray Knights have become a 'weapon' that the subspace shadow can launch into the material world, then, is there a way for us to eliminate them as quickly as possible when they appear?
Let me put it more bluntly, what is the Gray Knight's weakness? "


Murphy's question surprised both Old Eugene and Sister Marian.

Grandma looked at Murphy in surprise, and said doubtfully:

"You were able to single-handedly eliminate four Corrupted Gray Knights with almost no injuries. Don't you have the know-how to fight against them?"

"My situation is more complicated. I don't mind stretching my muscles, but I can't just be thrown there where there are fallen gray knights, right?"

Murphy rolled his eyes and said:
"I need other people to have methods to fight them. No matter how good I am, I only have two hands."

"This is troublesome."

Old Eugene shook his head and said:

"Although the Gray Knight's combat power is not as powerful as the Red Knight's, this comparison is based on the fact that both sides are battle masters of the same level. In terms of absolute strength, our Gray Knight brothers are even more powerful in the entire continent. A top-notch exorcist.

As they are imbued with the evil power of the Warp, their destructive power only grows.

Under the dual protection of the specially-made heavy armor of the Holy Word and the path of the Secret Oath, their physical defense and resistance to spiritual energy have almost reached the limit you can imagine.

It’s almost impossible to overwhelm them with numbers.”

"Holy Grail!"

Natalie, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke:

"They swore an oath of secrecy and arbitration when they became Gray Knights, just like my father also swore an oath of protection. As long as we can retrieve the Holy Grail of Avalon, we will be able to face these 'Oathbreakers' They can be ordered into a state of extreme weakness and 'God's Condemnation'.

In that case, just a few sacrificial and fatal attacks would be enough to take them down.

In addition, the church's holy blades can also cause effective damage to them. Those weapons are purification objects with the divinity of our god.

Of course, the most permanent solution is to retrieve the Gray Knight's Holy Blade 'Arbiter'.

That weapon entrusts the arbitration power of all heroic spirits since the birth of the Gray Knights. As long as it is in our hands, these fallen Gray Knights can only be lambs to be slaughtered! "

"Then the key question is, where is the Holy Grail of Avalon?"

Murphy spread his hands and asked.

This made the three witch hunters silent. This question could not be answered. After all, if they could know where the Holy Grail was in the Holy Land of Glamour, would they still need to work hard to rebuild the church in Transia?
With that holy object in hand, all he had to do was climb up and shout, wouldn't tens of thousands of believers gather here?

"Oh, I knew it wouldn't be that easy."

Murphy saw the witch hunters' embarrassment.

He did not pursue the question further, but said:

"My warrior found some clues about the holy blade. He found seven pieces of information about different holy blades in Lady Cecilia's handbook. It also pointed out that the shadow elves in the Eternal Rift are also collecting these holy objects. .

If there is a chance in the future, we may be able to start in this direction, but Natalie, since those are your sacred objects, then the task chain to retrieve them is

"I'll be responsible for posting it!"

The Black-Hearted Demon Hunter nodded and accepted this important task.

Murphy no longer has any issues.

He watched Natalie turn around, activate the holy blade and use the purifying fire from Avalon to burn the four corpses. As the filth of the warp completely dissipated, he let out a sigh of relief as dawn approached.

After waiting for a few minutes for old Eugene to say a farewell prayer for his former Gray Knight brothers, Murphy asked in a low voice to Natalie, who remained indifferent beside him:

"This time Little Earl Sharon invites you to watch the mountain people's oath ceremony actually has another meaning."

"I know."

Natalie replied:

"Before coming here, Aunt Jules explained to me the grievances between the Saxo Mountain people and the Natural Old Church. I guess the young earl wanted to take this opportunity to reconcile the two parties.

In fact, there has always been discussion within the Avalon Church about the mountain people's beliefs. Some teaching masters believe that the mountain people's beliefs are also a variant of the Avalon God's belief system. Although the original worship of the mountain spirits has existed for a long time. Even earlier than the birth of the Avalon Church.

What I mean is that if Earl Sharon can convince the local mountain people to accept us, then the Avalon Church we established can indeed complete reconciliation with them on this matter.

I've thought carefully about what you told me last time.
I have to admit, you are right!
We are all the shepherds of God Avalon on earth. We should fulfill our duties and should not take the initiative to stir up conflicts and opposition among the sheep. "

"Well, it's good for you to realize that."

Murphy nodded. Since Natalie had already made a judgment, he didn't need to say anything more.

He reminded:

"I heard from Sharon that the mountain people also have a Holy Grail in their hands."

"No, the Forest Holy Grail and the Avalon Holy Grail are not the same concept. In terms of the source of belief and the way it is formed, they can even be said to be two completely different things."

Natalie wanted to teach Murphy about the religious differences between these sacred objects, but she thought that Murphy himself was an unbeliever and a vampire, so she decisively gave up on this meaningless effort.

Just briefly said:

"I understand what you mean. If the mountain people agree, we can use the Holy Grail of the Mountain Forest to try to rebuild the church's severed power system.

If possible, I really hope to see a new white knight born on the land of Transia. If we can do that, I think my father will also feel relieved in the natural temple. "

(End of this chapter)

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