My players are so fierce.

Chapter 421 420 Transia Travels Volume 2 Black Disaster Almanac Opens

Chapter 421 420. The second volume of Travels in Transia·The Black Disaster Almanac opens in grand style

The troublemaking soldier who was so aggressive that he jumped into the trap did not die in the end.

Although the current situation in which he was being held up meant that both sides were dead, this did not affect the fact that people's desire to survive in desperate situations could always create some abstract activities.

When he tremblingly took over the "killing gun" that would definitely kill someone as long as he pulled the trigger, the guy rolled his eyes in front of everyone and "fainted" while frothing at the mouth.


This job is too rough.

Even if a jackal who only eats meat comes over, he probably won't believe this guy's too straightforward "performance", but in the dead silence, Maxim did not pursue it further.

The vampire general just sneered twice and turned his eyes away from the "fainting" idiot to look at the others. The originally aggressive soldiers lowered their heads under the glance.

The momentum has been lost, the courage has been lost.

Now let alone resisting, I don't even have the courage to face these Transian lunatics.

From this point of view, although the brick mover has bad luck, the confrontation method he chose is quite easy to use. For these scumbags who are brave and fierce, whenever they meet someone who is more ruthless than them, Surrender is the only option.

"Go back to your barracks."

The grayer picked up the blood-stained revolver and shouted loudly amidst the undisguised laughter of a group of wild local foremen behind him:

"Local civil servants will soon come to register you and assign you a place. For the sake of your precious lives and meaningless face, I suggest you stop doing this kind of thing.

If you really want to resist, then take some practical actions! "

Those ruffians were trained like Sun Tzu.

But they were unable to refute, and they all lowered their heads in shame. When they left, they had to carry away the idiot who had humiliated them all and was still pretending to be faint.

This scene quickly spread throughout the neighborhood, and as time passed, it continued to spread to the 5-person military camp.

Many people stopped trying to cause trouble because they realized that these Transians were not the same as the barbarians in their minds, but there were still many people who felt that the Transians had underestimated them.

These guys were working together in private to plan a bigger job. However, the courage they had just summoned up out of shame and anger soon evaporated when the Knights of Wallander rushed to the military camp with 300 winged cavalry.

Later, as the main members of the new Blood Eagle Clan headed by the student party arrived one after another, the resistance that was still brewing disappeared with the wind.

Losing face is a small thing, but being hit by hussars and leaving his body intact is a big deal.

Forget it.

A man can bend and stretch.

They comforted themselves so much that they willingly gave up their only last chance to escape the Transian system.

All this was collected by the agents planted around the camp by the Plantagenet Military Observation Group that came with the army, and the information was quickly summarized by reports to Colonel Fraser and several of his trusted commanders.

After realizing that the situation in the temporary military camp had been suppressed, these officers planned to go to Scarlet Castle to meet with the local governor.

But the commander alone of the entire observation group had nearly 100 people, and it was impossible for them all to leave. Therefore, Colonel Fraser held a meeting with the few officers who stayed here before setting off.

The content of the meeting was about everything that happened in the temporary military camp and their next course of action.

As an intelligence officer-turned-commander, Colonel Fraser had honed his own command style during the ten years of war.Unlike Marshal Loren, who is aggressive and aggressive with his troops, Colonel Fraser advocates battlefield perception and refined operational command based on intelligence.

Although this was the first time he had full authority to lead troops on an expedition, he had paid close attention to intelligence work from the beginning.

In the camp, the colonel distributed the information he had collected so far to the five major officers under his command who were actually leading the troops. He sat on the main seat and did not waste time on greetings but went straight to the point and said:

“Major Ron and I will go to Scarlet Castle to discuss our station and preparations before the start of the war with Governor Murphy and Administrative Miriam. This won’t waste too much time. We will be back in five days at most.

But I need to make sure that your work in the camp is in order during my absence.

I do not doubt your military qualities. After all, it is impossible for an idiot to obtain the title of officer under Marshal Loren. The only thing I am worried about is that your misunderstanding of the Transians will lead to you making wrong choices when facing them. Solution.

You may have heard what happened in the camp last night and today, and I want to hear your opinions now. "

"I heard that a guy chose to kill himself with a gun in order to suppress the momentum of the soldiers?"

Faced with Fraser's inquiry, a young and muscular Major Reno Drakan immediately answered with his knight's sword:
"If this is true, then the rumors about Transians not taking their lives seriously are true. They are so cruel to themselves, and their attitude towards the lives of others is even more worth pondering."

"Can't you just say they are crazy?"

Another blond major with a feminine face, North Lucerne, curled his lips. He looked at the information in his hand and whispered:
"These guys are difficult to deal with, not only in terms of combat power. Before leaving the fortress, we learned the entire process of their battle to expel the gnolls from Marshal Loren's intelligence officer. We have no doubts about the combat power of the Transian barbarians.

But to be honest, how to deal with a madman is indeed a process that tests one's patience and reflexes.

Let me tell you, I am not confident that I can maintain a relatively normal interaction with these barbarians. "

"We don't even have to think about the interaction, we're never friends with them anyway, and we don't have to make any uncomfortable pretense of friendship."

No.3 Major Dunn, who is responsible for commanding the artillery but does not yet have a direct subordinate, played with a few tarot cards in his hand and said with a gloomy expression:

"After the station I'm waiting for is selected, we only need to maintain the situation near the station and wait patiently for the black disaster to arrive. Of course, we must find a safe escape route in advance. To be honest, I don't think there are enough in Transia now. Ability to withstand the intensity of the black disaster.

Just like the strategy adopted by the Kingdom’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Although we currently recognize Governor Murphy's control of Transia, the prerequisite for performing real diplomatic activities is that Transia's regime can still exist after the Black Disaster is over.

If the other party is doomed to die, then it would be decent for us not to step on him before he dies. There is no need to waste time on in-depth communication between the two parties. "

The three men's answers made Frazier nod.

The colonel looked at them, his eyes resting on the family crests in front of the breastplates of the three men.

Although the three of them have outstanding personal abilities, the fact that they were included in the observation group and granted military power proved that they were as extraordinary as Fraser.

Although the families of these three people are not as prominent as the Capet family, they are already quite prominent in the military aristocratic circle of the Plantagenet Kingdom. They are not the eldest sons of the family, but they are also given certain expectations. This action has great expectations for them. It means a lot to their careers.

Therefore, Colonel Fraser was not worried about what these guys were doing secretly. Anyone with a brain knew that they should cooperate sincerely in this situation.

This is a good choice for everyone.

He looked at the last two officers who remained silent. They were Major Byrd and Major Roberts. They had poor backgrounds. They were soldiers who had climbed up from the grassroots step by step, but their "business capabilities" were very outstanding. .

This was also the reason why they appeared in this observation group with a shining family emblem. The colonel really wanted to hear the opinions of these two veterans who had smelled the smell of gunpowder.

His expectation was also sensed by the two silent officers. After a few seconds of thinking, Major Roberts, who had a beard and held a cane, answered:
“We should assist them in completing the reorganization and acceptance of [-] border guards as soon as possible. Only if they end this matter as soon as possible can the Transian political system devote most of their energy to war preparations.

After all, this land is not King Louis' territory, and we have no right to move freely here.

This means that even if the war starts, we can only appear as supporting characters.

After all, the affairs of Transia must be handled by the Transians themselves. Once their war goes unfavorably, we will also be implicated.

Marshal Loren once said that he would rather attack a 1000-man army with ten warriors than wait for reinforcements with a hundred idiots.In this situation, helping the Transians is helping us. "

"The gnolls don't care whether they are facing Transian barbarians or Plantagenet soldiers."

Major Byrd, who maintained a military posture with his hands behind his back, said concisely:

"In the context of the black disaster, it is not the right choice to emphasize the previous grudges. The prerequisite for distinguishing between ourselves and the enemy is that both parties are civilized people.

If we want to win a victory in Transia that can prove our strength, we need the cooperation of Transia people.

Maintaining a good relationship is necessary. "


Fraser finally showed a satisfied expression. This was the correct strategy he wanted to hear.

Sure enough, the commander who crawled out from the dead had a very different outlook from the one who was pampered. The three aristocratic officers from the same background as himself had good talents, but they still did not understand the true meaning of war.

Thinking about it, this is why Marshal Loren and General Soros must send these young people to the dangerous place of Transia.

These people who are destined to become the pillars of the Plantagenet Kingdom's military in the future must see blood.

"Well, let me tell you my opinion."

Fraser looked at the time. It was still twenty minutes before he set off for Scarlet Castle. He coughed and said to other people in the camp:
"I have been to Transia, and I have fought against the fallen blood vulture Archduke Sarokdar with the local vampire remnants and their warriors.

It is no exaggeration to say that that battle changed me.

Not only did it teach me to recognize the real threats hidden beneath the surface, it also allowed me to see a side of Transians other than their savagery.

In fact, before I received the news of the impending black disaster, I had already confirmed that no matter what difficulties they encountered, the new regime that was rising from the ruins and its leader, Mr. Murphy, would never give up what they had now. everything of.

Therefore, I can tell you with certainty that there is no need to doubt the steadfastness of the Transians in the Black Disaster!
From the perspective of the general background of the civilized world against the barbarians, they are the best allies we can find in Transia.

Therefore, I ask you to strictly control the soldiers under your command in the past few days, and do not allow them to cause friction with the local people of Transia, let alone provoke each other.

I hope you can understand that although Marshal Loren repeatedly ridiculed Governor Murphy as a sissy, based on my understanding of the marshal, if he really does not value Murphy, his regime and soldiers, then this vampire's name will not So many times in the Marshal's mouth.

I hope you understand the Marshal's true intention in sending us here.

In addition to fighting the Black Disaster, there is a second hidden element. "

At this point, Frazier paused. He saw that everyone in the tent was focusing on him, and then he explained:

"The Marshal wants us, the young officers of the kingdom, to see with our own eyes how the Transians fight. We need to observe their tactics at all times, analyze their actions, find their weaknesses and record them.

Because the black disaster is not the end of everything!

all of you.

There will definitely be a battle between the Kingdom of Plantagenet and the Kingdom of Nordtov in the future. It will be a battle to decide who is the overlord of the continent and who is the leader of human civilization.

However, before that, both we and the Yankees must first defeat Transia, a narrow strip of territory between the two countries, and use it as a place for war.

In other words, before we have a decisive battle with the Yankees, we must first defeat the Transian barbarians in our eyes!
They are our allies now and our enemies tomorrow.

We cannot take this lightly.

Because the war with Transia is up to us. Only by knowing ourselves and the enemy can we win every battle. This is the meaning of our coming here.

I hope you can temporarily put aside your pride, and I hope you can treat our Transian friends in a cautious manner.

Actually, I have a feeling. "

The colonel said softly:
"I felt this way when I left Transia last time. The black plague will not destroy this place. It is a flame that tempers steel. Its only reason for existing is to help Transia people survive the fire. Rebirth.
They are real rivals.

Personally, I even think Murphy and his pack of wolves are more dangerous than the decadent Yankees.

Nodtorf was big, but he was just a clay-footed giant, and the decaying political system that the Wolf Girl struggled to maintain was vulnerable to the kingdom's terrifying military potential.

But Murphy and Transia, who must be reborn from the ashes,
Frankly speaking, I think the marshal may have made a mistake. He really should have sent soldiers to completely occupy Cadman City after the astral tear came to it.

However, we have lost that opportunity, lost forever. "

Fraser's words made the other officers in the tent look at each other. After a few seconds, Major Renault, who was the first to speak, touched his nose and said:
"I think you are a bit alarmist. No matter what angle you look at, Transia currently has no possibility of threatening the kingdom. Except for their madness that is really not afraid of death, they cannot be the opponent of the pioneering army led by the marshal. .

But I have to admit that we don’t know as much about this land as you do, so we will obey your orders and observe and record everything in Transia in our own way.

As you said in the preface of your best-selling book, we are all His Majesty's eyes, and we will bring everything about Transia to His Majesty.

Whether it's good or bad. "

"Very good, I'm relieved that you can understand this."

The colonel nodded with satisfaction.

He stood up, and the orderly beside him stepped forward and put a cloak with the emblem of the Pioneer Legion on him. This orderly, with an ordinary face and low-key actions, was actually a silver-level foil swordsman.

There were four such orderlies and bodyguards beside Colonel Fraser.

This is the Earl of Lyon's protection for his only son.

The colonel could not refuse and did not think of refusing.

As he said, in a land rich in barbarians, no matter how strict the protection is, it is necessary.

"Your Majesty Colonel, we heard that you have some personal relationship with the Scarlet Archon of Transia?"

When sending Frazier away from the camp, the major, who had just been playing tarot cards, looked around, approached him and said in a low voice with a playful smile:
"Many people are speculating that before we win the victory over the Gnolls in Transia, our commander is likely to achieve a 'brilliant victory' against the Transians! Their Scarlet Archon will become the Golden Bird Colonel's Lover in the Flower Kingdom
Now, this is the men's perfume that I spent a lot of money to get from the elves. I'll give it to you for free this time. When it's done, remember my kindness and say a few nice words for me in front of the marshal. "

"Dunn! This is in the military camp. God, if your brother sees you like this, he will definitely feel ashamed."

Fraser sighed helplessly and said:
"You don't want your brother to look down on you either, do you?"

"Hey, who cares what he thinks."

Major Dunn, who was a bit handsome but had a neutral face, brushed his curly hair, blinked his bright eyes with a hint of haze, curled his lips and said:

"My brother is holding back his energy to compete with you for the title of 'Youngest Brigadier' ​​in the Plantagenet Kingdom. I just hope you work harder and don't be outdone by that hypocritical guy. He is destined to inherit the glory of the family. .

As for me.
My father's expectation for me is not to lose the family members, nothing more, so my interest in the war is not even as much as the gossip about your relationship with that lady consul.

Hey, you represent the masculine charm of the Plantagenet Kingdom!
Work harder! "

(End of this chapter)

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