My players are so fierce.

Chapter 736: 735 is broken, now I am the worst one

Chapter 736 Chapter 735. It’s broken. Now I’m the worst one.

The foreigners returned to the Black Flame Pass position not just to retrieve Lord Heather's relics, they also had other goals here.

However, the appearance of the infected body of the Lord of Darkness represents a rather terrible sign. Although Lord Heather and the released Lord of Darkness have been involved in the deep astral realm, it is very likely that the evil god will be expelled from the material world before he is expelled. He has spread his power.

The form of its spread is just like the hunting electors that Grand Warlord Xu Gesen saw in the Mossy Valley.

Judging from the current state of the Lord of Darkness, his divine choice must be the unwilling Lord Heather, but this does not mean that he cannot use his power higher than reality to create a group of "dark elects".

Thinking about the most extreme situation, maybe the chosen people of the Lord of Darkness are still trapped in the ruins of the position and have not left.

It is definitely not a good thing to let these dangerous guys run around, so the smart little players immediately sent a warning and report to the NPC when they encountered the infected body. This news was also forwarded to the NPC by Adele. In the hands of Murphy in Shadow Valley.

The Vampire Governor immediately realized the danger of this matter, and he quickly issued a mission to the high-level players currently in Shadow Valley:

【Ding! Random event·'Dark Poison' has been triggered!

Event content:

A team of explorers from Transia unexpectedly discovered the evil god's conspiracy when they returned to the Black Flame Pass. The Lord of Darkness, who had been exiled from the material world by Lord Murphy using the Astral Rip, left behind his filth. A group of Individuals suspected to be chosen by the evil god are still operating outside the ruins of Black Flame Pass.

The brave explorers are trapped in crisis, but the news they send back heralds a new crisis.

Lord Murphy decided to extinguish this restless black flame before it ignited, so he recruited brave men to follow him to the Black Flame Pass to intervene in this disaster.

Mission requirements:

Through the Earth Priest's earth travel skills, head to the ruins of Black Flame Pass as quickly as possible to find those infected by the Lord of Darkness and the possible Dark Chosen and perform purification.

mission rewards:

unknown. 】

After sending out the mission, Murphy immediately found the earth priests in the valley and asked them to provide earth magic teleportation services for the players who were about to gather. He himself took Villanse, Bonnie and the patriarch's personal guards through The portal leads to Black Flame Pass.

According to Murphy's estimation, the Lord of Darkness did not have much time to choose a carrier of power when he was facing exile. He definitely "gifted" his power seeds through indiscriminate diffusion.

Those zombie-like jackal-infected people were the victims who failed to bear this gift. They were just the remnants of the evil god's power. The real danger was still under the Black Flame Pass.

Therefore, Murphy's goal was very clear. After he arrived at the mountain pass position that was burned and dispersed by the alchemical flames, he entered the underground tunnel. As for how to accurately find the Lord of Darkness in this complex and more dangerous area due to the terrain changes of the mountain pass voters, this does not require much skill.

Do you still remember the two cans of [DATA EXPUNGED] soda that Murphy drank in the Swamp Exhibition Hall?

That thing improved Murphy's perception of the power of subspace and individuals to a very keen level, allowing him to feel the spread of dark atmosphere here after entering the tunnel.

Just like a witch hunter's locked-in perception of natural enemies, Murphy can find the traces highlighted in his eyes without even looking for them.

As expected, the hiding place chosen by those guys due to the filthy erosion of the astral realm is here. To be precise, it is the tunnel that the rat people dug before leading to the core of the Black Flame Pass.

The depth here into the earth allowed them to escape the ravages of the astral tearing, and they were able to hide in the past few days. The dirty spiritual energy blocked the abnormal aura of these guys. If it weren't for the little players who came here to "hunt for treasure" on a whim, I really have to be avoided by these guys.

This wave, this wave is where small players once again make great contributions.

"Actually, it's not a big problem, because the dirty spiritual energy in the star realm is also fatal to these newly born dark elects. If they are given power by the evil god, they will interfere with their thoughts and spirits. In this case, they will be attacked by the evil spirit again. It can invade the mind and easily lead to disastrous consequences."

Villanse, who is well versed in the power of these gods and ghosts, followed Murphy to track it down. She explained to Bonnie and other vampire guards:

"The farther you go on the path of a cultist, the easier it is to go crazy. Not only because the poor guy chooses the wrong person to kneel to, but also because the power of the evil gods always targets the mind and soul. This is the most obvious problem of subspace creatures. Strength characteristics.

They can always bypass the body's protection of the soul and directly take effect at the real critical point.

In other words, they like to pollute the souls of lower-level creatures before twisting their flesh.

This is also why cultists are so good at hiding.

Most of their corrosion is from the inside out. When a cultist's flesh and blood begins to twist, it means that he has reached the end of this road. In that form, they are truly poisonous things, even Every drop of blood poisons the world.

Evil gods are often very generous, but it is this 'generosity' that can cause their followers to fall into the abyss. "

"Thank you for your explanation of the cultist's encyclopedia of ghost knowledge, Lecturer Villanse, but considering that we are currently hunting down a group of dangerous dark elects, can you please stop intimidating Bonnie and her men?"

Murphy said softly.

Amidst Villanse's weird laughter, he touched his eyebrows and said to the others:

"They are right in front! I can feel the unique light-devouring power of the Lord of Darkness engulfing my senses. There are quite a few of them, including gnolls, kobolds, ratmen and dwarves. This Lord of Darkness is really not picky and has an appetite. Good.

Kill these guys.

They cannot be allowed to carry the power of the Lord of Darkness and escape from the Black Flame Pass. Before the artifact of brilliance is found, these things will cause endless harm. "


Bonnie and her men immediately drew their weapons, and Villanse also drew two "newly issued" melta swords.

Although this thing is not as destructive as her original two Shadow Spider swords, it is a magic weapon given by Master Murphy, so the commemorative significance is naturally extraordinary. Moreover, the melt sword also has the advantage of cutting people without bleeding.

It saves me having to give the cute little players another weird favorability mission to help her do laundry.


Murphy gave the order, and he and his vampire servants rushed into the dark tunnel ahead.

The situation here is exactly the same as when the power of the Lord of Darkness was spread before. There is no light source, and even the orange light when the melt sword is activated will be swallowed up by the darkness, making Villanse look at the energy of his weapon with an unlucky look. Continuously and rapidly consuming, flashing arcs of light as if there was a bad contact.

The power of the Lord of Darkness is really a bit strange. It seems to be based on the concept of darkness. Anything that can shine will be quickly extinguished in this field.

But there is a kind of light that cannot be extinguished no matter what.


Amid the low groan of slight pain, a circle of pale light lit up along the outline of Murphy's body.

The purifying power Omega was as powerful as ever, illuminating the darkness and causing the surrounding electors to scream in terror as they howled and tried to strangle these outsiders in the darkness and sacrifice them to the Lord of Darkness.

Their bodies have been covered with a layer of "armor" like black smoke, and they have obviously been deeply transformed by power, which means that the Omega Program is twice as lethal to them!

The Necessary Evil, which is also wrapped in a circle of white light, is also humming. It hurts. This evil demon sword is not willing to enjoy this pain to itself. It urgently wants to share this stinging feeling with its own. enemy.

So it rushed out at the first moment and pierced the heart of a fallen dwarf who was covering his gray eyes and yelling.


It's really noisy when you yell at the top of your lungs, asshole!

This super targeted destructive power really makes people feel happy, and the roar of necessary evil is even louder. The repeated piercing back and forth quickly disperses the gathered dark voters, and the strange white light shining on Murphy Next, Bonnie and Villanse also joined in this massacre of "justice" against evil.

The danger of these dark voters is real. In the dark field they perform, their movements and attacks are silent and cannot be sensed. They are as unpredictable as ghosts in the night. As the chosen ones of darkness, in addition to being blessed by divine power and causing real damage, their attacks also cause real damage. It will have the adverse effects of life devouring and mental pollution.

This characteristic is also very troublesome for the Midnight Familia vampires.

But again, Murphy has special attack methods against the power of chaos, and these dark elects who have not yet grown up cannot make a difference in front of him.

With the power of Omega's purification, the cleanup went very smoothly, but as the last dark elect was killed and the dark curtain covering the entire tunnel shattered, Murphy quickly discovered something annoying.

There were many footprints moving forward along this underground tunnel. In other words, a group of dark elects had left this gathering point before they arrived.

The tunnels dug by the ratmen run through the entire mountain pass. In the worst case scenario, some dark elect may have escaped.

"Can you do a divination?"

Murphy took back the necessary evil and turned back to Villanse:

"I know this is difficult, but please understand how I feel now. We have enough troubles. It is best not to let these dark electors create more precarious situations, especially since we have already enmity with the Lord of Darkness. situation."

"The conceptual power of the Lord of Darkness will obviously interfere with the divination results."

Villanse responded with some embarrassment:

"I will try my best to figure out the direction of their escape, but with all due respect, Master, even if they can break out of the ruins, they will have to pass through the area where the foul spiritual energy is most concentrated. Their mental state at this time simply cannot bear that kind of situation. If you clean up, even if you escape, you will become a group of lunatics and lunatics shouting the name of the evil god."

"Well, so you think it's a good thing to let a group of lunatics and lunatics with dark powers wander around in the Dark Mountains today?"

Murphy said with a straight face:

"You are also from the depths of the Dark Mountains, Villanse. Aren't you afraid that they will bring that dangerous light-devouring power into the Eternal Rift Valley?"

"I wish they did, Master."

The fate-weaver girl showed a malicious smile and said:

"The Medjeva family has encountered a catastrophe, and other shadow elf families should also feel the threat and pressure. Believe me, master, my compatriots are a bunch of bastards who won't shed tears until they see the coffin. Don't do anything until they are really threatened. Expect them to accomplish something.

Divination will take some time, my master. Let your warriors continue to hunt in the ruins of this polluted position.

The power seeds spilled by the Lord of Darkness are definitely more than what we see in front of us. That guy is very cunning. It found a way out for itself before being exiled to the star realm.

And with His hatred for you, I think you should have been prepared.

Perhaps soon, a cult group similar to the Church of Baphomet's Nightmare will be established, and one of their goals is definitely to take your head for their own god. "

Murphy rolled his eyes at the warning.

Well, this situation is actually not that bad. If those guys really create a cult group, their players will have another "team copy" to play happily in the future.

Bonnie and the other vampires poured alchemical fire oil on the corpses wrapped in black smoke, and set a fire to ignite and purify these dark servants. When the smelly firelight and the strange black smoke emitting screams dissipated, Murphy planned to leave. Here, but as soon as I started, I was stunned.

This movement was noticed by the keen Villanse.

The spider girl approached her master and asked in a low voice:

"What's wrong? Your face looks ugly. Did you notice something bad?"

"Well that's not a bad thing."

Murphy looked at the hidden achievement that popped up on the character card: "Congratulations! +1 for graduates of the kindergarten class!" He touched his chin guiltily and said:

"The first Silver One among the foreigners was born. Just now, the powerful Grand Traveler completed her Silver Trial. A new era was ushered in by her own hands. I should be proud of their growth. .”

"Yes, as the leader, you are still a black iron, and your subordinates have broken through the silver one after another. I heard that Adele is also preparing for his own silver trial."

With a strange tone, Villanse stretched out her hand and patted Murphy on the shoulder. As if to comfort her, the spider lady said softly:

"Think on the bright side, my master, you may not have to fight on your own in the future. There are many more powerful guys than you who are willing to go through fire and water for your orders. I think you can. Uh, how do you say that word?

Oh, right!

You can lie down happily!

No matter how hard you try, you can't catch up with the upgrades of those magical foreigners, right? You might as well just lie down at the starting point and save yourself the trouble of running. "

"Can you comfort people? You are the priest of Lady Spider! Bastard, is this how you usually enlighten believers?"

"Well, our shadow elves' spiritual enlightenment is usually in bed. Do you need me to enlighten your depressed mood? I am willing to risk being crushed by Mrs. Tracey to do so~"



"Bonnie has her sword drawn, so you better shut up."

"Oh well."

On the ruins of No. 8 position, Brother Cat and Sister Pomegranate ventured closer to the place, one on the left and the other on the right. The two of them almost walked on the crackling ice.

They didn't know exactly what happened here, but the dozen or so Dark Lord Defilers who were frozen into ice sculptures in front of them and the strange ice-like debris scattered around them all showed how fierce the battle that had broken out here was.

The most intuitive manifestation is that the temperature here is much lower than other places, as if a Nordic legendary winter spirit had wreaked havoc here.

The two looked at each other and moved forward more cautiously.

After bypassing a broken rock, the two saw Yuan in the damaged tunnel ahead. The hunter was as frozen as his grandson, but he still held the unconscious Orchid in his arms.

The latter's body was completely frozen in a layer of ice that seemed thin but was actually solid. She still maintained a tired and sleeping posture after being exhausted from the battle. Her weapons and shield were placed at Yuan's feet. Everything here The infected bodies were all eliminated by these two guys.

"Is this a successful advancement?"

Sister Pomegranate looked at the frozen orchid, she put away her weapon, and said to Brother Cat, who was holding the Sun Sword beside her:

"So, the burst of power from the Silver Trial will affect the player's body. You can see that Orchid's legs have grown longer, and her long hair is shaped like ice."

"It's also possible that it's just the Nords' wild bloodline that is so strange."

Brother Cat, who still maintains his original bloodline, guessed:

"After all, each race has different ways of tapping the power of their ancestors. For example, you vampires will definitely not cause such environmental changes to cause the power to be released. But to be honest, the particle effects of this silver-level promotion are really cool, better than black ones." The dry potential of the Iron Trial is much more dazzling."

"It's a pity. Lanhua could have obtained more ancestral power, but your damn agreement held her back."

"I'm not a strong person to begin with, and not every girl is as brave as you. Ahem, I won't say it anymore, okay. Take her back quickly. Brother Yuan is almost rolling his eyes because of the cold. ?"

(End of this chapter)

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