Runeterra: I really know a little bit about everything

Chapter 221 Pain that all men understand! Immortal Fortress!

Chapter 221 Pain that all men understand! Immortal Fortress!

Towards the early hours of the morning, people who had finished their carnival in the Reckoning Arena began to leave one after another.

At this time, a burly man in armor walked out of the back door of the Liquidation Arena and walked toward his residence through the light reflected by the white snow.

After tomorrow, he will lead an army of Noxian Deadpools to the front line. Tonight's carnival is his final practice.

He is not a noble, nor does he have a strong background. His ability to reach this point is all due to his firm will and strong combat power.

He commanded his troops well, took the lead, and was at the forefront of every battle. Because of this, he quickly made a name for himself in the army.

In the past, when Braun Darkwill was in power, all the power in Noxus was in the hands of the powerful, and ordinary people like them would never be able to stand up.

Later, Grand Commander Swain overthrew Darkwill's rule and established the Trifari Council.

It was also from that time that the entire Noxus entered a new era.

After that, Noxians respected strength above all else, and anyone with great power was able to have a place in Noxus.

And this power is not limited to strength, but also includes many fields including politics, manufacturing, trade, and magic.

And he has reached this point by virtue of his own strength.

Walking out of the Reckoning Arena, he walked on the snowy path. The sound of the collision of armor mixed with the crunch of snow under his feet.

But at this moment, a delicate female figure suddenly ran out of the alley and rushed towards him.

The woman's clothes were a little shabby, revealing the snow-white skin underneath.

Her long purple hair was scattered behind her back, and her peerless face made me pity her even more.


At the woman's exclamation, she threw herself into his arms.

Although he was a little confused, there was a beauty who took the initiative to embrace her, so he had no reason to push her away, let alone such a charming and pitiful young lady.

"Beautiful lady, has something happened to you?" He asked gently.

The purple-haired woman nestled in his arms and raised her head pitifully to look at him.

"General, I'm so scared and cold. Please hold me tight."


By this time, he finally sobered up a bit.

In the early hours of the morning, such a beautiful woman appeared in front of him out of thin air and threw herself into his arms. This was extremely abnormal.

Years of fighting on the battlefield have made his mind and body far beyond ordinary people, and he is by no means someone who can't walk when he sees a woman.

Holding the shoulders of the purple-haired woman with both hands, he said in a deep voice: "If the young lady encounters something, I will naturally help if I can, but after all, we have just met, so please respect yourself."

Hearing this, the purple-haired woman in his arms raised her head and looked at his face. A pair of deep eyes reflected a strange light, and she even licked the corner of her mouth in a subtle and greedy manner.

Everything shown by the person in front of her was so satisfying to her and so satisfying to her!

Only those with strong bodies and strong wills are qualified to be chosen by her!

"General, I was born in the slums of the imperial capital."

The purple-haired woman began to tell the man in front of her in an aggrieved and choked tone: "My father is a gambler, my mother is seriously ill, my brother still needs to go to school, and I am married to an alcoholic husband with a tendency to domestic violence."

Hearing this, the man's face showed a somewhat sympathetic expression.

He was also born in the slums of the Imperial Capital of Noxus, so he couldn't help but feel a bit of the same pain in his heart.

The purple-haired woman continued: "Today, my husband beat me again. He called me an ugly woman and kicked me out of the house."

As she spoke, the purple-haired woman raised her head and looked at the man in armor in front of her with tears in her eyes.

"General, am I really as unworthy as he says?"

He looked at the charming face of the purple-haired woman, and his whole aura became a little violent. Of course, this kind of violence was only directed at the husband the woman said.

If the woman in front of me is ugly, how can there be any woman in this world who can be called beautiful?

Looking sincerely into the woman's eyes, he said softly:

"You are beautiful. You are the most beautiful lady I have ever seen. Be more confident and your life will be better."

"Is it really?"

There was a happy look on the woman's face, and she put her arms around his straight waist.

His movements froze slightly, and he didn't know what to do for a moment.

"General, can you give me a hug?"

At this time, the woman's sleepy voice came again.

After some hesitation, he put his hand on her back and held her in his arms.

Although I feel a little presumptuous, this is just to appease the injured heart of a girl who has lost her footing.

With the beauty in his arms, he could feel the slight breathing of the woman in his arms. Because her clothes were very shabby, his hands had even touched her fair skin.

The warm atmosphere lasted for who knows how long. The purple-haired woman held in his arms raised her head and looked at him again.

"General, do you really think I'm beautiful?"

He did not hesitate and nodded firmly: "Yes, I can guarantee this with my heart!"

A bright smile broke out on the purple-haired woman's face, and her arms surrounding the man gradually moved upwards and hugged his neck.

"Then General, would you like to spend the night with me?"


The man was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously shook his head:

"Miss, this is just the first time we've met. What's more, I'm going to the front line tomorrow. I can't give you a future."

The man seemed to be really thinking about the woman, and his tone was sincere:

"Maybe I can help you leave your husband. Although my military position is not big, I can still deal with some drunkards. After that, you can pursue the life you want."

However, the man's words were not accepted. Instead, he heard the woman's aggrieved words:

"Am I not beautiful enough? Are you lying to me in what you just said?"

"No, no, of course not." The man waved his hands quickly, fearing that the woman would misunderstand his words.

"Then don't refuse me anymore, okay?"

This time, the woman's offensive swallowed up the man like a torrent and a tsunami.

He was pulled into the alley by her, and she pushed him against the wall and started her own offensive.

At first, the man still used his strong reason to refuse, but as time passed, his hand holding the woman's arm gradually relaxed.

The ambiguous and charming atmosphere is rising, the man's breathing is gradually becoming heavier, and the distance between the two is getting closer and closer.

Although his reason was telling him that he shouldn't do this and should leave immediately.

But it’s like going to wash your feet and being asked to stay longer when you’re in full swing. It’s really hard to refuse!

What's more, the woman in his arms is so breathtaking, able to accurately grasp every flaw in his emotions, and firmly control him in her hands.

Finally, the man took the initiative to hold the woman in his arms, and his armor also fell off.

At this time, his eyes had become blurred, and the only trace of reason he had left was thrown away.

However, what he didn't see was that the expression of the woman in his arms had become crazy and wanton.

The corners of her mouth were widening, even reaching the base of her ears. She knew that the fruits of her hard work were about to be harvested.

They say there is a kind of pain that is ten times more painful than childbirth for a woman, and now, she will taste this pain.

This is a type of walnut called "lion's head" produced in southern Noxus. This walnut usually comes in pairs with a small branch in the middle.

She was ready to violently crack open the walnuts.


There was a shattering sound that made every man feel chills all over his body after hearing it, followed by a painful wail that almost echoed through the sky.

The next moment the voice sounded, the man was lying on the ground with his body bent like a shrimp.

His body was trembling violently, his eyes almost protruding from his sockets, and tears were streaming down his face.


The man wanted to speak, but the extreme pain prevented him from making any sound at all. In front of him, the woman was laughing, a ferocious and enjoyable laugh coming from her huge mouth.

Only this huge pain of falling from heaven to hell in an instant is the most delicious!

A strange purple light enveloped her body, and her appearance began to change from top to bottom.

The long purple hair disappeared, replaced by long white hair burning with pink and purple flames.

The shabby clothes on her body were taken off, and her hot and exposed figure gradually emerged. A pair of self-aware whips extended from her back.

She greedily drank in the extreme pain of the man in front of her, and she was fascinated by it.

Her whip touched the chest of the man in front of her, and she continued to ask in the pitiful voice just now:

"General, you said that you are willing to guarantee my beauty with your heart. I would like to verify whether what you said is true~~"

"Evil devil!"

The man raised his hands with difficulty. He wanted to support his body and stand up, but found that he could not do it at all.

Even though he was naked in the cold winter, big drops of sweat still appeared on his forehead.

However, just when the devil was about to say something, her brow suddenly jumped, and then she quickly turned her head and looked towards the entrance of the alley.

When she saw the figures standing at the entrance of the alley, she subconsciously took a step back.

Her eyes did not stop at any time on the flame demon, but all on the leader Zuo Chi.

Evelin knew very well that he was not a devil, but why did he have an aura about him that frightened her so much!

On the other side, the entrance to the alley.

At this time, there was nothing strange on the faces of the three girls. At most, they were surprised to see the devil.

But Zuo Chi's expression was extremely exciting, with the corners of his mouth twitching and a look of deep disgust on his face.

Although the ones that were broken were not his walnuts, he still felt that his lower body was chilly.

This kind of pain may only be felt by male compatriots.

Zuo Chi would never have thought that the high-level demon he had worked so hard to find was not a secret, but a first-level demon that represented pain in front of him:

Embrace of Pain - Evelyn!

He never expected that he would see such a shocking picture just after he arrived.

Just when Zuo Chi followed the guidance of the devil's induction to find Evelin, he happened to see the scene of the walnut being crushed!

Zuo Chi guessed that this would probably become his nightmare in the next few days.

"Who are you!"

This time, Evelin was the first to ask.

Zuo Chi did not answer, but stepped into the alley.

Tibbers did not follow Zuochi. After all, Zuochi could not be afraid of Evelin, but he couldn't do that!

The three of them also stayed outside the alley, because there was a man who was wailing inside the alley.

However, they could see what was going on in the alley here, so they all watched Zuo Chi walking towards the hot devil with interest.

Zuo Chi looked at Evelin up and down. He was not looking at the man on the ground, but said to Evelin:

"I didn't expect that Hidden Secret would allow another first-level demon to live on his territory. But that's fine, you must know where he is, right?"

Hearing Zuo Chi's words, Evelin's eyes showed a look of surprise.

She didn't expect that Zuo Chi would reveal her secret in one word.

"Who are you? Answer me!"

Although as Zuo Chi got closer, the pressure from his body became more and more severe, Evelin still asked sharply.

She is not a weak demon like Azakana. She has existed for thousands of years, and her mind and strength are her confidence.

At this time, Zuo Chi had already arrived in front of Evelin. He did not answer Evelin's question immediately, but put his hand into his arms and groped around.

And just when Evelin looked at the thing in Zuo Chi's hand, her body began to tremble violently.

Because in Zuo Chi's hand, Evelin saw a simple-looking bronze key, which was exactly the key that Fiddlesticks had always hung on his chest.

The aura permeating the key made Evelin feel cold all over, as if she were facing a powerful enemy.

Looking at Evelin's performance, Zuo Chi said softly: "Take me to find the secret, do one more thing for me, and then I will let you leave, how about it?"

Evelin's eyebrows were lowered, she lowered her head deeply, and even her voice became a little softer.

"What do you want me to do?"

As Evelin spoke, she took a step forward again: "However, no matter what you ask me to do, I will agree."

Suddenly, just when Evelin was halfway through her words, her body burst out in an instant, and a pair of whips from behind came straight towards Zuo Chi's eyebrows!

Evelin couldn't tell whether Zuo Chi's words about letting her go were true or false, and she didn't want to become a slave to others' trends.

So, she must get out of here!

However, even though the timing and angle Evelin was looking for were extremely perfect, she was doomed to fail from the moment she decided to attack a person with the original demonic aura.


The pink and purple whip came to Zuo Chi's eyebrows almost instantly, but when the sharp tip was less than an inch away from Zuo Chi's eyebrows, a big hand held it firmly, making it impossible for him to move forward. Every cent.

In Evelin's horrified eyes, Zuo Chi's left hand tightly grasped her indestructible whip. The next moment, Zuo Chi's cold eyes appeared in front of her, and his right hand pinched fiercely. He grabbed her neck and pushed her against the heavy stone wall of the alley.


A violent roar sounded, and the one-foot-thick wall collapsed completely. Evelin's mouth opened and she coughed out a breath of black air.

Zuo Chi grabbed Evelin's neck and slowly raised it above her head, while his other hand tightly grasped her pair of whips, no matter how hard she struggled, she could not break free.

Zuo Chi raised his head and looked at her, his voice extremely cold:

"Now, can you continue to answer the question I just asked?"

Perhaps only by experiencing Zuo Chi's power personally could Evelin know how terrifying the person in front of her was and how desperate she was.

She was even sure that if she dared to say one more word "no" at this moment, Zuo Chi would crush her to pieces without blinking an eye.

"I'll take you there!"

"It would be great if it was like this earlier. Why do you have to struggle?"

Zuo Chi smiled slightly, and then let go of his left hand that was holding Evelin's whip.

A little red light filled the fingertips of his left hand, and this red light followed Evelin's eyebrows and entered her body.

After doing all this, Zuo Chi finally released his grip on Evelin's neck and let her fall back to the ground.

Sitting on the ground, Evelin had not yet recovered from the fear Zuo Chi had just brought to her. She gasped for breath and took a long time to stand up.

"Can we set off?" Zuo Chi asked with a smile.

Evelin glanced at the man who was still wailing on the ground, and then walked out of the alley without looking back.

"Come with me, I can only vaguely sense the secret location, so I need to go and look for it."

Zuo Chi glanced at the man on the ground sympathetically, and then followed Evelin.

Starting from today, there is one less "Xiaopeng" and one more "Xiaopeng" in the world.

When I go out, it's still "Mom, I'm out", but when I come home, it becomes "Mommy, I'm back"~~

When they noticed Evelin and Zuo Chi walking out of the alley, Belea and the three of them, who were already in great shock, subconsciously took a step back.

Although they had guessed that Zuo Chi was very strong, they did not expect that Zuo Chi could kill a terrifying demon that even Tibbers was extremely afraid of with one move!

Evelin walked out of the alley, her eyes swept across the three people of Riel, and finally, her eyes fell on Tibbers.

She glanced at Tibbers with a dead look, and then Evelyn walked towards the center of the entire Noxian Imperial Capital.

Tibbers' whole body trembled when Evelin looked at him with that look.

At this moment, it was no longer strong and turned into a teddy bear and returned to Annie's arms.

This was the first time that Tibbs felt Annie's embrace was so reassuring. It had never been frightened as much as it was today!

Zuo Chi walked out of the alley and smiled softly at the three girls: "Let's go, let's follow."

After Zuo Chi said this, he took the lead and walked in front, with the three girls following behind him.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, just as the red clouds gradually began to appear on the horizon, Zuo Chi and his party followed Evelin to the building with a history older than the Noxus Empire.

Immortal Fortress!

(Recommended monthly ticket for one ball, everyone)

(End of this chapter)

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