Runeterra: I really know a little bit about everything

Chapter 4 The power of ascension!The land of void and corruption!

Chapter 4 The power of ascension!The land of void and corruption!
Looking at the four blue boxes in front of his eyes, Zuo Chi slowly raised his finger and clicked on the second reward.

Just when Zuo Chi pointed his finger on the reward, the light blue interface in front of him also turned into light spots and disappeared in the wind.

The next moment, Zuo Chi's body shook violently, and he raised his head and looked towards the sky.


Under Zuo Chi's gaze, a magnificent golden energy fell from the sky and shot straight towards him.

This energy is hot and mysterious, and the power contained in it seems to be able to melt everything in the world.

The golden energy completely submerged Zuochi, and the only sound left in the Shurima desert was the sound of airflow hitting the yellow sand.

After an unknown amount of time passed like this, the golden beam of light gradually faded away, and Zuo Chi, naked to the waist, slowly walked out of it.

At this time, under the sunlight, there seemed to be a deep starry sky in Zuo Chi's eyes.

His muscular upper body was well-proportioned and perfect. Under his sharp short hair, he had a handsome and oriental face.

Opening his arms, Zuo Chi carefully felt the power contained in his body.

"Is this the power of Shurima Empire's ascension?"

Zuo Chi is almost certain that his current combat effectiveness is almost a hundred or even a thousand times that of before.

Moreover, all aspects of abilities, including perception and endurance, have been greatly improved.

Thousands of years ago, the ancient Shurima Empire unified all places except the nascent land of Ionia and the northern frozen land of Freljord with just a few thousand Ascended Legions.

Each of the Ascended Ones with the power of ascension has the ability to stand up to a human army on their own.

One can imagine how powerful the power of ascension is.

Now, although Zuochi has only gained part of the power of ascension when Aatrox ascended, his combat power has still been greatly improved.

Regarding these four rewards, Zuo Chi really hesitated for a long time.

Originally, he wanted to choose 'Destruction', which was Aatrox's ultimate skill.

But after looking at the system's introduction to the 'Great Destruction', he finally chose to give up.

【Great destruction!Squeeze the power of your own dark descendants and instantly burst out with power several times your own!After being turned on, the power decays rapidly, and the duration is related to one's own strength! 】

With the strength of an ordinary person before Zuo Chi, I am afraid that what the great destruction can bring to him is only a momentary explosion.

After this moment of explosion, he probably won’t even be able to be a three-second man!

As for blood magic
For some reason, when Zuo Chi saw blood magic, the vampire in red robes who drank blood to strengthen himself came to mind.

Maybe that's the final look of ordinary people mastering blood magic.

Zuo Chi didn't want to look like a human being or a ghost.

Therefore, compared to the other three rewards, the power of ascension is undoubtedly much more reliable and comprehensive.

Now, Zuo Chi is finally no longer the weakling who has no power to restrain a chicken.

Looking around, Zuo Chi couldn't help but cast his eyes in the direction where Aatrox was just now.

Over there, the rich smell of blood surged into the sky, and broken limbs were scattered all over the ground.

When an ordinary person faces this scene, he would probably vomit out all the food he had eaten in his previous life.

But when Zuo Chi looked over there, a bright light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Walking on the blood-red sand, Zuo Chi headed somewhere with a very clear purpose.

There, buried under the sand, a section of the blade was exposed to the air, flashing with cold light under the sunlight.

As if guided by the ascending power in his body, Zuo Chi saw the short sword almost at a glance.Coming closer, Zuo Chi brushed away the yellow sand buried above and held the dark golden dagger in his hand.


In an instant, Zuo Chi felt that the power of ascension in his body seemed to have some connection with the short sword.

"This is the weapon of the Ascended One!?"

Zuo Chi knew in his previous life that there were countless ancient relics buried in the vast desert of Shurima, as well as countless ancient tombs and crypts.

Some of these ancient tombs belong to the deceased Ascended Ones, and some belong to peripheral members of the royal family of the ancient Shurima Empire.

But without exception, there are always countless treasures buried in these ancient tombs.

This is also the main reason why even though the Shurima Desert is extremely dangerous, Mrs. Piltover still comes here to hunt for treasure!

If Zuo Chi guessed correctly, the short knife in his hand should have been obtained by these bandits from an ancient tomb of an ascended person.

Thank goodness it's only the weapon of the Ascended and not the fallen Darkin.
If they were dark descendants, I'm afraid it would be impossible for these bandits to get out of the ancient tomb. There would be one more dark descendant in the world who could escape from the weapons.

Turning the dagger in his hand, Zuo Chi couldn't help but a little light flashed in his eyes.

This time, his combat power was greatly improved in a short period of time.

Now, what Zuo Chi has to do is to leave this desolate desert as soon as possible.

However, looking at the endless desert around me and the sun hanging directly above my head, I just felt confused.

Having just traveled through time, Zuochi couldn't tell where he was in the Shurima Empire.

His feet suddenly stepped into the yellow sand, and Zuochi rose directly into the sky.

Temporarily suspended in the sky with the power of ascension, Zuo Chi cast his gaze in every direction around him.

Finally, Zuo Chi came to the conclusion:

He is located at the junction of the Shurima Empire and a dark purple scorched earth.

Not far to the east of him, it was no longer a desert, but a dark purple land!
Zuo Chi knew where it was almost without thinking.


The former tributary countries of the Shurima Empire, because they were dissatisfied with the rule of the Shurima Empire, chose to lead the Void in order to compete with the Ascended Legion!

But after the void came, countless void creatures instantly turned this land into a hell on earth.

The ancient Shurima Empire also paid an extremely painful price to suppress the Icathian Void.

Countless ascended ones died in the battle, and the seeds of the void were planted in the hearts of the few remaining ascended ones, laying the groundwork for the Darkin war hundreds of years later.

Now, even though thousands of years have passed, that land has still not been freed from the harm of the void.

Looking at the vast scorched earth, Zuo Chi hesitated.

To the north and west, there is an endless desert, winding for thousands of miles, and I don't know when I will be able to get out.

Going south is the southernmost part of the Shurima continent, and also the southernmost part of the entire Rune Land, the endless Sea of ​​Watchers.

At this time, Zuochi seems to have the only option to go east.
After all, although there may be void creatures there, there are still remaining villages.

If humans can be found, the possibility of getting out of Shurima is much greater.

After identifying the target, Zuo Chi did not hesitate and galloped directly in that direction.

(End of this chapter)

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