Runeterra: I really know a little bit about everything

Chapter 79 Ahri’s life experience!Wei Ningran!

Chapter 79 Ahri’s life experience!Qianwei Ningran!

Starting at the edge of the Omikayalan Forest, Zuochi and Ahri encounter many creatures they have never seen before.

In this magical deep forest, Vastayan people and natural creatures live in harmony.

This place is far away from the rest of the world, everything is so peaceful and peaceful, and even the war in Noxus has not spread here.

However, the arrival of Zuochi and Ahri seemed to break the peace of the forest, and many vastayas living in it looked at the two with wary faces.

Especially when seeing the human being Zuo Chi, the forest became completely chaotic.

Finally, after unilaterally crushing several vastayas, Zuochi and Ahri finally approached the center of the Omikayaran forest.

After arriving here, the two were surprised to find that although the forest was very lively, it was extremely quiet here.

The creatures in the forest seem to have consciously stayed away from here, and even if they accidentally get close, they will leave quickly.

"Tread! Tread! Tread!"

In the silent atmosphere, it seemed that the only sounds left in the entire world were the footsteps of Zuo Chi and Ah Li.

Suddenly, the Vasani Sunstone in Ahri's hand flew forward uncontrollably, and instantly disappeared into the darkness.

Zuo Chi and Ah Li's bodies were shaken, and they quickly raised their heads and looked forward.

It was also at this time that a dignified middle-aged man's voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

"You are here."

Along with this sound, slight footsteps began to sound in front of Zuo Chi and Ah Li.

Then, under the suspicious gazes of Zuo Chi and Ah Li, a giant fox with countless tails behind it slowly walked out of the shadows.


The moment the giant fox appeared, Zuo Chi's eyes suddenly moved, and a strong sense of disbelief appeared in his eyes.

Demi god!

Unlike the natural gods like Naga Kapoulos, the giant fox in front of him prefers to rely on his own strength to reach the demigod level like Kenan.

But no matter what, the giant beast in front of him possesses extremely terrifying power!

And just when Zuo Chi was shocked by the aura emanating from the giant fox in front of him, Ahri beside him suddenly froze.

Ah Li looked at the giant fox that was more than ten meters tall in front of her, and the throbbing in her heart reached its extreme at this moment.

Ah Li murmured softly:
"Who are you"

The Vasani Sunstone was suspended in front of the giant fox, and his bright yellow eyes were always looking at Ahri.

At this time, Zuo Chi also discovered that the color of his eyes was exactly the same as Ah Li!
"Thousand-tailed Ningran, the guardian of Omikayalan Forest."

The voice of the giant fox sounded slowly, and his words seemed to contain thousands of emotions.

"At the same time, he is also the person you are looking for."

Zuo Chi: "!!"

Qianwei Ningran Ningran
Only now did Zuo Chi finally understand who Ning Ran was in the reward prompt given by the system when he promised the system to fulfill Ahri's wish!
He is actually the demigod guardian of the Omikayalan Forest in front of him! ?

"Qianwei Ningran." Ahri whispered the name softly.

After a long time, Ahri slowly raised his head and looked at Qianwei Ningran, Ahri's voice was slightly trembling.

"Do you know my life experience?"

The dancing of Qianwei Ningran's tail behind him became a little chaotic. It was obvious that his heart was far from as calm as he appeared.

"Your mother comes from the Vasani tribe, which is a special race that exists on Fuguang Island. After the destruction of Fuguang Island, your mother became an orphan of the Vasani tribe."

Qianwei Ningran seemed to be caught in some kind of memory, and there was a trace of extremely heavy sadness in his eyes. "Later, your mother and I met in the jungles of southern Ionia, and we fell in love."

Ahri's body shook violently, and there was a little water in his eyes.

Not only Ahri, but also Zuo Chi had a look of surprise in his eyes.

He had long heard that the Vastayans were the descendants of some powerful magical creatures and humans in ancient times. Now it seemed that this legend was not wrong at all.

Ahri is a vastaya, and her father is obviously the giant fox in front of her who has the terrifying power of a demigod!

Chiao Ningran's story continued, and his voice became very dull:

"We loved each other for hundreds of years, until one day, your mother became pregnant."

"Another year passed, just when we all thought we would have our own child soon and live a happy life, a piece of bad news came to us across thousands of miles."

Qianwei Ningran said as he walked into the shadows. Zuochi and Ahri looked at each other and followed behind him.

At this time, Ah Li and Zuo Chi saw the tree stump in front of them that had just sprouted some new shoots.

"Emperor Liu was cut down by a warrior from the Freljord continent."

Qianwei said in a lonely tone: "As the guardian of Emperor Willow, I must return to the Omikayalan Forest. But that time was also an important moment when your mother was about to give birth!"

At this point, the power that erupted from Qianwei Ningran's body was completely agitated. Zuo Chi felt that his soul was about to be torn out by that terrifying force!

"Due to the huge difference in power between me and your mother, when you were born, your mother left forever due to the power of the riot.

That was the first time I hated my power! "

"At that moment, it was as if all the misfortunes had befallen me. My wife was gone, the Emperor Liu that I had protected for thousands of years was gone, and I even had to leave my newborn child!"

"Because I don't know the situation in Omikayalan Forest at that time, and I'm not sure how strong the person who cut down Emperor Willow is, so I can only entrust you to the Ice Fox Tribe in southern Ionia."

"And this twin gem and the Vasani Sun Stone are the last things your mother and I left to you."

Having said this, Qianwei Ningran's story came to an end, and at the same time, his huge eyes stared straight at Ahri.

"Son, although I am very incompetent, I am indeed your father."

Ahri looked at Qianwei Ningran in front of her, biting her lower lip tightly with her teeth. The intense mental shock made her breathing difficult.

"Why, why don't you go to me?"

Qianwei Ningran let out a long sigh and shifted her gaze to the current tree stump:

"As you can see, the Emperor Willow seedling has just begun to sprout, and it needs someone to protect it. Ivern went to the center of Ionia. The land after the war needs him, and Lilia needs to protect the Dream Tree. And the Emperor Willow seedling, only I can protect it."

After hearing Qianwei Ningran's explanation, Ahri felt as if her last bit of strength had been drained away.

She looked at the father in front of her, who was more than ten meters tall and possessed endless terrifying power, and she had too many complicated emotions in her heart.

"I want to see what you look like as a human."

"of course can!"

After Qianwei Ningran's words fell, his countless huge tails instantly wrapped his body. In the dazzling dark red light, his body quickly shrank and transformed into a human form.

A moment later, a middle-aged man wearing a dark red robe and a crown appeared in front of Zuo Chi and Ah Li.

"The Shizuo clan only needs nine tails to use their mental power to transform into their own form, but your father, I, have a thousand tails."

Just like any father who shows his strength to his daughter, Qianwei Ningran also hopes that Ahri can affirm him.

"My child, you have inherited my powerful soul power, but you still have no way to control it, so you may inadvertently hurt the people around you."

"Stay, I will teach you the techniques to master this power, and I will make it up to you with all I have."

(End of this chapter)

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