Conjurer?I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 104 The Extermination Order is launched! (34k)

Chapter 104 The Extermination Order is launched! (3.4k)

The orbit of the SPO [-] homeworld planet has been completely covered by countless Imperial Navy warships, and the basic strategic deployment has been completed.

Now, no matter which part of the planet you are on, as long as you raise your head, you will find that there is at least one fleet in the sky that is huge enough to cover the sky.

"Your Excellency Macanos, is it really irreversible?"

The screen in front of Isayama Nomei showed a middle-aged man who was about to cry. Although he was in an extremely luxurious room, his face was ashen.

"I still have 300 million Astra Militarum troops here, and 25 billion civilians are still alive."

The middle-aged man almost knelt down and spoke in a pleading tone.

Anyone facing this situation would go crazy with despair, because not only is he on a planet that is about to be subject to an extermination order, but he is the only one who knows that this planet has been judged to be on the opposite side of the empire.

All communications on Planet SPO [-] had been blocked as early as the arrival of the Tribunal's advance troops.

It was not easy to get a response from the empire, but it was to inform that the entire planet had been abandoned by the empire, and an extermination order was about to be imposed on the home world.

Even the authority to launch anti-aircraft weapons has been blocked by the experts of the Mechanicus, turning it into a pile of junk.

This is to prevent the remaining armies from mutiny. After all, in order to prevent the Chaos fleet from invading the home world, the world is generally equipped with quite complete anti-aircraft weapons. Even an attack by the Imperial Navy will suffer heavy losses.

"Governor Speyer, I am very sorry for what happened to you."

The middle-aged man in front of him is the planetary governor of the SPO No. [-] home world. Due to the blockade of the entire planet, even a senior official of the empire cannot leave the planet.

"This is a necessary sacrifice for the Emperor."

Even if there are tens of billions of innocent civilians on this planet, everyone's fate is already doomed when the extermination order is signed.

Moreover, the fact that these people are alive does not mean that they have not been infected with the plague, but that it has not broken out. Even if there are only a very small number of people infected with the plague among the 25 billion people who survive, they must be eliminated.

Isayama Nomei said he was helpless, and the extermination order was signed by a higher-level Tribunal executive.He would make this phone call just as a routine before the "Extermination Order" was launched, to inform the supreme ruler of the planet and to express his last care.

Moreover, the development of this planet to this point is closely related to the rule of the administrator.

The outbreak of the plague on this planet was due to the heresy of believing in the "Plague Lord". He held a taboo sacrificial ceremony in a large city with a population of hundreds of millions, thus gaining the attention of the evil god "Nurgle". This caused such an outbreak. Dire consequences.

60.00% of the five lives died during the first wave of the plague, and their corpses were even contaminated by the power of the Chaos God and turned into monsters that spread the plague. This was due to improper supervision by the planet's management.

The duty of the Heretic Tribunal is to execute heretics among humans, but the territory of the empire is unimaginably large. With just the few people in the Tribunal scattered throughout the galaxy, hundreds of galaxies may not be assigned to one Tribunal. official.

This universe is so desperate. From the moment Horus launched a rebellion and the seriously injured and dying Emperor sat on the Golden Throne, there was no hope for mankind.

All the Astartes, Inquisition, Astra Militarum, Imperial Navy, Sisters of Battle, Custodes and other armed forces are as desperate as the white blood cells in a terminally ill cancer patient, and all they do is delay as much as possible The longevity of an empire.

The extermination order is to use chemotherapy to kill all good cells, white blood cells, and cancer cells.

"Governor Speyer, do you have any other questions?"

After seeing him shake his head, Isayama Norimei said one last word and ended the call.

"Thank you for your continued contributions to the Empire."

Isayama Kenmei turned to look aside and saw Admiral Sherif Ismail, commander of the Baka fleet, who had arrived at the "Devil Hunter".

Elena on the side immediately took out two suitcases and placed them in front of the two of them.

This is to prevent warship captains from disobeying orders and being unwilling to carry out orders that are basically similar to "indiscriminate massacre".

Therefore, the switches and fuses of all battleship guns in all fleets, including the Baka fleet, are now gathered on these two suitcases.

There are a total of ninety warships, and Isayama Nomei and Admiral Sharif each have 45 warships.

"Admiral Sharif, you and I will do the ten-second countdown later."

Isayama Norimei opened the lid of the suitcase, and there was only the simplest socket inside. He inserted his inquisitor badge, a symbol of his identity, into it. With just a slight twist, he could decide the life or death of 25 billion people on this planet.

"Admiral Sharif?"

Isayama Norimei took off the Type I Inquisitor badge from his chest, only to find that the admiral was still distracted.

"Oh, sorry."

Sharif was slightly lost in thought while looking at the planet data on the screen in front of him. The blood-red areas were the modules of destruction and death. Only [-]% of the area on the planet was not covered in red, which was also the place with the most civilians.

So not only the main guns of his Dawn of Victory but also the main guns of Judge Markanos' "Demon Hunter" were aimed there.

Open fire will inevitably lead to death

This is an experience that Sharif has never had in his long military career. He also climbed to this position from a civilian. The purpose of joining the army is simple to protect his family and the country.

"Your Excellency Macanos, don't you have any hesitation?"

To this, Isayama Nomei just replied indifferently.

"This is all for the Emperor." He is just an ordinary judge. When the extermination order has taken effect, it is possible to prevent this tragedy unless the object of Isayama Kenmei's simulation is Guilliman, the Imperial Regent.

All Isayama Nomei can do is use the most powerful weapons to let these people go as peacefully and painlessly as possible.

This simulation was the scariest Isayama Norimei has ever simulated so far.

The empire is different from the cheerful orcs. There are only ruthless orders and suffocating despair.

A thin piece of paper can control billions or even tens of billions of lives. Ariman, a mentor as powerful as Isayama Nomei, cannot resist fate. The hometown of the Thousand Sons Legion is equivalent to an "extermination order" Order total destruction.

He even had a question, did the empire really belong to the righteous side?

Do other races in the galaxy view the Emperor and his imperial forces as beings similar to the Four Gods of Chaos?

"For the Emperor..."

It's really in line with the Inquisition's answer.
Admiral Sharif sighed, took out the badge symbolizing the supreme commander of the Imperial Navy's Baka Fleet, and opened the suitcase in front of him.

When Isayama Nomei and he opened the top safety cover at the same time, the sharp bow of all battleships in the world surrounding SPO [-] opened like a sharp blade, revealing the main gun inside, as well as the missile nest and light spear. The cover was also opened, revealing the terrifying warhead inside.

"Three, two, one."

Isayama Nomei and Sharif held the symbols of their respective identities in their hands and turned the switch in front of them together.

After only hearing the crisp and sweet sound of the slight trigger being pulled inside the suitcase, the next second the sky above the SPO [-] planet began to boil like boiling water.

Basically all the 25 billion civilians didn't know what was happening, but they suddenly discovered that there were many more warships in the sky that blocked the sun, and then the entire sky lit up.

"Mom, I'm afraid."

A mother hugged her frightened child tightly and said softly

"Don't be afraid child, the Emperor will protect us."

Only Speyer, the governor of Planet SPO II, walked out of the administrative hall and knew that the extermination order had been launched when he looked at the sky lit by fire above.

He fell to his knees and prostrated on the ground, tears streaming down his eyes as if to thank the Emperor for his mercy.

"Praise to the Emperor."

A total of 110 imperial warships poured out all their firepower, what a scene it was.

Even the darkest night is as bright as day, and the entire sky is torn to pieces!
All the clouds and dark clouds containing plague toxins were scattered by countless artillery fire and light beams from the universe.

Countless bullets rained up from the universe, and the barrage rushed to the ground like a heavy rain falling from the sky.

Macrocannons as tall as buildings, their leading laser cannons slowly raised their barrels and roared, countless terrifying rail guns, and light spears continuously sprayed out curtains of death,

Not only that, but thousands of destructive warheads spurted out from these missile nests, with long tail smoke flickering straight towards the ground.

Countless artillery fire rushed towards this beautiful home world, and all the clouds and dark clouds below were torn apart by the dense ammunition, which made the sky of the entire SPO No. [-] home world extremely clear.

This allowed the Imperial Navy fleet and the Black Ship fleet hovering in the orbit of the planet, and all the naval soldiers, logistics, officers, and inquisitors to see countless terrifying mushroom clouds rising from the surface of the entire planet.

The most devastating thing is that because of the programmed procedure, their warships are still firing continuously at this moment, continuing to bring destruction to every inch of land here.

Such saturation bombing has basically determined that there are no living creatures on the surface. Only civilians hiding in underground air raid shelters may still survive.

It is a pity that the extermination order was launched this time, not only the life was eliminated, but also the planet that seemed to be burning now.

After suspending the order for all fleets to cease firing, an order to retreat was given.

When all the imperial warships had withdrawn to a safe position, Isayama Norimei opened a special missile launch chamber of the "Demon Hunter", which was the forbidden weapon he had previously transferred from the closed weapons depot.

When Admiral Sharif saw the style of the warhead, his voice trembled when he spoke.

"Cyclone torpedo?"

The only ones in the Empire who can order the use of cyclone torpedoes for extermination are only the Inquisition and a few Chapter Masters of the Astartes. Even the Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy, who is higher than Sharif, has no right to use this crazy weapon.

All it takes is one cyclone torpedo to burn the planet's entire atmosphere into a vacuum. The terrifying high temperatures will completely evaporate the ocean, leaving only a bare barren bedrock.

But don’t think that’s the end of it. The explosive power of a cyclone torpedo is usually enough to break the crust of a planet and destabilize its core. In some cases, the planet will directly turn into fragments, which means that this is a real "star-destroying weapon."

Isayama Nomei faced this devastated world and pulled the trigger.

Although they were only two missiles that were insignificant in size compared to the planet, as soon as they touched the surface of the planet, the planet was completely covered in flames that were far more terrifying than all the previous artillery fire.

It literally turned into a burning fireball, like a star. Even though the imperial warship almost retreated to the edge of the galaxy, the scorching flames still illuminated their faces.

When the temperature rises to the extreme, a clear crack appears on the surface of the planet, and eventually more and more cracks basically cover the entire planet.
"The execution of SPO World No. [-] is completed."

The Order of Extermination was the Emperor's merciless wrath against heretics.

 A total of [-] words were updated today. I feel ashamed that this old book has not been updated for a long time.
(End of this chapter)

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