Conjurer?I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 179 What is correct?

Chapter 179 What is correct?
Outside the alley is a street with people coming and going, but the inside and outside seem to have been separated into two worlds, and no one cares about them.

Even if someone glanced at her inadvertently, they would leave in a hurry for fear of getting into trouble.

Because at this moment, there were two men with fierce looks in the dark alley, each leaning against the wall and smoking, and the atmosphere was very serious.


The crisp sound of the lighter cap sounded.

A firelight lit up in the alley, illuminating the faces of the two men.

"Shi'er, have you had a bad brain recently?"

The tall, thin man with short black hair on the left is wearing a gray suit and is also a very attractive middle-aged uncle.

It seems that he is very familiar with Fuhei, and he even dared to directly call the famous man in the world of magic, "Heaven and Tyrant" by his name, and even dared to ask him if his brain was broken.

Because his name is Kong Shiyu.

In a sense, Fuheishier depends on him for his livelihood.

His responsibilities are similar to that of Fuhe Shi'er's agent. This is the person that the magician killer usually contacts when he wants to take orders.

So the two of them are very familiar with each other.

Originally, Kong Shiyu was acting as an intermediary in line with the principle of being responsible to the client, and came to see how well Fuheishi'er had completed the task.

But who would have thought to know this kind of news.

There was a trace of helplessness on Kong Shiyu's solemn face. He took a strong puff of the cigarette at his mouth and then slowly blew out a few smoke rings.

Throw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamp it out.

"It's not like you at all to make such a joke."

He looked at Fuheishier in front of him and said in a strange tone
"I'm going to stop after finishing this order."

"There's nothing you can do about it, people will always change."

When the person in front of him said that he had a brain problem, Fuhei was not dissatisfied at all. He just spread his hands to the side, showing a helpless look.

"I'm tired of this business."

Since the black-hearted boss no longer squeezed Fuheishier, he had some savings.

Having money = no need to take orders = retirement.

But this is only part of the reason.


Kong Shiyu raised his head and looked at Fuhei Shi'er, but the other party did not answer and just motioned Kong Shiyu to look at the corner, that is, near the entrance of the alley.


When he saw the two small heads in the corner retracting as fast as lightning due to Fuheisher's turning of his head, apparently eavesdropping, Kong Shiyu immediately understood the reason why Fuheisher washed his hands in the golden basin.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Fuheishier found it very funny when he saw his old friend's mouth widening and his shocked look, so he patted him on the shoulder.

"What's your expression?"

"Scared by you."

Kong Shiyu recovered from the brief shock and gave Fuhei Shi'er a blank look.

Then he lifted the tie around his throat and loosened it.

Kong Shiyu was breathing smoothly, and he knew why a child's voice would appear inexplicably when he called Fuhe Shier.

And since it was daytime just now, it stands to reason that Kong Shiyu should have gone to the racecourse early to ambush Heisher, an old gambling dog.

That's what Kong Shiyu did. He didn't call Fuheishier until he arrived at the parking lot of the racecourse.

But in the end, the bastard Fuhei Shi'er suddenly told him that he wasn't there, and actually missed him.Tell Kong Shiyu to wait in an alley 100 meters away from such-and-such road and call again when he arrives.

If Kong Shiyu remembered correctly, he had just glanced at a family restaurant, which was only 100 meters away in a straight line.

When all the clues come together, even the impossible becomes reality.

Then Kong Shiyu stopped questioning Fuheisher and chuckled. He shrugged his shoulders with a relieved smile on his face.

Good guy, it turns out that he has found the missing part of his humanity.

"Really, I see."

It seems that Kong Shiyu and Fushihei Shiji will never meet again after this deal. This is normal. He has been in the industry for almost 30 years and has killed more than a dozen killers as an agent.

“It’s hard to make money and hard to eat shit.”

Especially since this business is all about tying one's head to the belt, it is a good thing for Fuhei Shi'er, who has many enemies, to be able to land safely as soon as possible.

"I advise you to take action early, otherwise other colleagues will kill the mission target first.

Before Kong Shiyu crossed Fuhei Shi'er and left the alley, he did not forget to give him a warning.

“I can’t get the final balance.”

At the last sentence, Kong Shiyu turned to look at Fuheishier and smiled at him.

"Isn't it time for you to save more money?"

"Daddy Killer."

When he heard the ridicule in Kong Shiyu's tone, Fuheisher laughed to himself.

"Thank you for your trouble."

"No way."

Although money and silk are attractive to people, if the garbage outside can complete the task, it will not be possible for them to give them another 100 years.

After all, that was Fuhe Shi'er's boss, the man who completely liberated him from the paradox of the Zen Yuan family.

What kind of shit are the Zenyuan family? Fuheishi'er has found thighs that are thicker than them.

The futures of Hui and Tsumeki can be controlled by themselves.


When Kong Shiyu walked out of the alley, he immediately saw a boy standing guard in front of another little girl, and immediately thought of the child born to Fuhe Shier's ex-wife.

"It's Shi'er's brat. He looks like this stinky fart."

He smiled and shook his head, glanced away, then got into the car and left without looking back.

"What are you doing out here? Didn't I order two more set meals? What if the waiter took them away while you were gone?"

"Who knows, you bastard dad, if you suddenly go out, you might want to disappear again."

Kong Shiyu looked in the rearview mirror of the car and saw the angry Fushihei Shi'er bending down and scolding the two brats in his family, while the excited Hui refused to be outdone and talked back, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"It's really a family."

On the other side, the huge master suite was in full swing.

"No! Get this damn thing out of the way."

Baynell, the strongest fighting force of the Curse Master Group Q, was screaming in agony.


Because there was a cursed spirit with a weird shape that could easily cause physical discomfort to people. After eating Bynell, his whole body was surrounded by various cold and slippery feelings. Only one head was exposed. The problem was that it was disgusting. The damn thing kept licking his face.

Xia Youjie, who was sitting on the sofa, turned a deaf ear and continued to drink black tea elegantly, as if comparing the screams to the soundtrack of tea.

"Jay, don't make him an idiot."

Isayama Nomei is not a garbage collector, he wants all kinds of crooked melons and cracked dates.Idiot making is certainly not needed.

"I'll have to absorb it later."

Isayama Nomei, who was applying ice to Gojo Satoru, reminded him
"it is good."

When Xia Youjie heard Xian Ming's words, he subconsciously agreed.

But when he reacted, it felt a little strange. Xia Youjie always felt inexplicably familiar when he heard this sentence. He thought for a moment that this was not something he often said to Wu.

If Xia Youjie’s is [Spell Manipulation Technique], then Isayama Nomei’s is [Spell Manipulation Technique].As long as he is absorbed by Isayama Kenmei, both the curse master and the conjurer will be used by him.

[He can directly absorb people with lower spell power than Isayama Kenmei. 】

Isayama Normei simply plagiarized Xia Youjie’s rules

Xia Youjie replied
"I see."

This technique actually sounds quite evil, so Isayama Nomei also asked the two of them not to tell anyone about it.

Otherwise, all the conjurers will know overnight that the "Public Enemy of Conjurers" has been born, and they will not be able to sleep at night from now on.

The righteous Xia Youjie is not absolute, and will always give the green light to the occasional few people who violate his principles.

"It hurts"

There was a very clear red mark on Gojo Satoru's face, and half of his face was red. It was hard to believe that it was caused by being slapped by a little girl.

Looking at his miserable appearance, Isayama Nomei felt a little funny.

It can only be said that it is indeed different to be selected as an astral body. There is no one else who can break through the unlimited spell and directly act on Gojo Satoru without even using the magic power.

"It's not because you don't look like a good person."

In the day, Riko sat on the sofa opposite. She put down the bread in her hand and snorted coldly.

"It's normal to get beaten when you suddenly appear in front of me."

After Isayama Kenmei's explanation, Tenuchi Riko also understood that the people in front of her, except the handsome boy she saw first when she opened her eyes, had his guarantee.

In the day, Riko managed to count the other two who looked a bit cold and had weird hair among the good guys.

But to be honest, she still felt that the two men in black didn't look like good people.

One has dyed white hair and looks like a will-o'-the-wisp boy, and the other has a smile with a face like a liar and strange bangs on his forehead. He is a very suspicious and sneaky person.

"However, I am still very grateful to you for saving me."

Uchiro Riko said to the people in front of her, and she glared at Gojo Satoru.

"Otherwise, the fact that you scared me would be enough to kill you with a thousand knives."

"What? This stinky woman."

Gojo Satoru was already angry when he was slapped for no reason, but when Riko Tenuchi said this, he was even more angry. When had the young master of the Gojo family ever suffered such injustice?

That is to say, Xia Youjie and Isayama Norimei were holding him down together, which prevented him from doing anything extraordinary.

"Be lucky. I am Lord Tianyuan."

"I don't know how many people have never seen Lord Tianyuan. I can let you see in advance what Lord Tianyuan will look like in the future."

"No, we have met Lord Tianyuan."

"Like you, she is a very troubled woman with a very bad character."

Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru both saw Isayama Nomei's luck before they saw Tian Yuan who had no end to the dragon.

The two of them finally figured out that the reason why this guy could be regarded as an astral body might be because of his similar personality.


"To be so arrogant to Master Tianyuan."

When Riko heard Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru arrange Tianyuan like this, she said angrily as if she herself had been insulted.

"A mere mortal actually wants to question the gods."

After working so hard to get her out of the hands of the Curse Master, it was simply unreasonable to treat them like this.

Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru looked at each other, a golden light flashed in their eyes, and they were about to start offending.

"Xian Ming, let's lift him up one foot at a time."

After a while, Tenuchi Riko's loud screams came from the room.

"No! My waist is going to break."

Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru, who had a tacit understanding, grabbed Riko's arms and thighs respectively, pulling them wildly towards the left and right ends, as if they were trying to twist them into twists.

"Don't!!! You dare to treat your concubine like this, you are disrespectful!!!"


Riko shouted loudly while asking for help from another "fun man" Isayama Nomei who looked like he was watching a show.

But Isayama Nomei calmly drank the black tea and looked very relaxed.When he started to be busy, he just watched everything indifferently.

Until there was a knock on the door of the room, and then the guard outside opened the door and sent a person in.


When the door opened, I saw not far away, a woman riding what looked like a calf, staggering towards the three of them, her face full of worry.
It wasn't until she saw the lively Riko Tenuchi that the woman could relax.

"That's great, Miss. It's okay."

When the three people in the room noticed this person, Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru released their hands holding Tenuchi Riko.

"Crack" sound

Riko fell directly to the ground.There was a "bitter as the west" expression on his face.

She fell to the ground.The first thing I saw when I saw my maid was happiness.


Then he saw the maid coming in sitting on a calf, which felt strange.

What is this?
"This is."

Misato Kuroi pointed at Xia Youjie and said
"That strange technique of Mr. Liu Hai."

"Can I trouble you and stop calling me like that?"

Xia Youjie's smile is a bit unbearable

Gojo Satoru, who had a mean look on his face, even poked him with his elbow.

"Blame the bangs..."

"But this is just a child."

Xia Youjie looked at Tenuchi Riko stroking his head with an excited expression and whispered to himself.

"And such a little girl actually wants to be the object of sacrifice."

As a tool to extend the life of monsters who have lived for who knows how many years.

Xia Youjie's righteousness of "the right time" is vaguely wavering.

Everyone knows that it basically doesn't take long.The person in front of you will become the carrier of another existence with noble status.

And when the assimilation begins, the three of them will become the executioners who personally execute Tianyuan.

"Is this really the right thing to do?"

"Who knows."

Gojo Satoru's view of good and evil originally followed Xia Youjie, but now he also has Isayama Nomei.

He glanced at the screen saver of a popular female star on his phone and said nonchalantly
"Let's talk later."

Although Isayama Nomei already has the optimal solution in his mind, it is so shocking that it is useless to say it now. He should do it when the ceremony begins.


Isayama Nomei suddenly saw Riko Tenuchi looking very happy and a little confused.
"What's wrong with this guy?"

"I'm going to school!"

Riko Tenten said expectantly

"With the three of them protecting me, I should be able to go to school."

(End of this chapter)

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