Conjurer?I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 191 Invite the ancestors to die!

Chapter 191 Invite the ancestors to die!

The [Dirac Sea] frozen by Isayama Kenmei was filled with cracks due to the sudden earthquake. A group of scarlet light lit up in the deepest part rose at an extremely fast speed, and spread out like a bright sunset. The red light rushed out of the surface along the cracks!

Even the [Dirac Sea] with nearly infinite mass was knocked out of a huge hole by the fast-moving red light ball. After the light ball emerged from the water, its speed did not decrease and it flew straight into the sky. When it reached the highest point of the [Field] The layer just stopped.

The crimson light group there was shining with dazzling light like the rising sun, and a human figure could be vaguely seen in it.

"It's actually Satoru."

Xia Youjie blocked the red light with his arm and could barely see clearly. How could he admit that his friend was wrong.

"But what's going on? This spell."

Xia Youjie frowned
Even if you don't observe this dazzling red light with your naked eyes, you can still see it very clearly with the help of magic power, but the reaction result will be even more shocking and terrifying.

A mass of mass collapses to the extreme, capable of swallowing up any extremely deep black hole.

This is the result of Xia Youjie using the power of magic to perceive Gojou Satori. The Wujou Satori in peacetime is simply two earth-shaking changes.

"It seems to be radiant, but it has the malicious intent to swallow up the world."

The power of the spell will adapt to the inner changes of the caster and produce corresponding changes.

So just by looking at the manifestation of Gojo Gosu's unexpected release of spell power, it can be seen that normally that guy would never unleash his spell power so wantonly.

Different people see different pictures.

What Xia Youjie saw was a black hole, and what Isayama Norimei saw in Gojo Satoru was a red Higan flower that was blooming very strangely. It was obviously a flower but it had incredible impact.

This is why Isayama Norimei sensitively sensed that something was wrong with Satoru's mental state.

No matter how you look at that thing, it doesn't match Gojo Satoru.

When Isayama Nomei came just now, he only had time to save Xia Youjie, but he didn't see Satoru.

He was probably hidden by Wu Tiao Xinyan through some means.

The fact is that there is no way out as Isayama Nomei expected. Wu Bajiu stayed silent under the sea level. After all, there is no area to hide elsewhere.

Then Gojo Satoru was blown up by a deep-sea torpedo from Isayama Nomei.

Gojo Satoru, who woke up from the fried fish, was in a really bad mental state from all aspects!
There is no way he was blown away by a torpedo from Isayama Nomei.

In Isayama Norimei's view, the current Gojo Satoru no longer looks like a student. He is clearly one of those idiots who went astray and took large doses of food for stimulation, and finally hig (h).

Gojo Satoru was so excited.

In Isayama Norimei's opinion, laughing without meaning is no different from losing his mind.

But just now [Crow Tengu] was knocked out, and Gojo Shinyan, who was in a very embarrassed state, originally wanted to use his own spells to have another round of head-to-head confrontation with Isayama Nomei.

But there still needs to be a certain amount of time before it can be activated, so Wutiao Xinyan was ready to come up with something else.

But after sensing the unabashed malice towards him from the deepest part of the [Dirac Sea], Gojo Satoru.

He instantly lost interest in Isayama Nomei and stopped taking action against him. The focus of his actions had changed.

The former's battle with Isayama Nomei is just a sideshow, while the latter is the main course.

Gojo Satoru was able to escape from the deepest [Infinite Sea], indicating that he had passed the first test set for him by Gojo Xinyan.

Gojo Xinyan looked at Gojo Satoru in the sky with interest, and had no intention of taking action again.

Therefore, this troublemaker, Gojo Satoru, who grabbed everyone's attention with his powerful posture, actually subtly put a temporary pause on the battle just now.

The crimson light gradually dissipated, allowing everyone to see clearly what Gojo Satoru looked like at this moment.


Gojo Satoru, who was smiling so exaggeratedly, was lying flat and floating in the air in an extremely coquettish posture.

It makes people want to beat him up just looking at him.

The glasses that the Gojo family had specially customized for Gojo Satoru that had been hanging on the bridge of his nose were also missing at this moment, and his expression was very arrogant.

But this guy's clothes are really a bit unflattering, and he is so embarrassed that it is completely different from his current temperament.

The clothes on Gojo Satoru's body were so damaged that they were no different from the beggar's clothes. There was blood spilling from the previous wounds on his body. It was now oxidized, and half of the white shirt he was wearing underneath was dyed dark red.

There were several very obvious penetrating wounds on his body, and even the white hair on Gojo Satoru's hair was stained with large mottled blood.

Nowhere in the whole person looks good. One can imagine how cruelly tortured Gojo Satoru was.

Even Isayama Norimei thought that Gojo Satoru had just been severely educated by "1000 minus 7" when he saw his appearance.

"Satoru, do you want some medicine?"

It's a healing medicine. Maybe Gojo Satoru still has a bleeding wound on his body.

Moreover, Isayama Nomei planned to try it first to see if the current Gojo Satoru could still communicate normally.

When he heard Isayama Nomei's words, Gojo Satoru's wanton laughter stopped.

"Oh~ Xian Ming."

Gojo Satoru slowly turned over in the air, lying on his side and looking at Isayama Nomei.

"Yo, long time no see."

The smile on Gojo Satoru's face did not diminish, and he answered while saying hello.

"I'm back from the depths of hell."

"Also, don't worry about me."

"I have healed all the wounds all over my body."

"Reverse spell."

The answer in Xia Youjie's mind immediately blurted out.
The only thing that can repair itself is the reversal technique.

"Bingo, that's the right answer."

Gojo Satoru chuckled and said proudly.

"I can still be alive and kicking."

When Gojo Satoru said this, he also showed Isayama Nomei and Xia Youjie a hideous wound on his body that had not been repaired and was bleeding.

In the gaze of the two of them, Gojo Satoru activated the reversal technique, and the hideous wounds suddenly began to twist and come together.

The next second, it immediately recovered like a super-speed regeneration.

"How about it, it's awesome."

Gojo Satoru was quite proud.

"I really almost died just now."

Gojo Satoru's injury just now was indeed very serious, and Gojo Xinyan was basically heading in the direction of killing him.

After all, if you don't see death, how can you understand the true meaning of life.

"While I was dying, I focused all my energy on reversing the technique."

"Spell power is negative energy!"

"It can strengthen the body, but it cannot bring recovery to the body."

"But as long as negative energy is superimposed, negative energy becomes positive and positive energy is formed."

"This is the reversal technique."

No one asked Gojo Satoru what the reversal technique was. He kept talking about his experience to his friends present, looking very excited.

"It's easy to say, but I really haven't succeeded once."

Gojo Satoru opened his arms, but his eyes were not looking at them, but looking at the ceiling of the [Field] above.

His expression was even crazier than before, and all he said was complaints and complaints.

"Made, the only whistle that can use the reversal technique doesn't know how to teach people at all. It only talks about Ababa Ababa over there."

"Hey, take care of this brat."

Listening to the endless chatter from Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro couldn't help it.

"It's long-winded."

He bumped Xia Youjie with his arm and told him to take care of this guy. "Come on up."

"I've heard that people who are emotional tend to be stupid."

Indeed, Satoru appeared to be too excited.This is the first time Xia Youjie has seen him look like this.

"Xian Ming, can you help Wu get a protective shield?"

After all, Gojo Satoru is a person who has just recovered from a serious illness, so it is better to rest early and not undergo strenuous exercise.

"Well, yes it is possible"

Isayama Nomei nodded, agreeing to Xia Youjie's request.

But Isayama Nomei feels that Satoru is unlikely to agree.

That guy was in high spirits, how could he retreat obediently as Xia Youjie wished?

"Jay, I'm not injured at all. I'm in the best condition."

As expected, Gojo Satoru said dissatisfiedly

"Hey, Xian Ming."

The smile on Gojo Satoru's face faded and turned into murderous intent.

The blue eyes of the sky looked at Isayama Nomei without emotion.
"Were you fighting with him just now?"

Gojo Satoru made a fist with his right hand and raised his thumb, pointing at Gojo Xinyan below, his tone was very cold.

Isayama Nomei nodded, although he didn't know that it could be considered a battle.

Fighting is not just a manifestation of one aspect, but a combination of many aspects.

Maybe in terms of mental strength, Isayama Nomei is slightly inferior to Gojo Shinen.

After all, Gojo Xinyan used [unlimited techniques] and could still be regarded as the strongest person of that era.His mental strength was already far ahead.

But in terms of destructive power, Isayama Nomei feels that he is much more powerful than Gojo Shinyan.

Because the scene just shown clearly showed that only five Shinyans were being beaten, and the [Crow Tengu] who wanted to resurrect was directly destroyed by Isayama Nomei before it was fully summoned.

It's just a pity that his good friend Gojo Satoru didn't see it.

Fortunately, Gojo Satoru, who was awakened by the fried fish, awakened at the alternation of life and death and reversed the technique.

It’s also gratifying

After all, after Gojo Satoru mastered the reversal of the technique, he could run the [Unlimited Technique] more smoothly due to the perfection of the technique.

The whole person couldn't be better.

At this moment, Gojo Satoru even felt like he was about to fly. No matter his words or deeds, he showed his confidence at all times.

Especially the tone Gojo Satoru spoke in was particularly frivolous now, as if the people below him were already defeated by him.

"How about leaving him to me?"

Wutiao Xinyan didn't feel angry when he heard that he was being exchanged among the three of them like a commodity.

"No, Satoru."

Isayama Nomei hadn't spoken yet, but Xia Youjie couldn't hold it any longer.

He frowned and said.

"Satoru, just because you learned the reversal technique doesn't mean you'll be fine now."

But Xia Youjie's earnest words could not satisfy others after all.

Gojo Satoru, he only wants revenge.

"Stay out of my way, Jay."

Gojo Satoru glared fiercely at Xia Youjie, who tried to dissuade him from stopping.

"I know my own body."


After being refuted, Xia Youjie still wanted to open his mouth and say something.

"Okay, I know."

"What, even Xian Ming."

Isayama Nomei motioned to Xia Youjie to relax, he did have the confidence.

Jay, how come this guy is as protective as Gojo Satoru's male mother?

"Satoru, I give up my opponent to you."

Seeing that he was so persistent, Isayama Kenmei ignored Xia Youjie's objections and directly gave up his opponent to Gojo Satoru.

"But if you were seriously injured, I would intervene immediately."


Gojo no Kai laughed, and immediately activated the [Unlimited Technique] to dive straight down.

"Xian Ming, I knew you were the best."

And when he saw his descendants, he couldn't wait to kill him.

Gojo Xinyan looked at Gojo Satoru in front of him, but showed a smile of relief.

Gojo Satoru floated in the air and said to Gojo Xinyan
"Thank you, you made me understand what the core of the spell is."

The reversal of the technique is indeed true in a certain sense. Endless life is the law for all things to comply with destiny.

"The love of my ancestors has been deeply felt by me."

"Satoru, you still have a lot to learn. I'm just a passerby in your life."

Wutiao Xinyan chuckled and said slowly.

"And this is all your own fault for putting yourself to death and surviving."

"No, no, no, I am a person who repays kindness."

Gojo Satoru shook his head and said with a ferocious expression.

"So to repay you."

As soon as he finished speaking, an invisible force instantly erupted with Gojo Satoru as the center.

It produced an astonishing impact.

Gojo Satoru has blue magic power in his left hand and red magic power in his right hand.

The corresponding side is the reversal of the art [Cang], and the other side is the reversal of the art [Haku] formed by Gojo Satoru.

One side is the gravitational force caused by universal gravitation, and the other side is the black hole caused by mass collapse.

It was difficult for Gojo Satoru to use [Haku] because he did not master the technique reversal.

Both of these are techniques that can destroy several tall buildings and have full destructive power.

But Gojo Satoru didn't simply want to throw the two formed techniques together, but wanted to combine them.

Synthesize a brand new spell!

When [Cang] and [He] merge

At this moment, all the objects around him seemed to have lost their meaning beside Gojo Satoru.

Everything around him, including the [Dirac Sea] in the distance, was constantly distorted, caught in the collision between positive infinity and negative infinity, and began to tear apart.

A super-concentrated beam that was far hotter and 1 times brighter than all the red light just now, gathered quite terrifying destructive power.

"Please ancestors die!"

At this moment, it is blooming in the hands of Gojo Satoru, and his eyes are extremely cold as he looks at Gojo Xinyan opposite.


(End of this chapter)

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