Conjurer?I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 274 Contempt for those who are not magicians, they are all monkeys

Chapter 274 Contempt for those who are not magicians, they are all monkeys

"Don't be impulsive. Impulsiveness is the devil."

Isayama Nomei asked Xia Youjie to hold on still and wait for him to come. If something happens, just stay the same and don't let the mistakes continue to be made.

If you have anything to say, it's best to tell him face to face.

It's absolutely impossible to explain clearly on the phone.

What a fool to worry about.

"I can help you take care of anything. Don't forget that we are friends."

Isayama Nomei shook his head and finally confirmed to Xia Youjie on the other end of the phone.

"Gunma County, right?"

"I'll be right away."

Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru are now on separate missions. After all, according to the mobility of the two of them, one can basically support more than a dozen first-level magicians.

Isayama Ken's plan to meditate and rest for a while must have been temporarily scrapped. As soon as he hung up the phone with Xia Youjie, he immediately dialed the number of his personal guard.

Although that bastard Xia Youjie didn't say what mistake he had made on the phone, he still asked him what the meaning of a magician was?

It's probably not a small matter.

Even Isayama Nomei could hear something wrong in the pineapple head's tone.

Xia Youjie committed a crime, and it was a bit big.

In this way, it seems that the Kamo family needs to come forward to guarantee that this incident can be reduced from a major incident to a trivial matter.

"Hey, Senjumaru?"

Isayama Nomei thinks it would be better to take Senjumaru with her, after all, she is very capable.

"I have a mission to bring a few people with me."

When Xia Youjie got into trouble, he was the first person he thought of, but Isayama Nomei was unexpected.

Isayama Nomei always thought that Xia Youjie would play better with Gojo Satoru.

Compared to his relationship with Xia Youjie, Gojo Satoru should be his first contact person.

However, Xia Youjie only contacted Isayama Nomei, but did not contact Gojo Satoru.

about this point.

It's just that Isayama Nomei didn't realize it. He had a passive that he had already activated when Isayama Nomei and Xia Youjie first met, and it could have the effect of making people obey his words to a certain extent.

Otherwise, how could Isayama Nomei be able to say one word to make Xia Youjie willingly spend 10 yen to buy a dying curse spirit.

How much does a night's patrol cost? So luxurious?

When Xia Youjie is confused now, the first person he thinks of is Isayama Nomei, not Gojo Satoru.

Xia Youjie even thought that if he told Gojo Satoru about his matter, it would be better not to tell him.

With Gojo Satoru's current prickly personality, he is hardly someone to talk to. I'm afraid that guy will only be a disservice.

Maybe it would move Xia Youjie, and the two of them would kill all those ordinary people and go dark together.

That is to say, Xia Youjie believes that Isayama Nomei is more reliable and more reliable than Gojo Satoru.

Inseparable from Isayama Ken's meditation, Xia Youjie's brain got hot due to some factors, and he really made an irreparable mistake.

This incident happened just ten minutes ago.

"Ha ha ha ha."

When looking at the scene of defenseless humans being crazily eaten by the cursed spirits, Xia Youjie, who personally issued the order, was the only emotion that came to his mind.

"It's great, it's really great."

It was like removing the giant shackles that had weighed hundreds of kilograms for a long time. After being removed, the whole person felt much more relaxed.

"It turns out that killing monkeys is such a fun thing."

As long as there is no moral restraint, Xia Youjie cannot be kidnapped. He finally realizes how happy this is.

What weak person cannot be killed? Those who don't know whether to live or die and offend the dignity of the strong deserve to die.

Xia Youjie has already committed crimes that would make him go from being a respected magician to being imprisoned and even being put on a wanted order.

That is to attack innocent ordinary people.

It is an absolute ban for magicians!

Once violated, it will be regarded as an act of betrayal of the association, and then the person will change from a curser to a curser.

Xia Youjie would burn his bright future into flames, not just on a whim.

There is never a sudden betrayal, only a constant accumulation of disappointment.

Xia Youjie also didn't understand that when he learned the spell, he thought that the spell existed to protect non-sorcerers.

But as he grew older and more experienced, his previous understanding of the value of non-warlocks had been completely shaken.

The respectability of the weak and the ugliness of the weak, especially the great harm the latter brought to his heart, made Xia Youjie somewhat unable to distinguish and accept them.

However, Xia Youjie has always been a person who likes to get into trouble.

Too serious and too stressful,

Xia Youjie never fails to exert intensity on himself, making his nerves always tense like a compressed spring.

When Isayama Nomei and Xia Youjie first met, his mental state was already in a very bad state.

After all, Isayama Norimei was thinking of going for a late-night snack, and the cursed spirit that he accidentally encountered that was attacking humans was easily dealt with, while Xia Youjie was forced to patrol the streets at that time.

First of all, it can be shown that Xia Youjie has always been a very hard-working man, with high intensity and high demands, and he treats himself strictly.

If you are not a saint, how can you act like a saint and not have any negative emotions?

Xia Youjie would also complain that he was tired and even jealous.

"Xianming and Wu are both geniuses."

Isayama Nomei's foundation from the beginning was not as good as those of the first-year students, but this guy's strength has grown to such a terrifying level.

Xia Youjie can’t even seem to see Isayama Nomei’s back

"Xian Ming is already invincible."

"Satoru is invincible."

In the previous situation where Isayama Nomei was missing, Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru tried their best to find Isayama Nomei.

Gojo Satoru benefited a lot from the battle with his ancestor. After all, that guy had the same output compared to him.

You can get some inspiration from the use of the ancestors' power, and you have made a considerable leap in developing your own field.

Not only has he made rapid progress in the field, but his perception of [Unlimited Techniques] has also improved by more than one level.

Xia Youjie has these two invincible friends, which is also a heavy pressure for him.

Friends should be equals

It is impossible to distinguish between top and bottom.

But how could Xia Youjie put himself on the same level as his two good friends due to the inequality of strength.

Xia Youjie always thought it was due to his lack of effort, so he worked harder to perform more tasks.

After all, for him, performing tasks is the most convenient way to improve his strength.

Only when there is a mission can there be a curse spirit, and if there is a curse spirit, the strength of Xia Youjie's [curse spirit manipulation] can be enhanced. This is a perfect closed loop. But if Xia Youjie did this, he would have to fall into another vicious cycle.

If you work too much, you will really want to eat people. After all, how can you not be crazy at work?

There are a lot of magic incidents in Neon, but it is very difficult to train a magician.

This resulted in very few people working, and Xia Youjie even took the initiative to ask to work overtime.

Naturally, for the Spellcasters Association, it was like sleeping on the pillow, and Xia Youjie's utilization value must be squeezed to the limit.

Xia Youjie forced himself to work overtime, which made Qihai confused. Why is this senior working so hard?

Working overtime is life-threatening.

"The growth of a spellcaster is inseparable from sacrifice and dedication, but the rewards are only maintained by money."

For Xia Youjie, who had just grown up, the sacrifices truly outweighed the rewards.

In addition, the powerful power controlled by the conjurer, but the people being saved are not very grateful. If the "tent" is not unfolded, they may look at them strangely.

Hard work is not rewarded, and the people who are saved are equally ungrateful.

The more abnormal humans he encounters, the more disappointed Xia Youjie becomes with ordinary people.

There is no way, after all, the human base is too large, the forest is huge, and there are all kinds of birds.

"Contempt those who are not sorcerers."

Xia Youjie goes further and further down the road of arrogance. When faced with those fearful and monster-looking eyes, he will become more and more dissatisfied in his heart.

How dare the monkey look down on him?

But since when did Xia Youjie's idea of ​​a monkey become deeply ingrained, it might have been influenced by Fuhei Shi'er.

This incident was just a trigger, which completely ignited Xia Youjie's dissatisfaction with non-magicians.

Completely intensify the conflict.

Fortunately, Isayama Nomei changed Xia Youjie's perception to a certain extent, so he made him obedient.

Xia Youjie was just a few steps away from falling off the cliff before he did anything more than make mistakes and stopped before it was completely irreversible.

"Lord Xia You."

Hearing the timid voices from two people next to him, Xia Youjie changed his previous cold expression. A gentle smile appeared on his face.

He leaned down and stroked the little heads of the two people next to him, not paying any attention to the dirty and strange smell on their bodies.

These two miserable little cuties were the fundamental reason why Xia Youjie went into darkness and completely became the opposite of a magician.

Xia Youjie is still gentle, but he already regards those who have no talent for magic as monkeys.

Is this considered a heart-locking love in a sense?

"It's okay, my friend will be here soon."

"He was a very friendly, nice guy."

Xia Youjie sensed their timid mood and comforted them with a smile.

"You'll definitely like him too."

"Although I hate to admit it, Xian Ming does seem to be a little more handsome than me."

And when Xia Youjie and the two children he had just recognized were comforting each other,

The night sky at this moment was completely broken by the noise of a helicopter. Under the cover of night, a helicopter was heading into the distance at an extremely fast speed.

Sitting on it were Isayama Nomei and everyone from the Kamo family.

"Xia Qiancun?"

Isayama Nomei took over the information from Shutara Senjumaru. The information about the place where Xia Youjie performed his mission had already allowed her to sort out a lot of information in just a few minutes.

Because there were a lot of people there, Isayama Norimei did not let Ai transform into a frost dragon this time. After all, not everyone thought they could withstand the power from Ai.

If Isayama Nomei doesn't want these people to turn into ice sculptures, it would be better to use ordinary transportation.

Moreover, this Black Hawk helicopter is quite fast, with a maximum speed of 262 kilometers per hour.

As one of the three major families in the magic world, it is normal to have this family.

Who hasn’t ordered the official background yet?

Xia Youjie's place can be reached in about half an hour.

During this period, Isayama Nomei could see what mission Xia Youjie was performing.

Is there anything possible that could make this good-tempered gentleman suddenly explode and do something irreversible?

This village is relatively remote and hidden in the mountains and old forests. It still maintains traditional farming and has relatively little communication with the outside world.

By the way, the mission information carried out by Xia Youjie and the evaluation opinions of "Window" are all packaged together in this information book.

Xia Youjie was originally going to exorcise a buried fish that had previously been sealed in an abandoned shrine deep in the mountains. Flame, specific records can be traced back to 800 years ago.

It was sealed and suppressed by the former family of magicians in this area at that time. The name of this family was too remote.

It is estimated to have perished, so it did not have much impact, and no written records remain.

Isayama Ken began to meditate. He mentioned that his good friend Xia Youjie had adopted two adopted daughters in the future. It seemed that they were adopted in a remote village.

Xia Youjie's drastic change in temperament also took place at that time.

"How big of a deal is this? Is it so dark?"

Isayama Nomei may not quite understand Jie's thoughts. Such small things must be brought to the forefront to such an extent that it is so difficult to end.

The time on the road passed in a short while, and Isayama Norimei could see that the so-called village below was the same as what was written in the information. It was indeed a desolate mountainous area.

"Jie, this guy really committed murder."

Isayama Nomei looked at the scene below and frowned.

Through his spiritual observation, he could clearly observe that it was the power of Xia Youjie's [Spell Spirit Manipulation].

Most of the people in this area should be ordinary people, which means that Xia Youjie broke the rules and used spells in front of ordinary people.

And with such distributed and dense spell remnants floating around ordinary people's houses, one can imagine what his good friend did.

Is this guy attacking ordinary people?

"Hey, this guy."

Isayama Nomei shook his head.

"Don't let a mosquito out."

Isayama Nomei's tone became very cold

No need for him to say anything, Shutara Senjumaru, this cold beauty, started to chant the "tent" spell in her mouth, and the entire mountain was immediately covered by her tent, forming a completely airtight seal. Space.

(End of this chapter)

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