I have a big problem with my Pixel Lord game

Chapter 132: Being in the top 1000 is considered a success. He is the nephew of the deputy director!

Chapter 132: Being in the top 1000 is considered a success. He is the nephew of the deputy director!

This incident also happened in the [Old Land]?
Lu Nan compared the time in the forum and found that after he became the lord, there were two world events.

But Lu Nan didn't get any news and had no chance to participate.

Lu Nan thought of the previous reminder that "the world is changing".

Maybe this is also a change brought about by changes in the world?

Lu Nan's face showed a hint of excitement.

After defeating the Underground Hearth City, Lu Nan had a clearer understanding of his own strength.

This kind of world event, in which all lords will participate, should not pose much threat to Lu Nan.

What Lu Nan cares more about is what level he is among the stronger lords.

This list is actually quite limited.

In tower defense events, Lords of the [Building Strengthening] type must have an advantage.

Some lords who take the mobility route will suffer more.

Lu Nan took these factors into consideration, but still felt that this list was of great comparative value.

“Let’s strive to be among the top 1000.”

The number of Lord Extraordinaries in the forum has exceeded 30.

Among so many lords, Lu Nan observed that level 4-7 lords were the mainstream.

Lords further up rarely appear.

There should be quite a few level 5 lords.

Lu Nan has just become a level 5 lord, and the development time is still relatively short.

Under this circumstance, Lu Nan felt that it would be good if he could enter the top 1000.

While Lu Nan was thinking, he looked at the forum again and read these sharing posts.

[Generally, in other world mist events, there is a fixed point to spawn monsters.

According to experience, the side with weaker defense is more likely to have spawn points of extraordinary monsters.

Therefore, you can concentrate your defense forces in three directions, expose one direction, concentrate your forces only in this direction, and conduct ambushes on the road. 】


[The extraordinary monsters spawned by the mist of another world are usually at the 4 to 5 star level.

Generally, 12 waves of extraordinary monsters will be spawned, and the number of extraordinary monsters spawned in each wave will gradually increase.

If you feel that it is difficult to fight, leave one extraordinary monster and you will not enter a new round]


There is a reason why these posts are so popular.

All the information shared is very useful.

But facing 4 to 5-star extraordinary monsters, Lu Nan felt there was no need to change the territory plan.

Of course, Lu Nan would not be careless.

When I return to the territory later, I will use all 150 transformation opportunities today on the fanged kobolds.

Prepare more troops.

After reading these posts, Lu Nan entered the word [announcement] in the search bar of the forum.

He still wants to know more about the settings of the pixel world.

Among the more than 100 posts found, he actually browsed the relevant settings.

At the same time, he also saw a post that surprised him.

He saw the post posted by Lord Hydrangea.

Someone actually received an announcement related to him?

What is the principle?
[Hydrangea] Lord's ID in the forum is [Wind and Flower].

Lu Nan failed to recognize her.

However, Lu Nan has only had contact with other lords through the duel space so far.

Lu Nan guessed that it might be the use of the world-piercing silver needle that caused him to become associated with these lords and pierced the gap between the world's curtains.

So who could this be?

Rich businessman?

Or the Sword of Oath?

Lu Nan wasn't sure who it was, but at least he knew that there was a lord who had contact with him in the physical world where he was.

Probably one of several cities.

Lu Nan was not browsing the real forum now, and he could not test the identity of the poster. He could only pay attention to this matter and then browse other posts.

Among all the posts, Lu Nan was the most interested in the post that predicted the number one ranking of lords at all levels.

Lu Nan initially got to know some of the stronger lords.

Among the level 4 lords, a new player has recently appeared. His title is [Black Wolf] and he has dual talents.

The reason why Lord Black Wolf is famous is that he was besieged by 5 lords around him, but he killed these 5 lords instead.

His strong fighting ability and fierce personality made him quickly famous in the forum after he appeared on the forum.

Among level 5 lords, there are two contenders for the top spot.

One is [Technology Changes Life], a race lord who believes in the God of Law.

He owns a [Self-propelled Artillery Design Drawing] and can produce firepower machinery in large quantities.

Although he is not like Lord [Black Wolf], he has actual combat record with other Lords.

But in several previous events, he ranked in the top three, and once won the first place.

In the forum, he is called Technology Brother.

Another lord who has a chance to win the first place on the list is the [King of Angels], a demihuman lord.

This man calls himself angels.

But in fact, it is his talent that can open the genetic lock of the servants and cause them to mutate.

The mutated servants were designed by him to look like angels.

His mutated servants seem to have the ability to create clones with fighting power.

In the previous 4 world events, [King of Angels] won the first place twice, overwhelming [Technology Changes Life].

In the eyes of the vast majority of lord-type extraordinary beings, the top spot this time is basically only possible between the two of them.

There are other lords who are also somewhat famous and have been mentioned several times.

For example, Lord [Rock] took the building strengthening route.

There is also the [Storm] Lord who has adopted the totem summoning style.

These lords all have past achievements.

They have also been very good in previous world events and have won the top 10.

Among them, [Technology Changes Life] also appeared in the forum and responded to several posts.

He looked very confident and thought he could definitely win the first place this time.

[Storm] Lord also appeared.

The other lords who were mentioned more frequently did not appear.

Lu Nan searched for [Undead Sword Master] in the post.

This is not because he is narcissistic, he just wants to see if any other lords have also received the world announcement about him.

A prompt appears.

[There is currently no relevant content, please change the term and search again]

Lu Nan does not have any publicity yet.

After reading the situation of the fifth-level lords, Lu Nan also learned about the higher-level lords.

Among the level 6 and level 7 lords, there was intense discussion about who would take the top spot.

Level 8 and above lords are rarely discussed.

The number of lords who can rise to this level is relatively rare, and each one is very strong.

Someone asked in the post: "Why is no one discussing the more senior lords?"

A reply below received more than 3 likes.

“The strength of these people is something that we, the lords, can never match.

The absolute gap makes the discussion meaningless. "


As the lord's level increases, no matter how strong his combat power is, it will take time to wait while the building is upgraded.

This allowed the lord-type extraordinary people in the forum to quickly develop a sense of hierarchy in just two days.

The advantage of senior lords is that it is almost impossible to overtake by default.

This also caused the lower-level lords to develop a kind of class worship for the higher-level lords.

Higher lords do exist.

Lu Nan did a simple search and found some information about senior lords.The highest-level territory known is now level 13.

The most famous one should be a level 13 lord named [Owl].

Lord Owl uses several [Dragon] servants, and has a set of bonus cards for [Dragon] servants, which are extremely powerful.

The level 13 lord with the best temper should be [Xiaoyue].

She has appeared in the forum several times and shared a lot of information that only lords above level 10 can know.

None of these high-ranking lords were mentioned in this [top prediction] post.

The culture of caste worship has taken shape. Without discussion, it is a manifestation of the respect of the lower lords for the higher lords.

Lu Nan doesn't have a strong sense of belonging to this trend.

With the flowing hourglass, he has the ability to break the level gap.

After reading this post, Lu Nan yawned.

It's already 7:[-] in the morning.

Lu Nan stayed up all night, feeling hungry and sleepy.

He got up and went out to the nearest [Dongsen Convenience Store] to buy something to eat.

At the entrance of the convenience store, Lu Nan saw a car from the Law Enforcement Bureau.

There are patrolling officers who also come to buy something to eat before changing their shifts.

Lu Nan entered the store and picked two sandwiches and a bag of milk.

There are no employees in this convenience store. AI will automatically connect to Lu Nan's device and deduct the money directly after Lu Nan confirms the purchase.

Lu Nan spent a total of 14 credits.

After grabbing his things, Lu Nan prepared to go out.

I happened to meet two uniformed operators walking towards the gate.

Lu Nan paused, preparing to let the operators leave first. He was on vacation today anyway, so he was not in a hurry.

However, one of the female operators suddenly asked Lu Nan: "Are you Lu Nan from the fourth team?"

Lu Nan was surprised: "Do you know me?"

The female operator pushed her short hair behind her ears and said with a chuckle: "Of course, you successfully survived in the Origin Building and are already well-known in the Law Enforcement Bureau.

My name is Senna, Jane Senna. "

Lu Nan smiled politely and said, "It's just good luck."

Small talk.

Lu Nan left first.

After the two female operators watched Lu Nan leave, the female operator next to Senna asked, "Who is this? Why are you so interested? You almost stuck to her."

Senna said: "The new deputy director is named Lin Weishi. You know this, right?"


"Lu Nan is Lin Weisheng's nephew."

"Huh? The deputy director's nephew?! But he doesn't feel like a rich man!"

"Lin Weisheng has just taken office, and it's not time to make money yet. If you look at him in two months, he will definitely be different."

The female operator next to me was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt regretful.

I should have said a few more words just now to leave more of an impression on this future senior executive!

She glared at Sena dissatisfiedly, complaining that Sena didn't tell her earlier.


Lu Nan didn't take the chance encounter at the convenience store seriously.

He saw that the female operator named Senna was very interested in him.

But he had absolutely no interest.

back home.

He sat down in front of the screen and quickly ate his sandwich.

At this time, the lord unit has returned to the territory.

Linna has entered the land of death and silence to accept today's trial.

Chike went to the south of the territory to hunt some extraordinary monsters and accumulate materials for the next building upgrade.

Lu Nan controlled the lord unit and arrived in front of the Tower of Decision.

One free refresh and two refreshes that consumed extraordinary stones, but failed to produce valuable cards.

There is a 5-star [Tricky Angle], which can increase the critical hit rate by 12%.

But Lu Nan's critical hit rate is basically at full value.

The remaining 3% can be made up by upgrading equipment. It is not worth taking a card and wasting a card slot.

There is also a 3-star [Insidious Pursuit], which can increase critical damage by 5%.

Critical damage is an attribute that Lu Nan needs very much now.

But Lu Nan didn't take this card.

As the territory level increased, Lu Nan temporarily had the ability to protect himself.

The transition period is actually over.

Lu Nan definitely didn't want such a low-star card.

After drawing today's card, Lu Nan mounted Agatha again and went out to find the fanged kobold.

BOSS comes to hire.

Lu Nan originally wanted to go out on Sos.

After all, Agatha is still a wolf cub, so she can be given a little more rest.

However, Agatha took the initiative to replace Soth.

She asked Lu Nan with a dissatisfied tone: "Why don't you let me go about matters in our territory?"

The White Feather Wind Wolf is a group with a strong sense of belonging.

Although Agatha was very awkward with her words, after she accepted her identity as a mount, she had a strong sense of belonging to the Undead Sword Master Co., Ltd.

Lu Nan didn't refute her.

Anyway, with flying mounts, the transformation can be completed in 10 minutes.

Compared to when I could only hike, traveling is really much more convenient now.

10 minute later.

Lu Nan has 30 more undead kobolds.

Among them, 18 undead kobolds entered a dormant state after working for 50 minutes.

Mibolius will be responsible for burying them outside the territory.

The remaining undead kobolds accepted the command of Mibolius and collected as much materials as possible.

After listening to Mibolius licking a few words, Lu Nan said hello to the dwarf and Nino, then went offline to sleep.

Lu Nan didn't set the alarm clock. It was a day off anyway, so he could sleep a little longer.

Just wait until 11 hours later to get up and deal with the attack of the mist of the other world.

He closed the curtains and was about to sleep when suddenly there was a vibration in his earphones.

Team Lin or Yan Xue?

He got up and took a look, only to find that it was a friend request message.

It was from Chen Fenglin.

The content of the friend application reads: "Why are you not at work? I applied for protection from the Law Enforcement Bureau, and I want to name you."

Lu Nan thought for a while and accepted her application.

No matter how slick Lin Weisheng is, he can't possibly figure out all the information about the entire Dream City.

Chen Fenglin may be able to provide some valuable information.

Lu Nan took the initiative to send a message: "I'm feeling a little unwell, so I'm going to take a day off."

Chen Fenglin replied instantly: "Do you need a doctor? My private doctor is pretty good."

Lu Nan replied: "No, just rest for a day. I will protect you next time I have a chance."

Chen Fenglin sent a voice message: "I think you are telling the truth and you are not trying to deal with me."

There was a smile in her voice and she seemed friendly.

Lu Nan chatted with her for a few words, then put away his headphones and fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already 4pm.

In another 3 hours, the fog from another space will appear.

The dwarves should also have picked up a lot of good stuff.

Lu Nan got up, ready to go out to buy some food, and then go online to see what good things he could get from the dwarves.

(End of this chapter)

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