I have a big problem with my Pixel Lord game

Chapter 147 Entering the secret realm of elves, the ancient tree Trik, and the surprised plant elves

Chapter 147 Entering the secret realm of elves, the ancient tree Trik, and the surprised plant elves!
Lu Nan walked quickly in front of the tall trees.

Nino can only sense the Elf Secret Land when the gate of the Elf Secret Land is within 3 meters of her.

Lu Nan adjusted the flying height to about 4 meters and explored slowly.

Fly for about 10 minutes.

Lu Nan discovered a lot of medicinal herbs here.

Lu Nan also sensed a lot of the aura of extraordinary monsters.

But most of them are low-star extraordinary monsters.

When Lu Nan sensed them, they immediately ran away in panic.

The aura of a level 5 lord is very intimidating to extraordinary monsters below 3 stars.

Lu Nan looked at a tall star herb and asked Nino: "Are there any rules in the Elf Forest? Can I pick these herbs?"

Nino was still a little lackluster and said sleepily: "No.

This is the place where the secret place of elves is located, but we never care about the things outside. "

If this is the case, Chike and Mibolius can come over another day.

The medicinal herbs and extraordinary monsters here are quite useful resources.

2 hours later.

Lu Nan didn't find anything except running into a few [Forest Grimace Moths] that couldn't dodge.

This was also what Lu Nan expected.

The Elf Forest is really too big.

Nino's detection range is very small.

Not to mention 2 hours, Lu Nan was lucky to be able to find the Elf Secret Land within 2 days.

Lu Nan took out his AR device, prepared to browse the forum, set a mission path for the lord unit, and then went to bed.

But as soon as he opened the forum, Lu Nan heard Nino's voice.

"Lu Nan! Found it!"

Lu Nan put down the device and looked at the screen with some surprise.

Nino's body glowed with light.

The extraordinary material formed an imperceptible thread and connected to the top of a big tree.

The secret place of elves seems to be here.

Lu Nan typed and asked: "What should we do now?"

Nino said excitedly: "I will hold you in my arms and take you into the secret land of elves!

But I can only bring one unit in at most. "

Soth was very conscious and said, "I'll find some food nearby, and then I'll come back and wait for you.

When you guys come out, they will come out from here, right? "


After Nino finished speaking, she jumped on Lu Nan's shoulders and grabbed Lu Nan's ears.

Afterwards, the extraordinary substance on her body showed strange fluctuations.

A golden door slowly opened.

The extraordinary substance of destiny poured out from the door and enveloped Lu Nan and Nino.

Lu Nan's screen was completely white.

About 2 seconds passed.

The screen returns to normal.

And Lu Nan saw that the scenery on the screen had completely changed.

Here is a wilderness shrouded in sunset.

There are no very tall trees, just patches of grass and various flowers.

There is a stream not far away.

There are even flowers that emit light fluorescence in the water.

Is this the secret place of elves?
It was different from what Lu Nan imagined.

Nino said excitedly: "Let's go, I will take you to see the Great Sage!
Let’s quickly find a few elves to plant the God of Life Realm! "

Lu Nan nodded and was about to take Nino forward.


A raging wind blew from behind Lu Nan.

A strong sense of crisis crept from his heels to the back of Lu Nan's head!
Lu Nan quickly ran forward.

After Lu Nan ran a certain distance, a loud noise came from behind Lu Nan.

Lu Nan dodged the attack and looked back.

A large tree with a height of more than 30 meters and a human face was staring at Lu Nan warily.

Lu Nan reacted immediately.

This should be the ancient tree that guards the secret place of the elves.

Lu Nan looked at the attributes of this ancient tree.

A prompt appears.

[This target is protected by a special extraordinary substance, and you cannot view its attributes. 】

This is the special property of Destiny's extraordinary substance, which can block the prying eyes of other beings except those who are followers of the Goddess of Destiny.

And this action of checking the attributes seemed to anger the ancient tree.

It waved its big hand formed by the branches and swatted at Lu Nan again.

This time it was much faster.

Nino quickly shouted: "It's me! Trick! I'm Nino!"

Her voice made the ancient tree stop its attack.

Trick stretched out a small branch, as if he wanted to confirm Nino's identity.

Nino stretched out her hand and held the branch.


Another elf appeared on the branch and grabbed Nino's hand.

The ancient tree pulled back its branches and took Nino away from Lu Nan.

Then, it immediately slapped towards Lu Nan!
A dull voice that could not be determined from where it came from sounded in Lu Nan's ears.

"Undead, this is not the place you should set foot on, get out or die!"

This is a warning from Trick.

The elf who grabbed Nino's arm took Nino and sat on a branch of the ancient tree Trik.

She said excitedly: "Nino, you are finally back!

You don’t know that there have been a lot of problems in the family since you left! "

This grass elf is completely different from Nino.

She has thin vine-colored hair, wings, and black eyes.

Nino recognized her, with an expression of surprise on her face: "Elsa! It's you!
I miss you so much!Why are you here?You should be taking a nap at this time! "

Elsa said with some disappointment: "The sage is sick, and Balang, the ancient tree of knowledge, is also sick.

The great sage said that we have been poisoned by chaos.

I came here to follow Trik to find some [Sixi grass] and [Afterglow Fruit]. The great sage said these herbs might be useful. "

Nino's little face was full of worry: "The ancient tree can actually get sick... the matter seems really serious.

Are any other clan members sick? "

Elsa shook her head: "Not for the time being. After the great sage discovered that the sage was sick, he ordered all the tribesmen not to come into contact with the sage."

Nino patted her chest: "That's okay."

Just when Nino still wanted to chat a few more words.

Lu Nan's voice sounded: "If you don't want to see me being photographed, stop chatting and think of a solution!"

He originally thought that Nino would quickly communicate with Gushu after being picked up.

This girl actually started chatting!

Lu Nan really couldn't hold back and reminded her.

Only then did Nino remember that her boss was still being beaten.

She quickly put her head in and said to Trick: "He is not a bad person! Don't hit him yet!" Trick's deep voice sounded: "He is an undead, and most undead are bad species."

Nino quickly said: "You also said that it is the majority, he is the minority!

It was he who saved me! "

Trick did not stop and continued: "He tried to see my attributes and regarded me as an enemy."

Nino explained helplessly: "This is his habit. After being beaten, he has to look at the opponent's attributes!
He is really not an enemy! "

Lu Nan's habits are very clear to Nino, a senior live broadcast room friend.

Trick still didn't stop.

It also had another reason to take action: "He is very strong and poses a threat to the secret land."

Although Lu Nan is a level 5 lord, in the level of lord, he can only be regarded as just getting out of the novice stage.

There are 15 levels in Undertale.

But the extraordinary matter of destiny also has special properties.

It gives some beings who believe in the goddess of destiny the ability to roughly check how many extraordinary beings the specified target has killed.

Trick could see that Lu Nan had killed many extraordinary beings!

He has actual combat power that exceeds that of a level 5 lord!

Trick thought it was extremely unsafe to let such a powerful undead enter the elven secret place!

Lu Nan can kill all the plant elves before the ancient trees can react!

Nino scratched her hair, thinking about how to explain.

Elsa whispered from the side: "I think Trick is right, these are undead...

Otherwise, he would give up resistance, let Trick catch him, and then let him in? "

Before Lu Nan made a statement, Nino refused directly: "No!
He is my friend. How could the grass and wood elves treat their friends like this? "

And Nino was a little worried whether Trick would directly crush Lu Nan to death.

That does not work!

Elsa touched her chin and asked, "Then let's go find the Great Sage. The Great Sage will definitely be able to stop Trik."

Nino said nothing and was not very satisfied with this method.

From here to find the Great Sage, it takes more than half an hour to go back and forth.

Nino was worried that Lu Nan would be photographed to death.

Lu Nan spoke at this time and took the initiative: "Then I will withdraw first, and you can talk to the great sage.

Call me after we have settled the matter.

Remember to explain the business clearly, you know? "

Nino hesitated for a moment and said loudly: "You wait for me for 4 hours. If I haven't come out after 4 hours, you go back first!

I'll go home by myself in a few days! "

She actually considered letting Lu Nan go out.

But she was worried that after Lu Nan went out, she would be detained by the Great Sage.

Elsa looked at Nino in surprise.

Lu Nan responded loudly: "I know! If you run away, run away again in three to five days, and I will ask Qi Ke to pick you up!"

The two of them discussed it and Nino opened the passage to the Elf Secret Land.

Trick stopped attacking and just stared at Lu Nan warily.

Lu Nan turned around, jumped into the passage, and returned to the Elf Forest.

"Fortunately, the ancient tree doesn't seem to have done anything serious, otherwise the first time anchor point might have been used up..."

Trick seemed to have some scruples during the battle and looked back frequently.

In addition, Lu Nan didn't fight back.

Trick really didn't use his full strength.

Judging from the strength of the aura, Lu Nan speculated that Trick was at least a 12-star extraordinary life.

For extraordinary beings above 8 stars, the strength gap between each star is huge.

Lu Nan thought that he was no match for Trick now.

Wait, there is no time limit for this incident anyway, and there is a lot of new content in the forum. It just takes some time to keep up with the updated information.

He browsed the forum and waited.


The secret place of elves.

Trick also has to collect herbs.

Nino and Elsa first flew towards the place where the plant elves lived.

There were some dandelions growing in the field that shimmered blue.

Nino and Elsa picked these dandelions and put them on their backs. A gust of wind blew and pushed them forward.

They crossed a cliff and flew past all kinds of wonderful and beautiful plants.

After half an hour.

Nino saw some houses made of flowers from a distance.

The houses are small and hung on some flowers.

At this time, most of the flower houses are dark.

Just use the stamens of [Bright Flower] to illuminate a few houses.

This includes the residence of the great sage.

Nino flew into a dark blue three-story flower house.

This is the home of the Great Sage.

Nino opened the door and entered.

Influenced by faith, the plant elves are all female figures, not a single male.

In addition, they do not use currency or war, so they have not developed any privacy habits.

When I go to a friend's house, I just push the door open and walk in.

Nino entered the room and saw many plant elves sitting at the table.

Most of the elves in the room looked middle-aged.

Although they still have the aura of elves, it can be seen that they are not young.

Seeing Nino, these elves were a little surprised.


"You little girl are actually willing to come back! I thought I would never see you again!"

"I couldn't find you a few days ago. Do you know that everyone is very anxious?!"

Nino was scolded in the face.

Nino, who felt she was wronged, scratched her head guiltily, with a drop of sweat hanging on her forehead, and kept apologizing.

"Ah... I'm sorry. It was my fault. I'm sorry."

At this time, a gentle but somewhat old voice sounded: "Okay, since Nino is back alive, that's a good thing.

You go back and rest. "

Nino remembered the business and said quickly: "Great Sage, I have something to say!
Well, this started when I was captured by the fanged kobolds!

Nino told the plant elves everything about meeting Lu Nan and being taken care of by Lu Nan.

Originally, Nino had forgotten about the Life God Realm.

Her focus was entirely on Lu Nan.

But I thought of Lu Nan's advice, "Don't forget about business."

She quickly said: "By the way! He was also recognized by the Goddess of Life and got the seeds of the God of Life Realm!
Now he needs help!Great Sage, Bi Qi, Novena, come and help us! "

You shouldn't have forgotten anything this time, right?

Nino clapped her fingers and thought for a moment to make sure she didn't leave anything behind this time.

She put away her fingers and looked at the elves in front of her, but to her surprise, she saw that all the elves were sluggish.

A grass elf couldn't hold it back and asked, "Did I hear you right?

The goddess of life gave the items she left behind to an undead? !

This is impossible! "

(End of this chapter)

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